ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF IDAHO STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT SENATE MEETING SALMON RIVER SUITE, PSU 7:00PM NOVEMBER 28, 2012 CALL TO ORDER Chair Zamora, in the Salmon River Suite, PSU, called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. ROLL CALL ASISU Secretary Jacey Preisler took roll. All Senators were present except Senator Brock and Senator Rollins. Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs, Lowell Richards, was in attendance. MOVE TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 14, 2012 . Doupé/Brown. Unanimous. MOTION CARRIED. MOVE TO APPROVE THE AGENDA. Doupé/Jensen. Unanimous. MOTION CARRIED. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESIDENT’S REPORT President Bloxham said that he is still working on increasing marketing for ASISU and ISU events. Yesterday, $500.00 was donated by Chartwells towards Chartwells dollars for Bengal Wednesday prizes. Creative Productions made some Bengal Wednesday stickers to put on the back of those Chartwells dollars. Recruitment has agreed to help pass these out on Bengal Wednesdays to promote the event. President Bloxham has been talking with ISU Foundations about their movement on the renovation of the “I” on Red Hill and reported that that project is moving forward. He has also talked with Vice President of Student Affairs, Pat Terrell regarding the redundant emails about Facilities or Information Technologies. He said a policy is being constructed to reduce the mass amount of irrelevant emails being sent out in student memos. A concern is that in the event of an emergency, students may disregard emergency emails because they are so similar to the other redundant emails. The Involvement Center has asked for ASISU participation in the SWOT analysis regarding clubs and organizations, including ASISU. Meetings will take place all afternoon on Friday to complete the analyses. President Bloxham thanked those who have already signed up for SWOT analysis and encouraged more senator participation. A softball game will take place during the spring semester for ASISU. Emails will be sent out shortly about that event. CHAIR/COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Rules Committee Chair, Senator Miklos would like to assign Senator Ward to take over as Committee Chair for Rules for a week since Senator Miklos wrote the bill that is currently in Rules. It is approved that Senator Ward will be the temporary Rules Committee Chair. 2. Finance Chair, Senator Seeliger said Finance approved matched deposits for Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship, Student Occupational Therapy Association, Society of Automotive Engineers, Student Academy of Audiology, and Beta Alpha Psi totaling, $2960.25. MOVE TO APPROVE MATCHED DEPOSITS. Seeliger/Mitu. Roll Call. REBECCA BROWN- YES KATE CHRISTIAENS- ABSTAIN ALISON DIXON- YES EMMA DOUPE- YES TARAH EDMO- YES TAYLOR JENSEN- YES MILAN MARCETIC- YES BOBBY MIKLOS- YES MIRAZUN MITU- ABSTAIN TAIGAN NEIBAUR- YES SEAN PARRISH- YES GABRIEL RIVAS- YES ALEXA SCHRITTER- YES KELLI ANN SEELIGER- YES DANIEL STEVENSON- ABSTAIN WESLEY WARD- YES KOLTON WOODBURY- YES ANDRES ZAMORA- YES MOTION CARRIED. 3. Communications Committee Chair, Senator Doupé said the ASISU Facebook page has been going well, posts have been updated on a regular basis. There are two more ASISU shows this semester; the last show will be during dead week. 4. Service Committee Chair, Senator Dixon will have a canned food drive next week starting Monday, December 3 and it will be closing at 5pm Friday, December 14. The clubs will bring their cans to the ASISU office and there will be an Incentive Points prize for the club who brings the most cans. The office will tally the cans up. Senator Dixon asked Senators to email their clubs about this event. 5. Outreach Committee Chair, Senator Brown is still working on their brochure; a proof of that should be finished by Monday. She would like feedback quickly so those can be printed by next semester. The main objective for the brochure was to provide information about ASISU is and what ASISU can offer students. She will send out the brochure as soon as it is finished at Creative Productions. GALLERY QUESTION & ANSWER 1. Finance Officer, Aaron McCabe said that Finance ran into a problem with a Contingency Fund Request. He suggested that senators let their clubs know that before a request is submitted, it should be reviewed to insure that everything is up to date and accurate. If a club messes up the request, another one can’t be turned in for two years. Finance Officer McCabe reported that there hasn’t been any money spent from the Contingency Fund all year. Also, the incentive points have gone through and the clubs that were awarded those received the money over the break. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND CORRESPONDENCE OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 1. Bill 398- Contingency Fund was read by Senator Miklos. MOVE TO SEND BILL 398 TO RULES WITH REMOVAL OF CLAUSE 5 AND REWORDING OF CLAUSE 9 TO THE CONTINGENCY FUND MUST BE MAINTAINED AT A MINIMUM OF SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN $30,000 AT ANY TIME. Christiaens/Jensen. Unanimous. MOTION CARRIED. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF IDAHO STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT SENATE SESSION XLV TERM I IN THE SENATE BILL 398 BY ROBERT MIKLOS COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING AARON MCCABE ASISU FINANCE OFFICER KOLTON WOODBURY SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES MATTHEW BLOXHAM ASISU PRESIDENT SPONSORED BY KELLI SEELIGER COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ALISON DIXON COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS TAYLOR JENSEN COLLEGE OF BUSSINESS EMMA DOUPE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS KATE CHRISTIAENS SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES This bill was developed through many weeks of work, research and discussion by the ASISU Finance Committee. It clarifies the Contingency Fund and makes the current Bylaws congruent with past use of the fund as well as with the fund’s original intent. Research of all past legislation was conducted to aid in the decision making process. It is the committee’s intent for this bill to direct future use of the fund without overly restricting the ability of future senates to use the funds with appropriate discretion. ASISU BYLAWS ARTICLE IV—FINANCIAL AFFAIRS Section 3—Contingency Fund Clause 1—ASISU shall maintain a contingency fund. The purpose of the Contingency Fund is to help cover unforeseen expenses accrued by ASISU as well as for purposes that benefit the student body of Idaho State University. Contingency funding will be used for reasons deemed appropriate by the ASISU Senate super majority. Limitations on funding shall be at the discretion of the ASISU Senate. All ASISU unspent line-item funds will be transferred into the ASISU contingency fund once year-end closeout procedures are completed. Clause 2—Standard allocation from the ASISU Contingency Fund for any event, program, equipment, supplies, etc. shall not exceed $5,000 per allocation, or 5% of the total contingency balance for that fiscal year, whichever value is lower, with the exception of the transfer of funds into the ASISU scholarship account. . In the event of a “financial emergency” as determined by the Senate Finance Committee and ASISU Senate super majority, an organization may apply for an allocation exceeding 5%. Clause 3—Restrictions: A. Contingency funds are to be allotted for reasons deemed appropriate by the ASISU Senate super majority. 1) Organizations Applicants must provide documentation of proper fundraising efforts to the ASISU Ffinance Ccommittee as well as the ASISU Senate for purposes specified in the contingency fund request or they must demonstrate an extenuating circumstance that did not allow them to properly fund raise. 2) Organizations Applicants must also demonstrate in the contingency fund request form a benefit to the university through the funding of their request, such as events, spreading ISU’s name at competitions/conferences, bettering student experience, etc. B. Travel Restrictions 1) Lodging expenses may be funded up to one third (1/3) of the double occupancy rate (students may lodge singularly if there is a gender conflict). 2) Travel (airfare, van rental, and gasoline may be funded up to the state per diem rate for ground and travel, and up to one-third (1/3) of actual expenses for air travel. C. Application limits 1) Applicants can apply for contingency funding once per academic year unless excluded by Clause 3, Section C, Part 1. 2) Applicants shall be eligible to receive contingency funding once every two years. An organization shall be eligible to submit a contingency fund request every other year. During the year which they are eligible they may only receive one contingency fund request. D. Exceptions: In the case of a financial emergency as determined by the Senate Finance Officer and Senate Finance Committee in consultation with the ASISU General Manager and ASISU Senate super majority, an applicant group or entity may qualify for a contingency fund request exempt of the restrictions of Clause 3. E. Contingency Funds may not be directly spent on non-ASISU individuals. Clause 4—Procedure: Requests to ASISU Contingency Fund by an organization must include a letter describing the request, signed by the President the applicant and advisor (when applicable) of that organization and to be submitted to the ASISU Senate Finance Committee. Requests must also include a budget worksheet signed by the ASISU Financial Technician. Contingency Fund request information must be provided to the Finance Committee with the Finance Agenda, the day before a Finance meeting is to be held.The Senate Finance Committee will then review the request at the next Finance meeting. The Committee will decide whether or not to hear the request, based on the merit of the request with respect to these bylaws. The club applicant must will be notified of this decision before the next Finance meeting. If the requestletter is approved, the following meeting there will be a formal hearing by the Senate Finance Committee in which a representative of the organization must appear to present the request. If the request is approved by the Senate Finance Committee the Finance Chair will present the request at the next Senate meeting. A copy of all contingency fund requests approved by the Finance Committee must be sent to all senators for review before voting can take place in the Senate. The proposal is then introduced to the Senate where the applicant representative of the organization must be present. The request must receive a 2/3 vote to be approved. Clause 5—Limitations on funding shall be at the discretion of the ASISU Senate. Clause 6— Any money from the ASISU Contingency Fund allocated for a specific purpose shall have 30 days from the date of passage of the allocation to spend the totality of the allocation unless a spend date for the funds is indicated on the initial request, in which case the totality of funds must be spent within 30 days after the indicated spend date. Any amount not spent shall revert to the ASISU Contingency Fund. Clause 7—On July 1st of each fiscal year At the end of each fiscal year, 20% 10% of any amount in excess of $110,000 $200,000 in the contingency account will be transferred into the ASISU scholarship account. The additional funds will be distributed as stated in Article VII Clause 1. Clause 8—Eligibility: In order to be eligible for Contingency Funding consideration applicants must be current ASISU fee paying students or a recognized ASISU Student Organization. Clause 9—The Contingency Fund must be maintained at a minimum of shall not be less than $30,000 at any time. DATE OF FIRST INTRODUCTION: November 28, 2012 SENATE ACTION: _____________________ DATE: __________________________ ASISU PRESIDENT: ______________________ DATE: _______________________ ASISU SECRETARY: _____________________ DATE: _______________________ ADJOURNMENT MOVE TO ADJOURN. Jensen/Doupé. ASISU Secretary took roll. All senators were present except Senator Brock and Senator Rollins. Unanimous. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 7:15pm. ASISU VICE PRESIDENT ANJEL ZAMORA ASISU SECRETARY JACEY PREISLER