HANOI UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT AND TOURISM Course Outline MGT 201 INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT SUMMER- 2015 Faculty of Management and Tourism Km 9, Nguyen Trai Road, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi, Vietnam Phone: (84) 043 55 33 560 Website: http://web.hanu.vn/fmt/ Faculty of Management and Tourism Course details Course name Introduction to Management Unit code MGT201 Units of credit 5 Study length 15 weeks Year Summer 2015 Prerequisite/Co requisite None Suggested study commitment Approximately 6 hours per week Course Coordinator Minh Hieu Nguyen T. Contact details R. 201, Building C Tel: (04) 55 33 560 E-mail: hieuntm@hanu.edu.vn The Course outline contains important information. Please ensure that you read it carefully. It is also strongly recommended that you keep this copy of your Course outline for future reference. Course aim/rationale The purpose of this course is to expose you to a widely accepted body of knowledge regarding the management of organizations, to set your study of this body of knowledge in today’s dynamic environment and to emphasize the practical application of the course matter, thus mixing the theory and the practice of management in an active learning approach. The course is intended to be an enjoyable and challenging introduction to the principles of management. The aim is to cover a wide variety of interesting and contemporary management topics at a “just below the surface” level sufficient to provide students with the vital information they need to know about management. The terms dynamic, interesting, contemporary are intended to convey an appreciation that at the dawn of the 21st Century, multinational markets and global competition; the explosive force of technology; the cultural and social diversity of an increasingly educated and aware work force; the emphasis on environmental awareness, social responsibility and ethical management behaviour are radically changing the world of business and its management. In such an environment only those organisations whose managers learn from their experiences and adapt to suit their dynamic environment will be the most successful. You must therefore appreciate that, despite the existence of weighty managerial literature presenting theories, principles and concepts as prescriptions for good management, you will need to synthesise your own approach which will be totally dependent on your specific environment and will need to change as characteristics of that environment change. Hence, as a program of study this Course adopts a managerial perspective which emphasises the practical applications of the concepts and theories discussed. Course objectives The specific objectives of this Course are to introduce you to ways of describing, analysing, explaining, and managing the problems and issues faced by managers in relation to: The challenges of management; organisational culture and environment (specific, general and global). The functions and processes of problem solving, decision making, organisational planning, structure, co-ordination change and innovation. Page 2 of 6 Faculty of Management and Tourism Understanding the influence and significance of, motivation, leadership, communication and the foundations of organisational control, information systems and operations management. The preparation of management related documents which are professionally formatted, soundly developed from a conceptual and practical point of view and accurately and completely referenced to the AGPS Harvard style Course materials This is a foundation course, and study materials are kept to a minimum to allow you to learn them thoroughly. You are encouraged to avoid the danger of giving this course only a superficial treatment as in the long term this may disadvantage you. Aim at spending most of your time studying your text and support that with further reading. By reading business articles in newspapers and magazines, you may be able to see illustrations of the management theory you are currently studying and thus be able to link the theory with actual practice. You should look for examples of the concepts you are studying in any workplace or organisational setting. Textbook: You must have access to the following book: Robbins, S.P. and Coulter, M., 2009, Management, 10th Ed., Pearson, Upper Saddle, New Jersey 07458. Additional material: Thompson, A. A., Strickland III, A., J. & Gamble, J., 2007, Crafting and Executing Strategy – The Quest for Competitive Advantage, Concepts and Cases, 15th Ed., McGraw Hill, International edition, page 51, 134-135 Robbins, S. P., Judge, T. A., 2011, Organizational behavior, 14th Ed., Prentice Hall, New Jersey 07458, page 153 - 155 Page 3 of 6 Faculty of Management and Tourism Course structure The structure of this Course for on-campus students comprises one 2.5 class hours lecture per week and one 2.5 class hours tutorial per week Proposed weekly schedule: Section 1 Topic Content Readings & Activities Part A: Introduction and Overview - Course Introduction Introduction to Quiz, case Management study, and discussion 1. Who are managers? Organization 2. What is management? 3. What do managers do? 4. What is an organization, and how is the concept of an organization changing? 5. Why study management? Activities: Work on hand out Organizational 1 Contrast the actions of managers according to the Culture and omnipotent and symbolic views. Environment: 2 Discuss the characteristics and importance of organizational The Constraints culture. 3 Describe current issues in organizational culture. 4 Identify the features of the specific and general environments. Activities: Work on hand out 2 Decision Making: The Essence of the Manager’s job Part B: Planning 1 Describe the eight steps in the decision-making process. 2 Explain the three ways managers make decisions. 3 Classify decisions and decision-making conditions. 4 Describe different decision-making styles and discuss how biases affect decision making. 5 Identify effective decision-making techniques. Quiz, case study, discussion Activities: Work on hand out Foundations of 1 Define the nature and purpose of planning. Planning 2 Classify the types of goals organizations might have and the plans they use. 3 Compare and contrast approaches to goal setting and planning. 4 Discuss contemporary issues in planning Activities: Work on hand out 3 Strategic 1 Define strategic management and explain why it’s important. Quiz, case Management 2 Explain what managers do during the six steps of the study, strategic management process. discussion 3 Describe the three types of corporate strategies. 4 Describe competitive advantage and the strategies organizations use to get it. 5 Discuss current strategic management issues. Activities: Work on hand out Page 4 of 6 Faculty of Management and Tourism Organizational 1 Describe six key elements in organizational design. Structure and 2 Identify the contingency factors that favor either the Design mechanistic model or the organic model of organizational design. 3 Compare and contrast traditional and contemporary organizational designs. Activities: Work on hand out 4 Human Resource Management o What is Human Resource Management o Why HRM is important o Functions of Human Resource Management Quiz, case study, discussion Activities: Work on hand out Managing Change and Innovation 1 Compare and contrast views on the change process. 2 Classify types of organizational change. 3 Explain how to manage resistance to change. 4 Discuss contemporary issues in managing change. 5 Describe techniques for stimulating innovation. Quiz, case study, discussion Activities: Work on hand out 5 Part D: Leading Foundations of 1 Identify the focus and goals of organizational behavior. Behavior 2 Explain the role that attitudes play in job performance.. 3 Describe perception and factors that influence it. 4 Discuss learning theories and their relevance in shaping behavior. 5 Discuss contemporary issues in organizational behavior Quiz, case study, discussion Activities: Work on hand out Understand Group and Team 1 Group and Group Behavior 2. Turning Groups into Effective Teams 3. Global Teams and Social Networks Quiz, case study, discussion Activities: Work on hand out 6 Motivating employees 1 Define motivation. 2 Compare and contrast early theories of motivation. 3 Compare and contrast contemporary theories of motivation. 4 Discuss current issues in motivation. Quiz, case study, discussion Activities: Work on hand out Leadership 1 Define leader and leadership. 2 Describe modern views of leadership. 3 Discuss contemporary issues affecting leadership. Quiz, case study, discussion Activities: Work on hand out 7 Part E: Controlling Foundations of 1 Define control and the control process Control 2 Controlling for organizational performance Quiz, case study, discussion 3 Tool for control in organization Activities: Work on hand out 7 5 Revison Final Exam Revision Final Exam Remark: Revision Questions should be prepared before attending the class. Tutors may have additional requirements in this section. Page 5 of 6 Faculty of Management and Tourism Assessment Assessment for the subject includes the following items: No 1 2 Item Internal Assessment Class participation Quiz Case study Final exam Total Weight 50% 10% 20% 20% 50% 100% Hurdle: To pass this subject, students must achieve 50% or higher in the Final Examination and a total result of 50% or higher as well. Page 6 of 6