CH2 homework- ANSWERS

Element: Hydrogen Atomic #: 1 1 proton, 0 neutrons, 1 electron
# Electrons in outermost shell: 1
Atomic weight: 1
Outermost shell needs 1 more electron, unstable
Ideal mate: Fluorine or Chlorine
Ionic bond
Element: Helium
Atomic #: 2 2 protons, 2 neutrons, 2 electrons
# Electrons in outermost shell: 2
Atomic weight: 4
Outermost shell needs NO MORE electrons, stable
Ideal mate: SINGLE AND HAPPY 
Element: Lithium
Atomic #: 3 3 protons, 3 neutrons, 3 electrons
# Electrons in outermost shell: 1
Atomic weight: 6
Outermost shell needs 7 more electrons, unstable
Ideal mate: Fluorine or Chlorine
Ionic bond
Element: Beryllium Atomic #: 4 4 protons, 4 neutrons, 4 electrons
# Electrons in outermost shell: 2
Atomic weight: 8
Outermost shell needs 6 more electrons, unstable
Ideal mate: Oxygen or Sulfur
Ionic bond
Element: Boron
Atomic #: 5 5 protons, 5 neutrons, 5 electrons
# Electrons in outermost shell: 3
Atomic weight: 10
Outermost shell needs 5 more electrons, unstable
Ideal mate: Nitrogen or Phosphorus
Covalent bond
Element: Carbon
Atomic #: 6 6 protons, 6 neutrons, 6 electrons
# Electrons in outermost shell: 4
Atomic weight: 12
Outermost shell needs 4 more electrons, unstable
Ideal mate: Silicon
Covalent bond
Element: Nitrogen Atomic #: 7 7 protons, 7 neutrons, 7 electrons
# Electrons in outermost shell: 5
Atomic weight: 14
Outermost shell needs 3 more electrons, unstable
Ideal mate: Boron or Aluminum
Covalent bond
Element: Oxygen
Atomic #: 8 8 protons, 8 neutrons, 8 electrons
# Electrons in outermost shell: 6
Atomic weight: 16
Outermost shell needs 2 more electrons, unstable
Ideal mate: Beryllium or Magnesium
Ionic bond
Element: Fluorine Atomic #: 9 9 protons, 9 neutrons, 9 electrons
# Electrons in outermost shell: 7
Atomic weight: 18
Outermost shell needs 1 more electron, unstable
Ideal mate: Hydrogen, Lithium, Sodium, or Potassium
Ionic bond
Element: Neon
Atomic #: 10 10 protons, 10 neutrons, 10 electrons
# Electrons in outermost shell: 8
Atomic weight: 20
Outermost shell needs NO MORE electrons, stable
Ideal mate: SINGLE AND HAPPY 
Element: Sodium
Atomic #: 11 11 protons, 11 neutrons, 11 electrons
# Electrons in outermost shell: 1
Atomic weight: 22
Outermost shell needs 7 more electrons, unstable
Ideal mate: Fluorine or Chlorine
Ionic bond
Element: Magnesium
Atomic #: 12 12 protons, 12 neutrons, 12 electrons
# Electrons in outermost shell: 2
Atomic weight: 24
Outermost shell needs 6 more electrons, unstable
Ideal mate: Oxygen or Sulfur
Ionic bond
Answers to crossword
4. Water-loving- hydrophilic
6. Bond formed when electrons are transferred from one atom
to another- ionic
7. energy currency of cells- ATP
12. Element with Chemical Symbol P- Phosphorus
14. catalyze chemical reactions- enzymes
15. Element with Chemical Symbol K - Potassium
16. Alkaline compounds that release hydroxyl ions - bases
17. Sugar in RNA- ribose
18. Dissolves in a solvent- solute
1. Simple sugar- monosaccharide
2. Contain cholesterol- steroids
3. Compounds that contain hydrocarbon groups covalently
bonded together- organic
5. Reaction that occurs when a complex chemical is broken
down into simpler chemicals- decomposition
8. Arrange in a bilayer to form the cell membranephospholipids
9. Bond formed when atoms share electrons- covalent
10. RNA equivalent of Thymine- uracil
11. Backbone of a triglyceride- glycerol
13. Breaking complex molecules into simple parts by adding
water- hydrolysis