TRI-COUNTY FOOTBALL ASSOCIAITON CHEER & DRILL/DANCE RULES GENERAL 1. All towns must comply with TCFA guidelines. 2. Tri-County Cheer & Drill/Dance Colors shall be teal and purple 3. When voting on proposed rule changes at cheer and drill committee meetings, each town will be limited to one (1) vote per town. 4. Fiftenn (15) or more children may perform on the sideline on field where it is safe. No more than fifteen (15) children may perform on the sidelines at Wills Point and Forney due to the limited sideline space. 5. Halftime will be limited to 5 minutes per squad. If the squad is a combination Drill/Cheer, they will be allotted 10 minutes. Combination squads must be introduced as a cheer/drill (dance) team and must represent both at halftime. There will be a $100 fine imposed if cheer/drill or combination teams do not represent both at halftime, as per Tri-county rules. Girls must stay through all 5 quarters. 6. Commissioners or assistants must be at all 3 games. Head coaches or coach must be there for the whole game. 7. No cheer squad or drill team shall begin practice prior to July 1st. However, you may ave a one (1) week cheer camp and a one (1) week drill camp prior to July 1st. No more than 6 hours of practice per week, including the week of competition. Teams are allowed to practice 8 hours per week from July 1st through August 1st. A calendar week is SundaySaturday. 8. All cheer and drill team rosters must be turned in to your League Cheer and Drill Commissioner no later than the second game of the season. 9. No one child can hold two positions on any TCFA Cheer/Drill squad unless they are a combination team. 10. All Tri-County Cheer/Drill annual meetings will be on the Sunday one-week before Superbowl Sunday. The second meeting will be held the first Sunday after Superbowl if needed. The third meeting will be held the first Sunday in March. The fourth meeting for Coaches and Commissioners will be held the Sunday after Fathers day. Places for competition will be drawn and the June meeting and coaches must attend. Elections will be held for the Tri-County League and Zone positions at the meeting on the Sunday before the Superbowl. Mandatory coaches/commissioners must be present at the June meeting to attend stunt clinic or NO stunts will be allowed on field or at competition. PROTESTS 1 A) The team protesting must turn in a written protest within forty-eight (48) hours to a member of the Executive Committee. There is a twenty-five (25) dollar fee for filing a protest. If a protest is lost, the other team receives the revenue. The protest must be hard within fourteen (14) days of the protested game. ONLY NCAA AND TRICOUNTY EXCEPTION RULES CAN BE CHALLENGED. B) If documented evidence is found of any blatant league violations, a protest may be filed after the game or competition without the forty eight (48) hour time restraint. C) If any town files a protest against an opposing team, then both teams will be eliminated from the Protest Executive Committee which shall consist of the remaining (8) teams in the league. D) If a protest is held and found to be valid by the Executive Committee, the following options will be adhered to: a) No action b) Verbal warning c) Probation of Coach or Commissioner or TCFA League Official d) Replaying of game e) Forfeiture of game f) Suspension of Coach, Commissioner or TCFA League Official - length of time to be determined by a consensus of the committee. g) Dismissal of Coach, Commissioner or TCFA League Official h) Elimination from Competition with fine of games. GRADE AND AGE LIMITATIONS To be eligible, a boy ro girl must be enrolled in the first grade on September 1st and not be thirteen (13) years of age or in the seventh (7th) grade on September 1st. A player must live in the school district in which he or she shall play in or have a parent or legal guardian living within the school district. a. The teams will be as follows: MIDGET - 8 years and under as of September 1st and be in the 1st or 2nd grade. b. PEE-WEE - 10 years and under as of September 1st and be in the 3rd or 4th grade. c. LITTLE LEAGUE - 12 years and under as of September 1st and be in the 5th or 6th grade***AND NOT BE IN THE 7TH GRADE. COMPETITION 2 1. All towns must comply with TCFA Guidelines 2. Competition must be held on a football field. 3. Competition times with award ceremonies will be as follows: Midget Start promptly at 8:00 am to approximately 10:00 am PeeWee Start promptly at 10:30 am to approximately 12:30 pm Little League Start promptly at 1:00 pm to approximately 3:00 pm 4. The towns hosting both competitions must notify the Cheer & Drill League Commissioner of the locations and dates of the competitions by July 15. The League Commissioner is responsible for notifying all towns by the same day. 5. The first competition must be held within the last 2 week(end)s of September. The second competition must be held within the last 2 week (ends)s of October 6. If a town does not attend a TCFA Team competition, they will be fined $250.00 per squad with the money going to the hosting town by the competition registrations date. FIELD REQUIREMENTS A) Judges will be seated at the 40, 45, 50, 45 and 40 yard lines. And seated 5 feet from the sidelines. B) Judges must be seated on a platform between 5 or 6 feet high. C) Teams will be waiting to perform on the back or sidelines D) All teams will exit the field from the front sidelines . 7. Legality judge should be in position on the 50 yard line) and be responsible for the following violations: Suggestive moves Over/under time limit [UNLESS TECHNICAL DIFFICULTY] Safety Issues Boundary penalties Field 15 feet from front Coaching violation Exact routing movements Methods used for counting Inappropriate music Inappropriate uniform 1-10 point deduction 10 point deduction 10 point maximum deduction 5 point maximum 10 point deduction 5 point deduction 5 point deduction 10 point deduction 3 Prop removal Removal of all props by coach Jewelry With exception of plastic Spacer or medical alert bracelet 10 point deduction 5 point deduction per child 8. Soft-soled shoes, jazz boots, jazz shoes, dance sandals, athletic shoes or bare feet are acceptable. No one will be allowed to perform in socks (including pantyhose, etc.) 9. No technical skills should be performed when an advisor/coach is not present and providing direct supervision (i.e. during competitions breaks) 10. All music must be turned in by the end of the directors meeting. Anyone turning music in after the directors meeting will be given a ten (10) point deduction. Anyone turning in music thirty (30) minutes after the directors meeting will be disqualified. With the exception of an emergency, to be determined by the respected Tri-County Town Commissioners. 11. In even years Cheer will perform competition first. In odd years drill will perform competition first. JUDGES 1. TCFA will use America=s Best score sheets for cheer and drill competitions. 2. All judges must be from outside the Tri-County area and be at least nineteen (19) years of age. Judges shall be sent a copy of TCFA rules prior to competition. Judges will be required to stay until the beginning of the awards ceremony. Judges will be notified of this requirement in advance. Judges will be notified that breaks are to be taken only between division performances. Judges must be seated away from one another. During Team performances there must be a legality judge for administering all violations. Decisions made by Legality judge are final. 3. Judges will be qualified and from a professional organization (i.e. Americas=s Best, NCA, etc.) All judges must judge in a different colored pen. Judges must initial any mark-outs, changes or corrections. (There must be a Atie breaker@ judge for all competition for a total of 5 judges) 4. No one will speak to the judges except the host of the competitions or League Commissioners (League Cheer/Drill Commissioner, South Zone Commissioner or North Zone Commissioner). League Commissioners must be together when approaching a judge. NEVER APPROACH A JUDGE. If the League or Zone Commissioners have a team competing, they must stay out of the Tally room during that division. All envelopes with score sheets must be sealed. Hosting town football commissioner or person appointed by the hosting town must run all score sheets to the tally room in sealed envelopes. 4 5. All judges decisions are final. Score sheets are to be passed out the day of competitions. The commissioners are not to hand the packets out to anyone until the day after competition. TALLY ROOM 1. The scores shall be tallied by a committee, which shall consist of (1) representative from each town. These representatives will be required to remain in the tally room throughout the entire competition. The only other people allowed in the tally room will be the host (person in charge of the town hosting the competition), Judges, Tri-County League Cheer & Drill Commissioner, North and South Zone Cheer & Drill Commissioners, North and South Zone Football Commissioners and the League Commissioner, if necessary. The tally room representative should be at least eighteen (18) years of age. Judges will add their own scores and the totals will be checked by the tally committee for mathematical correctness only. No erasures will be allowed by any tally person. All mark-outs must be initialed by the person making such mark out. All scores sheets must be initialed by each tally person with their respective colored pen. If a town does not provide a tally person they will be un-represented in the Tally Room. The Tally Room representative must attend the Director=s Meeting the morning of competition. The Tri-County Football League or Zone Commissioner must be present in the Tally room at all times. 2. Scores will be added together and not averaged. The violation points stated above will come off the total score. HOST TOWN/COMPETITION FEES 1) The host town must provide a program for anyone paying the admission fee. 2) Admission fees are $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for children and senior citizens. Commissioners will be free. 3) Competition costs: $20.00 each entrant 4) No personal checks will be accepted for competitions. Association checks, money orders or cash only. 5) The town hosting competition must have their packets mailed out six (6) weeks prior to the competition date. Each town participating in competition must return their complete packet four (4) weeks prior to the competition date. There will be a fifty-dollar ($50.00) fine made payable to the host town if money is paid after the deadline. There will be a $50.00 fine payable to each town where the packet is not postmarked 6 weeks prior to the competition date. 6) There will be no refunds made for competition. Make sure you will be in attendance before you submit your entry fees. This fee will not be included in the non-participant fee. 5 7) A video photographer will be available only if the required number of videos is sold prior to competition. Many companies are now requiring a minimum sales amount to come and set up. The host town must make the order forms available to each town well in advance of the competition date. 8) The host town is required to provide a concession stand with both breakfast and lunch served. 9) The competition schedules will be provided to each town no later than two (2) weeks prior to the competition date. AWARDS 1. Each child will receive a participation trophy for each event in which he/she performs if that child doesn=t place Grand Champion, 2nd, 3rd or 4th place. There will be one coach=s trophy for each grand champion team. The same size as the Grand Champion trophy. Participation trophies must be at least 8 inches, 4th place trophies must be at least 10 inches, 3rd place trophies must be at least 12 inches, 2nd place trophies must be at least 14 inches and Grand Champion trophies must be at least 18 inches. 2. If a registered team member becomes ill or injured and is unable to perform at the competition they will receive a team trophy. RULES CHEER/DRILL COMPETITION 1) Only coaches and commissioners allowed on field, no spectators. 2) The lead child may be shown where to enter the field. Props may not be placed by coaches. The children must march in to their positions and place their props without the aide of adults or instructors. Directions are allowed to use the floor for spacing during breaks and before the competition begins. The Director may show the lead child in the beginning performance position for Midget teams only, by pointing. 4) Time Limits: Drill: two (2) to five (5) minutes Cheer: two (2) to five (5) minutes 5) The cheer times begin at the first organized chant or cheer regardless of whether or not the team is on the field and after the team is announced. Entrants may not perform prior to being announced. The time is not stopped between cheers and cheer dances. Time ends when the last child exits the field. Each cheer team competing is required to perform two full motion cheers and a cheer dance. DJ must announce on deck team and the performing team. 6 6) All hosting town are required to have a minimum of 3 4 spotters ages 15 and older at all competitions. They must attend all directors meetings. 7) Drill time starts when the music starts and ends when the music stops. 8) The mascot will compete with his or her squad. 9) No participant should be allowed to throw objects into the stands at competition. 10) Each group will provide two cassette tapes or CDs clearly marked with the town, age group and group name. Music will not be restarted once it has begun. Each hosting town must provide a professional sound system with CD and cassette player. Music an only be restarted when technical difficulties arise. 11) Any stunt with both feet shoulder high or higher must have a front and back spotter at any performance. There will be an automatic disqualification for no spotters. The front spotter can help with support. Midget teams are required to have a front spot. No front spots are required for Pee Wee and Little League, except for full extension stunts. 12) Any prop must be approved by the town hosting competition at least 4 weeks prior to the competition date, and must meet specifications at competition. Hosting town must contact executive board after approval has been given. If a prop is not approved, it will not be allowed at competition. 13) No men allowed in dressing rooms. 14) Any director found in violation of any of the foregoing rules may be punished in accordance with the Tri-County Football Association rules disciplinary actions. All judges decisions are final, there will be no protest for competition. STUNTS 1. Stunt - Any tumbling skill, toss, mount or pyramid. 2. Mount- Any skill in which one or more persons are supported by one or more persons. 3. Pyramid - Multiple mounts 4. Tumbling includes rolls (forward, backward), inverted extended skills (i.e., cartwheel, handstand, walkover, front/back handsprings, etc.) and flips 5. Splits - A position with legs extended at right angels to the trunk. A split is not a stunt or a tumbling skill. AERIALS 1. Aerial - A stunt performed free of contact with a person or surface. 2. Flip - An aerial stunt involving head-over-heel rotation. 3. Swam Dive - An aerial stunt in which the top person is caught in a prone (face down) 7 position. 4. Twist - An aerial stunt involving rotation perpendicular or parallel to the performing surface. 5. Dive roll - A stretched forward roll with flight. DISMOUNTS 1. Dismounts - The release of a top person to land in a cradle or on the performing surface. Either landing is considered the end of the stunt. 2. Backward Dismount - A top person dismounts backwards, with or without the feet being held, to catchers who are not the original bases to the performing surface from a stunt or prop. 3. Cradle-catch - A cradle catch occurs when the catcher(s), with palms up, catches the top person in a face up position, by placing one arm under the back and the other under the thighs of the top person. A cradle-catch is considered the end of the stunt. DROPS 1. Front Drop - Dropping to a horizontal, face down position on the performing surface. 2. Knee/Seat/Thigh Drop - Dropping to the knee(s), seat or thighs onto a performing surface. 3. Split Drop - Dropping to the performing surface, landing in a split position. 4. Tension Drop - A pyramid/mount in which the base(s) and top(s) lean in formation until the top leaves the base without assistance. EXTENDED STUNTS 1. Extended stunt - One in which the supporting arms(s) of the bases(s) is full extended above the head. Stunts such as chair, Russian lift, T-lift, etc., are extended stunts. Some extended stunts require a spotter. INVERTED POSITION 1. Handstand - An inverted, straight body position in which the arms are extended and beside the head, and the hips are over the head and shoulders. 2. Legal Forward Roll - A roll beginning from a squat position with hands on the performing surface. PROPS 1. A prop may be used as a base (Exception: a single, unfolded, flat mat is not considered a prop), or a prop may be an object that is manipulated (i.e. poms, signs, flags, etc.,) PYRAMID (MOUNT) 8 1. Base - A person who is in direct weight-bearing contact with the performing surface and provides primary support for another person. When a performance prop supports a persons (s), it is considered a base. A mat on the performing surface is not a prop. 2. Top person/Flyer - A person who receives primary support from another person or a prop anytime during a stunt. 3. Bracer - A person who stabilizes a stunt by direct contact with a top person. The stunt would remain stable without the bracer. 4. Two-high pyramid/mount - All individuals in the pyramid/mount who are not in contact with the performing surface (top) must be primarily supported by one or more individuals who are in direct weight-bearing contact with the performing surface (base). 5. Totem Pole - A multi-base stunt which creates a tiered appearance by connecting stunts of increasing height, one behind the other. SPOTTER 1. Spotter - A person who is in direct contact with the performing surface and may help control the building of, or dismounting from a mount. This person(s) shall not provide the primary support, meaning the mount or pyramid would remain stable without the spotters(s). The primary responsibility of a spotter is to watch for safety hazards. Therefore, an inattentive person is not considered the spotter. The spotter shall be in a position to prevent injuries with special emphasis on protecting the head, neck and back areas. SUSPENDED STUNTS 1. Suspended splits - Involves a top person/flyer who is in a split position between two bases. POP-SWEEP-TOSS 1. Pop - A controlled pushing motion upward by a base(s) to increase the height of the top person or release the top to a cradle catch. 2. Sweep - A controlled pushing motion forward by a base(s) to release a top person becoming free to contact with the base(s) 3. Toss/Pitch - A throwing motion by the base(s) to increase the height of the top person with the top person becoming free of contact with the base(s). 4. Basket Toss - Toss involving three-four tossers, tow of which have their hands interlocked. 9 GENERAL RISK MANAGEMENT 1. Performing surfaces must be suitable and free from objects. 2. Stunts (mounts, pyramids, tosses and tumbling) must be modified to be appropriate to the performing surface area. 3. Use of mini-tramps, springboards or any apparatus used to propel a participant are illegal. 4. Participants are not permitted to chew gum or have candy in their mouths during practice or performance. PARTICIPANT APPAREL/ACCESSORIES 1. Unduly long fingernails, including artificial nails, can become a safety hazard. Therefore, fingernails, including artificial nails must be kept at a length appropriate to minimize risk for the participants. 2. The hair must be worn in a manner to minimize risk for the participant. Hair devices, if worn, must be secure and appropriate for the activity. 3. Glitter that does not readily adhere on the hair, face, uniform, costume or the body is illegal. Glitter may be used on signs, props or backdrops if laminated or sealed. HEIGHT LIMITATIONS 1. All mounts and or pyramids are limited to two persons high, meaning the top person receives primary support from a base(s) who is in direct, weight bearing contact with the performing surface. SPOTTING 1. Spotters are required until a stunt (mount, pyramid, toss, tumbling skill) is properly dismounted. 2. An inattentive person is not considered a spotter. 3. A spotter must be in the proper position with arms extended toward the top person=s head/shoulder to prevent injuries. 4. A spotter=s torso cannot be under a stunt. 5. A person is not considered a spotter if the hand position includes: a. Grabbing the sole of the foot of the top person, or b. Grabbing the hand(s) of the base(s) beneath the top person=s foot. DISMOUNTS 1. Dismounts to the performing surface from shoulder height or below (extension prep is considered shoulder height) must have assisted landings. 2. For all catch/cradle dismounts, the catcher(s) must have continuous visual contact with the top person. 3. Base/catchers must not move during dismounts except for safety purposes. 10 4. No skill (i.e., to touch, twist, etc.,) without constant hand-to-hand contact shall be performed prior to landing on the performing surface. 5. A skill may be performed to a cradle except on backward dismounts or any other dismount to separate catchers. 6. A twist to cradle (including a log roll) must not involve more than one complete rotation. 7. Dismounts from multi-base stunts to a cradle must be cradled by at least two catchers and an additional head and shoulders catcher/spotter. 8. Dismounts from single base stunts to a single base cradle must have an additional catch/spotter under the head and shoulder area of the top person. (Exception: no additional catcher/spotter is required when cradling a chair or torch). 9. Backward dismounts are illegal except for shoulder sits. 10. Forward face-down dismounts are illegal. 11. Inverted dismounts (except legal suspended rolls) are illegal. DROPS 1. Knee, seat, thigh and split drops are illegal unless most of the weight is first borne on the hands/feet or is controlled to absorb the impact of the drops. 2. Front drops are illegal. 3. Tension drops are illegal. 4. A handspring/flip over to any drop is illegal. PYRAMIDS/MOUNTS 1. A Participant must not move under or over a mount or pyramid. 2. In mounts, one of the persons bracing shall be at shoulder height or below. Exception: the following extended stunts may brace any of the others listed: a. Chair b. Double/triple base deadman lift c. Double/triple base straddle lift d. Extension (except a totem pole) provided the top people have both feet in both hands of their bases. 3. A top person, including the flyer in a toss, is not permitted to drop the head backward out of alignment with the torso (eyes are not looking forward). 4. A top person is not permitted to be in an inverted position. Exception: Legal suspended rolls 5. A totem pole is legal provided: a. Each top person leaning forward is stabilized/supported by the stunt directly in front. b. No extended stunt stabilizes/supports another person c. A spotter is present for each stunt on each side ROLLS/TUMBLING 1. Backward suspended rolls are illegal 2. Suspended rolls are illegal from a basket toss position, pitch or toss. 11 3. Tumbling (rolls, inverted extended skills and flips) over or under or into a stunt is illegal. 4. Tumbling over/under an individual or prop is illegal. Exception: Legal forward roll over a prop or under an individual. 5. A forward roll from the ground is legal. a. A dive roll from the ground is legal b. A flip into a mount or cradle is illegal c. Suspended flip - All participants must start and end with fee on the ground SUSPENDED SPLITS 1. Single-base split or straddle catches are illegal. 2. Tosses to any split or straddle position are illegal. 3. In a multi-base suspended split, the top person must have both hands in constant contact with a base(s) and must have a front and back spot. TOSSES 1. All tosses must be performed from ground level bases. 2. Basket tosses must not involve more than four tosses, including the person who may set or Aload@ the top person. a. One of the tossers must be behind the flyer during the toss; b. The flyer must be cradled by all four of the original tosssers 3. In all tosses: a. The top person must be directed vertically b. Participants must not pass over or under other participants c. The catchers and spotter must remain in their original positions unless making adjustments for safety purposes. 4. Tosses into stunts are allowed (i.e. toss to extension, toss to chair, etc.) The toss shall not significantly exceed the height of the intended stunt. 5. Tosses through a prop are illegal. 6. Toe and thigh pitches to a jump or tumbling skill (including a suspended roll) are illegal. 7. Tosses to a split or straddle positions are illegal. 8. A twist that occurs during a toss must not involve more than one complete rotations. 9. Helicopter is illegal. 10. A swam dive is illegal 11. The flyer in a toss must not drop the head backward out of alignment with the torso (eyes are not looking forward) TWISTS 1. A twist performed on the performing surface (jump-twist-land) must not involve more than two complete rotations. 2. A twist performed to a cradle must not involve more than one complete rotation 3. A twist performed during a tumbling pass must not involve more than one complete rotation. 12 DANCE/DRILL POM RISK MANAGEMENT HEIGHT LIMITATIONS 1. The weight bearing surface or props used as bases must not exceed 5 feet in height. 2. Mounts are limited to two levels high with the prop used as a base as the first level and the participant(s) in direct weight-bearing contact with it as the second level. PROPS AS BASES 1. Stunts on a prop are not permitted. Exception: Legal forward roll which begins with at least one foot and both hands in contact with a prop which is at least 1 foot wide. 2. After mounting a prop higher than 3 feet, participants must maintain contact with the prop at all times until dismounting, except if the performance area for each participant is at least 3 feet by 3 fee. 3. A participant may sit or stand on a prop that is held by two bases provided that the weightbearing surface of the prop is at waist level or below. If the participant is standing, a spotter is required. 4. A prop cannot be used as any part of a totem pole pyramid. 5. Headstands/handstands on a prop are illegal. Other inverted positions on a prop are permitted provided at least one foot is in weight-bearing contact with the prop and the supporting surface of the prop is at least 2 feet wide and 2 feet long. 6. A top may have her had below her waist when lying on a prop which is at least one foot wide and no more than 3 feet in height. 7. A participant on a prop is permitted to drop her head backward out of alignment with her torso provided she has weight-bearing contact with a prop which is at least 2 feet wide and 2 feet long and/or she stabilizes herself by grasping the prop. 8. When moving from one prop to another prop, the top person must have visual contact with the new prop prior to beginning the transition. DISMOUNTS FROM PROPS 1. Dismounts to the performing surface from props higher than 3 feet must have an assisted landing. 2. Backward dismounts from props higher than 3 feet are illegal. 3. Forward suspended roll dismounts from props are permitted provided there is hand-to13 hand/arm contact with two bases. 4. Backward suspended rolls from props are illegal. 5. Inverted dismounts (except legal suspended rolls) from props are illegal. 6. When dismounting from props higher than 3 feet, no skill (i.e. toe-touch, twist, etc.,) without constant hand-to-hand/prop contact shall be performed prior to landing on the performing surface. STUNTS NOT ALLOWED Single Base Extended Stunts Diamond Head Double Cartwheel Fly Over Back Flip Fly Over Toss Gauntlet Hands Helicopter Log Roll One Arm Stunt Prone Re-Grab Roll Up Third Level Toe Leg Pitch Two 2 High Pyramid Assisted Tumbling Tumbling Into A Stunt 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 DRILL - ROYSE CITY DRILL - WILLS POINT DRILL MABANK DRILL - MALAKOFF DRILL - KEMP DRILL - FORNEY LONGHORNS DRILL - FORNEY JACKRABBITS DRILL - QUINLAN DRILL – EUSTACE DRILL - KAUFMAN 14 CHEER - FORNEY LONGHORNS CHEER - FORNEY JACKRABBITS CHEER - QUINLAN CHEER - EUSTACE CHEER - KAUFMAN CHEER - ROYSE CITY CHEER - WILLS POINT CHEER – MABANK CHEER - MALAKOFF CHEER - KEMP