Color Plate Questions

Name ___________________________________________________________________________________ Date___________ Period_________
Un-segmented Worms Color Plate Questions
 Color Plate # 26
1. How are unsegmented worms, or nematodes, advanced over flat worms?
2. Proboscis worms can be described as what?
3. What are Nematodes or unsegmented worms also known as?
4. Describe the living patterns and eating patterns of roundworms.
5. What type of body cavity organization do Nematodes have? What does this mean?
6. Organisms with a pseudocoelomate can be described as being from this phylum.
7. Where do you find Filarial worms? What is the main symptom of their infection? What disease do they cause?
8. What character is special to hookworms?
9. How do trichina worms infect their host?
 Color Plate # 28
1. How is ascaris an unusual specimen for the phylum Nematoda?
2. Describe how roundworms ingest food.
3. What physical structures do round worms have in order to get rid of wastes?
4. Based on the color plate, are roundworms monoecious or dioecious? Explain your answer.
5. What structures do males have that help them to hold on to the female during copulation?
6. Describe the body structure of the ascaris.