AR 215-4, Nonappropriated Fund Contracting, 11 March 2005
Draft Date – 28 November 2006
1. Function: The function covered by this checklist is Army Nonappropriated Fund
(NAF) Contracting.
2. Purpose: The purpose of this checklist is to assist users in evaluating the key
management controls listed below –
 Nonappropriated Fund Procurement System (Chapter 1)
 Acquisition Planning and Development (Chapter 2)
 Simplified Acquisitions and Commercial Items (Chapter 3)
 Formal Acquisition Process (Chapter 4)
 Sealed Bidding (Chapter 5)
 Contract Administration (Chapter 6)
 Special Categories of Contracting (Chapter 7)
 Construction Contracting (Chapter 8)
It is not intended to cover all controls. Specifically, it is intended to –
a. Evaluate whether key management controls listed below are in place,
operational, and effective.
b. Identify areas where additions or reductions to existing controls are needed.
c. Select appropriate corrective action when deficiencies occur (i.e., when can
deficiencies be corrected locally or when must they be addressed at higher command),
d. Provide support for the Commander’s annual statement on the adequacy of
internal controls within the organization.
3. Instructions:
a. Answers must be based on the actual testing of key management controls (e.g.,
document analysis, direct observation, sampling, simulation, other). Answers that
indicate deficiencies must be explained and corrective action indicated in supporting
documentation. These management controls must be evaluated at least once every five
years. Army activities must also verify that this evaluation has been performed on DA
Form 11-2-R (Management Control Evaluation Certification Statement).
b. The specific managers responsible for using this checklist (e.g., at applicable
Field Regional Agencies, Installation Organizations, and other organizations that elect to
use AR 215-4, such as Defense Logistic Agency, Post Restaurant Fund, Civilian Welfare
Fund, etc.) will be designated as the cognizant headquarters’ staff functional principal.
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The responsible principal and the mandatory schedule for using the checklist will be
shown in the annually updated Management Control Plan.
c. Checklists are to be used to compare policy statements (referenced by test
questions cited below) with observations made of the administrative practices used by
NAF contracting personnel. All findings shall be documented with consideration given
to the four interrelated purposes stated in paragraph 2, above. Upon initial use of this
checklist, managers may supplement it, taking into consideration any unique
environmental circumstances.
4. Test Questions: The paragraphs and sections referenced below are questions
associated with each chapter in AR 215-4 and correspond to the paragraphs and sections
contained therein, unless otherwise explicitly stated.
Chapter 1, Section I. – Purpose, Principals, and Objectives of the
Nonappropriated Fund Procurement System. The key management controls ensure that
the purpose, principals, and objectives of the NAF Procurement System are understood
and exercised in accordance with policy and governing legislation.
(1) Do contracting officials understand the relevance of Department of the Army
and Department of Defense instructions, directives, and other Army Regulations in
relationship to AR 215-4 as required in paragraph 1-1?
(2) If contracting officials employ acquisition procedures other than those
addressed in AR 215-4, is there supporting evidence the selections are based on prudent
discretion, sound business judgment, and that the contracting official makes
determinations that such procedures do not violate applicable laws, statutes, or
regulations as stated in paragraph 1-1b(9)?
Chapter 1, Section II – Responsibilities within the Nonappropriated Fund
Procurement System. The key management controls ensure that appropriate designees
are responsible for implementing policies and procedures, and for the management and
oversight of Army NAF acquisitions.
(1) Are appropriate management levels designated and correctly implementing
Army NAF acquisition policies and procedures, to include issuing NAF warrants and
ensuring contracting officials receive appropriate training, in accordance with AR 215-4,
paragraphs 1-8 through 1-13?
(2) Are effective contract administration processes being used to ensure
compliance with contract terms and conditions of the contract that safeguarded the
interests of the NAFI while ensuring that contractors received impartial, fair, and
equitable treatment in accordance with paragraph 1-14?
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Chapter 1, Section III – Authorities IMA Regional Directors and Garrison
Commanders within the Nonappropriated Fund Procurement System. The key
management controls ensure that IMA Regional Directors and Garrison Commanders are
acting within their area of authority when approving NAF acquisitions, issuing and
terminating NAF contracting officer warrants, and appointments of various contracting
representative types.
(1) Are NAF contracting officers selected and appointed, and their warrants
issued in accordance with paragraphs 1-16 and 1-17?
(2) Are ACOs, CORs, BPA callers and ordering officers selected and appointed
according to the qualifications, training, and the experience necessary to perform the
functions, and do their written appointment letters clearly define the responsibilities and
limits of authority in accordance with paragraph 1-17?
(3) Are there indications a contracting officer reversed a former contracting
officer’s decision; delegated signature and/or decision-making authority; obligated
appropriated funds; and/or ratified unauthorized commitments without proper approval,
as restricted in paragraph 1-18?
(4) Did proper ratification authorities correctly validate any unauthorized
commitment at the dollar thresholds and according to the processes in paragraph 1-21?
Chapter 1, Section IV – Legal and Administrative Contracting Requirements for the
Nonappropriated Fund Procurement System. The key management controls ensure that
proper provisions and protections are included in proposed or actual contractual actions
to protect the interests of the NAF.
(1) Are contracting officials obtaining legal counsel and reviews for the types of
actions, questions, decisions, proceedings, and solicitations listed in paragraph 1-22?
(2) Are contracts with Government/NAFI employees and military personnel
funded solely with NAFs and issued as nonpersonal services contracts in accordance with
paragraph 1-26?
(3) Are appropriate labor laws (The Davis-Bacon Act; Copeland Act, WalshHealey Public Contracts Act, Equal Employment Opportunity, Service Contract Act,
Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, and other labor laws and regulations
applicable to NAFIs) being applied to solicitations and awards for supplies, services, and
construction in accordance with paragraph 1-27?
(4) When acquiring foreign supplies and services, does the contracting officer
comply with (as applicable) the Buy American Act – Balance of Payment Program, The
DOD International Balance of Payments Program, The Trade Agreements Act of 1979,
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The Caribbean Basin Recovery Act, and/or The Israeli Free Trade Area Implementation
Act, and The North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation, in accordance with
paragraph 1-30?
Chapter 2 – Acquisition Planning and Development for the Nonappropriated Fund
Procurement System. The key management controls ensure that the NAFI obtains the
best value for its supply, service, and construction requirements.
(1) Do contract files contain written acquisition plans for acquisitions over
$100,000 (including option years) in accordance with paragraph 2-1d?
(2) If awards are issued with the statement “subject to availability of funds,” once
funding is certified available, are such awards modified through a supplemental
agreement to incorporate funding in accordance with paragraph 2-1f(2)?
(3) If a contract is written for a period (including options) greater than 5 years, but
not exceeding 10 years, does the contracting officer justify the need in writing, in
accordance with paragraph 2-4a?
(4) Are simplified acquisition processes being applied to the fullest extent when
required supplies or services, including construction, are not complex, do not exceed the
simplified acquisition threshold of $100,000 or meet the definition of commercial items
at $250,000 or less (including options), as stated in paragraph 2-5a(1)?
(5) Are purchases and awards being made only to responsible prospective
contractors that met the criteria stated in paragraph 2-6b?
(6) Are proper contract types, terms and conditions being applied to the 3 types of
indefinite-delivery contracts, as defined and prescribed in paragraphs 2-8f(1) through (3)?
(7) Are requirements exceeding the $5,000 competition threshold accomplished in
accordance with the requirements listed in paragraph 2-12?
(8) When a requirement is determined to be available from a single or sole source,
does the file contain single/sole source justification with applicable supporting data
meeting the criteria set forth in paragraph 2-13; and was the written request statement
approved by the contracting officer, in accordance with paragraph 2-15d?
(9) Are unsolicited proposals promptly forwarded to the contracting office for
coordination, evaluation, and distribution; and do they meet the criteria and processes for
a valid unsolicited proposals set forth in paragraphs 2-16c through 2-16f?
(10) Are required performance and payment bonds for construction contracts
equal to the contract price? If not, has the contracting officer made a written
determination that a lesser amount adequately protects the NAFI, as set forth in paragraph
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(11) If performance and payments bonds for a NAFI requirement are applicable
for a NAFI requirement, has the contractor provided the bonds on Standard Form 25
(Performance Bond) and a Standard Form 25A (Payment Bond); do they name the NAFI
as the insured (and the U.S. Government, if appropriate); and are they supported by
corporate sureties as required in paragraphs 2-19g and 2-19h?
(12) Does the contracting officer evaluate the need for liquidated damages for all
construction requirements over $50,000 and entertainment requirements over $2,500, as
stated in paragraph 2-20a?
(13) Are liquidated damages amounts a reasonable projection of just
compensation, and is the file documented with the rationale for the dollar amount as
stated in paragraph 2-20c?
(14) Does the contracting officer always make proper fair and reasonable price
determinations based on the considerations stated in paragraph 2-21?
(15) Are emergency purchase procedures for after-duty hours in place? If an
emergency purchase took place, was it processed in accordance with paragraph 2-24b?
Chapter 3 – Simplified Acquisitions and Commercial Items for the Nonappropriated
Fund Procurement System. The key management controls ensure that the NAFI uses
simplified acquisition procedures to the maximum extent practicable for all purchases of
supplies and/or services not exceeding the simplified acquisition threshold of $100,000
and for the purchase of items meeting the definition of commercial items up to $250,000,
including options.
(1) Are required sources of supply; existing indefinite delivery contracts; or other
established contracts investigated for use to satisfy NAFI requirements in accordance
with paragraph 3-2a?
(2) Are the Army NAF purchase card and electronic purchasing techniques being
used to the maximum extent practicable for simplified acquisitions, as stated in paragraph
3-2 c?
(3) Does the contracting officer evaluate quotations or offers according to the
evaluation standards and procedures stated in paragraph 3-5?
(4) Does the contracting officer solicit at least three sources to obtain supplies and
services from the source whose offer may be the most advantageous to the NAFI, in
accordance with paragraph 3-6a?
(5) When soliciting quotations or offers, does the contracting officer notify
potential quoters or offerors of the basis for award, in accordance with paragraph 3-6b?
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(6) Is there sufficient and proper documentation in the file to support the
contracting officer’s process and decisions, in accordance with paragraph 3-7c?
(7) Are contractor taxpayer identification numbers reported to the payment office
on a W-9 Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification Form, and not on the award
document, as required in paragraph 3-7c(6)?
(8) Are blanket purchase agreements (BPAs) being established in accordance with
the circumstances, parameters, and sources of supply as listed in paragraph 3-11?
(9) Are a sufficient sampling of BPA files being reviewed, at least annually, by
the contracting officer or a designated representative; and are all BPAs that exceed a total
volume greater than $100,000 reviewed annually, in accordance with paragraph 3-13?
(10) Are purchase cards being used in conjunction with other contracting
instruments only if pre-negotiated or otherwise allowed by the basic contract or
agreement as stated in paragraph 3-16e?
Chapter 4 – Formal Acquisition Process for the NAF Procurement System. The key
management controls ensure that the NAFI obtains best value in negotiated procurements
when using the formal acquisition process.
(1) When the “Tradeoff Process” (tradeoff between price and non-price factors),
is used as the source selection process, does the solicitation state all evaluation factors
(and subfactors) information to include their rating and relative importance, in
accordance with paragraph 4-2a(1)?
(2) When the “Lowest Price, Technically Acceptable Process” (selecting the
technically accepted proposal with the lowest evaluated price) is used as the source
selection process, does the solicitation state that award would be based on the lowest
evaluated price of proposals meeting or exceeding standards for non-cost factors;
tradeoffs would not be permitted; proposals would only be evaluated for technical
acceptability and not ranked; and exchanges may occur in accordance with paragraph 42a(2)?
(3) Did solicitations clearly describe the evaluation criteria by which proposals
would be evaluated and did that criteria meet the requirements stated in paragraph 4-2b?
(4) Do solicitations with option provisions state the basis of evaluation, either
exclusive or inclusive of the option, as stated in paragraph 4-3a(1)?
(5) When exercising an option, does the contracting officer provide the contractor
with a preliminary written notice of not less than 60 days prior to contract expiration? As
a follow-up, does the contracting officer, not less than 30 days prior to contract
expiration, provide the contractor with a definitive position as to whether the option will
or will not be exercised in accordance with paragraph 4-3a(1)?
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(6) Are appropriate inspection, acceptance, and other quality requirements,
including warranty clauses when appropriate, included in solicitations and contracts in
accordance with paragraph 4-3c?
(7) If a decision is made to use the liquidated damage clause, are the applicable
clause and the appropriate liquidated damage rate included in the solicitation in
accordance with paragraph 4-3d(2)?
(8) Are early exchanges with industry prior to receipt of proposals conducted to
improve understanding of NAFI requirements; industry capabilities; and to identify and
resolve concerns regarding acquisition strategy in accordance with paragraph 4-5b
through 4-5c?
(9) Are solicitation and contracts issued using the uniform contract format or, if
an alternate contract format is used, is the rationale for the new format documented in the
file and legal review secured for the new format in accordance with paragraph 4-7.
(10) If a contractor’s forms, standard terms and conditions are incorporated into a
NAFI contract, was legal review of the contract and forms obtained to ensure that the
rights and remedies to the NAFI are maintained in accordance with paragraph 4-7?
(11) Are all amendments acknowledged by the successful offeror prior to contract
award as required in paragraph 4-8f?
(12) Are responses to solicitations marked with date and time received and
safeguarded from unauthorized disclosure of information as required in paragraph 4-10?
(13) When an offeror’s qualifications, capability to perform the work, and/or
understanding of the requirements are primary evaluation factors, does the NAFI consider
conducting oral presentations and, if so, does the Request for Proposal contain the
information regarding presentations as listed in paragraph 4-13a through 4-13d?
(14) If communications with offerors were conducted before the establishment of
the competitive range, were those communications in accordance with the conditions
listed in paragraph 4-14c?
(15) After establishment of the competitive range, are discussions tailored to each
offeror’s proposal and held for the purpose of obtaining best value for the NAFI as stated
in paragraph 4-14e?
(16) When the contracting officer allows proposal revisions to clarify and
document understandings reached during the negotiations, does the contracting officer
establish a common cut-off date for receipt of final proposal revisions; and are offerors
advised that the final proposal revisions shall be in writing; and that the NAFI intends to
make an award without obtaining further revisions in accordance with paragraph 4-15?
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(17) Has the source selection authority’s decision been documented, to include the
rationale for any business judgments and tradeoffs (including benefits associated with
additional costs), in accordance with paragraph 4-17?
(18) Is contract award based on determinations of conformity to the solicitation,
fair and reasonable pricing, that the offeror is responsible; and is a description of the
evaluation process and rationale for award documented in the contract file by the
contracting officer, as required in paragraphs 4-18a through 4-18b?
(19) When requested by offerors, are unsuccessful offerors debriefed and
furnished the basis for the selection decision as required in paragraph 4-20?
(20) Does the contracting officer answer or resolve pre-award and post-award
protests in accordance with paragraph 4-21?
Chapter 5 – Sealed Bidding Process for the NAF Procurement System. The key
management controls establish conditions and procedures, based on the nature of the
requirement, for using this alternate contracting method.
(1) While not the preferred NAFI method of contracting, when sealed bidding is
used, are all conditions for time, pricing, and responsiveness listed in paragraph 5-1 met?
(2) Is the DA Form 4073 used for amendments to an IFB and provided to all
prospective bidders, in accordance with paragraph 5-10?
(3) When an IFB is cancelled before the opening, are all offeors notified of the
cancellation in writing and are bids received in response to the IFB returned unopened in
accordance with paragraph 5-11?
(4) Are bids opened publicly and recorded on an abstract, as required in paragraph
(5) For an IFB solicitation, is award only based and made to the lowest responsive
and responsible bidder on a DA Form 4069, as required in paragraph 5-17?
(6) If a two-step sealed bidding process is used, are the conditions for
specifications, bid evaluation, qualified sources, and available time for the method
followed in accordance with paragraph 5-20?
(7) When using the two-step sealed bidding process, does the contracting officer
follow issuance requirements and processes as described in paragraphs 5-21 and 5-22?
(8) Are two-step bids evaluated without discussions; and is there evidence that
award was made to the responsible bidder whose bid conformed to the specifications and
was most advantageous to the NAFI as specified in paragraph 5-23?
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Chapter 6 – Contract Administration for the NAF Procurement System. The key
management controls ensure that the contractor performs according to the contract; that
the contracting officer does not waive NAFI rights; and that the NAFI receives the
quantity and quality of supplies, services, or construction procured in the contract.
(1) Are all modifications issued on a DA Form 4073 and, if a modification
involves an increase in the contract price, is the modification issued only after receiving a
certification of available funds, in accordance with paragraph 6-2a?
(2) Are bilateral modifications issued for negotiated adjustments and to reflect
other agreements, signed first by the contractor and then by the contracting officer, as
required in paragraph 6-2a(2)?
(3) When equitable adjustments are required for constructive changes, are the
procedures stated in 6-3b followed?
(4) Are appointment letters for contracting officer representatives, administrative
contracting officers, and ordering officers written to detail the responsibilities and
limitations of these positions, in accordance with paragraphs 6-5 through 6-7?
(5) If there was an inexcusable delay in a contractor’s delivery or performance, is
there evidence that the contracting officer made a thorough analysis of the situation and
possible courses of action, to include obtaining legal advice, in accordance with
paragraph 6-8b(2)?
(6) If a contracting officer suspended work or ordered a work stoppage during
contract performance, were such actions conducted in accordance with the procedures
stated in paragraph 6-9?
(7) If a contracting officer terminated a contract for convenience, was it
accomplished only when the requiring activity has determined the NAFI no longer
needed the requirement and requested a termination, and were the procedures stated in
paragraphs 6-10b(1) through 6-10b(3) followed?
(8) If a contracting officer terminated a contract for default, was the termination
executed only after obtaining reviews by technical personnel and legal counsel; were cure
notice and and/or show-cause notice processes properly executed; and was the contract
file documented in accordance with paragraphs 6-10d(1) through 6-10d(9)?
(9) Are novation and change-of-name agreements coordinated with legal counsel
with a bilateral modification issued effecting the change, according to paragraph 6-14?
(10) Are the use of any advance payments properly justified by the contracting
officer, in writing, as required in paragraph 6-18a?
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(11) Are progress and partial payments made in accordance with paragraphs 618a through 6-18c?
(12) Are requests for information on procurement actions from the public,
members of Congress and release in records under the Freedom of Information Act
processed through the servicing legal office and according to the procedures in
paragraphs 6-29 through 6-31?
(13) Are contracts closed out in accordance with paragraph 6-32?
Chapter 7 – Special Categories of Contracting for the NAF Procurement System. The
key management controls ensure that concession, consignment, amusement companies,
traveling shows, entertainment, service insurance, and information technology
contractual actions protect NAFI/Government rights; and that the NAFI/Government
receives the goods and services at a designated location for a specified period of time.
(1) Are required authorizations for concession contracts being obtained by the
requiring activity and provided with purchase requests when submitted to the contracting
office, in accordance with paragraphs 7-1c and 7-1d?
(2) Are proper insurance types and amounts included in concession contracts,
with certificate copies provided to the contracting office prior to contract performance, in
accordance with paragraph 7-1f?
(3) For long-term concession contracts (covering more than 30 days), are the
requirements stated in paragraph 7-1 being met, to include the additional requirements for
audits, reports, fees, inventories, cash controls and pricing as stated in paragraphs 7-2a(1)
through 7-2a(11), and are the requirements included in appropriate sections of
solicitations and resulting contracts?
(4) For merchandise concession contracts, are the concession requirements stated
in paragraphs 7-1 and 7-2 met? Is merchandise pricing reviewed at least annually? Are
additional contractual requirements for purchasing of supplies, types of services/supplies
to be offered, procedures for vandalism or theft, utilities, clean-up, disposition of unsold
merchandise and deadlines for vacating the site upon expiration or termination of the
contract addressed in appropriate sections of solicitations and resulting contracts, in
accordance with paragraphs 7-1 through 7-3?
(5) For vending and amusement machine concession contracts, have the
requirements stated in paragraphs 7-1 and 7-2 been met? Have the additional contractual
requirements for machine identification, locking devices, sales accountability, refunds,
machine rotation/removal/change, detection of slugs and foreign coins, reporting
procedures, inspections and restrictions been included in appropriate sections of
solicitations and resulting contracts, in accordance with paragraph 7-4?
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(6) Has criteria for the applicability of the Randolph-Sheppard Act for vending
machines been researched and documented in accordance with AR 215-25 and paragraph
7-4a of AR 215-4?
(7) Have short-term concessions been issued on DA Form 5756 and have the
requirements stated in paragraph 7-1 and the guidance listed in paragraph 7-5 for NAFI
furnished supplies, specifics of concessionaire supplied supplies and services, limitations,
days and hours of operation, points-of-contact, responsibilities, and mandatory clauses
been included in appropriate sections of contracts in accordance with paragraph 7-5?
(8) Have consignment agreements been issued on DA Form 5744 and have the
requirements for internal management controls, description of consigned items, the length
of time the NAFI has responsibility for consigned items, provisions for cancellation, and
clauses been included in the agreement, in accordance with paragraph 7-6?
(9) For amusement companies and traveling shows, have the responsibilities and
requirements stated in paragraph 7-1 been met? Have approvals, staffing and
coordination been accomplished in accordance with paragraphs 7-7a through 7-7b?
(10) For amusement companies and traveling shows, have competition
requirements, determination of contractor responsibility, and copyright clearances/royalty
clearances been conducted and obtained in accordance with paragraph 7-7d through 7-7f?
(11) For amusement companies and traveling shows, have Schedule provisions,
statement of work/specifications, cash accountability, fees, restrictions, care and custody
of animals been incorporated into solicitations and resulting contracts in accordance with
paragraph 7-7g through 7-7j?
(12) For entertainment solicitations and resulting contracts, are selection criteria,
solicitation and contract requirements, mandatory clauses, liquidated damages,
clearances, and performance evaluations included, in accordance with paragraph 7-6?
(13) Has the Service Contract Act for minimum wages and fringe benefits been
correctly applied for service contracts over $2,500 in accordance with paragraph 7-9,
with consideration given to the applicability of Performance Based Contracting, the
Davis Bacon Act, and the Miller Act?
(14) Are solicitation and contract requirements for commercial warranty,
licensing, security, and privacy accomplished in accordance with paragraph 7-11j?
Chapter 8 – Construction Contracting for the NAF Procurement System. The key
management controls ensure that minor and major construction solicitations/contracts are
conducted and awarded in accordance AR 215-4 and other policies related to general
construction contracting.
(1) Do specifications conform to MIL-STD-3007, force protection or unique
military specifications as required in paragraph 8-1d(1)?
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(2) When Design-Build contracting is selected, does the RFP disclose the NAFI’s
budget for design and construction and include the statement on “Cost Limitation –
Available Funding” in accordance with paragraph 8-1d(3)?
(3) Do advance notices and solicitations state the magnitude of the requirement in
terms of physical characteristics and are estimated prices described in the price ranges in
accordance with paragraph 8-1e(3)?
(4) Are significant site information and data made available to all offerors and a
record maintained of the date, identity and affiliation of all offerors that inspect the site
and/or examine the data in accordance with paragraph 8-1i?
(5) Does the contracting officer evaluate proposals based on criteria stated in the
solicitation, comparing proposals to the construction cost estimate for pricing
significantly lower or higher than the construction cost estimate to ensure offerors
completely understand the scope of work in accordance with paragraph 8-1k?
(6) Have labor standards and provisions, applicable to the construction
requirement, been included in solicitations and subsequent contracts in accordance with
paragraph 8-1l?
(7) Are construction contractor insurance, liquidated damages, and bonds required
for the types, conditions and amounts of the construction requirement in accordance with
paragraphs 8-1m through 8-1p?
(8) Are Architect-Engineer (AE) offers evaluated on professional qualifications,
specialized experience and technical competence, capacity to accomplish work, past
performance, knowledge of the locality of the project and other appropriate criteria in
accordance with paragraph 8-2e?
(9) For AE services, does the contracting officer establish an architect-engineer
board based on the qualification and experiences of the members, and does the board
perform the evaluation functions, and prepare an evaluation report for the contracting
officer in accordance with paragraph 8-2f?
(10) For AE services, does the contracting officer only begin negotiations with
offerors after receipt of the board’s evaluation report, and conduct negotiations with only
one firm at a time, based on the order of technical merit, in accordance with paragraph 82h?
(11) Do AE offerors file SF 254 and SF 255 with the contracting officer and
provide evidence of Professional Liability Insurance-General Coverage in accordance
with paragraphs 8-2i and 8-2k?
(12) If an AE contractor’s proposed construction costs exceeds the NAFI’s
construction funding limits, does the AE contractor redesign the project within the
funding limits, as required in paragraph 8-2m?
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(13) For interior design requirements, are projects treated as brand name only
procurements with the interior design package integrity maintained throughout the
acquisition process in accordance with paragraph 8-3?
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