Kafka Webquest 2014

Webquest for Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis
10 English
The Metamorphosis: Introduction
Read the “Meet Franz Kafka” and “Introducing the Novella” from The Metamorphosis Study Guide
and respond to the following questions in your own words. You will also need to consult the
websites found on the document.
Franz Kafka biography
1. What nationality is Franz Kafka? Why is this important to who he is as a person?
2. How did Kafka get along with his family?
3. How did his father impact his life and writings?
4. What do we know about his friends? Lovers/Relationships?
5. What jobs did he have?
6. Why did he write? Why was he ultimately published?
Franz Kafka writings:
1. What works did Kafka write? When did he write them?
2. Choose a quote from one of those listed on this website.
Explain what that quote means to you.
3. What influences caused him to write the things he did? What’s been the most
famous of his works?
4. What is Existentialism and how does it connect to Kafka?
Franz Kafka’s world
1. What was going on during Kafka’s life? Find five points to demonstrate world issues
and events at that time. http://www.historyguide.org/europe/lecture12.html
2. How were Kafka’s works a reflection of the society at large at that time?
3. How was Kafka’s writing influenced by his city of Prague? How did he change the
settings to create a stronger impression in his writing?
4. Why are Kafka’s works still important globally even today?