
Jeremy’s Super Duper Review Questions: (Yes, that means you should figure out the
Please excuse minor typographic errors as this was typed quickly and not reviewed.
Things planned to review:
Anteriolisthesis: stress increases on what and how?
Pelvic positioning (ASIS position versus pubic symphysis, PSIS position (innominant
rotation, etc.))
Scoliosis causes what to muscles in what areas?
Muscles of the pes ancerine do what in action and what in function?
Y ligament does what?
Piriformis syndrome: affects what/what are symptoms? What does the muscle do?
Of course: Origin, Insertion, Action, Innervation of muscles
Trendelenburg gait: side and muscle involved…
Knee: Screw home mechanism: difference between open and closed chain, what happens
at the Tibia? What happens at the Femur? (in each…)
Patient gets struck so the knee moves in a valgus, varus, or hyperextended position:
injures what ligament for each position? What might also be injured with a certain
ligament (valgus stress injury)?
What is supination and pronation?
Ankle motion: Triplanar on a Single axis. Inversion versus eversion sprain: injures what
MUSCLE in the motion and what ligament? (what gets stretched?)
Calcaneal position: varus and valgus are related to supination/pronation how?
What is plantar fasciitis and where do bone spurs form?
What force couples occur in the body?
Posterior muscles of the calf are innervated by what?
GAIT!!!: Motion of what joints at different periods of gait and what muscles are
Most knee flexion happens at what point of gait and why?
Ataxic versus antalgic gait
HNP: increased stress with what types of activity/positions?
Capsular pattern of the shoulder?