Cocoli 1 Thomas Cocoli Dr. Kenneth Thompson ENGH 302

Cocoli 1
Thomas Cocoli
Dr. Kenneth Thompson
ENGH 302-SN2
15 August 2015
Final Research Paper: Questions and Annotated Bibliography
1. What does the Internet enable people to do compared to when ENIAC was developed?
2. What are some advantages and disadvantages of the Internet in regards to centralization and
Isaacson, Walter. The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the
Digital Revolution. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2014. Print.
Walter Isaacson is the CEO of the Aspen Institute, chairman of CNN, and managing
editor of Time magazine. Isaacson practiced Journalism and has worked for other magazines
such as The Sunday Time of London and the New Orleans Times-Picayune. Isaacson was
appointed as chairman of BBG (Broadcasting Board of Governors) by President Barack Obama
which operates VOA (Voice of America). This is an interesting story that talks about the
different kind of inventions created that shaped the Information Age. This story also provides a
broad source of information that aids writers in their research.
Wu, Tim. The Master Switch: The Rise and Fall of Information Empire. New York: Alfred A.
Knopf, 2010. Print.
Tim Wu is an author, political activist, and professor at Columbia University School of
Law. Wu practiced law and policy and has written opinion articles on private power, free speech,
copyright, and antitrust. Tim Wu is best known for his work on Net Neutrality and this defined
as the free disclosure of all information regardless of source. Tim Wu's novel The Master Switch
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talks about ideas and concepts such as packet switching, centralization, and decentralization all
relating to the Internet. This novel helps the writer in understanding the Cycle and how
corporations and other companies can control how their products are developed and distributed.
Smith, David. "Centralization: What's the Internet's Role?" InternetWeek.748 (1999):
PG27. ProQuest. Web. 9 July 2015.
David Smith is vice president at Gartner Group a consulting company on internet
strategies and his work focuses on communication devices. This short article talks about
centralization and decentralization very briefly and defines what the Internet was designed to do.
smith believes that a debate has risen on whether the Internet should be centralized or
decentralized. This article was found in the Pro Quest database under the GMU (George Mason
University) Library website. This provides an explanation on the basic ideas of centralization and
decentralization. This articles also helps the writer to start his/her thoughts on an issue raised in
Warner, Richard. "Internet Law." Encyclopedia of International Media and Communications.
Donald Johnston. Oxford: Elsevier Science & Technology, 2003. Credo Reference. Web.
10 July 2015.
Richard Warner is part of the IIT Chicago-Kent faculty and teaches Contracts, Remedies,
Jurisprudence, Internet Law, and E-Commerce Law at the University of Southern California and
University of Pennsylvania. Warner's field of research deals with law relating to the Internet as
well as human rights and personal freedom. The author mostly focuses on business competition
relating to the Internet. This article was found in the Literati research database. This paper
provides a broad description on the regulation of the Internet on both sides either for personal
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freedom or total control. This paper also helps the writer in better understanding the issues on
regulating the Internet.
Young, Ronald. "Communications." Encyclopedia of 20th Century Technology. Eds. Colin
Hempstead and William E. Worthington. London: Routledge, 2005. Credo
Reference. Web. 10 July 2015.
Ronald Young has been teaching computing at the University of Las Vegas for 30 years
and is affiliated with NSCEE (National Supercomputing Center for Energy and the
Environment). Young's research areas are: high-performance, networking, and multiprocessing
all dealing with computing, the Internet, and program development respectively. This article
gives a list of the different inventions invented in the 20th century and some of those inventions
are Television, Radio, Computer, and a few others. This article was found in the Literati research
database. It helps people to understand how inventions related to communications transformed
society. This article also provides examples that the writer can connect with the real world.
"From Sage to the Internet." Computer: A History of the Information Machine. William Aspray
and Martin Campbell-Kelly. New York: Westview Press, 2013. Credo Reference. Web.
10 July 2015.
Dr. William Aspray is a professor of Information Technology at the University of Texas
in Austin and has studied Mathematics and history of science. His research areas are: history,
political, and economical aspects of information technology. Martin Campbell-Kelly is an
emeritus professor of Computer Science at the University of Warwick and his research areas are:
history, economics, policy, and human computer interaction all relating to computing, software
industry, and technology respectively. This article is a timeline giving the progression of ideas
related to the development of the Internet and how it lead to the Personal Computer. It helps to
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understand ideas related to the Internet and how it lead to modern-day computers as seen today.
This article was found in the Literati research database. This article also helps the writer in
writing a history of computing and how the ideas leading to a fully developed computer have
built on one another.
"Computer-assisted Learning and Teaching." Encyclopedia of Computer Science. Eds. Edwin D.
Reilly, Anthony Ralston, and David Hemmendinger. Hoboken: Wiley, 2003. Credo
Reference. Web. 10 July 2015.
The author's name is not shown here but it can be assumed that the author writes articles
on communication and technology. The author's possible research area might be technology and
how it has helped to shape education in all levels. This articles was found in the Literati research
database. This article discusses how computers have aid classroom learning and student
collaboration. This article gives a broad description on student-computer interaction and how it
has helped teachers or professors practice teaching. This article gives the writer some ideas that
the writer can relate to in real life.
Kopstein, Joshua. "The Mission to Decentralize the Internet - The New Yorker." The New
Yorker. Conde Nast, 12 Dec. 2013. Web. 10 July 2015.
Joshua Kopstein is a Journalist who writes articles on cyberculture as well as researching
all aspects of computer life. His research is concerned with Internet law, surveillance, and
government secrecy. This article was found in a magazine titled 'The New Yorker' and talks
about how governments and corporations are controlling the Internet through means of
wiretapping and service term agreements. It helps us to understand what solutions are being
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proposed in order to move from centralization to decentralization. This article helps to
understand what is happening in today's society.
Dwyer, Jim. "Decentralizing the Internet So Big Brother Can’t Find You." The New York Times.
The New York Times, 15 Feb. 2011. Web. 10 July 2015.
Jim Dwyer is a journalist, reporter, and columnist who is affiliated with the New York
Times. His area of research focuses on current events such as Internet privacy. This article was
found under the New York Times and it briefly talks about the concerns with regards to network
control. It helps us to understand briefly the concerns with centralization and what steps are
taken to develop a more decentralized network. The article also helps in understanding how
centralization poses a problem and what steps people are taking to decentralize the network.
Dewey, Caitlin. "36 Ways the Web Has Changed Us." Washington Post. The Washington Post,
12 Mar. 2014. Web. 10 July 2015.
Caitlin Dewey is a reporter with the Washington Post and creator of blog called the
Intersect Blog. Her research is concerned with criticism on current issues such as the Internet.
This article was found on the Washington Post and talks about some of the ways that the Internet
has affected society today. It helps use to understand what the Internet has done for us compared
to a time when there was no technology. This article helps the writer in comparing the Internet to
what society does today.