RME S2 Homework –a note to parents/guardians All pupils are

S2 Homework
Rosshall Academy
RME S2 Homework –a
note to parents/guardians
All pupils are expected to complete a short piece of
homework, usually once per fortnight. This mainly
involves about 20 minutes of reflecting on the learning
in class and writing a short response to it. Some
extended writing is also required. Parental involvement
is encouraged and pupils are regularly expected to discuss an aspect of RME with someone at
How you can help
You can remind your son/daughter to check their planner every night to make sure they know
that they have homework.
Provide somewhere quiet without distractions for your child to work.
Check over your child’s homework
You can discuss their work and progress with them.
Explaining what they have done can help your child deepen their understanding.
You can help your child to develop study skills by encouraging them to research any areas that
they are studying. This can be on the internet, tv programmes such as national geographic,
discovery, history channel, go to the library.
Here are some useful websites
wikipedia.org/ - (please not that while Wikipedia is a valuable resource it may not
always be 100% accurate)
Nearest library to the school
Cardonald library
Mosspark Drive, Glasgow, Lanarkshire
0141 276 088I
If you are would like any more information about your son/daughter’s work or how to support
their learning please do not hesitate to contact the faculty.
Buddhism –
 Task 1
You have learned that everyone experiences suffering in their lives.
Find a news article from the paper or evening news that shows suffering.
1. Explain what is ( in about 30 words)
2. What has causes the suffering?
3. How could it have been prevented?
4. What should be done about it?
Task 2
The Noble Eightfold Path shows eight ways of living which help people
to overcome the suffering in their lives and find true happiness. The
eight spokes of the wheel which is a symbol for Buddhism are a reminder
of the Eightfold Path.
The first two parts of the eightfold path are grouped together because they are about your
own life and the clarity of your own self-awareness. This is why they are grouped together
under the heading of wisdom.
Right View or Understanding.
It is not enough just to know something in a theoretical way, You need to feel the truth of it for
yourself. Right View means an acceptance of the Buddha’s vision - summarised in the Four
Noble Truths. 1)Life is full of suffering. 2) This suffering has a cause which is recognisable.
3) There is a cure which is achievable, and 4) that the Eightfold Path is a true way of
achieving enlightenment and finding the peace and bliss of true happiness for yourself.
Right Thought or Intention.
What someone thinks affects everything that thoughts are they do. The Buddha taught that right
thoughts are those which bring happiness to others – thoughts of goodwill and kindness,
forgiveness towards those who have harmed you, and letting go of thoughts of greed and
desire since these stop you being happy just as you are now.
It is not easy to stay in control our thoughts. A first thing is to be aware of them. Just watch
your thoughts and see how they move from one thing to another. Thoughts can go anywhere,
past or future or even into endless realms of fantasy and imagination. The Buddha gave
many exercises to his followers to help Buddhists stay focussed on the present, on the
moment that they were in now and to keep their minds full of good thoughts.
1) Copy all the writing which is in Bold Type.
2) Because the information which comes through our sense of sight is so complicated and
dominates our thoughts much of the time it is useful to close your eyes so you can be more
aware of other senses. First try hearing. When you close your eyes, listen.
 What can you hear?
 Which sounds are inside the room and which are outside?
 What is the softest sound you can hear?
 What is the most distant sound?
 Can you hear any sounds from inside your own body?
 After a minute or two open your eyes and write down what you heard.
Task 3
Make a list each day for a week of some of the things you have done which show goodwill,
kindness and unselfishness. How have people responded? Has your action brought happiness
or suffering
Homework Task 4
You have a test soon so you should look over your previous learning.
You need to revise
The life of Siddartha
The four sights
Happiness and suffering
The Sangha
You can make a mindmap of what you have learned in this course.
There are a few study techniques at the back of the booklet.
You can use some of the strategies used in Learn 2 Learn.
Try a few out to find out which ones work for you.
Life after Death
Task 1
Rules in Life
Answer these questions
1. Who sets the rules in your life?
2. Which rules do you follow or break?
3. List at least five rules for life
4. Show them to someone at home - at least 20 years
older than you
5. What changes would they make and why?
Task 2
One way to get into heaven or move on in the afterlife is to do good deeds.
Charity, giving to others is one way in which people accomplish this.
You have to research a charity from Christianity, Islam or Hinduism
• You have to find out
• What the charity is
• How people help
• Who benefits from it i.e homeless, poor,
Hint – useful web addresses
www.christianaid.org.uk www.hinducounciluk.org/
Task 3
Helping others
Humanists believe you are responsible for living your life in the best way you can and
doing your best to help others. Think about a time when you helped someone. Write a story
about this time. It should be at least two paragraphs long.
Here are some things to include
Who was it?,
How did you help them?,
How did you feel about helping them?,
How did they feel about receiving help?,
Do you think that they remember or think about you helping them?
Task 4
You have a test soon so you should look over your previous learning.
You need to revise
 The soul
 Different beliefs about what happens when we die
 Scientific explanations of fear death experiences
 What happens at two different funerals
You can make a mindmap of what you have learned in this course.
There are a few study techniques at the back of the booklet.
You can use some of the strategies used in Learn 2 Learn.
Try a few out to find out which ones work for you.
Rosshall Academy S2 CfEx RME
Homework task 1
Belonging Homework Sheet
We all belong to a variety of groups and communities. Think about a
group/community you belong to.
Activity 1
In your jotter create a mindmap which describes the important features of this group.
Examples have been provided, use these and try to add some of your own.
Group Name
Copy and Complete –
Belonging to this group is important for me because
Activity Two
Now ask someone at home to name a group they enjoy belonging to.
In your jotter write down the name of the person you asked, the name of the group they
belong to and a short paragraph explaining why they enjoy being a member of this group.
task 2
Role Models
Today you have explored role models in class
Ask someone at home
When you were my age who was your role model?
What job did they do? Or who were they to you (if they were a family member or
Why did you consider them to be a role model?
How did they influence your life?
Would you consider them to be a role model today?
Why? Why not?
Task 3
Five Pillars Consolidation
Amir Khan is a famous, successful British boxing
He is also a Muslim.
The Five Pillars are a part of his daily life.
Answer the following in your jotter -
Activity One
Choose TWO of the Five Pillars of Islam. For each one explain why it could be a
good thing for Amir, and why it might be a difficult thing for him.
For example –
Pillar 4, Saum – This could be a good thing for Amir Khan because
This could be a difficult thing for Amir Khan because
Activity Two
a) Which of the Five Pillars of Islam do you think would be the most difficult to
b) Give reasons for your answer.
Task 4
You have a test soon so you should look over your previous learning.
You need to revise
The life of the Prophet Muhammad pbuh
The Qur’an
The Five Pillars of Islam
You can make a mindmap of what you have learned in this course.
There are a few study techniques at the back of the booklet.
You can use some of the strategies used in Learn 2 Learn.
Try a few out to find out which ones work for you.
Study Skills
Look at the words or phrase
Say it out loud
Cover it and try to remember what
it looked like
Write it down
Check to see if you were right
Repeat until you have learned it
Study Tips
1. Chunking (grouping items for better
recall, particularly numbers)
2. Acronyms (using the first letter from a
group of words to form a new word)
3. Visualization (creating pictures in
your mind or on paper)
4. Song or Poem (put key information
into a poem or to the tune of a song)
Mindmaps are used in
school within a variety
of subjects
Mindmaps are used to create a visual
diagram of all the key information or ideas
about a topic
Mind Maps can be used when starting a
topic to gather ideas before selecting key
areas to cover
Mindmaps can help to organise ideas
and thoughts
Subject or topic
Mindmaps can help organise big tasks into small
manageable tasks
Mindmaps can have pictures for
visual learners
Rosshall Academy
Mindmaps can be used for studying
an end of unit test. Each box can
have key information from each
part of a unit.
Eg. Science and Belief
Types of knowledge
Scientific views on creation
Religious views on creation