V for Vendetta – Questionnaire Did you enjoy the film? Why? Why

V for Vendetta – Questionnaire
1. Did you enjoy the film? Why? Why not?
2. Find the following information:
a. Film director
b. Main actors
c. Date of release
d. Genre
e. Source of inspiration
3. Briefly tell the historical fact the film refers to.
4. When and where does the story take place?
5. Focus on the characters of V and Evey.
Describe each of them using at least 3 different adjectives. Explain your choices with examples.
6. How did High Chancellor Sutler become Head of the Government?
7. What is the Old Bailey?
8. What is Larkhill?
9. What does Inspector Finch find out?
10. Was V’s vendetta successful?
11. In the film there are several examples of how a totalitarian government manages to look into
ordinary people’s private lives and shape their behaviour. Briefly describe at least two of them.
12. Look up the following words in a dictionary. Provide for each of them the definition in English
and the Italian translation
defiant (adj)
blame (v)
scar (n)
bulletproof (adj)
sedition (n)
For the definition in English and pronunciation you can use the bilingual Macmillan Dictionary
For the Italian translation you can use the English-Italian dictionary Wordreference