b - 臺灣大學物理治療學系

國立台灣大學物理治療學系八十九學年度/ 肌動學期末考試
Multiple Choice:
Directions: Beneath each of the following questions are four lettered phrases or sentences marked
(a), (b), (c), and (d), but ONLY ONE best fits the answer. Please decide which one is the closest
correct answer. Then, write down the corresponding letter of the answer you have chosen on your
answer sheet.
1. Locomotion in human beings is defined as the act of moving the body from place to
place. Which of the following conditions is NOT one form of locomotion?
a. running
b. crutch walking
c. hand hanging on a bar
d. wheelchair propelling
2. A gait cycle is composed of stance and swing phases. The duration of the stance phase
is approximately _____% of a gait cycle.
b. 62
b. 38
c. 27
d. 22
3. Which of the following statements about the double support phase during one gait cycle
is NOT true?
a. A double support phase is defined as the time when both feet are in contact with the
ground simultaneously.
b. There is only one double support during one gait cycle.
c. The total duration of the double support phases during one gait cycle is approximately
22% of the gait cycle.
d. The presence of the double support phase is one of the characteristics to distinguish
walking from running.
4. Knee flexion occurs during the midstance phase is necessary to _____ the center of the
body mass by changing the vertical length of the supported leg.
a. elevate
b. lower
c. shift medially
d. shift laterally
5. According to EMG studies, the tibialis anterior becomes active in the early period of the
stance phase (from heel strike to foot flat). This muscle action is more likely to
a. counterbalance the contraction of the plantarflexor by co-contraction
b. lower down the foot at a controlled speed by eccentric contraction
c. slap the foot against the ground by concentric contraction
d. provide sufficient clearance between the foot and the ground
國立台灣大學物理治療學系八十九學年度/ 肌動學期末考試
6. The neutral position of the pelvis can be defined that _____ are located in the same
vertical plane.
a. ASIS and symphysis pubis
c. PIIS and symphysis pubis
b. ASIS and PIIS
d. PSIS and PIIS
7. Which of the following phenomena would NOT take place if a normal-aligned adult
stands naturally?
a. The heels of both feet separate 3" apart and the feet rotate 8-10 outwards.
b. The line of gravity of the body passes the calcaneocuboid joint.
c. The line of gravity of the body passes bodies of all cervical, thoracic, and lumbar
d. The line of gravity of the body passes the point 0.5-1 cm posterior to the center of the
hip joint.
8. Development may be a factor resulting a poor posture. The adolescent may have soft
tissue tightness because the bone grows _____ the muscle.
a. more rapid than b. equal to
c. less rapid than
9. In terms of equilibrium of erect stance, passive stability of the knee joint is dependent on
a. anterior cruciate ligament
b. posterior cruciate ligament
c. medial collateral ligament
d. lateral collateral ligament
10. When a healthy adult stands naturally, the angle between long axes of the pelvis and the
femoral neck is approximately
a. 180°
b. 160°~175°
c. 150°~159°
d. 140°~149°
11. A sway back posture is defined as the erect posture when the hip is hyper-extended and
the pelvis is posteriorly rotated. Which of the following ligaments may be the passive
checking factor for the hip joint if an erect posture is maintained?
a. iliofemoral
b. pubofemoral
c. ischiofemoral
d. teres femoris
12. According to convex-concave rule, hip external rotation is accompanied with _____
gliding of the femoral head on the acetabulum.
a. anterior
b. posterior
c. superior
d. inferior
13. The angle of torsion of the femoral neck in the new born is around _____ anterior to the
frontal plane.
a. 0
b. 15
c. 13-18
d. 40
國立台灣大學物理治療學系八十九學年度/ 肌動學期末考試
14. Which of the following statement about the trabecular system of the bone is NOT
a. The orientation of the trabecular system can be followed to the weight bearing area.
b. The trabeculae from the center of the pelvis are continuous with the lateral trabecular
system of the femur.
c. There are medial, lateral, medial accessory, lateral accessory trabecular systems in the
d. The zone of the weakness of the femoral neck where there is no trabecular system is
located at the inferior aspect of the femoral neck.
15. The Trendelenburg gait (瑪麗蓮夢露步態) is characterized by the pelvis dropping to the
unsupported leg. Which of the following muscles may be most likely to be weak or
paralyzed (麻痺)?
a. gluteus medius of the stance leg
b. gluteus medius of the unsupported leg
c. gluteus minimus of the stance leg
d. gluteus minimus of the unsupported leg
16. The function of the medial meniscus in the knee joint is
a. to stabilize the patella during knee flexion
b. to absorb the ground impact during weight bearing
c. to provide the mechanical leverage of the quadriceps
d. to prevent excessive anterior displacement of the tibia
17. Which of the following ligaments can prevent posterior displacement of the tibia?
a. the medial collateral ligament
b. the lateral collateral ligament
c. the anterior cruciate ligament
d. the posterior cruciate ligament
18. The function of the popliteus muscle is knee _____ and ____ of the tibia in the 90 of
knee flexion position.
a. extension; inward rotation
b. extension; outward rotation
c. flexion; inward rotation
d. flexion; outward rotation
19. The screw home mechanism of the knee joint describes the phenomenon that continuous
_____ of the femur accompanies the completion of knee extension during close
kinematic chain motions.
a. upward
b. downward
c. inward
d. outward
20. As the knee flexes from fully extended to 90 of flexion, the area of contact to the femur
_____ gradually.
a. decrease
b. increase
c. the same
國立台灣大學物理治療學系八十九學年度/ 肌動學期末考試
21. Which of the following joints is NOT a triplanar joint?
a. talonavicular joint
c. talocrural joint
b. first metaarsophalangeal joint
d. subtalar joint
22. During stance phase of the gait cycle, pronation of the subtalar joint makes the talus
move _____ and the tibia rotate _____.
a. laterally and superiorly; outwards
b. laterally and inferiorly; outwards
c. medially and superiorly; inwards
d. medially and inferiorly; inwards
23. Concerning with the medial longitudinal arch, which of the following statements is NOT
a. The apex of the medial longitudinal arch is at the navicular bone.
b. The arch becomes high when the subtalar joint is supinated and the plantar fascia is
c. The intrinsic muscle is active to maintain the arch during static stance.
d. One of the mechanisms to maintain the arch in a static foot is the joint congruity of
the tarsal and metatarsal joint
24. If the subject stands with the patella pointing straight forward, palpation of the malleoli
reveals that the lateral malleolus has a more _____ and _____ location than the medial
a. posterior, distal
c. anterior, distal
b. posterior, proximal
d. anterior, proximal
25. As the foot prepares for push-off, supination of the subtalar joint is initiated to establish
a rigid lever and pulleys for extrinsic muscles. Which of the following muscles may be
active in this phase to complete subtalar supination?
a. gastrocnemius
b. tibialis posterior
c. flexor digitorum longus
d. all of the above
26. All of the following joints between the atlas and the axis are synovial joints EXCEPT
a. the anterior atlantoaxial joint
b. the facet joint
c. the uncovertebral joint
d. the subtalar joint
27. Which of the following motions occurs mainly in the altanto-occipital joint?
a. active flexion/extension in cervical neutral position
b. active rotation in cervical neutral position
c. active flexion/extension in cervical maximum rotated position
d. active rotation in cervical maximum flexed position
國立台灣大學物理治療學系八十九學年度/ 肌動學期末考試
28. Which of the following statements about of anterior rotation (tilt) of the pelvic is NOT
a. The abdominal muscles are stretched.
b. The hamstrings are tight.
c. The back extensor may be stronger than the abdominal muscles.
d. The back extensors are tight.
29. When an individual lies on the bed with the leg raising straightly (直腿抬高), which of
the following statements is NOT TRUE?
a. The foot is pronated in order to absorb the shock.
b. The pelvis will rotate posteriorly and laterally.
c. The hamstrings muscles will be stretched.
d. The rectus femoris is difficult to contract because of the nature of a two-joint
30. In question 29, which of the following muscles will be stretched at the end of this
a. the rectus femoris
b. the gastrocnemius
c. the biceps brachii
d. the hamstring
31. The lumbar lordosis _____ when the pelvis tilt posteriorly during erect stance because
the lumbar spine is _____ following posterior tilt of the pelvis at stance.
a. increases; flexed
b. increases; extended
c. decreases; flexed
d. decreases; extended
32. As the same motion in Question 31: the _____ muscles contracts _____ to complete this
posterior tilt of the pelvis.
a. abdominal; concentrically
b. abdominal; eccentrically
c. iliopsoas; concentrically
d. iliopsoas; eccentrically
33. When the right sternocleidomastoid muscle contracts, the head is extended, sidebent to
the ______, and rotated to the _____.
a. right, right
b. right, left
c. left, right
d. left, left
國立台灣大學物理治療學系八十九學年度/ 肌動學期末考試
34. Concerning with the lumbar disc, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
a. Most of the body weight bearing is through the disc rather than the facet joints.
b. Forward bending exerts a posterior force on the nucleus that is forced to move
c. The lumbar disc consists of 80-90 % of water. This proportion of water decreases in
the elderly people.
d. Both anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments stabilize the intervertebral discs in
the lumbar region, which are as strong as these in the cervical spine.
35. In lower cervical region, the orientation of the facets of the apophyseal joint (facet joint)
is typically
a. with an angle of 20 degrees from the transverse plane
b. in the sagittal plane with some curvature in the frontal plane
c. exactly in the frontal plane
d. in the transverse plane
國立台灣大學物理治療學系八十九學年度/ 肌動學期末考試