
The Outsiders: Multi-Genre Project
For this final project, you will need to use your knowledge of theme, genre and
The Outsiders to create a short multi-genre paper. A multi-genre paper is a
collection of different types of text which are connected by a central theme.
Before you begin:
Choose whether you want to do this as a character from the novel, OR based on a
theme portrayed in the novel.
If you choose theme:
1. Choose a theme for The Outsiders with which you are very familiar and
can explain easily (Ex: Family relationships).
2. Once you have your theme, think of what you want to say about it.
What's your point? Write your opinion in a strong thesis statement that
clearly sets forth your ideas (Ex: "Even though the Greasers are not
related, they are as close as a real family."
If you choose character:
1) If you picked to do it on a character- you do the same.(The different pieces of
your final product will focus on this character and specific traits of their
personality. It is important to remember that your final product needs to flow.
Your character should present in every piece of writing.
2) By doing a character- your thesis statement will essentially be “the theme” of
this particular character Ex: Ponyboy – The thesis statement could be “don’t judge
a book by its cover”. All of your genres that you decide to do will be based on
this theme.
Now you are ready to begin thinking about genre.
This paper will not be written like a normal essay.
You will gather 5 different genres to create this
paper. All items should be:
 Consistent with your theme and thesis
 Appropriate for your audience
Your Requirements:
 At least 5 different genres that connect the central theme and thesis
 At least 2 of the genres should be written (not photographs or drawings)
 A 1/2 page introduction, which describes your theme, thesis statement
(opinion), and how it relates to The Outsiders
 Before each genre, give a two/three sentence description of the piece and
how it relates to the novel. This is called your “Rationale Cards”.
(Example: "This is a poem entitled 'Still I Fight.’ The message of the poem
relates to the theme of courage. Sometimes it takes courage to stand up
and fight for yourself. ")
 Formatting (See sample on back):
Page 1: Introduction
Project Title:
Paragraph 1: define your theme and describe what it means. Include the value
Paragraph 2: Explain how the theme is present in The Outsiders. Give at least three
Sample Introduction:
Do you know what it takes to have courage? Courage is putting others before
yourself. Courage is also having the guts to face your fears. Courage is one of the many
themes found throughout the book, The Outsiders.
All of the greasers showed courage in some way in the book. Whether it was Dally
saving Johnny and Ponyboy from the fire, or Pony and Johnny saving five kids from
burning alive, all of them have courage. It could even be considered courageous when
Darry showed courage when he started the rumble off for all of the greasers against the
Socs. All of the greasers had the courage to stand up for themselves and what they
believed in.
The Outsiders: Multigenre Project Rubric
Title of Project: ________________________ Author’s Name ___________________
Title: The title reflects one overall idea, topic, theme, or message
_____ / 5
Visual: The project is neat, colorful, professional, and creative
_____ / 5
Introduction: Introduction is at least 1/2 page
and thoroughly explains the theme as it relates to The Outsiders
Coherence/ effort: All 5 pieces work together to create a message
about a common theme or character.
Writing Piece #1 Genre: ________________ Title: __________________________
Ideas: The writing is original and descriptive & reflects overall theme
____ / 5
Organization: The writing is organized and easy to follow.
_____ / 5
Style: The writing uses vivid language and matches the
characteristics of its genre
Conventions: Correct spelling, punctuation,
grammar, and capitalization
_____ / 5
Writing Piece #2 Genre: ________________ Title: __________________________
Ideas: The writing is original and descriptive & reflects overall theme
____ / 5
Organization: The writing is organized and easy to follow.
_____ / 5
Style: The writing uses vivid language and matches the
characteristics of its genre
Conventions: Correct spelling, punctuation,
grammar, and capitalization
_____ / 5
Writing Piece #3 Genre: ________________ Title: __________________________
Ideas: The writing is original and descriptive & reflects overall theme
Organization: The writing is organized and easy to follow.
Style: The writing uses vivid language and matches the
characteristics of its genre
Conventions: Correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, and capitalization
_____ / 5
____ / 5
_____ / 5
Writing Piece #4 Genre: ________________ Title: __________________________
Ideas: The writing is original and descriptive & reflects overall theme
Organization: The writing is organized and easy to follow.
Style: The writing uses vivid language and matches the
characteristics of its genre
Conventions: Correct spelling, punctuation,
grammar, and capitalization
____ / 5
_____ / 5
_____ / 5
Writing Piece #5 Genre: ________________ Title: __________________________
Ideas: The writing is original and descriptive & reflects overall theme
Organization: The writing is organized and easy to follow.
Style: The writing uses vivid language and matches the
characteristics of its genre
Conventions: Correct spelling, punctuation,
grammar, and capitalization
____ / 5
_____ / 5
_____ / 5
Some Sample Genres
Journal Entries, Personal Letter,
Greeting Card, Classified or Personal Ads, Personal Essay, Poetry, Mixed CD list,
Letter to the Editor, Speech or Debate, Textbook Article, Encyclopedia Article,
Short Scene from a Play with Notes for Stage Directions, Short Scene from a
Movie with Notes for Camera Shots, Dialogue of a Conversation among Two
or More People, Deleted scene or alternate ending, Adventure Magazine Story,
Talk Show Interview or Panel, Recipe , Character Trading Card, Chart or
Diagram with Explanation and Analysis, Brochure or Newsletter, Time Line or
Chain of Events, Map with Explanation and Analysis, Magazine or TV
Advertisement or Infomercial, How-To or Directions Booklet, Local News
Report, Comic Strip or Graphic Novel excerpt, Obituary, photo collage, email,
graffiti etc.
Your Multi Genre should include:
Your Multi-genre Project will include:
 Title Page
 Table of Contents
 An ‘Introduction’ that will introduce the subject, and provide any other
information you think the readers should know.
 Five different genres from different categories.
 Epilogue—a conclusion that ties your project together.
 Rationale Cards
The Elements of the Multi-genre Project
1. Title Page
2. Table of Contents
3. Introduction
This cover page includes the
following information :
 title (not label)
 your full name
 the date (due date)
 teacher & course name
graphics, borders, creative stuff
This page will help your reader
navigate your project. Each genre
is listed with its title following. Each
title is significant and meaningful
on its own.
Helpful Hints
This introduction will greet readers
and give a bit of background
information about your project.
You'll need to introduce the subject
and anything you think the reader
should know about you and/or
your project before they read it.
It should have its own page.
What kind of information might I
include in the preface?
 how you came up with your
Your name
- Your class period
- The title of your multigenre
- The different genres you’ve
included and page numbers (table of
4. Body
Your body consists of five base
pieces from five different genres,
one of which is genre 6.
5. Epilogue
The body of your multi-genre
project is composed of the various
pieces you create to help your
reader understand your theme or
chracter. Some of the pieces will
be written, some visual, and some
a combination.
This is your conclusion. It should
have its own page. In your epilogue
you should reflect on your topic.
This is a chance to share your
thoughts, feelings, and concluding
why you chose your topic
why your topic is important
an introduction to a main
a description of a crucial
setting or central activity
a theme that will be carried
through your genres
what you learned about
your topic and/or genres.
Some aspects you might include:
 how writing about this
topic has changed your
perspective on your topic
 what you learned overall
information with your audience.
6. Rationale Cards
You will provide your rationale
(reasoning) for choosing each genre
and which source(s) you used to
develop each genre.
how you felt about using
the multi-genre medium
to write rather than just
writing a traditional
 what you hope your
audience learns from
your multi-genre web
 what you feel you
accomplished from this
project overall
 any information that
would help clarify
anything you wrote
Rationale Card
What does this genre tell us about
your topic?
What is your rationale for
selecting this genre to present this
information specifically?
. Your final product cannot be assembled with a staple. Be creative and find
another way to tie everything together.
Your final product should be neat, creative, and well thought out. This is a
test grade, so try to do it the night before (I’ll know).