ap us history - OCPS TeacherPress

Mrs. Montague
407/905-5500, ext. 6002533
Welcome to college! This AP course allows you the opportunity to earn up to six credits for U.S. History I
and II at most colleges or universities. It is designed to provide a college-level experience and
preparation for the redesigned AP Examination in May, 2016 and will, of course, also satisfy your high
school American History requirement for graduation. Because you may earn college credit for this
course, the pace and work load will be more demanding and more intense than an honors class.
It is important for you to know that chapter quizzes, multi-chapter tests and formal writing assignments
will make up the majority of your grade (80%) for this course. This is in keeping with the AP Exam,
which is made up entirely of multiple choice, short response, and essay questions. You will be quizzed at
least weekly on chapter work and you will be preparing short responses and essays (in part or in whole)
on a regular basis. Unit tests will be in the new multiple choice format and will always cover multiple
chapters. Please note that not all assignments will be graded; however, all student assignments are
critical to the success of students in this course.
Week 1
Historical Period 1: 1491-1607
Chapter 1
Due Tues. 8/25
 Review Course Description & Procedures on APUSH Syllabus page
Due Thurs. 8/27
 MyBook Information sheet – assignment is on Docs & Forms page of web site
Due Fri., 8/28
 Chapter 1 (AMSCO) Guided Reading – turned in as google doc link on
 Summer Assignment (if not already turned in).
Tues. 8/25 – “Pre-Test” on causes/effects of major wars/conflicts
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Week 2
Historical Period 1: 1491-1607
Chapter 1
Due Mon. 8/31:
 Design and prepare an analysis of the similarities and differences between the
patterns of settlement and treatment of Native Americans in the New World by
the Spanish, the British, and the French. You choose the format and the method
of presentation – you may prepare it digitally or on paper.
Watch the following short History Channel videos on Columbus:
o Discovery o
“Bone Voyage” on Columbus’ burial o
Due Wed., 9/02:
 HP1 Concept Review Activity (due by end of class Wed. – will have time in class
to work on it)
Due Thurs., 9/03
 AMSCO, Ch. 1 Multiple Choice Review Questions (docs and forms page); print
the questions out and mark the correct answers
Due Fri., 9/04
 BAGPIPE Chart on Historical Period 1
 Make sure you have prepared for Unit I Test on Historical Period 1 today!
o See “History Sage” notes on Historical Period 1 to help review for your
test – the link is on the APUSH Review page
FRI, 9/04: Multiple Choice and SAQ (Short Answer Question) on Historical Period 1
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------Week 3
Monday – Labor Day holiday
Historical Period 2: 1607-1754
Chapters 2, 3 & 4
Chapters 2 & 3
Due Tues., 9/08:
 Research and understand the reason for the Labor Day holiday
 13 Colonies Map
 AMSCO, Ch. 2
o Prepare Ch. 2 IDs, #2.1 through 2.15
o See Docs and Forms page for HP 2 IDs – includes directions on how to
do IDs
Due Wed., 9/09:
 Document Analysis: Prepare a CAPPS Analysis of the Mayflower Compact, Fund.
Orders of CT, & MD Act of Toleration
o This assignment is on your Edmodo page and will be submitted via
Edmodo. See the Docs & Forms page “CAPPS Analysis” to refresh your
memory on how to CAPPS a document.
Due Fri.., 9/11
 Historical Analysis Comparing and Contrasting Colonial Regions Activity
(activity that was done in class Thurs. and finished for homework if not finished
in class)
 HP2 IDs - #2.16 through 29
Tues., 9/08 – Reading Check quiz on the Southern Colonies IDs
Fri., 9/11 – Reading Check Quiz on the New England Colonies IDs
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Week 4
Historical Period 2: 1607-1754
Chapters 2, 3 & 4
Chapters 2 & 3
Due Mon., 9/14:
 HP2 IDs on the Middle Colonies - #2.33 through 2.38 (See AMSCO Ch. 2.)
 Read pages 45-48 of Ch. 3 in the AMSCO Review Book (see Docs and Forms page
for AMSCO Ch. 2 & 3 if you have not purchased your own yet).
o Answer Questions 1 through 3 on the AMSCO Ch. 3 Guided Reading
(see docs and forms page).
Due Tues., 9/15
 Read pages 49-53 of Ch. 3 in the AMSCO Review Book.
o Answer Questions 4 & 5 on the AMSCO Ch. 3 Guided Reading (see docs
and forms page).
Due Wed., 9/16
 Review Essay Guidelines and LEQ Rubric (see docs and forms page)
Due Thurs., 9/17
 Analysis of main ideas of Adam Smith on mercantilism – EDMODO assignment;
the assignment is on Edmodo and response will be made via Edmodo
Due Fri., 9/18
 Read pages 54-55 to complete Ch. 3 in the AMSCO Review Book.
o Complete the AMSCO Ch. 3 Guided Reading by answering Question 6
and the final Section 2 Arts CAPP
Differences in the Colonial Regions – Thursday
(includes Geography ---know the location of each of the 13 colonies)
In-class writing activity on Thursday/Friday
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------Week 5 (9-21-9-25)
Historical Period 2: 1607-1754
Hist. Period 3: 1754-1800
Chapters 2 - 5
Chapters 2 -4
Due Mon. 9/21:
 Analysis of main ideas of Adam Smith on mercantilism – EDMODO
assignment; the assignment is on Edmodo and response will be made via
 Review Ch. 3 Guided Reading to prepare for short quiz
Due Tues., 9/22:
 AMSCO Multiple Choice Questions from Chapters 2 and 3 (remember
these chapters are still on the docs and forms page if you need them).
See Edmodo – there is an assignment on this. Review and answer each
of the multiple choice for these 2 chapters and turn them in via Edmodo.
Due Wed., 9/23:
 HP2 Review Questions – see Edmodo
o Please note that these are due by 7:15 a.m. today!
 TEST TOMORROW (multiple choice) on Historical Period 2 – Colonial
Due Thurs., 9/24
 BAGPIPE Chart on HP2: Colonial America, 1607-1754
Due Fri., 9/25:
 Read and take notes of your own style from pages 69-71 in AMSCO on
the French and Indian War – make sure that you understand the causes
and effects of this war.
 Expect a notes check
Monday, Ch. 3 AMSCO – Colonial Society – 3 -5 questions (review your
AMSCO Guided Reading on Ch. 3)
Historical Period 2: Colonial America – Thursday
Week 6 (9-28-10-02)
The American Revolution, 1775-1783
Chapters 6& 7
Chapters 4 & 5
Due Mon. 9/28:
 Edmodo Analysis of Franklin’s “Join or Die” cartoon
 Path to Revolution Activity (see docs and forms page)
o Read pages 1-73 AMSCO and complete the sections on the
SECOND page of this activity. Read the directions and see the
example done for you on the Proclamation of 1763.
Due Tues., 9/29
 Review the LEQ Rubric on the docs and forms page
 Path to Revolution Activity (see docs and forms page if you were not in
class or have misplaced it)
o Read pages 74-77 & pages 85-36 AMSCO and complete the
FIRST page of this activity
Due Wed., 9/30
 CAPPS Analysis of the excerpts from The Causes and Necessity of Taking
up Arms and Common Sense - – prepare a CAPPS analysis of each of these
documents on Edmodo. A description of the CAPPS Analysis is always
on the Docs & Forms page of the web site.
Due Thurs., 10/01
Reading in Pageant: Read and take Cornell notes from the following
pages 128-129; pages 132-133. If you prefer, you may take your notes in
outline format rather than Cornell style.
Due Fri., 10/02
 Complete group essay brainstorming activity if not completed in class
 Reading in Pageant: Read and take Cornell notes from the following
pages ______________. If you prefer, you may take your notes in outline
format rather than Cornell style
LEQ in class on Wednesday / French & Indian War
Reading Check quiz on Friday; may be SAQ or multiple choice or both
Read AMSCO, Ch. 5, pages 89-91 and complete page 3 of the AMSCO
Guided Reading & Analysis (see docs and forms page)
READ Henretta: pages 189-191 and pages 194-195 – some of this info
will be covered in today’s quiz
Week 7
The American Revolution, 1775-1783
Chapter 6
Chapters 4 & 5
Due Mon. 9/29:
 Complete all the remaining portions of the AMSCO reading guide except
part 5 on “Organization of New Governments.”
 Review pages 184-200 in Henretta, America’s History text and complete
your war chart on the Revolutionary War by adding significant battles,
the turning point, terms of the Treaty, etc.
 Look at the Nutshell for Historical Period 3 on the Syllabus page on the
website. Do Chapter IDs #4.1-5.5.
Due Tues., 9/30
 Chapter IDs # 5.6 - 5.20
o You may work in partners for this assignment and share the
load. Partners will just need to provide each other with a copy
of the ones they prepare so that each person has all the IDs.
Due Wed., 10/01
 Read/analyze “The Newburgh Conspiracy” – assignment is on the Docs
& Forms page
 Remaining Chapter IDs #5.21 – 6.4
o You may work in partners for this assignment and share the
load. Partners will just need to provide each other with a copy
of the ones they prepare so that each person has all the IDs.
Due Thurs., 10/02:
 BAGPIPE Chart on Revolutionary America – 1754-1783
Timed SAQ – Tuesday or Wednesday
Thursday - TEST, Multiple Choice on REVOLUTIONARY ERA,
Henretta Chapters 4,5,6; AMSCO, Ch. 4 & 5
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Week 8 (10/06-10/10))
Primary Source:
Confederation to Constitution
Chapter 6
Chapter 5 & 6
The Constitution
Due Mon. 10/06:
 IDs – 6.5 through 6.10 (see Unit 3 Nutshell on Syllabus page)
 “Articles of Confederation: The Challenge of Sovereignty” – follow
directions and complete (it is on your Docs and Forms page – you do
NOT need to explain the significance of each term – just categorize
and write what’s required at the end.)
 Use your Study Plan for the reading on the new State Governments,
the Articles of Confederation and the Constitutional Convention and
 Henrettta – pages 200-211
 AMSCO – Ch. 5 – starts on p. 91-end of chapter; Ch. 6 on
Constitution and Convention
 Ch. 5 Guided Reading - #5
 Ch. 6 – Guided Reading, front page, #1 and #2
Due Tues., 10/07
 Constitution Analysis:
o Article I – Legislative Branch
o Article II – Executive Branch
Due Wed., 10/08
 Constitution Analysis: Articles III-VII
Due Thurs., 10/09
 IDs, #6.11-6.17
 Watch video on how the Electoral College works:
Due Fri., 10/10
 Remainder of Constitution Analysis: Amendments; Checks and
Tuesday - Quiz on Constitutional Convention (end of Ch. 6)
Thursday - Quiz on Constitution
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------Week 9
The Constitution & the New Republic, 1776-1800
Chapter 7: Hammering out a Federal Republic
Chapter 6: The Constitution and the New Republic
Primary Source:
The Constitution
Due Mon. 10/13:
 Electoral College Simulation Activity
KNOW the Bill of Rights – Pictorial Quiz today where you will have to
identify the first 10 amendments by number and description
Make sure the entire Constitution Analysis is complete
Due Tues., 10/14:
 Review notes on Articles of Confederation and Constitution Analysis
package – essay in class today or tomorrow
Due Thurs., 10/16
 Use your Study Plan for the reading on Washington’s Administration:
o Henretta: Ch. 7, pages 214 through 222 (through Jay’s Treaty)
and p. 226 on the Treaty of Greenville
o AMSCO, Ch. 6, pages 109-115 – ALSO, review pages 216-218 in
Henretta on Hamilton’s Financial Plan
 IDs, #6.18-6.25
Due Fri., 10/17
 “The Genius of George Washington” – Read pages 3-25 and identify and
briefly explain the top ten reasons given by this author to support the
title of the article. Please note that this activity will be graded and part of
your writing category in grades.
Monday – Bill of Rights Quiz (know the amendment number & what it provides)
Friday – Washington’s Administration
Major Quiz (mini-test) on the Constitution on Thursday
Tuesday or Wednesday – the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------Week 10
The New Republic
Chapter 7: Hammering out a Federal Republic
Chapter 6: The Constitution and the New Republic
Due Mon. 10/20:
 Edmodo Assignment on Washington’s Farewell Address
 Use your Study Plan for the reading on Adam’s Administration:
o Henretta, Ch. 7: pages 222 up to “The Jefferson Presidency” on p. 231
o AMSCO, Ch. 6: pages 115-118
 CONSTITUTION QUIZ/MINI-TEST: Corrections Only – no requiz; must be
done on Monday or Tuesday after school only; will work individually on
corrections; plan to grade your corrections before you leave
Last Friday was the anniversary of Washington’s win at Yorktown! Great link from Mount Vernon
newsletter with that story and other cool stuff about GWash: http://us2.campaignarchive1.com/?u=2313d2141f19dbc004908589e&id=25bcc08a82&e=8dae97bc4e –
Due Wed., 10/22:
 IDs, #6.26-6.31 (new)
Will turn in all IDs: 6.5 through 6.31 before test today
President Charts on George Washington & John Adams
BAGPIPE Chart on Confederation – Federalist Era
Wed., 10/22 – HP3: Confederation Era & Federalist Era
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------Check Progress Book to make sure grades are accurate
TEST, Multiple Choice on Ch. 9-12 & JQ Adams (Ch. 13) – Tues., 10/22
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