ELL4_2014-15_Syllabu.. - Dominican International School

Grade 4 ELL
GRADE LEVEL: 4th Grade
TEACHERS: Mr. Mauborgne and Ms. Mafalda
SY: 2014-2015
By the end of the school year ELL students are expected to have developed their general literacy to be able to
enter the mainstream classes the following year.
The general needs of the ELL students are for a wider vocabulary and being able to express their thoughts
clearly and fluently in writing, and confidently in speaking.
Scaffolding will be given for Social Studies and Science, reviewing and previewing these subjects. Also, the
Writing program will not only cover a wide range of writing styles but also be based on aforesaid subjects.
The Reading Program aims to allow students to read extensively at their level of challenge, using the library
resources. Students will read at home and write book reports for each book they finish. Parents ideally will
listen to their children read and help level check. Volunteers from outside the school should also help by
coming in to develop reading fluency by listening to students read and discussing books with them.
Finally, Wordly Wise is being introduced to help students develop vocabulary range for academic subjects
and to help synthesize information when reading.
Grammar focus will be remedial, and built in to the Writing program.
It is expected that the ELL student will work harder than the mainstream student to be able to catch up to the
required level in following CCSS assessment standards.
The lessons will involve structured activities; new grammar and vocabulary will be presented by the teacher
and the students will practice written exercises. We will also engage in more creative, student-centred
activities, such as classroom discussions, responding to literature and journal writing. Students will be
encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning and find answers for themselves rather than relying
on the teacher for all lesson input.
1. Reading:
- students will read stories, poems, plays and non-fiction texts
- they will analyze and interpret what they have read
2. Grammar:
3. Writing:
4. Aural:
- they will discuss the reading matter in class
- they will record and learn new vocabulary
- students will analyze and edit their work, reviewing why common slips are made
- students will practice different types of writing (personal narratives, biographies, short
stories, responses to literature and essays)
- they will following a writing process
- students will respond to reading texts
- they will recite poems, read aloud and present some of their written works to their
- they will give class presentations
- they will listen to instructions and listen to peer presentations
Grades will be computed following the school wide policy of 1/3 Homework, Seatwork and Projects, 1/3
Tests and Quizzes, and 1/3 Quarter Exam. There will be opportunities for students to show their learning
through individual and group writing and other activities. The following assessment tools will be used to
evaluate performance:
 Various writing rubrics
 Presentation/oral rubric
 Quizzes and Quarter Tests/Exams
 Peer evaluation
 Portfolio
Library novels - individually chosen
 Dictionary and thesaurus
 Notebook
 A4 writing paper
 Folder (with plastic pockets) for handouts and written work
 Writing materials
 Participate.
 Be respectful.
 Be positive and do your best.
 Graduate
 All assignments must be turned in on the day they are due.
 If work is late (unless there is a valid excuse) 10% will be deducted from total score. After three days the
work can only receive a maximum of 60%.
 If a student has been absent, it is his/her duty to find out what work is due, and hand it in a day later.
All students are expected to follow the rules. Consequences will follow if rules are broken.
 Read and follow the standard school rules.
Be on time and neatly dressed, in full school uniform.
Respect your teachers, fellow students and their property.
Keep your seating space and classroom clean and neat.
Only a water bottle is allowed in class; no eating or drinking of other liquids.
Ask permission to leave the class.
Neither cheating nor plagiarism in any form will be accepted. Anyone caught doing either during an
assessment will be given a zero.
Plagiarism is a serious offense and a form of theft. In certain cases, it is also a criminal offense. It is defined as
taking words, phrasing, sentence structure, or any other element of the expression of another person’s ideas,
and using them as if they were your own. Plagiarism is a violation of another person’s rights, whether the
material stolen is great or small – it is not a matter of degree or intent. Plagiarism has serious consequences.
Any act of plagiarism will result in an automatic zero on the entire assignment.
 Verbal warning, second reminder (if needed)
 Write-Up and then referral to the Discipline Office.
 Parent-Teacher conference.
Improve students’ vocabulary and ability word-awareness, with a focus on Social Studies and Science
Improve students’ reading comprehension in a variety of writing forms, fiction, non-fiction and poetry
Develop students’ writing skills in various forms, such as essays, short stories, responses to literature
and poems
Improve students’ oral language competence, including reading aloud, participating in discussions and
giving presentations
Improve students’ knowledge and awareness of student grammar, including sentence structure, verb
tenses, nouns, modifiers, punctuation and prepositional phrases
(NB: Depending on time and interest, the teacher may delete and/or add other selections.)
Aug. 11th - 15th
No classes Monday
Mass Friday
Combined classes – Mainstream and EAP
Woodcock Muñoz test
Cornerstones Diagnostic Pretest
Mainstream materials with Ms. Petro
Observations and Assessment of the four main skills
Aug. 18th - 22nd
Combined classes – Mainstream and EAP
Mainstream materials with Ms. Petro
Observations and Assessment of the four main skills
Cornerstones Course Introduction
Student Interest Inventory
Aug. 25th - 29th
Lesson 1: - Unit Opener. Introduction to theme. Use of pictures and online
video. Class discussions. Use of student Book pp. 2-3 as further prompts.
HW: Take home Letter to Parents, have them sign it.
Independent Class: SRA reading program. Or silent reading of chosen novel.
Noting new vocabulary, using a dictionary for five new words they want to
Lesson 2: - What do you know about animals? Student Book pp. 4-5.
Vocabulary work, using illustrations. Sentence stem activity on p. 4. Writing –
sharing answers in pairs. Pair discussion, connecting to the topic. HW: Answer
questions about self in full sentences.
Independent Class: Start on HW: Answer What About You Qs in notebook
(10 minutes). Silent reading. Group/individual. Logging new words.
Lesson 3: - Kids’ stories from around the world. SB pp. 6-7. Read stories and
listen to the audio. Summarizing in pairs. Map work, use of a globe – discuss.
Discuss experiences with a favorite kind of animal in pairs. T6 Activity,
Fluency work.
Independent Class: Start on HW: Write about an experience they have had
with animals (10 mins). Silent reading of chosen novel (30 mins). Start a book
report if finished.
Lesson 4: - Reading 1. SB pp. 8 – 9. Opening discussion. Focus on key words.
Using Context activity. Matching sentences and photos. Starting a threecolumn vocabulary section. Read the text, discussing Q’s in pairs. Use of key
words. Fluency activity. Set up HW: WB p. 3.
Independent Class: WB p. 3. HW: Start on key words activity on WB p. 3 (10
mins). Silent reading of chosen novel (15 mins). Book report if finished.
Lesson 5: - Academic Words and Phonics SB pp. 10 - 11.. Discuss new words
in context, use audio. Practice activity in notebooks. Apply new words in set
questions, pairs. Phonics work, listen to audio to find patterns. Discuss the
rule, find new examples. Practice section in pairs. Set HW.
Independent Class: Start on HW: Academic Words and Phonics, WB p. 4 - 5.
Silent reading of chosen novel, and noting new vocabulary.
Sept. 1st - 5th
Lesson 6: - Reading 1. SB pp. 12-19. Discussion on the EQ – how it is
important to care for the young. Listening to audio, asking questions,
discussing meaning of text and relating to EQ. Focus on events and characters,
use of summary on p. 12. Explain the informational text genre. Reading aloud,
in pairs, taking turns. Answer Q’s as they go. New words practice, making
example sentences. Set HW
Independent Class: Start on HW: Comprehension exercise, WB, p. 6. Reading
Program, independent work.
Lesson 7: - Reading 1. SB pp. 12 - 21. Re-read text, using audio. Answer focus
Qs in pairs. Use of TRB, p. 164. Analyze the text. WB, p. 7. Set up HW.
Independent Class: Start on HW: Reading Companion WB p. 8. Fluency
activities TRB 164. Reading Program, independent work.
Lesson 8: - Learning Strategies SB pp. 22-23. Focus on EQ. Listing characters
and related events. Further practice activity. Use the KWL Chart on TRB, p.
145. Retell the story in pairs, using the illustrations. Create a skit in groups.
Start on WB p. 9. Set up HW.
Independent Class: Start on HW: Complete WB p. 9. Reading Program,
independent work.
Lesson 9: - Grammar rules: SB pp. 24-25. Using the simple present tense, use
of chart to introduce each. Making further examples in statement or question
form. Practicing individually, peer review of answers. Discussion of the
weekend ahead, in pairs. Set up HW.
Independent Class: Start on HW: Grammar and spelling WB pp. 10-11.
Reading Program, independent work.
Lesson 10: - Writing. SB pp. 26-27. Describing an animal. Use of prompt and
graphic organizer. Use of a fictional event. Planning writing, giving more
specific details, use of Word Web. Model making ideas into a paragraph.
Writing. Use of Writing Checklist on p. 27 to review. Peer review, use of p. 402.
Set up HW.
Independent Class: Start on HW: Make a final copy of the paragraph. Do WB
p. 12.
Sept. 9th - 12th
Moon Fest Monday
Monday no class
Lesson 11: - Reading 2 Key Words. SB pp. 28-29. Reading 2. Class discussion
of topic. Focus on key words, use of audio. Using context to define words.
Match words to visual clues. Make f/cs as a class, memory games. Read text
aloud in pairs, answering Qs. Use of key words. Fluency Activity T28. Set up
Independent Class: Start on HW: Key words practice WB p. 13. Reading
Program, independent work.
Lesson 12: - Academic Words SB pp. 30-31. Academic Words and Word
Study. Audio and Practice Activity in notebooks. Discussion of set Qs, using
key words in answers. New multiple meaning words.
Independent Class: Start on HW: Vocabulary work WB p. 14-15. Reading
Program, independent work.
Lesson 13: - Reading 2. SB pp. 32-37. Discussion of EQ. Listen to new story,
discuss plot and theme. Differentiate between fictional and real stories. Review
the Essential Question. P. 28 Plot bullets activity. Explain ‘fables’. Go through
key words. Fluency Activity T36.
Independent Class: Start on HW: Comprehension WB p. 16. Reading
Program, independent work.
Lesson 14: - Reading 2. SB pp. 32-37. Reread story and listen to audio. Reading
Strategy, how to identify fantasy, and real elements in a text. Answer Qs on p.
33. Using illustrations to support analysis. WB p. 17. TRB 164, activity 8.
Independent Class: Start on HW: Reading Companion WB p. 18. Reading
Program, independent work.
Sept. 15th - 19th
Fire Drill Tuesday
Lesson 15: - Learning Strategies SB pp. 38-39. Discuss the EQ. Picking out
major events and details. Fill in T-Chart TRB149. In pairs, retell story, using
key words and vocabulary.
Independent Class: Start on HW: WB p. 19. Extra: Reading Program,
independent work.
Lesson 16: - Grammar SB pp. 40-41. The simple past of ‘to be’. Give examples,
explain what it is and how it is formed. Use the chart. Individual practice, peer
evaluation. In groups. Apply through answering questions in. Pair work,
make conversations using the target language. Test in Assessment book.
Independent Class: Start on HW: Grammar and Spelling WB pp. 20-21.
Reading Program, independent work.
Lesson 17: - Writing. SB pp. 42-43. Describing what you were like before, use
of SB, using a Word Web to help prewrite. Write a draft, using details to write
a paragraph, do a class model. Independent writing, one paragraph. Use of
Writing Checklist to edit. Then Peer Review on p. 402.
Independent Class: Start on HW: Write a final copy. WB p. 22. Share in class.
Reading Program, independent work.
Lesson 18: - Reading 3. Key Words. SB pp. 44-45. Class discussion on topics.
Focus on Key Words, use of audio. Use context to define new words. Note
down words, play memory game in pairs. Read the text, discuss Qs using key
words. Fluency Activity T44.
Independent Class: Start on HW: Key Words practice WB p. 23. Reading
Program, independent work.
Lesson 19: - Academic Words and Phonics. SB pp. 46-47. Discuss definitions,
use of audio. Practice activity, in notebooks. Freer usage in discussion. Phonics
lesson; long vowel sounds using CVCe pattern. Locate sounds. Practice in
Independent Class: Start on HW: Academic Words and Phonics WB pp. 24-25.
Reading Program, independent work.
Sept. 22nd - 26th
Maths Day Friday
Lesson 20: - Reading 3. SB pp. 48-51. Discuss EQ. Listen to story (no reading),
stopping to discuss. Discuss previewing strategy, make predictions. Read
aloud, referring to illustrations. Vocabulary work, using synonyms in
sentences. Focus Qs in pairs
Independent Class: Start on HW: Reading Program, independent work.
Lesson 21: - Reading 3. SB pp. 48-51. Rereading in silence. Do Reader’s
Companion WB pp. 26-27. Review predictions made and discuss how they
helped. Answer focus Qs. Analyze story, class discussion. T164, Fluency
Activity 11.
Independent Class: Start on HW: Reader’s Companion WB p. 28. Do research
on their tall tale character. Reading Program, independent work.
Lesson 22: - Learning Strategies. SB pp. 52-53. Discuss new EQ. Review how
previewing helps, Practice activity. Use a Details Chart, independently then
share. Retell the story, using key words. Create a dramatization about helping
each other. Fluency activity T50. TRB p. 164.
Independent Class: Start on HW: Learning Strategies WB p. 29. Reading
Program, independent work.
Lesson 23: - Grammar. SB pp. 54-55. Simple Past. Use of chart, discussion of
rules. Making examples in different forms. Individual practice, check answers
in groups. Pair-work, making statements.
Independent Class: Start on HW: Grammar and |Spelling WB p. 30-31.
Reading 3 Test.
Friday no class
Sept. 29th - 3rd
Lesson 24: Writing. SB pp. 56-57. Describe a place. Brainstorm. Crosscurricular work. Research and use Word Web. Adding sensory details. Use of
Checklist on p. 55 to improve the paragraph. Peer review on p. 402.
Independent Class: Start on HW: Write a final copy of the description. Do WB
p. 32.
Lesson 25: Apply and Extend/Project SB pp. 58-59. Review, WB pp. 33-34.
Telling differences between genres, informational and literature,
characteristics of each. Choose a creative project. Being creative,
personalizing. Start on Project.
Independent Class: Start on HW: Finish Project
Lesson 26: - Listening and Speaking Workshop SB pp. 60-62. Choose an
animal to present. Using descriptive words, write and practice presenting with
a partner have classmates guess what they are describing. Describe an event.
Independent Class: Start on HW: Complete draft of their event description.
Lesson 27: - Writing workshop SB pp. 62-64. Present the event description.
Self-evaluate, write reflections with a partner. Use checklist to improve
writing, independent then peer evaluation. Feedback given. Do WB pp. 35-36.
Independent Class: Start on HW: Make a final copy of essay. Reading
Program, independent work.
Lesson 28: - Fluency and Writing Workshop SB p. 64-65. Display final copies.
Share Unit Project with class. Fluency, listening to audio, practicing sentences.
Practice reading, timed by a partner, circling trouble words. Practice to
improve reading speed. Review for Quarter Exam.
Independent Class: Start on HW: Review for Quarter Exam.
Oct. 6th - 7th
No Classes
10/10 Hol. Friday
Lesson 29: - Review for Quarter Exam.SB pp. 2-65.
Independent Class: Start on HW: Review for Quarter Exam.
Lesson 30: - Quarter Exam.
(NB: Depending on time and interest, the teacher may delete and/or add other selections.)
Oct. 13th - 17th
Monday 10.13 EQ: How do people protect themselves from powerful forces
of nature?
Tom : Quarter 1 LA Exam review
Mafalda (combined class): Self-check reading exam, in groups. Punctuation,
comprehension/context clues/connecting, sentence building. HW: finish
checking (gradebook).
Tom: Unit 2 introduction. EQ; How do people protect themselves from the
forces of nature? How can past events teach us how to protect ourselves?.
Pages 68 – 69 Show a video from natural geographic (youtube). Discuss. Plan
writing. HW: finish paragraph on a stormy day.
Mafalda (double/combined): Building learning strategies. Using context. G5:
Pp. 72-73/G4:pp. 74-75. Key Words. Visual literacy/describing. Using a
dictionary to check. Fluency activity 3: reading out a script on a science theme,
put on screen. Read through WB p. 41 HW: finish WB p. 41. Due 10. 16
Tom: Pp. 70-71. Building unit vocabulary. Practicing new words. Writing:
What kind of weather do you like? Why? Looking at current events,
researching the internet, preparing a report.
Mafalda (combined G4/G5): Academic Words. Using context. G5 -P. 74/G4 p.
76, highlighting words, Practice and Apply; answer questions in notebooks,
make own Qs. Read through WB p. 42 and start HW: finish p. 42 and do homeschool connection; make new sentences. Due 10. 17
Tom: Pp. 72-73. Building unit background. Kid’s stories from around the
world. Map skills. Reading aloud, in two groups. Reading comprehension Q’s.
oral Q’s, written answers. Thesaurus work. New words. Continue on reports
on a weather event started yesterday.
Mafalda(combined G4/G5): G5 Phonics – ea vowel pair, p. 75. Long and short
sounds. G4 –ed end sounds; additional sound, p. 77. Game, making
flashcards, putting in right category. Timed. Read through WB p. 43 and start
HW: finish p. 43 and do home-school connection; make new sentences. Due 10.
Tom: Finish and edit writing. Present reports. (add to portfolio) Pp. 72-73.
Extension: emergency preventions when a typhoon is coming in Taipei. Act
out different roles, closing the riversides, sending out warnings, news anchors,
street cleaners.
Oct. 20th - 24th
Science/Faith Weds,
Thurs. & Friday
Reading 1
Monday 10.20 EQ: How can past events teach us how to protect ourselves?
Tom: Reading Strategy: predicting. Pp. 78 to 81. Listen to audio. Stopping and
answering questions on genre and vocabulary. Students describe setting and
major events. Link to japan eruption and Yang Min Shan
Mafalda (combined class): Making Connections and predicting. Predict using
title and picture only. Write down predictions. Check after reading. New
Story. Connect own life experiences, in groups.
Tom: Read the story, pp. 78 to 81. Sequence of events. Individual and group
reading with expression (face and voice). Building vocabulary. New words
Mafalda (double/combined): Sequence of Events. Look at the G4 SB for focus
(G4 students will practice this skill with Mr. Mauborgne). New story, same
story for both from ReadWorks.com. printed out. TRB, p. 144 graphic
organizer. Extension: in mixed groups G5/G4 plan in 4/5 pictures to retell the
story using drawings on which they describe the event. Present at front to
other group. No HW.
Tom: Read the story, pp. 82-83 Vesuvius and Pompei. What we learnt from the
past, discussion. How are we prepared for emergencies now? Discuss pictures.
Write a descriptive paragraph on setting and action on a photo of choice.
Mafalda: G4/5 - WB. p. 44; reading comprehension. Extra questions for
advanced students.
Tom: Learning strategies – sequencing, p. 84-5.
Mafalda: G4/5 - WB. p. 45 - 46; using strategies. Practice retelling a short
animation. Circle game – telling story in turns.
Tom: Sequencing game. Re-organize cut up events. Do WB p. 47 in pairs. HW:
What Jose did next WB p. 47
Oct. 27th – 31st
Masquerade Friday
Reading 1
Monday 10.27
Tom : Share HW sentences, WB p. 47. Grammar, irregular verbs past tense.
Introduce rules, practice. Use book to practice.
Mafalda (combined class): G4/5 - WB. p. 47; making connections. Practice
reading aloud.
Tom: Writing an exposition using cause and effects of an event. Showing a
model. Brainstorming. Use of a short informational clip. Planning. Pair work –
writing on an event.
Mafalda (double/combined): Intro: G4s quiz G5s.. Give rules. G5s explain to
G4 how to use quotations. G4s correct wrong usage of grammar on board.
Grammar consolidation, p. 48 (G4/5). Start on ‘homeschool connection’. G5:
Individual writing, first draft. 100-150 words. Peer checking. G4: continue
writing on an event
Tom: Editing and revising, writing a final draft. Use of irregular verbs correct.
Mafalda: G5: Present dialogues to other class. G4: Present description of event
(cause and effect). (graded)
Tom: Phonics review ea, ui, ai, ee; long vowel pairs. Grammar review game.
Story review game. Look at WB p. 49 and 50 and set for HW.
Mafalda: G4/5: End of Reading 1 test (15 minutes). Graded New short story
listening practice. Oral prompts, written response.
Tom: Peer marking of test. Portfolio building, assessing own work, model and
Nov. 3rd - 7th
Reading 2
Monday 11.3
Tom : New words, Using Context, p. 90-91. Making flashcards.
Mafalda (combined class): G4 and G5 set each other a drill game challenge
(full of acting and expression) Finish f/cs. Play a drill game. WB, p. 51,
independent work, reviewing new vocabulary.
Tom: pp. 92-93. Make new f/c’s, play a matching game. Academic Words.
Using context. Compound words
Mafalda (double/combined): Who can teach the grammar rules best challenge.
review new vocab. WB p. 52 and G5 phonics (G4 compound words) p. 53. HW:
p. 53 homeschool connection. Reading comprehension, extra materials.
Tom: Reading 2; Thunder and Lightning. Preview, use of T-chart, fill in two
columns. Pp. 94-5. Audio. Listening practice, closed books. Linking to maths
and science
Mafalda: G5:WB p. 55 and 56, comprehension. Finish for HW. G4: WB p. 54
Tom: pp. 96-7 comprehension on staying safe. Writing a response to Emilio.
Mafalda: G5: Problem and Solution, freer practice, matching game,
consolidation WB p. 57. Story circle game, points for using key words, points
for number of words used, 30 seconds each only. Points counted per group of
three on whiteboard, wheel. HW: homeschool connection
G4: Review vocabulary, using self-made spontaneous creative stories (oral)
themed on staying safe.
Tom: Comprehension WB p. 54 to 56.
Nov. 10th - 14th
Reading 2
Monday 11.10
Tom : Review WB p. 55 and 56. Learning strategy – compare genres, pp. 98-9.
Finish SB exercises in pairs. Retell selection in new pairs.
Mafalda (combined class): Extended practice – completing a problem and
solution chart about a problem at school (G5). Work as a class first, then in
pairs. Class peer feedback. G4: make a Venn diagram in two groups for
earthquakes and thunderstorms, use of poster paper.
Tom: Grammar. Review tenses game. New; imperatives and time-order
transitions. Mini whiteboard check/drill. SB work. Pairwork – giving
Mafalda (double/combined): Grammar. Review tenses game. Completing rules
test. Reading comprehension, extra materials. WB p. 58. HW: homeschool
Tom: Writing; explaining how to do something. Do a class model, review
using checklist as class. Brainstorming own explanation ideas. Do Planning.
HW: finish planning.
Mafalda: Review (peer) HW. Collect for grading. Plural nouns, spelling, WB p.
59. Have G5 and G4 think about how they can present the Word Parts to other
grade. HW: homeschool connection.
Tom: Writing. First draft. Peer review and edit. WB p. 60.
Mafalda: Reading 2 Test. Give test in. Discuss possible answers in groups. Selfcheck using answer key.
Tom: Final draft finished. Portfolio building. Review for test. Latin words in
Monday 11.17
Nov. 17th -21st
Reading 3
Tom : Test Review. Tenses test. Collect for grading.
Mafalda (combined class): Using context. New Words p. 102-3. Guess at
meanings, explain why in pairs. Write definitions or glue in printed
definitions. Make flashcards, on each. Drill games. Gap-fill exercise as plenary,
Tom: Describe a planet’s weather and how the astronauts battle with the
weather. In groups then group writing, one sentence each. Finish one
Mafalda (double/combined): Vocab. Check. Varied gap-fill exercise as
Monday, independent (make WS). WB p. 61. New words on p. 104-5. Stick in
definitions. Do gap-fill, write out in notebooks. G5:Word origins, focus on root
words such as ‘tele’. Do matching. Peer check. G4: phonics digraphs ch, sh, th,
practice. Apply through creative story game using wheel on board and team
timed challenge.
Tom: pp. 108-109. Connecting to the story, word web on own experience of
severe weather. Visualize story using first page. Reading aloud, describing
what read. New vocabulary, noting. Predict rest of story. Write down.
Mafalda: Taiwanese legend about fire. Other resource. Compare and contrast.
Tom: Reading story pp. 110-111. Comprehension check. Venn diagram for
being ready for a typhoon. Quick writing to describe damage caused by a
typhoon. Check predictions.
Mafalda: Comprehension WB p. 64. Extra questions for Will, Ian and Jonathan.
Peer check. Group together Max, Sam, Alfred and Andrew
Tom: Reading end of story pp. 112-3. Fluency practice, reading aloud with
expression. Listening to audio. Listening game. Cause and effect chart in
notebooks. Pp. 114 – 5. Clues to setting. Use of a word web to describe their
own setting. HW: finish cause and effect chart and description word web for a
Nov. 24th -28th
Mass Thursday
YSC Friday
Reading 3
Monday 11.24
Tom : Check HW. WB, p. 65 and 66. Discuss, do individually, quiz score. HW:
WB p. 67
Mafalda (combined class): Grammar, G5 possessives, G4 Adjectives. Present
contents of student book p. 116-7 in groups to rest of class. Practice and apply
in pairs.
Tom: Writing to explain a process, p. 118-9. Class model. Modelling editing,
Use of writing checklist. Brainstorm as a class. Plan own ideas using story
map. HW: finish plan.
Mafalda (double/combined): Grammar. Practice games, G4 and G5 together.
WB p. 68 as test score. Extra: own materials, reading/listening comprehension
Tom: Writing first draft. Self edit. Peer check.
Mafalda: G5 - Differences between contractions and apostrophes. G4 – spelling
‘k’ sound. WB, p. 69. HW: homeschool connection on a topic of teacher’s
Tom: Final draft written up in neat. Portfolio building. HW: review for
Reading 3 Test.
Mafalda: Reading 3 Test. Give test in. Discuss possible answers in groups. Selfcheck using answer key. Extra: stations game.
Tom: Editing exercise WB p. 70, pairs. Portfolio building.
Dec. 1st - 5th
Review Week and
Portfolio Building and
Monday 12.1
Tom: Unit review SB p. 120. WB p. 71. Discuss ideas for a new poster project.
Do a class model on board. Put class into two groups. Discuss.
Mafalda (combined class): G5 -Create a magazine front cover, in pairs. Jessica
work with the teacher. Plan outline in notebooks, then do on clean paper. HW:
collect pictures for mag. G4: Create a poster to warn others of a natural
disaster of their choice. Plan layout, illustrations and information to add in
Tom: Unit review WB p. 72. Listening to three stories.
Mafalda (double/combined): G5 - continue on magazine cover. G4: On a piece
of poster paper, use plan to create poster. Practice presenting sections. G4 and
5 - Listening activity. Use of audio story made of sounds, students need to
create a story to predict (characters, setting, events). Share ideas. Watch
cartoon to see how correct they are.
Tom: Listening and speaking workshop pp. 122-123. Giving a ‘how-to’
Tom: Present ‘how-to’ presentations. Oral fluency practice. SB p. 127. Practice
test WB p. 75
Mafalda: G4 and 5 -Following instructions activity.
Tom: Oral fluency Practice test WB p. 75. Make summary of exam content.
Mafalda: vocabulary crossword - puzzlemaker.com using Unit 2 words(40).
HW: Review Unit 2.
Dec. 8th - 12th
Tom: Review three stories, one story each in pairs, summarize. Grammar, in
pairs summarize rules and quiz other students.
Mafalda: Review games: vocabulary, phonics
Liaise with HR teachers, exam at end of week.
Written Quarter Exam – 1 hour.
Orals exam (Assessment book p. 121)
Dec. 15th -19th
Exams Weds & Thurs
Xmas Party Friday
Second Quarter Exam Week
Monday and Tuesday – Quarter Review/Exam Preparation
Weds and Thurs – Exams, half days
Friday – Mass, Christmas Play and Class Party (half day)
Christmas Holiday (16 days)
Dec. 20 – Jan. 4
(NB: Depending on time and interest, the teacher may delete and/or add other selections/material.)
Jan. 5th - 9th
Weds. Mass
EQ: What do the characters in tales have in common?
Mon: Tom: Unit 3 Preview, p. 130-1. Intro the EQ. Discuss how characters and
tales have things in common. Problem solving skills can be admired.
Discussion on describing a character known and what he did to solve
problems. Discuss any unusual characteristics. Put words on board to sketch
out. Use of a video on a character who solves a problem. New vocab: a tale.
Venn diagram on self and a character. Quick writing; describe a favorite story;
characters, setting and plot. HW: bring in a favorite book. To share later, show
and tell in turns.
Mafalda: Exam Review
Tue: Tom: Building Unit 3 Vocabulary, p. 132. Using realia; cereal boxes,
magazines, newspaper – ss describe what might be found inside and how the
info can be used in own life and if used. Use of visuals and audio, practice and
scaffolded writing. Comparing and contrasting the six genres of writing, use of
posters. Lead in writing on the six new words, matching game.
Mafalda: Comprehension Check pp. 134-5. Reading and answering Qs on
mini auto-biographies of kids from around the world on what types of writing
they like. Reading activity on text, repeating audio, closed books, one scribe to
write one bio on board, checking later. HW: Research information about the
countries; flags, languages, continent, diet etc.
Wed: Mafalda: Key words introduction, p. 136-7. Listen and repeat structured
sentences, using words in context. Make flashcards as practice. Play
memorization games. Listing duties they do and could do. Developing a
survey. HW: Survey their parents on what they should be doing. To practice
for one week and have parents sign a daily record.
Tom: Making connections, p. 133. Using vocabulary related to self. Gap
fill ex. in SB. Listing other things that can be read. Review new words and do
WB: p. 79 on Key Words (quiz).
Th: Mafalda: Present research on countries given.
Tom: HW: book report on own favorite book. Continuing from yesterday,
experimenting in writing in another style/genre.
F: Mafalda: Use of 4 of Aesop’s fables, using short/simplified library books.
Picking tales where the characters solve a problem. Choosing their favorite
according to the best problem solver. In pairs, one story each, presenting to
class the problem and solution.
Tom: Describing a character’s personality (not emotion of physical self),
what they solved. Describing game; Harry Potter, Pinocchio, Luke Skywalker,
Captain America, Steve from Minecraft, Little Red Riding Hood,
Jan. 12th - 16th
Cultural Awareness
Day tbc.
Reading 1
EQ: How are animal characters like people?
Mon: Tom: Academic words, p. 138. Practice using context clues. WB p. 80.
Mafalda: Phonics p.139 – long vowel pairs. Listen, read, practice.
Phonics game as freer practice. WB p. 81.
Tue: Tom: Discuss EQ. Discuss why animals can represent the way people act
or talk. Reading Strategy, Identifying Events in a Plot, p. 140-5. Preview using
visuals. Play audio. Retell events, note down. Discussion of new words in
bold. Explain what a Pour quoi Tale is. Review on Proper nouns.
Mafalda: Reviewing Story pp. 140-2. Look for long vowel pairs, reread story. Comprehension Check – use of a cause and effect chart. Eliciting
onomatopoeia, finding examples and making more.
Wed: Mafalda: Present record of chores. Discuss what they learnt, how they
felt, parents’ reactions. New Academic Words, p. 143, and vocabulary review.
Internet search, use of images of timid, fetch etc. to visualize the actions in the
story to reinforce meanings of new words. Plenary: How did the monkey react
after he heard the rabbit’s cries?
Tom: Sequencing story events, p. 144. Use of a new Sequencing Chart in
notebook, numbering given sentence. Start on Comprehension Check WB p. 82
– 4.
Th: Mafalda: Writing activity, p. 144-5. Think it over section, p. 145: Pair
discussions and writing up answers. Individual writing: writing a caption for
each illustration, using a key word in each. HW: review meanings and spelling
and pronunciations of new academic words for Test 1.19.
Tom: Finish Comprehension Check WB p. 82 – 4. Set up HW, model. HW:
prepare a page to read aloud, peer graded on fluency of expression. Due 1.19
F: Mafalda: Retell the story as a news event. Plan cue cards. Roles; news
anchor, witnesses (animals), reporter. As a class. Film!
Tom: Writing – opinion on if turtle was right or wrong to not listen to
gossip. Debate! Use details from reading to explain opinion.
Jan. 19th - 23rd
Career Day Friday
Reading 1
EQ: How are animal characters like people?
Mon: Tom: Reading out page chosen (HW given, graded). Learning strategies,
Sequencing, p. 146-7. Controlled Practice. WB: p. 85, reading and sequencing.
HW: five sentences about last birthday.
Mafalda: Test on meanings and spellings of all new words. Grammar:
singular and plural nouns, p. 148. (12 rules). Making cards of nouns which
take different plural forms rules, with rule on the back. Match/categorize on
whiteboard activity.
Tue: Tom: Writing – retelling a familiar story. Review on correct usage of
verbs in the past. Create a list of interesting adjectives. Find colorful synonyms
for each one. Thesaurus.com, exploring as a class. Read model on p. 151,
stimulate ideas. Planning work. Brainstorming.
Mafalda: Warmer: review rules and find examples in different books
from the library. Practice and apply p. 149. WB p. 86.
Wed: Mafalda: Review Reading 1. Test preparation. Latin root words?
Tom: Write first draft. Show a variety of sentence lengths. Check on using
adjectives. Peer editing, use of T401 for Proofreading Marks.
Th: Mafalda: Writing a poem, using onomatopoeia. Themed on animal
characters they like. Descriptive poem showing actions and character.
Tom: Finish editing, use T402. Write up final draft on neat paper, illustrate.
F: Mafalda: Practice reciting poem in pairs. Test each other. Perform at the
Tom: Reading Test 1. Peer marking. Portfolio building.
Jan. 26th – 30th
Reading 2
EQ: Why do tales often tell about characters who help each other?
Mon: Tom: The Shoemaker and the Elves, pp. 156 – 7. Reading strategies:
using cause and effect, use of a chart. Genre, a play. Build vocabulary, noting
new words, using context to make definitions, use of a dictionary. Reading
aloud, listening to audio. Focus questions on comprehension. Summarizing
story. HW: finding dictionary definitions and using new words in own
Mafalda: The Shoemaker and the Elves, pp. 158-9. Reading strategies:
using pictures to understand plot, characters and setting. Use of a character
trait web for all four characters, in notebooks. Discuss setting. Reading aloud,
listening to audio. Focus questions on comprehension. Summarizing story.
HW: finding dictionary definitions and using new words in own sentences.
Tue: Tom: The Shoemaker and the Elves, pp. 160 - 1. Reading strategies:
making a sequence of events, predicting next events. Cause and event game,
T160, groups. Finishing cause and effect chart. Reading aloud, listening to
audio. Focus questions on comprehension, discussing visuals. Rules of
contractions. HW: contractions, listing and making sentences.
Mafalda: The Shoemaker and the Elves, pp. 162 - 3. Reading strategies:
making inferences, writing questions on events, exchange. Reading aloud,
listening to audio. Compare and contrasting characters. Finish character webs.
Summarizing story. HW: Write a short summary of the play.
Wed: Mafalda: Key Words, pp. 152-3. Finding the key words in the play,
noting how used in notebooks. Comparing usage in sample sentences. Then
use in own sentences. Practice: making flashcards. Making Connections:
Expressions. HW: WB p. 89.
Tom: Academic Words, pp. 154. Discussing meaning/usage, Practice and
Apply sections. Writing questions with focus words, independently.
Answering in groups.
Th: Mafalda: Phonics, vowel pair ‘ea’, p 155. Practice: categorizing words
(from library books), putting many ‘ea’ words into new sentences. Speed
reading game. WB, p. 91.
Tom: WB –p. 90, consolidating Academic Words. HW: homeschool
connection. Acting out play in groups of four. Present a scene to other group,
peer feedback.
F: Mafalda: Learning Strategy: Infer and Predict, p. 164-5. Practice, using
textbook passage. Answering questions about the play.
Tom: Filming of acting. Focusing on expression.
Feb. 2nd – 6th
Reading 2
EQ: Why do tales often tell about characters who help each other?
Mon: Tom: Present play to another class (best group only?).
Mafalda: WB p. 95, infer and predict. Extra material.
Tue: Tom: Play recap. Listening comprehension exercises, use of audio.
Comprehension, inferring, retelling, personal response: WB p. 92-4. HW: finish
Mafalda: Grammar: Possessives, p. 166-7. Rules, Practice and Apply.
Writing a letter from the shoemakers to the pixies, using possessive pronouns
and nouns.
Wed: Mafalda: WB p. 96 as test. Complete letters and do a peer review, share
with class.
Tom: Doing an interview: planning in pairs what the character will say to
show his/her traits. Write and practice.
Th: Mafalda: Reading 2 review. Story recall, inferring and predicting, key
words, possessives. Review games.
Tom: Finish writing interview and practice performing, using props for
rest of class.
F: Mafalda: Reading 2 Test. Peer marking and portfolio building.
Tom: Vowel pairs, WB p. 97. Reading comprehension; WB p. 98. Portfolio
building. HW: finish portfolio building.
Feb. 9th -13th
EQ: How is John Henry similar to the other characters in the other tall tales?
Mon: Tom: Key Words, pp. 170-1. Using context. Practice: using a three-
CNY Show Friday
Reading 3
column chart, word, definition and illustration. Test each other. Making
Connections: write and illustrate a skill they are good which a machine cannot
do, on poster paper.
Mafalda: Reviewing Key Words. Discussing photos. Write a passage
using key words. Brainstorming, model, plan. Writing independently.
Tue: Tom: Key words review, WB p. 99. Introduce rest of new words, drilling,
to pound, spikes, railroad, contest, cheer, to hiss, to clear dust. Predict what
the story will be about. Make a story map, WS.
Mafalda: Academic Words, p. 172. Defining new words, noting
definitions. Practice and Apply in SB. Play Back to the Board. HW: use new
words in own sentences.
Wed: Mafalda: WB p. 100. New story: John Henry and the Machine, pp. 174-5.
Identifying characters. Listening to audio, reading out loud.
Tom: Synonyms and Antonyms, p. 173. Noting definitions. Practicing in
SB. Challenge to find challenging adjectives in SB. Make synonym cards and
antonym cards. Categorizing, speed game. WB p. 101 to consolidate
Th: Mafalda: John Henry and the Machine, pp. 176-7. Comprehension check.
Main Ideas and Supporting Details chart.
Tom: Creating a story about a character who competes against a machine
(T174). Class brainstorming. Plan in pairs. Pair writing, one sentence at a time.
F: Mafalda: John Henry and the Machine, pp. 176-7. Think it Over section,
class discussions. WB p. 102.
Tom: Positive and Negative effects of modern machines. Brainstorming
only pros, then cons. Class debate in groups on different machines. Devil’s
advocate to judge.
CNY Holiday (10 days)
Feb. 16th - 20th
CNY Holiday
Feb. 23rd – 26th
CNY Monday
Peace Day Friday
Reading 3
EQ: How is John Henry similar to the other characters in the other tall tales?
Mon: Tom: American Tall Tales, pp. 178-9. Reading different Tales. Defining ‘a
Tall Tale’, and new words, lumberjack, legendary, entire, based on, tossed, to
journey. Focus on John Henry traits web. Do one for own self as a superhero.
Finish as HW.
Mafalda: Listen to audio to recall story. WB p. 103-4 to consolidate
understanding; character analysis, retelling and personal response.
Tue: Tom: American Tall Tales, pp. 178-9. Research one of the characters,
create pictures and words, in groups of four, using the internet. HW: ask
parents about Chinese Tall Tales.
Mafalda: Learning strategies; identifying character, p. 180-1. Practice and
Apply exercises in SB. Character Web on John Henry.
Wed: Mafalda: Review character, WB p. 105. Discuss another character who
wins a contest. Begin planning a Storyboard to show the character and plot.
Tom: News Report of a sighting of a Tall Tale hero. Big Fish by the Cohen
Brothers, reporting on what they saw.
Th: Mafalda: Storyboard to show the character and plot. Pencil sketch in
drawings then write explain the action. Finish and colour pictures. HW: finish
Tom: Grammar; Quotation marks, pp. 182-3. Eliciting rules, finding
examples in class library. Noting down rules. Making a poster.
F: Mafalda: Use storyboards to retell stories, predicting based on visuals.
Adding speech to the storyboards, using quote marks. Putting captions on
whiteboard, adding punctuation to quote.
Tom: Grammar; Quotation marks, pp. 182-3. Practice and Apply in SB.
Group game to correct punctuation on whiteboard, scoring/throw.
March 2nd - 6th
Reading 3 and Unit
EQ: How is John Henry similar to the other characters in the other tall tales?
Mon: Tom: Review Quotations, WB p. 106. Writing a Dialogue between Two
Characters, p. 184-5. Reading model, reading out in pairs, acting out.
Brainstorming in groups. Planning in pairs.
Mafalda: Phonics – ch, sh , th. WB p. 107. Eliciting known sounds and
words. Categorizing. Drill games. Writing sentences. Sharing. Consolidation
with WB. Freer practice.
Tue: Tom: Reviewing planning. Looking a new model, WB p. 108. Writing a
first draft. Peer editing.
Mafalda: Unit Review. Grammar (quotations, synonyms and antonyms),
vocab, phonics, reading skills -story analysis.
Wed: Mafalda: Reading 3 Test. Peer mark, discussing reasons for choices.
Sharing as a class, self-check. Discussing mistakes.
Tom: Final draft and illustrating dialogue. Portfolio building.
Th: Mafalda: Unit review, Reading 1. All skills, words, phonics and grammar.
Tom: Unit review, Reading 2. All skills, words, phonics and grammar.
F: Mafalda: Unit review, Reading 3. All skills, words, phonics and grammar.
Tom: Test Practice. WB p. 109-10.
March 9th - 13th
Iowa Tests?
Project/Theme Week
Mon: Tom: WB p. 111-2. Reading comprehension practice. Oral Reading
Fluency SB p. 193.
Mafalda: WB p. 115-6. Reading comprehension practice. Oral Reading
Fluency WB p. 113, self-test in pairs.
Tue: Tom: Iowa Tests
Mafalda: Iowa Tests
Wed: Mafalda: Unit Test (quarter exam)
Tom: Unit Test (quarter exam)
Th: Mafalda: Oral Test – individual. SB p. 193. Watching a movie for the
Tom: Writing a play themed on movie.
F: Mafalda: Writing a play themed on movie.
Tom: Acting out play.
March 16th – 20th
Mon: Tom: Acting out play.
Mafalda: Acting out play. And make props.
Tue: Tom: Performing play
Mafalda: Performing play
Wed: Mafalda: Unit Test Review
Tom: Unit Test Review, writing.
Th: Mafalda: Mid-Term Test
Tom: Mid-Term Test
F: Mafalda: Mid-Term Test review
Tom: Mid-Term Test review, writing.
March 23rd – 27th
Exams Thurs & Friday
Lenten Act. Friday
Third Quarter Exam Week
Easter Holiday (10 days)
March 30 – April 3
Easter Holiday