AP Biology Abbreviated Course Syllabus

AP Biology Abbreviated Course Syllabus
Instructor: Mr. David Ganey
General Course Description:
This college preparatory course is a hands-on laboratory-oriented class in which science is
taught as a process of investigation. It focuses on the eight major AP Biology themes.
Students are engaged in a wide range of classroom experiences covering biochemistry,
cellular structure and function, energetics (photosynthesis and respiration), mitosis and
meiosis, molecular and Mendelian genetics, evolution, taxonomy of domains and diversity
of the 5/6 Kingdoms, plant and animal anatomy and physiology, population ecology and
the human impact of technology and society on ecosystems. The class meets for 90
minutes each day. About 45-50% of the time is devoted to various lab activities, including
those 12 labs that are part of the AP standard curriculum.
In addition, to meet the Lincoln University Dual Credit requirements, a dissection survey of
the vertebrate classes is used to expand the general biology topics and teach college-level
dissection strategies; flower, fruit and seed labs address the anatomy, physiology and
taxonomy. Practical lab dissection assessments are required. Independent work is
required in many areas including extended work in genetics.
Chemistry is strongly recommended. Qualified students may also enroll for college credit
through dual enrollment with Lincoln University. Prerequisite: B average in general
Recommend materials for AP Biology:
- 3 ring binder with loose leaf paper for daily notes and handouts.
- Spiral notebook for AP and ACT test preparation. (supplied by
- Writing utensils: Pencil, pen (blue, black and red) (highlighter,
- Calculator (does not need to be a graphic calculator)
Textbook and resources:
-Campbell, Neil A., J. Reece. Biology, 8th edition, Pearson & Cummings (2005)
-Holtzclaw and Holtzclaw, AP Test Prep Series: Biology. (2008)
-Campbell, Neil A., J. Reece. Practicing Biology 2nd edition (2005)
-WARD’s AP Biology CD-ROM Series. WARD’s & Quantum Technology, Inc.
- Cyber Ed Inc. Interactive Educational Multimedia Program. Cyber Ed Inc (19952000)
-Ruggirello, Frank. Preparing for the Biology AP Exam (2005)
-AP Biology Exam Preparation CD-ROM Neo/Quiz (2002)
Below is the abbreviated syllabus for AP Biology. Use this syllabus as a guide. You
should know what material we will be covering in any given section. Knowing
which material we will be covering should allow you to read the section in your
textbook and come to class prepared and ready for instruction. If your parents
would like a complete syllabus they will be available at parent teacher conferences.
This syllabus is a guide and is subject to change. Please be aware of
announced alterations to the syllabus. Anticipate, expect, and accept
Course Syllabus:
Introduction – Themes, Scientific Method, Metric System
Evolution and Populations
Review of Chemistry (Inorganic and Organic)
Cellular Energy – ATP
Cell Structure
The Cell Cycle
Gene Expression
Protein Synthesis
Plants (selected material)
Form and Function (Animal Dissections)
Animal Behavior and Ecology
Chapter 1
Chapters 22- 24, & 53
Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 6
Chapters 12 & 13
Chapters 14 & 15
Chapters 15 & 16
Chapters 17 & 18
Chapters 35-39
Chapters 40-50
Chapters 51-56
Grading Scale:
Scores will be weighted as follows:
Daily work
Lab work
The above is 90% of the final term grade, with 10% for the final exam.
I will use the Jefferson City High School Grading Scale.
A 100-93%
A- 90-92%
B+ 87-89%
B 83-86%
B- 80-82%
C+ 77-79%
C 73-76%
C- 70-72%
D+ 67-69%
D 63-66%
D- 60-62%
F 0-59%