Name: Date Period Ch 26 Study Guide 1. The New Deal did all of the following EXCEPT: A) construct the foundations of the federal welfare system B) transformed the Democratic party into the dominant force in American politics for the next thirty years C) preside over the birth of the modern labor movement D) end the Great Depression 2. Much of Roosevelt’s success in restoring public confidence in government might be attributed to his: A) consistent application of clear-cut philosophies to social and economic problems B) optimistic and ebullient personality C) refusal to engage in tedious and politically charged press conferences D) public demonstration of how a man could overcome physical paralysis 3. Roosevelt’s first concern as president was the: A) public panic caused by the bank failures B) collapse of agriculture C) problem of widespread unemployment D) deflationary spiral that had crippled business 4. The Twenty-first Amendment, ratified in 1933, repealed the: A) progressive income tax B) pool tax, literacy test, and other discriminatory voting restrictions C) prohibition of the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages D) “quota system” of immigration limitations 5. Initial implementation of the Agricultural Adjustment Act in 1933 was controversial because it: A) involved large-scale destruction of existing crops and livestock to reduce surplus B) required farmers to boost agricultural production C) outlawed the practices of farm tenancy and sharecropping D) favored the interests of small farmers over those of large farmers 6. Of greatest impact of large numbers of poor farmers was a New Deal program to: A) provide payments for reduced production in the interest of soil conservation B) help irrigate and reclaim marginal lands for cultivation C) provided loans for resettlement D) make electric power available through utility cooperatives 7. Which of the following provisions was NOT included in the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933? A) Trade association agreements on pricing and production B) Loans by national government to railroads, banks, and insurance companies C) Legal protection to the right of workers to form unions and engage in collective bargaining D) A major program of public works designed to pump needed funds into the economy 8. The Supreme Court declared the National Industrial Recovery Act unconstitutional partly because it: A) used an overly broad definition of interstate commerce B) waived antitrust laws for cooperating businesses C) granted public money to private corporations D) applied only to corporations, not partnerships and sole proprietors 9. The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA): A) received strong support from the nation’s utility companies B) suffered as a result of the collapse of the electrical utility empire of Samuel Insull C) was intended to serve as an agent for comprehensive redevelopment of the entire region D) converted the Tennessee Valley into one of the most prosperous regions of the country 10. The Roosevelt administration instituted all of the following financial reforms EXCEPT to: A) take the country off the gold standard B) establish the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) C) transfer control over interest rates from the Federal Reserve Board to Congress D) establish the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to police the stock market 11. To provide assistance to those in need, Roosevelt and his adviser Harry Hopkins regarded which of the following as best? A) cash grants to states B) work relief C) a government dole for individuals D) private charity 12. The relief efforts of the early New Deal were intended to: A) stimulate a broad recovery of the economy B) be limited in scope and temporary in duration C) create a permanent welfare system D) apply the principles of Keynesian economics 13. Franklin Roosevelt’s political philosophy could most accurately be described or characterized as: A) pragmatic B) laissez-faire C) doctrinaire liberal D) democratic socialist 14. During his first few days in office, Roosevelt achieved three of the following either by proclamation or by congressional enactment. Which is the exception? A) All banks were closed temporarily B) The manufacture and sale of 3.2 percent beer was legalized C) The nation’s commitment to the gold standard was explicitly reaffirmed D) Government salaries and veterans’ pensions were reduced in an attempt to balance the budget 15. Section 7 of the National Industrial Recovery Act represented a significant gain for: A) organized labor B) ethnic minorities C) trade associations D) the great mass of consumers 16. Three of the following were purposes behind the establishment of the Tennessee Valley Authority. Which was the exception? A) Flood control B) Experimentation with regional planning and rehabilitation C) The establishment of a standard of comparison for measuring private power rates D) The establishment of a precedent for full government ownership and operation of all utilities 17. In addition to putting young men back to work, a principal purpose of the Civilian Conservation Corps was to: A) limit population growth B) promote reforestation and land conservation C) help young married couples buy homes on easy mortgage terms D) provide an interracial living experience to promote harmony 18. The American Liberty League was dedicated to: A) strong conservative opposition to the New Deal B) promoting civil rights for blacks and other minorities C) promoting popular support for the spirit of the New Deal D) a desire among intellectuals to adopt more radical solutions to the nation’s economic ills 19. Father Coughlin, Huey Long, and Frances Townsend all had what in common? A) a hatred of the financial powers who were impoverishing the nation B) a belief in the federal government’s power to reform American society C) an unwavering support of President Roosevelt D) a faith in the social benefits of radical wealth redistribution 20. The most noticeable change in the Second New Deal was: A) an adoption of some of the more radical plans of Long, Coughlin, and Townsend B) a willingness to openly attack corporate interests C) a caution created by the Supreme Court’s striking down of some of the agencies of the First New Deal D) an unwillingness to place additional tax burdens on the rich 21. The significance of the Wagner Act to organize labor was that it: A) abolished the National Labor Relations Board B) provided unemployment benefits for workers on strike C) provided strong government protection for unions D) explicitly repudiated the right of collective bargaining 22. The Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) was organized on the principle that all workers in a particular industry should be included in one union. This principle is referred to as: A) union shop B) closed shop C) craft unionism D) industrial unionism 23. Which of the following groups did not recognize the unions in their respective industries during 1936 and 1937? A) General Motors B) U.S. Steel C) “Little Steel” D) all of the above 24. The 1935 Social Security Act provided for three of the following. Which is the exception? A) retirement benefits B) unemployment benefits C) health insurance benefits D) benefits of dependent children of impoverished parents 25. The Works Progress Administration did not employ which of the following groups within their own fields of work? A) actors B) construction workers C) writers D) bankers 26. Franklin Roosevelt’s presidential campaign in 1932 A) called for large-scale federal spending to reduce unemployment and restore prosperity B) focused primarily on issues of international trade C) promised to aid the ordinary person by balancing the federal budget and ending deficits D) emphasized that there was no way out of the depression in the near future 27. The Roosevelt landslide on 1932 included the shift into the Democratic camp of traditionally Republican A) New Englanders B) African-Americans C) labor unions D) southerners 28.Roosevelt’s first bold action during the Hundred Days was A) taking the nation off the gold standard B) declaring a national bank holiday C) legalizing labor strikes and job actions D) doubling relief for the unemployed 29. The primary purpose of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was A) to restore unproductive farmland to productive use B) to protect wildlife and the environment C) to provide better-trained workers for industry D) to provide jobs and experience for unemployed young people 30. Strong political challenges to Roosevelt came from extremist critics like A) Father Coughlin and Huey Long B) Frances Perkins and Harry Hopkins C) Henry Ford and Mary McLeod Bethune D) John Steinbeck and John L. Lewis 31. Roosevelt’s National Recovery Administration (NRA) ended when A) Dr. Francis Townsend attacked it as unfair to the elderly B) Congress refused to provide further funding for it C) it came to be considered too expensive for the result achieved D) the Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional 32. Roosevelt’s Agricultural Adjustment Administration met sharp criticism because A) it failed to raise farm prices B) it actually contributed to soil erosion on the Great Plains C) it raised prices by paying farmers to slaughter animals and not grow crops D) it relied too much on private bank loans to aid farmers 33. In addition to the natural forces of drought and wind, the Dust bowl on the 1930s was also caused by A) Roosevelt’s AAA farm policies B) excessive use of dry farming and mechanization techniques on marginal land C) the attempted shift from wheat and cotton growing to fruit and vegetable farming D) the drying up of underground aquifers used to irrigate the Great Plains 34. The major New Deal program that attempted to provide flood control, electric power, and economic development occurred in the valley of the A) Columbia River B) Colorado River C) Hudson River D) Tennessee River 35. The Social Security Act of 1935 provided for A) electricity and conservation for rural areas B) pensions for older people, the blind, and other categories of citizens C) assistance for low-income public housing and social services D) unemployment and disability insurance for workers 36. Among the groups that formed part of the powerful “Roosevelt coalition” in the election of 1936 were A) African-Americans, southerners, and Catholics B) Republicans, New Englanders, and “Old Immigrants” C) Midwesterners, small-town residents, and Presbyterians D) businessmen, prohibitionists, and Coughlinites 37. Roosevelt’s attempt to “pack” the Supreme Court proved extremely costly because A) the Court members he appointed still failed to support the New Deal B) Congress began proceeding to impeach him C) its failure ended much of the political momentum of the New Deal D) many of his New Deal supporters turned to back Huey Long 38. The primary purpose of the Public Works Administration and the Works Progress Administration was: A) to provide employment through federal deficit spending B) to replace private enterprise, which had failed so dramatically in 1929 C) to enable industries to plan production and control prices D) to nationalize the government’s control of the work force E) to provide jobs for African Americans and other minorities 39. The most enduring change that occurred in United State banking during the administration of Franklin Roosevelt was the: A) regular and repeated use of “bank holidays” B) federal insurance on bank deposits C) nationalization of the banking system D) abolition of branch banking in the states E) rigid exclusion of large banks from the provision of venture capital 40. In addition to putting young men back to work, a principal purpose of the Civilian Conservation Corps was to: A) limit population growth B) help young married couples buy homes on easy mortgage terms C) promote reforestation and land conservation D) provided an interracial living experience to promote harmony 41. Francis Townsend gained notoriety as a critic of the New Deal with his: A) share-the-wealth program B) $200 per month pension plan for the elderly C) National Union for Social Justice D) running for president against Roosevelt in 1936 42. All of the following were achieved during the New Deal EXCEPT: A) a balanced budget B) renewed confidence in banks C) a gradual improvement in farm conditions D) a gradual acceptance of labor unions E) a reduction in unemployment 43. The farm policy of the New Deal was designed to: A) decrease federal involvement in agriculture B) reduce prices of farm products to aid factory workers C) enlarge farms by approving corporate mergers D) increase prices of farm products by reducing form output 44. Huey Long’s “Share Our Wealth” Society advocated: A) government ownership and control of all banks B) a national health insurance plan C) federal education subsidies to all families with college-age children D) a guaranteed annual income to each family 45. The three original programs of Social Security included all of the following EXCEPT that to: A) ensure against poverty in old age B) maintain state-operated unemployment insurance programs C) provide job security for government employees D) subsidize welfare programs of the states 46. The fundamental failure of the New Deal was its: A) excessive reliance on deficit spending B) failure to end extensive government corruption C) inability to end unemployment D) overcentralization of power in the President 47. During the New Deal, blacks became strong supporters of the Democratic party because: A) most believed that Roosevelt fought aggressively for civil rights B) Roosevelt supported legislation to make lynching a federal crime C) the New Deal relief agencies included blacks as recipients D) Roosevelt tried to persuade Congress to ban the poll tax MATCHING PEOPLE, PLACES, and EVENTS _____ Franklin D. Roosevelt _____ Eleanor Roosevelt _____ Banking Holiday _____ Father Coughlin _____ Huey (Kingfish) Long _____ Schechter case _____ John Steinbeck _____ John L. Lewis _____ General Motors sit-down strike _____ Alfred M. Landon _____ Election of 1936 _____ John Maynard Keynes _____ Justice Roberts A. Republican who carried only two states in a futile campaign against “The Champ” in 1936 B. The “microphone messiah” of Michigan whose mass radio appeals turned anti-New Deal and anti-Semitic C. Writers whose best-selling novel portrayed the suffering of dust bowl “Okies” in the Thirties D. Supreme Court justice whose “switch in time” to support New Deal legislation helped undercut FDR’s Court packing scheme E. Presidential wife who became an effective lobbyist for the poor during the New Deal F. Louisiana senator and popular mass agitator who promised to make “every man a king” at the expense of the wealthy G. Former New York governor who roused the nation to action against the depression with his appeal to the “forgotten man” H. Dramatic CIO labor action in 1936 that forced the auto industry to reorganize unions I. Lopsided but bitter campaign that saw disadvantaged economic groups lined up in a kind of “class warfare” against those better off J. Roosevelt-declared closing of all U.S. financial institutions on March 6-10, 1933, in order to stop panic and prepare reforms K. British economist whose theories helped justify New Deal deficit spending L. Supreme Court ruling of 1935 that struck down a major New Deal industry-and-labor agency M. Domineering boss of the mine workers’ union who launched the CIO IDENTIFICATION _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ 1. Term used by FDR in 1932 acceptance speech that came to describe his whole reform program 2. The early New Deal agency that worked to solve the problems of unemployment and conservation by employing youth in reforestation and other socially beneficial tasks 3. Large federal employment program, established in 1935 under Harry Hopkins, that provided jobs in areas from road building to art 4. Widely displayed symbol of the National Recovery Administration (NRA), which attempted to reorganize and reform U.S. industry 5. New Deal farm agency that attempted to raise prices by paying farmers to reduce their production of crops and animals 6. The drought-stricken plains areas from which hundreds of thousands of “Okies” were driven during the Great Depression 7. New Deal agency that aroused strong conservative criticism by producing low-cost electrical power in competition with private utilities 8. New Deal program that financed old-age pensions, unemployment insurance, and other forms of income assistance 9. New Deal agency established to provide a public watchdog against deception and fraud in stock trading 10. FDR’s scheme for gaining Supreme Court approval of New Deal legislation