Word Document - North Carolina State University

Application Form and Procedures for N.C. State University Student **
Admission to the NCSU Food Animal Scholars Pool
1. On MyPack Portal, go to your Degree Audit and update your Plan of Work to include all classes you plan to take
before graduating. Be sure your plan includes the required management/production course as outlined in the
guidelines located on the web at: http://www.cals.ncsu.edu/an_sci/FoodAnimalScholars/
Include a copy of your Degree Audit (including planned courses) with this application. Circle the grade
for each course that is on the Vet School list of required courses and will be counting toward your GPA for
Required Courses: https://cvm.ncsu.edu/education/dvm/admission/eligibility/
2. If you have transfer courses, include a copy of your transcript from the institution(s) where you took the courses,
showing the grades you earned (does not have to be an official transcript).
Include a copy of all transcripts for transfer courses with this application. Circle the grade for each course
that is on the Vet School list of required courses and will be counting toward your GPA for Required Courses.
3. Obtain two letters of reference from an employer, club advisor, academic advisor, or professor. At least one letter
should reference your interest in Food Animal Medicine, and at least one letter should reference your work ethic,
attitude, and other characteristics. Letters from the Food Animal Scholars Steering and Mentoring
Committee should not be solicited. Committee members are listed at:
Alternatively, the letters can be
emailed (directly from the reference writer) to: Joan_Eisemann@ncsu.edu
4. Fill in the following information. Print clearly or type the information.
Name you prefer to go by:
Last name:
Student ID number:
E-mail address:
Home address:
Local phone:
Major (circle one): Animal Science
State you are a resident of:
Poultry Science
Number of NCSU and Advanced
Placement (AP) credit hours completed:
Number of transfer credits (don't include AP credit):
Cumulative GPA (NCSU courses):
Cumulative GPA (for transfer courses):
Species you plan to work with when you are a vet:
Expected graduation date (semester and year):
5. Type and attach (double-spaced, maximum of 2 pages) an essay on the following: Explain why you are interested in
participating in the Food Animal Scholars Program at North Carolina State University. Include discussion of the
experience you have had that led to your interest in this program and what plans and goals you have for your future.
6. Type up your additional (outside of class) information using the template on the next page.
7. Sign the following: "All information on this application is, to the best of my knowledge, accurate and truthful. I grant
the Food Animal Scholars Steering and Mentoring Committee permission to access my academic and student conduct
records and to contact my advisor and references."
Date _______________________
Submit all materials to: Dr. Joan Eisemann, 319C Polk Hall, Campus Box 7621, Raleigh N.C. 27695-7621.
Deadline: November 13, 2015 by 4:30 p.m.
** North Carolina A&T students should use the application found at:
Additional Information
(Create as many listings under each section as necessary)
Extracurricluar Activites
Office(s) Held:
Year(s) of Participation:
Awards and Honors
Date Awarded:
Basis of Selection:
Work Activities
Job Title:
Dates Employed:
Production Animal Experience
Describe production experience with food animals; classes with labs that included primarily food animal experience may
also be listed here. Include an estimate of the time commitment for each experience you describe (approximate number
of total hours spent on the activity).
Student Conduct Record
By submitting this application, I hereby certify that I do not have a Student Conduct record that contains any negative
findings such as being found responsible for an Academic Integrity violation, alcohol violation, or other student conduct
violation. I also pledge to notify the Food Animal Scholars Steering and Mentoring Committee Co-Chairs should I be
found responsible for a student conduct violation after this application has been submitted.