Tribes (List at least 2-3 different tribes) Cultural Region Southwest Great Plains Pueblo Anasazi Hopi Apache Navajo Dry Desert Evergreens varied Sioux Blackfoot Mandan Grassland - Prairie Canada – Texas Dry – cold Harsh climate (4 seasons and tornadoes/floods) Mississippi to Rocky Mnts Alaska – California Thick evergreens – Redwoods Wet Cold Close to Pacific Tlingit Nootka Chinook Northwest Coast Southeast Northeast (Eastern Woodlands) Arctic Environment (climate and land forms/topography) Foods (vegetation and hunted animals) Farming – agriculture Must use irrigation for maize, beans, squash. Hunt small animals – rabbits, snakes Some tribes raid other peaceful tribes for their food. Hunters – deer, elk, buffalo Some farming – corn and beans Many animals, fishing – salmon, sea otter, whale, gathered nuts and berries Very little farming since environment had everything they needed. Cherokee Choctaw Chickasaw Creek Seminole Swampy Wooded Mild climate (warm year round) Atlantic to Mississippi river Humid Hunted deer Fishing Gathered Farmed Algonquian Iroquois Atlantic coast to Mississippi valley. Great lakes region Cold (4 seasons) Wooded, wet Some farming –squash, beans Mainly hunting – deer, elk Fishing Gathering Inuit Aluet Alaska – Canada Very few plants Further south a few forest (called Tundra) extremely cold, snow, ice Fishing Caribou Seal Housing/Other Facts (Other facts: something that makes this region different than others – cultural differences) Raiders – Live in teepees Farmers – live in pueblos made out of adobe (clay bricks) or the cliffs for protection from raids Kivas – circular ceremonial rooms Art important – weaving and pottery. Use the buffalo for everything – follow the buffalo – clothing, housing, tools. Teepees – cone shaped housing out of buffalo hide Round lodges – round dirt homes Little agriculture Many resources Trees used for -huge canoes -plank houses (50-300 in one) -totem poles (family ancestry – social status) of spirit animals Potlaches – host shows wealth by giving away goods. Descendants of mound builders – burial structures in animal shaped mounds. Villages along rivers Village councils Wampum – money (string of beads) Wigwams – small circular huts made out of limbs, bark, and thatch. Semi-nomadic Wigwams – small circular huts made out of bark and limbs Longhouses – long rectangle buildings made of wood – house 8-10 families. Women high in society. Live in hide tents and igloos (blocks of ice). Use kayaks for transportation Use dogs for transportation and to hunt (can sniff out seals under ice, track caribou)