minutes - VIVA, The Virtual Library of Virginia

VIVA Steering Committee
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Virginia Military Institute
Lexington, Virginia
Attendance: Present: Ralph Alberico, Gene Damon, Dave Hayes, John Jaffe, Mary MayerHennelly, Connie McCarthy, Virginia O’Herron, Kathy Perry, Don Samdahl, Pat Van Zandt, and
John Zenelis. Also Present: Carla Lee (University of Virginia) and Paul Metz (Virginia Tech).
Absent: Eileen Hitchingham, Carol Hunter, and John Ulmschneider.
The March 5, 2009, Steering Committee meeting minutes were reviewed.
ACTION: The March 5, 2009 Steering Committee meeting minutes were approved.
A. CHAIR’S REPORT (Gene Damon)
1. Membership: Gene drew the members’ attention to the list of Steering
Committee members in the packet.
2. Gene reported on the three areas of long-term planning identified during the
retreat. The Committee discussed and approved (with minor changes) the
three charges for the Task Forces on Collection Development Expansion,
Discovery Tools, and Library and Information Technology Interaction. The
timetable will shift for these projects. A status report will be made at the
December 3 Steering Committee meeting and the final report will be made at
the March Steering Committee meeting.
ACTION: Kathy will distribute the 3 task force charges to the library directors
and request nominations for each task force and nominations for leaders.
Gene and Kathy will identify chairs for each of the task forces.
3. Gene reported that the VIVA budget had again been spared during the recent
budget cuts, thanks to the understanding of key players in Richmond that a
cut to VIVA’s budget would have resulted in a “double whammy” to the
member libraries’ budgets. Gene also reported that a proposal for funds to
sustain VIVA during the July 1, 2010, to June 30, 2011, biennium was
endorsed by the State Council of Higher Education at their meeting September
15 and will proceed to the next step. The proposal requests funds to cover
price modest increases for the VIVA collections (due to increased enrollment
and contractual obligations) and to bring the money for reimbursing VIVA
members for expedited delivery of books to other VIVA members back to the
2004-05 levels.
1. Kathy reported on the results of the electronic vote held on May 7, 2009 in
which the Steering Committee did the following:
a. Voted to endorse the ICOLC statement on the OCLC record use policy
b. Approved the following renewals:
i. Annual Reviews
ii. Association of Computing Machinery Journals
iii. BioOne
v. LexisNexis Congressional
vi. ProQuest Dow Jones Factiva
vii. FirstSearch (Lyrasis/OCLC)
viii. MLA (Gale)
ix. Nature
x. (5) OVID Nursing Journals (American J. of Obstetrics and
Gynecology, AORN J, Geriatric Nursing, J of Emergency Nursing,
Nursing Education Perspectives)
xi. OVID - LWW Journals
xii. PAIS and EconLit (ProQuest)
xiii. PsycArticles (EBSCO)
xiv. PsycINFO (EBSCO)
xv. Safari Tech Books (ProQuest)
xvi. Ulrich's (ProQuest/Serials Solutions)
c. Approved the cancellation of the Ovid Journal Heart and Lung as of August
31, 2009.
2. The Steering Committee reviewed the VIVA budget for the 2009-10 year.
ACTION: The Steering Committee approved the VIVA budget for the 2009-10
3. Kathy shared the ILL Document Delivery chart for expedited delivery service
fees for the 2009-10 year and reported that the money has been distributed to
the member schools.
4. Kathy reported that Tansy has done some wonderful work on the VIVA
statistics page. The end of the year statistics are available at the VIVA
statistics webpage <http://library.gmu.edu/vivasafe/index.html> and Tansy
worked with a summer intern to develop a self-serve institutional use data
site, which is also available on the web site <http://library.gmu.edu
/vivasafe/stats.php> Using this website, members are able to pull up their
stats by individual product for all products for specified time period. There is
still some work to be done on this, but Kathy thanked Tansy for leading the
effort, Kartheeka Volluri (GMU ’09)for her development work, and Wally
Grotophorst (AUL for Digital Programs and systems, GMU) for his support of
the project.
Pat reported that the Resources for Users Committee met on August 28, 2009.
She commended the RUC members for their work negotiating with the vendors
and gathering pricing for the renewals this year.
1. Renewals: The Committee recommended renewing the following products:
a. American Chemical Society Journals and Archives
b. American Mathematical Society Journals
c. American Mathematical Society MathSciNet
d. Blackwell Synergy
f. Gale – Literature Resource Center
g. HighWire (5 journals)
h. Oxford Reference Online
i. ProQuest CSA
j. ProQuest Sociological Abstracts
k. Taylor & Francis CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
l. Taylor & Francis EngNetBase
ACTION: The Steering Committee unanimously approved the renewals for the
following products:
a. American Chemical Society Journals and Archives
b. American Mathematical Society Journals
c. American Mathematical Society MathSciNet
d. Blackwell Synergy
f. Gale – Literature Resource Center
g. HighWire (5 journals)
h. Oxford Reference Online
i. ProQuest CSA
j. ProQuest Sociological Abstracts
k. Taylor & Francis CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
l. Taylor & Francis EngNetBase
The Resources for Users Committee evaluated the Institute of Physics cost
sharing model, currently at 15% of the total cost picked up by the
participating schools. Although the original plan was to move the participating
schools to 25% of the total cost in the 2009-10 year, given the difficult budget
situation of the member libraries, RUC recommended that the cost sharing
portion be reduced to 20% for the 2009-10 year. This will maintain the costsharing trajectory. Although the goal is still to have the cost sharing portion
be 50%, RUC will bring a proposal to the table next year for the increase in
2010-11. ACTION: The Steering Committee unanimously approved the
increase in the IOP Journals cost sharing portion to 20% of the total cost for
the 2009-10 year.
a. Pat reported that the Resources for Users Committee recommended the
addition of two ex-officio (non-voting) members to the Resources for Users
Committee. These members will assess the need for training, plan and
convene training events as appropriate, create training modules (e.g.
Webinars), and evaluate the training efforts.
ACTION: The Steering Committee approved the addition of two RUC
members to assist with training. Kathy will send the library directors a
request for nominations.
b. The Committee recommended a training event for VIVA members on
usage statistics for electronic products. Jim Self and Tansy Matthews
would be the featured speakers. The committee hopes this can be held in
the near future at a central location. Funds will support travel to the site
for the VIVA public institutions.
ACTION: The Steering Committee approved the request for training
funds to assist our members in evaluating the usage statistics.
Pat reported that a consortial discount could be available to VIVA members for
participation in CLOCKSS. VIVA is asked to publicize the offer but there is no
requirement to do central invoicing. RUC recommended offering the discount.
ACTION: The Steering Committee approved offering the consortial discount
to our members.
For Information:
a. Pat reported on the RFP for the American Psychological Association
resources current licensed by VIVA. Sharon Gasser is the Chair and there
is a strong committee in place for this work. The first meeting of the RFP
Committee is scheduled to take place on October 9 at JMU.
b. Pat reported that RUC intended to review the overall collections during the
fy10, beginning with an analysis of spending by subject, format and type
of resource.
B. OUTREACH COMMITTEE (Kathy Perry for John Ulmschneider)
1. There is a new roster of Outreach Committee members.
2. The Outreach Committee is working on a strong program for the VIVA Users
Group meeting to be held in conjunction with VLA on October 29 in
Williamsburg. In addition to the VIVA update and chance to meet the vendors
in attendance, Madelyn Wessell, the attorney from UVA, will talk about
licensing issues and Bruce Obenhaus (VT) will report on the work of the STATUSA Task Force. VIVA members are encouraged to attend.
3. The Committee is working on preparing some publicity for the PBS video
project. Tansy Matthews and Jason Sokoloff are taking the lead on the
4. The Committee is working on 3 general publicity items – a revised booklet on
VIVA, a brochure, and a bookmark. The Committee is working to get the
materials prepared by January, 2010. The Committee needs to have pictures
of actual students and faculty.
ACTION: Kathy will ask library directors for photographs of students, faculty,
and facilities.
5. The Committee is working to improve VIVA’s presence in cyberspace. Tansy
has improved the VIVA entry in Wikipedia, has set up a LinkedIn account, and
a Facebook account. The Committee is working to enrich the VIVA website.
ACTION: Kathy will ask library directors for additional articles on special
collections for the VIVA website.
C. RESOURCE SHARING (Ralph Alberico)
The Resource Sharing Committee met on September 11, 2009 in Richmond.
Stuart Fraser attended via conference call. Issues discussed included:
1. Delivery Service Contracts: The committee discussed options for express mail
delivery and reasons some schools appear to be having difficulty meeting the
48 hour turnaround time. This generated concern among the Steering
Committee members. While there is awareness that the current allocations do
not cover the entire costs of expedited delivery, the money is distributed
expressly for that purpose. The committee will explore impediments to use of
express services and will seek to provide advice and information to encourage
compliance with the guideline.
2. The committee will seek to refresh the ILL Subcommittee membership each
August so as to allow the members time to plan the ILL Community Forum in
the following summer. The committee would like to ask for ILL nominations.
ACTION: Kathy will add a call to nominations for the ILL Subcommittee to the
list of nominations going out to the library directors.
3. Tansy will work to update the information about ILL terms in our VIVA
contracts on the website. Laurie Preston will develop a standard contract term
for ILL.
4. The RSC discussed strategic priorities but will do further research before
finalizing strategic priorities involving significant investment of resources.
5. The RSC plans to meet twice each year face-to-face and twice using an ecollaboration tool.
A. The Steering Committee discussed the OCLC Records Use Policy and agreed that
this will bear watching.
B. Announcements:
1. Mary Mayer-Hennelly asked if any other schools were having success acquiring
Kindles for library use.
2. Gene reported that the VCCS and the Library of Virginia are acquiring 200
netLibrary e-book titles to support job seekers coming into the community
college libraries and public libraries across Virginia.
C. The next Steering Committee meeting will be held on Thursday, December 3,
2009, at UVA.