Chapter 2 Test Review Name___________ Date _________ Rocks and Minerals Complete the following review to help you prepare for the test on _______________. Don’t forget to use the textbook resources online as well-go to my SharePoint site and look under links. Try the online quiz to see what you know and send me the results ( for an extra credit point! This review is due on the day of the test! 1. What 4 criteria does an object need to meet to be classified as a mineral? 2. What testable properties are used to identify minerals? 3. What is luster? 4. Give 4 words that you could use to describe luster. 5. What scale is used to determine the hardness of a mineral? 6. What is the difference between cleavage and fracture? 7. What is the difference between ores and gems? 8. What is the difference between minerals and rocks? 9. What are the 3 types of rocks? 10. How are rocks classified into the 3 types? 11. What processes cause rock types to change in the rock cycle? 12. Describe what is meant by “compaction and cementation”. What rock is formed as a result of this process? 13. How is sedimentary rock formed? 14. How is metamorphic rock formed? 15. How is igneous rock formed? 16. What is the difference between intrusive and extrusive igneous rock? 17. Describe the difference between weathering and erosion. 18. What is the rock cycle? 19. Does the rock cycle have a beginning and an end? Explain. 20. Complete the diagram below.