Sponsorship & Expo Information *** Due to last year’s Hurricane Irene cancellation, race t-shirts were already printed and will be used this year. Thank you. *** $7500.00 Gold Sponsor: Name and logo prominently featured on all printed race materials. Will be given race day signage. Will have largest name and logo on all materials printed for race. Will have high visibility at event. Will be featured in race day signage and be given “exclusive” vendor space to set up display table at event and at the Expo. Will be featured in the Delaware Valley Chapter of The National Hemophilia Foundation newsletter following the event which is mailed to over 3500 households. Link will be given on www.perkuphalfmarathon.com website to your business. Will be mentioned in all newspaper, TV and radio announcements leading up to the event and post race material. Will have the ability to distribute your product, samples, pamphlets, brochure or catalogue or other promotional material in race packets received by competitors and volunteers. Company banner will be displayed at event. $5000.00 Silver Sponsor: Name and logo on all printed race materials. Free vendor space to set up display at event and Expo. Will have race day signage and DJ announcements. Ability to distribute your product in the race packet. $4000.00 Bronze Sponsor: Name only on all printed race materials. Free vendor space to set up display at event. $500.00 Port-o-Potty Sponsor: Your logo and advertisement will be placed on the inside and outside of the portable toilets at the event. (As the event grows so does the need for more toilets!) Port-o-Potty courtesy of “YOUR NAME HERE”! $250.00 Mile Sponsor: Will have signage at mile marker with company name and logo. $150.00 Water Stop Sponsor: Will have signage at a water station along the course, recognizing your company as the sponsor of the water for the event at that stop. We also ask that you try to provide volunteers (5-10 volunteers) for this stop and wear your company apparel if possible to show support. IN-KIND SPONSOR: Donations of food, water, door prizes or giveaway items, will receive free vendor space at event. Giveaway items will be distributed to all participants at the event. Expected attendance is 1000 plus! Please contact for more information on food and water and giveaway needs. Vendor/Exhibit Space: Space will be given on first come first serve basis! Please complete form below to sign up for the Expo. We will provide an 8 foot long table for your use at the Expo. Please complete the Expo sign-up sheet to become an exhibitor. SPONSORSHIP Yes, I want to sponsor the Perk Up Half Marathon! Name: ______________________________________ Business Name: ______________________________ Email Address: ______________________________ Phone: ______________________________________ Level of Sponsorship: __________________________ Please send camera ready art work/logo to: ChristineR@hemophiliasupport.org no later than July 15, 2012. Upon receipt of your payment for sponsorship, we will contact you with more information on the event. Please return this form along with your check payable to the Delaware Valley Chapter of NHF 14 E. Sixth St, 1st Floor, Lansdale, PA 19446 Your contribution is 100% tax deductible. Tax ID 23-156-7876. A receipt will be sent to acknowledge your contribution. For more information please contact Christine Rowe at 215-393-3611 or 267-249-8372. PERK UP HALF MARATHON EXPO SIGN-UP SHEET NAME: __________________________________________ BUSINESS NAME: _________________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________ EMAIL: _____________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________ NATURE OF BUSINESS: ____________________________________ (Example: chiropractor, health food, fitness etc.…) # of Tables required: ________________ Will you have giveaways at your table? YES NO If YES, please state type of giveaways: ________________________________ Set up time begins at 7:00 a.m. Tables will be provided if needed. You will be responsible for tear down and clean up of your area!