HAMILTON VS. KING By: Elizabeth Greene Hamilton vs. King, who will win? Who will win what, you say? Oh well the face of the U.S. ten dollar bill of course! Personally, I’m rooting for Alexander Hamilton. Yes Dr. King has done much for the rights of people but Hamilton was a revolutionary war HERO, literally. And yes Dr. King is considered a hero but did he help free us from Great Britain? NO, Hamilton did, and why should Dr. King get a holiday and the ten dollar bill. I don’t see a holiday for Alexander Hamilton that’s for sure, plus Hamilton doesn’t get much recognition for what he did for us. So I think Alexander Hamilton should stay on the ten dollar bill, I mean shouldn’t he keep the only thing in honor of him that he has??? Whose face do you picture when you think of the ten dollar bill? Alexander Hamilton’s and it should stay that way. Hamilton has done a lot to make what the U.S. is today. Hamilton was a revolutionary war hero, secretary of treasury, lead architect in the U.S. government, and was the first person to open a national bank. Wow he has achieved a lot of stuff; it must be an honor to be on the ten dollar bill. Yet they consider taking him of for the one and only Dr. Martin Luther King, even though on January 15th there are Dr. King posters everywhere and he has his face on the news and Hamilton gets nothing close to that. Now I’ve asked a few people and all of them think Dr. King shouldn’t be on the ten dollar bill or doesn’t exactly deserve it. King has all sorts of things in honor of him; books, holidays, parades, and much more, but to be the face of the ten dollar bill, I think, is not really necessary. Dr. King should just stick to the news. Some people say they shouldn’t change the ten dollar bill but put Dr. King on a like a twenty-five dollar bill or something, but really I don’t even think they should do that, King doesn’t really need to be the face of any dollar bill. Hamilton did a whole bunch to finally have some recognition, to be the face of the U.S. ten dollar bill, but it ruins that if they do yet another thing in honor of Dr. King, and what happens to Hamilton if they do put Dr. King on the ten dollar bill? Probably nothing is left for Hamilton and that shouldn’t happen, Alexander Hamilton deserves the ten dollar bill over Dr. King. In conclusion I think Alexander Hamilton should stay on the ten dollar bill, Hamilton did many things for the U.S. and so did Dr. King, but he actually do enough to deserve being on the ten dollar bill like Hamilton does. Now, just because Hamilton isn’t as famous as Dr. King doesn’t mean he didn’t do just as powerful things as him. Now ask yourself who does deserve to be on the ten dollar bill Dr. King or Alexander Hamilton? Now here’s the answer: Alexander Hamilton, now do you agree?