NYSAC overview for founding partners 02 20 14 rev

New York State Action Coalition: An Initiative on the Future of Nursing
Overview for Founding Partner Organizations
The NYS Action Coalition (NYSAC) is seeking Founding Partners to support its efforts to improve the health of
New Yorkers through advancing the nursing profession. In October 2010, New York State was designated as
one of the five initial pilot Action Coalitions to advance the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action, a
collaboration created by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJ) and the AARP Foundation. The Future
of Nursing---NYS Action Coalition (NYSAC) is a nonpartisan entity is part of a broad national effort that is
implementing the recommendations set forth in the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) report: The Future of Nursing:
Leading Change, Advancing Health. These recommendations are:
#1: Remove scope-of-practice barriers so that advanced practice nurses can practice to the full extent
of their education and training. *
#2: Expand opportunities for nurses to lead and manage collaborative efforts with physicians and other
healthcare team members to conduct research and to redesign and improve practice environments and health
#3: Implement transition-to-practice programs (nurse residencies) for nurses that have completed a
degree program or when transitioning into new clinical practice areas.
#4: Increase the proportion of nurses with a baccalaureate degree to 80 percent by 2020 and increase
the diversity of students to create a workforce prepared to meet the demands of diverse populations across the
lifespan. *
#5: Double the number of nurses with a doctorate by 2020 to add to the cadre of nurse faculty and
researchers, with attention to increasing diversity.
#6: Ensure that nurses engage in lifelong learning to gain the competencies needed to provide care for
diverse populations across the lifespan.
7: Prepare and enable nurses to lead change to advance health by assuming leadership positions
across all levels of public, private and governmental programs. *
#8: Build an infrastructure for the collection and analysis of interprofessional health care workforce
Initiative on the Future of Nursing – Campaign for Action
The Campaign for Action, led by RWJF and AARP, endorses Action Coalitions as the primary mechanisms to
actualize the IOM’s goals by:
Demonstrating broad, nonpartisan support for action on the report recommendations;
Encouraging high-level leaders from diverse fields to get involved;
Generating significant media attention to the issue nationally and in key communities across the
country; and
Ensuring involvement on the national, state and local levels.
Purpose and Mission of the New York State Action Coalition (NYSAC)
The NYSAC is a coalition, composed of a diverse array of stakeholders, that has been charged with and
working toward transforming health care in New York State through nursing by implementing the
recommendations of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report, The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing
The vision of the NYAC is that all New Yorkers will have improved experiences of health care, higher levels of
health and lower health care cost.
The mission of the NYSAC is to facilitate and provide leadership for the implementation of the eight
recommendations set forth in the IOM report within New York State
The NYSAC Leadership
Leadership for the NYSAC is provided by a Steering Committee, three Lead Teams focused on the priority
goals (see above), seven Regional Teams two Support Services teams and a Strategic Advisory Committee.
The NYSAC has been based at the Foundation of New York State Nurses and is now becoming a volunteer
organization with its lead administrative support provided by New York University, College of Nursing and
Newark Wayne Community Hospital, Rochester, NY.
Co-leads: The coalition has two nurse co-leads (one upstate and one downstate) and one non-nurse co-lead
from business, government or non-profit sectors. Current co-leads are:
Deborah C. Stamps, EdD, MS, RN, GNP, NE, BC
Vice President, Chief Nursing Officer
Newark Wayne Community Hospital
Affiliate of Rochester General Hospital
Hila Richardson, DrPH, RN, FAAN
Clinical Professor (retired)
New York University, College of Nursing
Robert O’Connell, MSW
Steering Committee: The work of the NYSAC to achieve its goals are planned and coordinated by the NYAC
Steering Committee through collaboration decision-making with the Lead Team, Regional Teams and Strategic
Advisory Committee. The Steering Committee members represent health care organizations, nursing
organizations and academic institutions across the state.
Lead Teams: There is a Lead Team for each priority goal---Advancing Nursing Education, Advancing Nursing
Practice, Advancing Nursing Leadership---and for Tactical Support and Operations for the coordination,
tracking and evaluations of activities.
Strategic Advisory Committee: The Strategic Advisory Committee (SAC) plays an important advisory role in
shaping the implementation plans and provides direct influence to engage stakeholders and policymakers.
The SAC comprised of recognized leaders in an array of arenas such as business, healthcare, academia,
education, and consumer groups.
Regional Teams: There are seven regional teams who coordinate the activities promoting the goals of the
NYSAC in their regions. These regions are: Greater NY, Long Island, Central NY, Northeastern NY, Northern
Metropolitan, NY and Finger Lakes, NY.
What is a NYSAC Founding Partner?
Founding Partners are any organization, business, academic institution, group or individual who wants
to be recognized as part of the strategic alliance focused on achieving the IOM Future of Nursing
recommendations to advance the health of New Yorkers through nursing.
Founding Partners are committed to assisting in the achievement of one or more of the IOM report
recommendations in New York through collaboration with other coalition partners and the NYSAC
leadership groups.
Founding Partners provide feedback about their activities to the NYSAC to strengthen networkbuilding in support of the goals.
Founding Partners can also participate in the Coalition as a Sponsor and/or Funder. Sponsors and Funders
are entities that commit financial support toward the NYSAC. Please indicate on the attached form if your
organization would be willing to be a sponsor and you will be sent more information on how to provide financial
No financial commitment is required to join the NYSAC but Founding Partners must finance own expenses
related to involvement (travel, hotel, fees).
What does NYAC provide to Founding Partners?:
1. Founding Partners will receive recognition as a Founding Partner on all NYSAC publications, websites and
public events.
2. Founding Partners will receive invitations to participate in all regional or statewide NYSAC activities and
receive copies of minutes/proceedings from major meetings.
3. Founding Partners will be given opportunities to network with other Founding Partners across the state.
4. Founding Partners will be provided with all educational materials and resources developed by NYSAC.