Franz Kafka / The Metamorphosis Essay topics for Kafka’s “ Metamorphosis” 1. Gregor Samsa the vermin/beetle/bug – is he “real” or only a dream? 2. Gregor’s “metamorphosis” – escape or punishment ? 3. Compare Kafka’s short prose “On Parables” (handout) with “The Metamorphosis” 4. What’s the “meaning” of the story? (Your interpretation) Some literature on Franz Kafka and the text available in the library PT2621 .A26 Z5745 1995 Approaches to teaching Kafka's short fiction / edited by Richard T. Gray. PT2621 .A26 Z9316 1990 Franz Kafka : a study of the short fiction / Allen Thiher. PT2621 .A26 Z8653 1980 The secret raven : conflict and transformation in the life of Franz Kafka / Daryl Sharp. PT2621 .A26 Z758 The Kafka debate : new perspectives for our time / edited by Angel Flores. PT2621 .A26 A7732 1973 The commentators' despair : the interpretation of Kafka's Metamorphosis. Corngold, Stanley. PT2621 .A26 Z817 1966 Franz Kafka : parable and paradox / by Heinz Politzer. PT2621 .A26 Z71955 1958 Franz Kafka today / edited by Angel Flores and Homer Swander.