Seasonal Foods & Benefits, complied © by Nutritionist Laura McCann WINTER/SPRING Food Item Nutrients Manganese Magnesium AMARANTH Iron Selenium Vitamin B6 Benefits Important for endogenous antioxidant synthesis Needed for formation for healthy cartilage and bone Plays a role in wound healing Required to produce energy from food Required to make essential molecules in the body (DNA, proteins, antioxidants) Important in bone structure Affects nerve impulses, muscle contraction and heart rhythm Essential for oxygen transport and storage in the body Critical for energy production Plays a role in neutralizing free radicals Required for growth, reproduction, healing and immune function Antioxidant qualities Plays a role in thyroid hormone regulation Important to prevent prostate cancer Important in energy production Needed to make serotonin Needed to make hemoglobin Soluble Fiber APPLES/ DRIED APPLES Vitamin C Vitamin A APRICOT Vitamin C May protect against breast and prostate cancer Needed for immune system function Lowers total cholesterol and LDL Slows carbohydrate absorption Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Important for health of eyes and skin Protects against infection Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy DRIED JUJUBES Folate Calcium ARUGULA Vitamin A Vitamin C Vitamin K ASPARAGUS Folate Vitamin A Prevents neural tube defects Important for healthy teeth and bones Needed for proper muscle and nerve function Important for health of eyes and skin Protects against infection Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Needed for blood clotting Bone mineralization Prevents neural tube defects Important for health of eyes and skin Protects against Folate BEETS Manganese Vitamin A Vitamin C Vitamin K Calcium BEET GREENS Potassium Manganese BELL PEPPER Vitamin C infection Prevents neural tube defects Important for endogenous antioxidant synthesis Needed for formation for healthy cartilage and bone Plays a role in wound healing Important for health of eyes and skin Protects against infection Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Needed for blood clotting Bone mineralization Important for healthy teeth and bones Needed for proper muscle and nerve function Needed for nerve impulse transmission, muscle contraction and heart function Needed for carbohydrate metabolism Important for endogenous antioxidant synthesis Needed for formation for healthy cartilage and bone Plays a role in wound healing Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth Vitamin A Vitamin B6 Folate Vitamin C Vitamin K BLACKBERRIES Copper Manganese BOK CHOY Vitamin A healthy Important for health of eyes and skin Protects against infection Important in energy production Needed to make serotonin Needed to make hemoglobin May protect against breast and prostate cancer Needed for immune system function Prevents neural tube defects Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Needed for blood clotting Bone mineralization Needed for energy production, healthy connective tissue (skin, heart, blood vessels, bone), normal brain function, myelin formation, melanin formation Important antioxidant roles Important for endogenous antioxidant synthesis Needed for formation for healthy cartilage and bone Plays a role in wound healing Important for health of eyes and skin Vitamin K Calcium Potassium Vitamin C Vitamin K CABBAGE Manganese Vitamin A CANTALOUPE Vitamin C Potassium Protects against infection Needed for blood clotting Bone mineralization Important for healthy teeth and bones Needed for proper muscle and nerve function Needed for nerve impulse transmission, muscle contraction and heart function Needed for carbohydrate metabolism Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Needed for blood clotting Bone mineralization Important for endogenous antioxidant synthesis Needed for formation for healthy cartilage and bone Plays a role in wound healing Important for health of eyes and skin Protects against infection Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Needed for nerve impulse transmission, muscle contraction and heart function Needed for Vitamin A CARROTS Vitamin C Beta-carotene (antioxidant) CHERRIES Vitamin C Vitamin A Vitamin C COLLARD GREENS Vitamin K Folate Calcium Thiamin (B1) CORN Folate Niacin (B3) carbohydrate metabolism Important for health of eyes and skin Protects against infection Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Protects against cardiovascular disease and cancer Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Important for health of eyes and skin Protects against infection Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Needed for blood clotting Bone mineralization Prevents neural tube defects Important for healthy teeth and bones Needed for proper muscle and nerve function Essential in the body’s processes that extract energy from food Needed for proper nerve, heart, muscle and brain function Prevents neural tube defects Needed to produce energy Pantothenic Acid (B5) CUCUMBER Vitamin K Soluble Fiber DRIED BEANS Protein Vitamin C EGGPLANT Manganese Manganese GARLIC Vitamin B6 Possible role in cancer prevention Essential in energy production Needed for blood clotting Bone mineralization Lowers total cholesterol and LDL Slows carbohydrate absorption Needed for: Muscle building and function Nutrient transport and storage Component of skin and bone Immune function Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Important for endogenous antioxidant synthesis Needed for formation for healthy cartilage and bone Plays a role in wound healing Important for endogenous antioxidant synthesis Needed for formation for healthy cartilage and bone Plays a role in wound healing Important in energy production Needed to make serotonin Needed to make hemoglobin Vitamin C Allyl-sulphides Vitamin K GRAPES Manganese Vitamin C GREEN BEANS Vitamin K Vitamin A Vitamin C GREEN CHILE Folate Iron May protect against breast and prostate cancer Needed for immune system function Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Cardiovascular benefits Benefits the immune system Needed for blood clotting Bone mineralization Important for endogenous antioxidant synthesis Needed for formation for healthy cartilage and bone Plays a role in wound healing Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Needed for blood clotting Bone mineralization Important for health of eyes and skin Protects against infection Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Prevents neural tube defects Essential for oxygen transport and storage in the body Critical for energy production Vitamin A TOMATOES Vitamin C Lycopene Vitamin C HONEYDEW MELON Potassium Vitamin C JALAPEÑOS Vitamin B6 JERUSALEM ARTICHOKES Thiamin Plays a role in neutralizing free radicals Required for growth, reproduction, healing and immune function Important for health of eyes and skin Protects against infection Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Protects against prostate cancer Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Needed for nerve impulse transmission, muscle contraction and heart function Needed for carbohydrate metabolism Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Important in energy production Needed to make serotonin Needed to make hemoglobin May protect against breast and prostate cancer Needed for immune system function Essential in the body’s processes that extract energy from food Needed for proper Iron Potassium Vitamin A Vitamin C Vitamin K KALE Copper Manganese nerve, heart, muscle and brain function Essential for oxygen transport and storage in the body Critical for energy production Plays a role in neutralizing free radicals Required for growth, reproduction, healing and immune function Needed for nerve impulse transmission, muscle contraction and heart function Needed for carbohydrate metabolism Important for health of eyes and skin Protects against infection Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Needed for blood clotting Bone mineralization Needed for energy production, healthy connective tissue (skin, heart, blood vessels, bone), normal brain function, myelin formation, melanin formation Important antioxidant roles Important for endogenous antioxidant synthesis Needed for formation for healthy cartilage and Vitamin C Vitamin K MULBERRIES Iron Riboflavin Niacin Pantothenic Acid MUSHROOMS Copper Selenium MUSTARD GREENS Vitamin A bone Plays a role in wound healing Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Needed for blood clotting Bone mineralization Essential for oxygen transport and storage in the body Critical for energy production Plays a role in neutralizing free radicals Required for growth, reproduction, healing and immune function Necessary to produce energy Antioxidant functions Needed to produce energy Possible role in cancer prevention Essential in energy production Needed for energy production, healthy connective tissue (skin, heart, blood vessels, bone), normal brain function, myelin formation, melanin formation Important antioxidant roles Antioxidant qualities Plays a role in thyroid hormone regulation Important to prevent prostate cancer Important for health of Vitamin C Vitamin K Folate NECTARINE Vitamin C Chromium ONIONS Vitamin C Quercitin (a flavonoid) Vitamin C Vitamin A PEACH Potassium PEAR Vitamin C eyes and skin Protects against infection Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Needed for blood clotting Bone mineralization Prevents neural tube defects Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Helps cells respond to insulin Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Antioxidant that may play a role in preventing cancers of the GI tract and other cancers Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Important for health of eyes and skin Protects against infection Needed for nerve impulse transmission, muscle contraction and heart function Needed for carbohydrate metabolism Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth Soluble Fiber Vitamin C Vitamin K PEAS Thiamin (B1) Folate Vitamin C PLUM Vitamin A Vitamin K Vitamin C POTATOES Vitamin B6 healthy Lowers total cholesterol and LDL Slows carbohydrate absorption Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Needed for blood clotting Bone mineralization Essential in the body’s processes that extract energy from food Needed for proper nerve, heart, muscle and brain function Prevents neural tube defects Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Important for health of eyes and skin Protects against infection Needed for blood clotting Bone mineralization Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Important in energy production Needed to make serotonin Needed to make hemoglobin May protect against breast and prostate cancer Needed for immune Potassium Vitamin A Vitamin K Iron PUMPKIN Manganese Vitamin C RADICCHIO Vitamin K RADISHES Vitamin C RASPBERRIES Vitamin C system function Needed for nerve impulse transmission, muscle contraction and heart function Needed for carbohydrate metabolism Important for health of eyes and skin Protects against infection Needed for blood clotting Bone mineralization Essential for oxygen transport and storage in the body Critical for energy production Plays a role in neutralizing free radicals Required for growth, reproduction, healing and immune function. Important for endogenous antioxidant synthesis Needed for formation for healthy cartilage and bone Plays a role in wound healing Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Needed for blood clotting Bone mineralization Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Helps with wound Vitamin K Manganese Vitamin A Vitamin C Vitamin K RED & SWISS CHARD Iron Magnesium healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Needed for blood clotting Bone mineralization Important for endogenous antioxidant synthesis Needed for formation for healthy cartilage and bone Plays a role in wound healing Important for health of eyes and skin Protects against infection Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Needed for blood clotting Bone mineralization Essential for oxygen transport and storage in the body Critical for energy production Plays a role in neutralizing free radicals Required for growth, reproduction, healing and immune function. Required to produce energy from food Required to make essential molecules in the body (DNA, proteins, antioxidants) Important in bone structure Affects nerve impulses, muscle contraction and Manganese Potassium Vitamin K Vitamin C RHUBARB Manganese Vitamin C RUTABAGAS Manganese Potassium heart rhythm Important for endogenous antioxidant synthesis Needed for formation for healthy cartilage and bone Plays a role in wound healing Needed for nerve impulse transmission, muscle contraction and heart function Needed for carbohydrate metabolism Needed for blood clotting Bone mineralization Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Important for endogenous antioxidant synthesis Needed for formation for healthy cartilage and bone Plays a role in wound healing Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Important for endogenous antioxidant synthesis Needed for formation for healthy cartilage and bone Plays a role in wound healing Needed for nerve impulse transmission, Vitamin A SALAD MIXES Vitamin C Vitamin K Folate SHALLOT Allyl-sulphides SHISHITO PEPPER Vitamin C Vitamin A Vitamin K Vitamin C SPINACH Iron muscle contraction and heart function Needed for carbohydrate metabolism Important for health of eyes and skin Protects against infection Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Needed for blood clotting Bone mineralization Prevents neural tube defects Cardiovascular benefits Benefits the immune system Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Important for health of eyes and skin Protects against infection Needed for blood clotting Bone mineralization Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Essential for oxygen transport and storage in the body Critical for energy production Plays a role in neutralizing free radicals Required for growth, reproduction, healing Calcium Vitamin C SPROUTS & MICROGREENS Vitamin K Folate Vitamin C STRAWBERRIES Manganese Vitamin C SUMMER SQUASH Vitamin B6 SWEET POTATO Vitamin A and immune function. Important for healthy teeth and bones Needed for proper muscle and nerve function Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Needed for blood clotting Bone mineralization Prevents neural tube defects Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Important for endogenous antioxidant synthesis Needed for formation for healthy cartilage and bone Plays a role in wound healing Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Important in energy production Needed to make serotonin Needed to make hemoglobin May protect against breast and prostate cancer Needed for immune system function Important for health of eyes and skin Protects against Vitamin C Vitamin B6 Manganese Potassium TURNIPS Vitamin C Vitamin A TURNIP GREENS Vitamin K Vitamin C infection Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Important in energy production Needed to make serotonin Needed to make hemoglobin May protect against breast and prostate cancer Needed for immune system function Important for endogenous antioxidant synthesis Needed for formation for healthy cartilage and bone Plays a role in wound healing Needed for nerve impulse transmission, muscle contraction and heart function Needed for carbohydrate metabolism Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Important for health of eyes and skin Protects against infection Needed for blood clotting Bone mineralization Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth Vitamin E Iron Calcium Manganese Vitamin C WATERMELON Vitamin A Lycopene WHOLE WHEAT Protein healthy Antioxidant qualities important in disease prevention Essential for oxygen transport and storage in the body Critical for energy production Plays a role in neutralizing free radicals Required for growth, reproduction, healing and immune function. Important for healthy teeth and bones Needed for proper muscle and nerve function Important for endogenous antioxidant synthesis Needed for formation for healthy cartilage and bone Plays a role in wound healing Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Important for health of eyes and skin Protects against infection Protects against prostate cancer Needed for: Muscle building and function Nutrient transport and storage Component of skin and bone Immune function Manganese Selenium Thiamin (B1) Niacin (B3) Vitamin A Vitamin C WINTER SQUASH Vitamin B6 Manganese Important for endogenous antioxidant synthesis Needed for formation for healthy cartilage and bone Plays a role in wound healing Antioxidant qualities Plays a role in thyroid hormone regulation Important to prevent prostate cancer Essential in the body’s processes that extract energy from food Needed for proper nerve, heart, muscle and brain function Needed to produce energy Possible role in cancer prevention Important for health of eyes and skin Protects against infection Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Important in energy production Needed to make serotonin Needed to make hemoglobin May protect against breast and prostate cancer Needed for immune system function Important for endogenous antioxidant synthesis Vitamin C ZUCCHINI Vitamin B6 Riboflavin (B2) Needed for formation for healthy cartilage and bone Plays a role in wound healing Helps with wound healing Keeps gums and teeth healthy Important in energy production Needed to make serotonin Needed to make hemoglobin May protect against breast and prostate cancer Needed for immune system function Necessary to produce energy Antioxidant functions ANIMAL PRODUCTS Protein (Tryptophan) Choline EGGS (Nutrients depend on chicken feed) *Vitamin D higher in pastured chickens Vitamin A Vitamin D Raises Serotonin levels (regulating appetite, sleep patterns and mood) Prevents niacin deficiency May play a role in preventing neural tube defects (more research needed) Needed to form healthy cell membranes Part of cell-signaling molecules Needed for proper fat metabolism Necessary for healthy vision Plays a large role in gene expression resulting in cellular differentiation Very important for immune function, especially maintaining skin and mucous cell integrity Functions in growth and development Red blood cell production and iron mobilization Needed to use calcium (absorbtion, mobilization) Plays a role in cell differentiation Used by most cells of the immune system— may enhance immunity and inhibit autoimmunity Has a role in insulin secretion Riboflavin Selenium Protein (tryptophan) GOAT YOGURT & CHEESES Calcium CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) May be important in decreasing high blood pressure risk Necessary to produce energy Antioxidant functions Antioxidant qualities Plays a role in thyroid hormone regulation Important to prevent prostate cancer Provides complete, high-quality protein Raises Serotonin levels (regulating appetite, sleep patterns and mood) Prevents niacin deficiency Important for healthy teeth and bones Needed for proper muscle and nerve function Possibly effective in cancer prevention May help decrease body fat (not body weight) MEATS Protein Fat ALL NATURAL BUFFALO/BISON Iron Zinc Selenium Vitamin B12 Provides complete, high-quality protein Needed for: Muscle building and function Nutrient transport and storage Component of skin and bone Immune function Low in total fat Lower in saturated fat Higher in mono and poly unsaturated fats High in stearic acid, which may benefit heart health Essential for oxygen transport and storage in the body Critical for energy production Plays a role in neutralizing free radicals Required for growth, reproduction, healing and immune function. Plays a role in Wound healing Growth and maintenance Protein synthesis Nervous system, digestive system, and reproductive system Important antioxidant roles Antioxidant qualities Plays a role in thyroid hormone regulation Important to prevent prostate cancer Functions in Protein Niacin CHICKEN Selenium Vitamin B6 GOAT MEAT Protein Red blood cell maturation Tissue growth and development Nervous and cardiovascular health Provides complete, high-quality protein Needed for: Muscle building and function Nutrient transport and storage Component of skin and bone Immune function Needed to produce energy Possible role in cancer prevention Antioxidant qualities Plays a role in thyroid hormone regulation Important to prevent prostate cancer Important in energy production Needed to make serotonin Needed to make hemoglobin May protect against breast and prostate cancer Needed for immune system function Provides complete, high-quality protein Needed for: Muscle building and function Nutrient transport and storage Component of skin and bone Fat Iron Zinc Copper Vitamin B12 GRASSFED BEEF & BISON Protein Immune function Lower in total fat Lower in saturated fat Higher in mono and poly unsaturated fats Essential for oxygen transport and storage in the body Critical for energy production Plays a role in neutralizing free radicals Required for growth, reproduction, healing and immune function. Plays a role in Wound healing Growth and maintenance Protein synthesis Nervous system, digestive system, and reproductive system Important antioxidant roles Needed for energy production, healthy connective tissue (skin, heart, blood vessels, bone), normal brain function, myelin formation, melanin formation Important antioxidant roles Functions in Red blood cell maturation Tissue growth and development Nervous and cardiovascular health Provides complete, high-quality protein Needed for: Fat Omega-3 Fatty Acids (Levels higher in grassfed livestock) CLA (Levels higher in grassfed livestock) Vitamin E (Levels higher in grassfed livestock) Vitamin B12 Zinc Muscle building and function Nutrient transport and storage Component of skin and bone Immune function Lower in total fat Lower in saturated fat May reduce heart disease risk and reduced heart attack risk Required for development and function of the retina (DHA) Important for central nervous system function (DHA) Needed to produce eicosanoids, critical to immune and inflammatory response Possibly effective in cancer prevention May help decrease body fat (not body weight) Antioxidant qualities important in disease prevention Functions in Red blood cell maturation Tissue growth and development Nervous and cardiovascular health Plays a role in Wound healing Growth and maintenance Protein synthesis Nervous system, digestive system, and Selenium Protein Vitamin B12 Zinc ORGANIC LAMB AND BEEF Selenium Niacin Iron reproductive system Important antioxidant roles Antioxidant qualities Plays a role in thyroid hormone regulation Important to prevent prostate cancer Provides complete, high-quality protein Functions in Red blood cell maturation Tissue growth and development Nervous and cardiovascular health Plays a role in: Wound healing Growth and maintenance Protein synthesis Nervous system, digestive system, and reproductive system Important antioxidant roles Antioxidant qualities Plays a role in thyroid hormone regulation Important to prevent prostate cancer Needed to produce energy Possible role in cancer prevention Essential for oxygen transport and storage in the body Critical for energy production Plays a role in neutralizing free radicals Required for growth, reproduction, healing and immune function. PORK Protein Fat YAK Omega-3 Fatty Acids (Levels higher in grassfed livestock) CLA (Levels higher in grassfed livestock) Provides complete, high-quality protein Needed for: Muscle building and function Nutrient transport and storage Component of skin and bone Immune function Very low in total fat Lower in saturated fat Higher in mono and poly unsaturated fats High in stearic acid, which may benefit heart health May reduce heart disease risk and reduced heart attack risk Required for development and function of the retina (DHA) Important for central nervous system function (DHA) Needed to produce eicosanoids, critical to immune and inflammatory response Possibly effective in cancer prevention May help decrease body fat (not body weight)