Name _____________________________________ Period ______________ Date _____________ Biology Project: Genetic Disease ____________________________________________ (child’s disorder) Your friend has found out that their relative has a genetic disorder. Since you have significant knowledge in the area of genetic disorders, your friend has contacted you for help. You will analyze the patient's test results, family history and symptoms, and draw conclusions about the genetic disorder, if any, that affects your friend's relative. You will use websites to research facts and organizers to gather and record information about the genetic disorder. You have been assigned the task of finding out information about the genetic condition above. You are to put the valuable information together to create a Public Service Announcement (PSA) which could be a pamphlet, PowerPoint, or other visual that can be handed out or shown to people who want to know how to care for a child with this condition. This project will count one test grade and must include the following information. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What chromosome carries this disorder? What are the symptoms of the disease? What is the incidence of this disease or how many people have this disease? How is the disease diagnosed? Is there a test or screening for this disease? How is this disease treated or managed? What is it like to have the disease? What precautions does a person with this disease have to take? Include where a person can obtain more information about the disease (web site, groups/foundations) Once your research is complete, you will construct an informative presentation or pamphlet that will help the patient and their family understands and prepare for life with a disorder. Be sure to include a visual of the disease to capture one’s attention and make someone want to read your pamphlet. Web Sites for information: Genetics Learning Center National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute: March of Dimes: Online Mendelian Inheritance (use to locate which chromosome carries the disorder): NIH: Your Genes, Your Health: Medline: Kids’ Health: Web Sites for Presentations: Interactive presentation: Interactive Poster: Rubric to grade the Genetics Pamphlet Name: _______________________________________ Disease: _____________________________________________ CATEGORY 4 3 Writing - Grammar There are no grammatical mistakes in the brochure. There are no grammatical mistakes in the brochure. There are 1-2 grammatical mistakes in the brochure. Attractiveness & Organization The brochure has exceptionally attractive formatting and well-organized information. The brochure has attractive formatting and well-organized information. The brochure has The brochure's well-organized formatting and information. organization of material are confusing to the reader. Graphics/Pictures Graphics go well with the text and there is a good mix of text and graphics. Graphics go well with the text, but there are so many that they distract from the text. Graphics go well with the text, but there are too few and the brochure seems "textheavy". Graphics do not make sense with the accompanying text or appear to be randomly chosen. Spelling & Proofreading No spelling errors remain after one person other than the typist reads and corrects the brochure. No more than 1 spelling error remains after one person other than the typist reads and corrects the brochure. No more than 3 spelling errors remain after one person other than the typist reads and corrects the brochure. There are 3 or more spelling errors in the brochure. Content - All facts in the brochure are accurate. 99-90% of the facts 89-80% of the in the brochure are facts in the accurate. brochure are accurate. Accuracy 2 1 There are several grammatical mistakes in the brochure. Fewer than 80% of the facts in the brochure are accurate. List of Diseases 1. Cystic Fibrosis 2. Huntington’s Disease 3. Maple Syrup Urine Disease (MSUD) 4. Neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1) 5. Williams Syndrome 6. Sickle Cell Disease 7. Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Syndrome (SCID) 8. Phenylketonuria 9. Smith-Lemli-Optiz Syndrome (SLOS) 10. Turner’s Syndrome (Female Child) 11. Cri-du-Chat Syndrome 12. Down Syndrome 13. Galactosemia 14. Alzehiemer’s disease 15. Klinefelter Syndrome 16. Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency 17. Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) deficiency 18. Hyperthyroidism 19. Pachyonychia Congentia 20. Fragile X 21. Marfan Syndrome 22. Hemophilia 23. Muscular Dystrophy 24. Tay Sachs 25. Beta Thalassemia 26. Hemochromatosis 27. Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) 28. William’s Syndrome Disease 1. Colon Cancer 2. Breast/Ovarian Cancer 3. Cystic Fibrosis 4. Huntington’s Disease 5. Maple Syrup Urine Disease (MSUD) 6. Neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1) 7. Williams Syndrome 8. Sickle Cell Disease 9. Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Syndrome (SCID) 10. Phenylketonuria 11. Smith-Lemli-Optiz Syndrome (SLOS) 12. Turner’s Syndrome 13. Cri-du-Chat Syndrome 14. Down Syndrome 15. Galactosemia 16. Alzehiemer’s disease 17. Klinefelter Syndrome 18. Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency 19. Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) deficiency 20. Hyperthyoidism 21. Pachyonychia Congentia 22. Fragile X 23. Hemochromatosis 24. Muscular Dystrophy 25. Tay Sachs 26. Marfans 27. Beta Thalasemia 28. Hemophilia 29. William’s Syndrome Block 4 Block 5 The Genetic Disease Project Group Members: _______________________________________ Disease: _____________________________________________ Category Poss. Points Chromosome affected 10 Symptoms 10 Incidence 10 Diagnosis/Testing 10 Treatment 10 Precautions if have the disease 10 Information web sites, etc. 10 Overall Pamphlet/Visual Presentation 10 Total 100 Making A Face: Genetic Simulation Assessment Group: _______________________________ Task Possible Group Score Data Sheet 20 Questions 25 Drawing of Face 35 Cooperation And Focus 10 Total 90 Earned Points