Week 1 Objectives Teaching Sequence – shared time Familiarisation, capturing ideas, demonstrating, teacher scribing, independent writing Teaching and Learning Activities – group work Plenary Activities/ Learning Outcomes Name farm animals,explore animal sounds,create a farm scene. Introduce unit to children with small world farm circle time activity. Each child to choose an animal, name and describe it. Place animals in the centre of the circle to build up a farmyard scene. Collaborative group work to create own small world farm scenes. onderbox activity: Place animals and key props from Mrs Wishy-Washy in box. Explain how contents relate to story. Invite children to take an item, name and describe. Predict setting and plot. Individuals/ pairs to use Wonderbox to ‘”tell”’ their own stories. Name and describe farm animals. Describe elements of farm yard scene e.g.”Ducks go in the water.’’ C talking about a horse ‘’This one’s jumping.’’ Listen to sound tape game of animal noises and match sound to picture. Listen attentively, offer relevant responses to a bilingual story. Predict outcomes. Read big book to children, in English and Panjabi. Pause briefly in the middle to predict Mrs Wishy-Washy’s reaction to muddy animals. Re-enact story with large props. Role play story using animal masks and props from story, supported by adult. Retell story Reflect before talking Shared writing of a letter. Use Wonderbox materials to retell story- teacher and learning assistant to model language, demonstrate turn taking, etc. Reread story, focus on last page, ask children to think about what happened next. Use a 1 minute timer during “thinking” time. Scribe responses. Follow on from previous session, prompt ways of asking Mrs Wishy-Washy ‘What happened next?’ Choose to write a letter. Teacher to scribe, children to write names at end. . Tape of story on listening centre with small versions of text as independent activity. Name characters and describe setting of story. Recognise and name a range of farm animals. Join in with reading of repetitive phrases. Predict a range of outcomes. Re-enact story to whole class. Role play with adult support initially (week 1). Continue in weeks 2 and 3 as independent activity. Pairs to repeat activity (one good model in each pair). Domestic role play in Mrs WishyWashy’s laundry. Retell narrative in pairs and individually. Role play washing scenes. Feeding back predictions. Teacher scribed list of possibilities. Re-read letter checking for sense, use of capital letters, full stops and spelling of YR high frequency words.