Writing Week of Nov 7th

Ms. Lewis/3rd
Students will also have a daily writing prompt to complete in their writing journals.
** No School**
NCSCOS obj. W.3.5 With
guidance and support form peers
and adults develop and
strengthen writing as needed by
planning, revising, and editing.
NCSCOS obj. W.3.5 With
guidance and support form peers
and adults develop and strengthen
writing as needed by planning,
revising, and editing.
NCSCOS obj. W.3.5 With
guidance and support form peers
and adults develop and strengthen
writing as needed by planning,
revising, and editing.
NCSCOS obj. W.3.5 With
guidance and support form peers
and adults develop and
strengthen writing as needed by
planning, revising, and editing.
Focus & Review
Focus & Review
Review the 5 steps of the writing
process. Focus on drafting.
Students will write a rough poem on
Focus & Review
Review the 5 steps of the writing
process. Focus on revising.
Students will revise their poem on
Focus & Review
Review the 5 steps of the writing
process. Focus on editing.
Students will edit their emotions
Teacher Input
Mini Lesson:
TW review the writing process
using the writing process
PowerPoint. TW verbally
review the elements of Poetry:
Poetry is the art of expressing
one’s thoughts in verse. It uses
few words to convey its
message. It is meant to be read
aloud. Poetry arouses our
emotions. Poems uses imagery
or figures of speech to explain
feelings or to create a mental
picture or idea. TW review and
model the steps of prewriting
and drafting. Teacher Topic:
I AM Happy SW focus on 1 type
of poem a week. S should focus
on grammar and punctuations.
Teacher Input
Mini Lesson:
TW review the writing process
using the writing process
PowerPoint. TW verbally
review the elements of Poetry:
Poetry is the art of expressing
one’s thoughts in verse. It uses
few words to convey its
message. It is meant to be
read aloud. Poetry arouses our
emotions. Poems uses imagery
or figures of speech to explain
feelings or to create a mental
picture or idea. TW model the
steps of revising using her
draft Teacher Topic:”I Am
Happy ”. SW focus on writing
complete sentences,
capitalization and punctuation
TW review verbally the 5 steps of
the writing process. Planning,
Draft, Revising, Editing and
Publishing. Use writing process
chart as a guide. Review the steps
of planning and drafting verbally.
Explain and model the step of
revising using the smartboard and
writing process chart. Revising is
when you are working to make
your work better. Checking for
understanding and extending your
work. Monitor students as they
revise their drafts.
Teacher Input
Mini Lesson:
TW review the writing
process using the writing
process PowerPoint. TW
verbally review the elements
of Poetry: Poetry is the art of
expressing one’s thoughts in
verse. It uses few words to
convey its message. It is
meant to be read aloud.
Poetry arouses our emotions.
Poems uses imagery or
figures of speech to explain
feelings or to create a mental
picture or idea. TW model the
steps of editing using her
draft Teacher Topic:
“I AM happy”. TW encourage
students to follow alone with
their editing mark sheet as T
edits her writing sample. SW
focus on using editing mark.
TW review verbally the 5 steps of
the writing process. Planning,
Draft, Revising, Editing and
Publishing. Use writing process
chart as a guide. Verbally review
the steps of planning, drafting,
and revising using smartboard
and writing process chart as a
guide. Verbally explain and model
the step of editing to write using
the editing mark sheets as a
guide. Editing marks are used to
edit work for spelling,
capitalization, punctuation marks.
Assist students as they edit their
Review the 5 steps of the
writing process. Focus
on planning. Students
will create a web on
Teacher Input
Mini Lesson:
TW show quick Poetry
dilla/). TW verbally explain
the elements of Poetry:
Poetry is the art of expressing
one’s thoughts in verse. It
uses few words to convey its
message. It is meant to be
read aloud. Poetry arouses
our emotions. Poems uses
imagery or figures of speech
to explain feelings or to
create a mental picture or
idea. TW model the steps of
prewriting and drafting.
Teacher Topic: “I Am Happy”.
SW following the writing
process with the teacher as
we create a class poem about
money. SW focus on 1 type of
poem a week. S should focus
on grammar and
TW review the 5 steps of the
writing process. Planning, Draft,
Revising, Editing and Publishing.
Explain and model the step of
planning to write using a word
TW review the 5 steps of the writing
process. Planning, Draft, Revising,
Editing and Publishing. Review the
step of drafting. Explain and model
the step of drafting to write using
the smart board and writing process
chart. Monitor students as they
complete a draft of their work”.
Ms. Lewis/3rd
Students will also have a daily writing prompt to complete in their writing journals.
Guided Practice
CW complete a word web for an
opinion piece about spending time
watching television and
brainstorm different ideas of what
to write about. This will be done
independently. We will discuss
different topics as a whole group.
Guided Practice
CW verbally review the writing
process. Planning, Draft, Revising,
Editing and Publishing. Draft a class
poem using their
prewriting/brainstorming sheet as a
guide. Remind students as they
draft they may need to make some
Guided Practice
CW verbally review the writing
process. Planning, Draft, Revising,
Editing and Publishing. Review
verbally the steps of revising and
follow steps to revising their
paragraphs. Revising: Add, delete,
and change words when necessary.
Independent Practice
SW complete a word web for their
particular topic. Provide details
that go along with the main idea.
Draft a class poem.
Independent Practice
CW verbally review the writing
process. Planning, Draft, Revising,
Editing and Publishing.
Draft/Revise a class poem.
Independent Practice
CW verbally reviews the writing
process. Planning, Draft, Revising,
Editing and Publishing.
Review verbally the steps of
revising and follow steps to
revising their paragraph. Revising:
Add, delete, and change words
when necessary.
Check Understanding
S ability to complete a word web
for their writing topic. Actively
participate in discussion. By being
able to recall prewriting steps and
brainstorming process.
Check Understanding
S ability to verbally recall steps for
writing process. Completion of a
draft of their writing sample. Writing
samples will serves as students
understanding of topic.
Check Understanding
S ability to verbally recall steps for
writing process. Completion of
revising writing sample. Writing
samples will serves as students
understanding of topic.
Daily Writing Prompt:
My favorite school subject
Daily Writing Prompt:
If I could be any animal, I
would be a ………
Daily Writing Prompt:
If I had to become an active
soldier in the military today, I
Guided Practice
CW verbally review the writing
process. Planning, Draft,
Revising, Editing and Publishing
Review verbally the editing step
and follow steps to edit their
story. Editing: It is not too late to
go back and add, delete, or
change information to achieve
clarity, continuity, organization, or
for entertainment value.
Independent Practice
CW verbally reviews the writing
process. Planning, Draft,
Revising, Editing and Publishing.
Review verbally the editing step
and follow steps to edit story.
Editing: It is not too late to go
back and add, delete, or change
information to achieve clarity,
continuity, organization, or for
entertainment value. TW monitor
student’s progress.
Check Understanding
S ability to verbally recall steps for
writing process. Completion of
editing their writing sample.
Writing samples will serves as
students understanding of topic.
Daily Writing Prompt:
If I could be the guest on one
television show, it would