Appendix 4. List of the 117 shared convergences between each viverrid-like taxon and the Felidae, Viverridae, Paradoxurinae, Viverrinae, Hemigalinae, Herpestidae (plus Poiana in the case of Prionodon; see Introduction). * Nandinia, Cryptoprocta, Fossa, Eupleres, Prionodontidae, Paradoxurinae: 63(1): Palatine, orbital process: 1 = greatly expanded in orbital region forming a horizontal shelf. * Nandinia, Cryptoprocta, Fossa, Eupleres, Felidae: - 279(1): Rhinarium, philtrum: 1 = present, wide. * Nandinia, Cryptoprocta, Fossa, Eupleres, Viverridae: - 139(1): Sternomastoideus and cleidomastoideus fossa: 1 = pronounced. * Nandinia, Cryptoprocta, Fossa, Eupleres, Hemigalinae: - 304(1): External pinnae, anterior surface: 1 = same as ground color. * Nandinia, Fossa, Eupleres, Prionodontidae, Viverrinae: - 54(1): Lacrimal, inferior oblique muscle fossa: 1 = separate from nasolacrimal foramen, in maxilla. * Cryptoprocta, Fossa, Eupleres, Prionodontidae, Viverridae : - 262(2): Pelvis, overall shape: 2 = rhomboidal. * Nandinia, Cryptoprocta, Fossa, Eupleres: - 86(1): Ectotympanic, ring, medial expansion: 1 = slight chambering or inflation. * Nandinia, Fossa, Eupleres, Prionodontidae: - 24(3): Palatine/maxilla suture: 3 = medial to P3-P2. * Cryptoprocta, Fossa, Eupleres, Felidae: - 208(1): Diastema, C1 - P1 (or to first postcanine tooth): 1 = present. - 256(0): Radius, cross section: 0 = flattened. * Cryptoprocta, Fossa, Eupleres, Viverridae: - 116(2): Petrosal, mastoid, exposed ventrolateral process: 2 = process absent, small deltoid. * Cryptoprocta, Fossa, Eupleres, Hemigalinae: - 203(1): M2/M2 relative size: 1 = slightly smaller than M1/m1. * Cryptoprocta, (Prionodontidae, Felidae), Poiana: - 196(1): M2: 1 = absent. * Fossa, Eupleres, Prionodontidae, Viverridae : - 85(1): Ectotympanic/entotympanic division: 1 = externally visible, without clear suture. * Fossa, Eupleres, Prionodontidae, Viverrinae: - 41(1): Alisphenoid, optic foramen interorbital connection: 1 = clearly open. * Nandinia, Cryptoprocta, Prionodontidae: - 49(1): Jugal: 1 = does not reach lacrimal. * Nandinia, Cryptoprocta, Felidae: - 192(1): M1 hypoconid: 1 = absent. - 245(1): Humerus, radial and coronoid fossas: 1 = distinct. * Nandinia, Cryptoprocta, Paradoxurinae: - 311(3): Feet (pes), metatarsal pad(s), size: 3 = larger than tarsal pads. * Nandinia, Fossa, Eupleres: - 218(2): dP4, buccal lobes: 2 = symmetrical. - 283(2): Rhinarium, profile: 2 = concave. * Nandinia, Fossa, Hemigalinae: - 271(2): Calcaneum, medial tuberosity on calcancal tuber: 2 = approximately equal to lateral tuberosity. * Nandinia, Fossa, Viverrinae: - 319(1): Nuchal stripes: 1 = thin. * Nandinia, Prionodontidae, Paradoxurinae: - 254(1): Ulna, olecranon process: 1 = ventral process, vestigial/absent. - 255(2): Ulna, olecranon, inclination: 2 = anterior. - 259(1): Radius, head - articular surface: 1 = without. * Cryptoprocta, Prionodontidae, Viverridae: - 92(1): Ectotympanic, styliform process: 1 = reduced. * Cryptoprocta, Prionodontidae, Paradoxurinae: - 232(2): Tail: 2 = approximately equal to head-body length (85-105%). * Cryptoprocta, Felidae, Hemigalinae: - 70(0): Pterygoid, hamular process: 0 = descends considerably ventral to the palate. * Fossa, Eupleres, Felidae: - 287(0): Ear bursa: 1 = ear bursa absent. * Fossa, Eupleres, Viverridae: - 188(3): M1, talonid: 3 = length near equal length of trigonid. - 226(1): Axis, cranial articular processes and ventral surface of dens (odontoid) process: 1 = one continuous surface. * Fossa, Eupleres, Viverrinae: - 230(1): Cervical vertebrae, ventral keel on vertebrae 6 and 7: 1 = present. - 298(1): Feet, interdigital pads: 1 = partially fused together, shallow grooves. - 314(0): Head, rhinarial patch: 0 = present, lighter than ground color. * Fossa, Eupleres, Hemigalinae: - 236(1): Scapula, coracoid process: 1 = present, small. * Eupleres, Prionodontidae, Poiana: - 76(1): Bassioccipital, m. longus capitis rugosity: 1 = absent. - 209(1): diastema, P2 - P3 (or second and third postcanine teeth): 1 = large. * Eupleres, (Prionodontidae, Felidae): - 145(0): Parietal/supraoccipital, lambdoial crest: 0 = not well produced dorsally or laterally beyond braincase. * Eupleres, Prionodontidae, Herpestidae: - 45(1): Frontal, postorbital region (width): 1 = approximately equal to interorbital region. * (Prionodontidae, Felidae), Viverrinae: - 61(2): Maxilla, anterior edge of orbit: 2 = anterior to P3-P4. * (Prionodontidae, Felidae), Herpestidae: - 310(1): Feet (pes), tarsal hallical pad, 1 = about equal to digital pads. * (Prionodontidae, Felidae), Poiana: - 44(3): Frontal, temporal crest: 3 = double, lyre shaped. - 145(0): Parietal/supraoccipital, lambdoial crest: 0 = not well produced dorsally or laterally beyond braincase. -167(1): P3/3, size (when viewed from the buccal aspect): 1 = considerably larger than P2/2. * Prionodontidae, Paradoxurinae, Poiana: - 113(1): Petrosal, subarcuate (floccular) fossa: 1 = shallow. * Nandinia, Cryptoprocta: - 105(1): Entotympanic, anterior extension: 1 = small anterior extension. - 241(2): Humerus, pectoral crest: 2 = robust, with crest developed towards midpoint of distal end. - 251(2): Ulna, olecranon process, medial and lateral ridges: 2 = vestigial/absent. - 263(1): Femur, trochanteric fossa: 1 = expanded medially from lesser trochanter. - 265(1): Femur, lesser trochanter, position: 1 = medial most position, directly below head. - 272(1): Calcaneum, peroneal tubercle: 1 = medial to astragular tubercle. - 276(1): Calcaneum, posterior projection off of cuboid surface: 1 = present. * Nandinia, Fossa: - 65(2): Palatine, location of the sphenopalatine foramen: 2 = dorsal to M1. * Nandinia, Eupleres: - 178(1): P4, talonid: 1 = present. * Nandinia, Prionodontidae: - 14(1): Nasals and frontals, midline depression: 1 = present in nasals only. - 26(2): Palatine, relative size (excluding mesopterygoid): 2 = midline length greater than midline length of maxilla. - 160(1): P1, number of roots: 1 = 2 roots, completely or partially fused. - 233(1): Scapula, teres major process (axillary border): 1 = present, small, on plane of scapula. - 242(2): Humerus, deltoid crest: 2 = absent. - 257(2): Radius, tubercle: 2 = present, large. * Nandinia, Felidae: - 93(1): Ectotympanic, eustachian tube: 1 = narrow (pterygoid nerve sulcus and eustachian tube closely adjacent). - 211(1): Mandible, angular process: 1 = present, weak. * Nandinia, Viverridae: - 219(1): dP3, accessory lingual cusp: 1 = present. - 252(1): Ulna, olecranon process, medial fossa with ventral/medial flange: 1 = present, small. - 289(1): Perineal glands: 1 = present in both sexes or female only. - 299(2): Feet (manus), carpal (palmar) surface, central depression: 2 = present, without hair. - 309(3): Feet (pes), tarsal hallical pad: 3 = adjacent to other tarsal pads. * Nandinia, Paradoxurinae: - 198(2): M2, roots: 2 = 1. - 244(1): Humerus, distal condyle: 1 = trochlea distal extension approximately equal to capitellum. - 274(3): Calcaneum, cuboid surface: 3 = dorsal slope. - 300(4): Feet (manus), metacarpal pad(s): 4 = metacarpal pads very large and completely fused. - 303(3): Feet (manus), metacarpal pad(s), size: 3 = larger than carpal pads. * Nandinia, Hemigalinae: - 92(2): Ectotympanic, styliform process: 2 = absent. - 199(2): M2, shape: 2 = round. - 213(1): Mandible, mandibular condyle: 1 = slightly above alveolar line. * Cryptoprocta, Prionodontidae - 221(2): P4, anterior accessory cusp: 2 = about equal to posterior. - 270(1): Calcaneum, calcaneal tuber or process: 1 = present, asymmetrical. * Cryptoprocta, Felidae: - 156(0): C1, flanges: 0 = posterior flange present. - 172(3): P4, parastyle: 3 = present, larger than protocone. - 182(0): M1, shape: 0 = rhomboidal. - 187(3): M1, trigonid: 3 = absent. - 189(2): M1, metaconid: 2 = absent. - 200(1): M2: 1 = absent. * Cryptoprocta, Paradoxurinae: - 22(1): Palate, tooth rows, lingual edge: 1 = divergent. - 33(0): Premaxilla/maxilla suture (midline): 0 = posterior to canines. - 150(0): I3, size: 0 = considerably larger than I1 or I2. - 233(2): Scapula, teres major process (axillary border) (Taylor, 1974): 2 = present, large perpendicular plane to scapular plane. - 243(1): Humerus, olecranon fossa: 1 = ossified. This allows for greater arc movement of the antebrachium. - 246(1): Humerus, greater tuberosity, proximal end: 1 = supraspinatus fossa small, restricted to narrow ridge, anterior process small (considerably smaller than articular surface). - 305(2): Feet (pes), plantar surface, central depression: 2 = elongate. * Cryptoprocta, Viverrinae: - 3(1): Maxilla, infraorbital foramen, shape: 1 = round. * Cryptoprocta, Hemigalinae: - 275(2): Calcaneum, trochlear process: 2 = large. * Cryptoprocta, Herpestidae: - 164(2): P3, number or roots: 2 = 3. * Fossa, Prionodontidae: - 229(2): Axis, ventral 'keel’: 2 = present, large. * Fossa, Viverridae: - 191(0): M1 entoconid: 0 = present. - 205(2): Upper molars, cingulum: 2 = present, complete around the base of the protocone. * Fossa, Viverrinae: - 248(1): Humerus, distal supracondyloid crest: 1 = small. * Fossa, Paradoxurinae: - 241(0): Humerus, pectoral crest: 0 = slender with little development of crest. * Fossa, Hemigalinae: - 68(1): Palatine, orbital exposure: 1 = convex or inflated orbital wall. - 317(2): Head, supraoccular eye patches: 2 = present, distinct. * Eupleres, (Felidae, Prionodontidae): - 145(0): Parietal/supraoccipital, lambdoial crest: 0 = not well produced dorsally or laterally beyond braincase. * Eupleres, Prionodontidae: - 16(0): Frontals, inflation anterior to the postorbital processes: 0 = absent. - 42(4): Frontal, supraorbital process: 4 = absent. - 69(0): Pterygoid, epipterygoid processes: 0 = absent or weakly defined. - 309(2): Feet (pes), tarsal hallical pad: 2 = separated from other tarsal pads by bare skin. * Eupleres, Hemigalinae: - 172(2): P4, parastyle: 2 = present, large (near equal to protocone). * Prionodontidae, Viverridae: - 43(2): Frontal-parietal suture (at midline): 2 = anterior to anterior edge of glenoid fossa. - 117(1): Petrosal, mastoid, occipital exposure: 1 = absent. - 123(1): Paroccipital process, width: 1= paraoccipital process very wide and covering all the posterior surface of the mastoid, so that the mastoid can not be seen in a caudal view of the skull. - 177(0): P4, posterolingual cingulum: 0 = present. * Prionodontidae, Viverrinae: - 4(1): Maxilla, infraorbital foramen: 1 = dorsal to the P3-P2 area. * Prionodontidae, Poiana: - 144(2): Parietal, sagittal crest (adult males): 2 = small double. - 285(1): External pinnae, posterior, subbursa lobe: 1 = present (a posterior external lobe that projects ventral to the ear bursa). - 330(1): Tail, tip: 1 = same as ground color. * Prionodontidae, Hemigalinae: - 267(0): Tibia, cross section: 0 = round. * Prionodontidae, Herpestidae: - 251(0): Ulna, olecranon process, medial and lateral ridges: 0 = lateral ridge larger.