PHYSICS 101 - Fall 2007 Instructor: Dr. Dan Bruton Email: Office: 322H, 315A Miller Science Phone: 468-2360 Office Hours: 11am -12:20pm TR, 2-5pm T, 2-4pm R, 12-2pm F, or by appointment Course Home Page: Material: Conceptual Physics 10th Edition by P.G. Hewitt with Clicker and Physics 101 Lab Manual I. Course Objective The objective of this course is to become familiar with the basic physical concepts and principles of waves, sound, light, and mechanics. A conceptual rather than a mathematical point of view is emphasized. II. Course Information PHY 101L laboratory is a corequisite, and a new edition of the lab manual is available in the bookstores. For each student, lecture and lab scores will be combined to determine an overall grade in PHY 101. Each student will then receive this overall grade for both lecture and lab III. Exams There will be three major exams plus a comprehensive final exam. The exam questions cover the material in the assigned chapters. The second and final exams will contain special sections devoted to questions pertaining to the lab. The dates of these exams are listed in the course outline on the back of this page. The exams are multiple-choice with about 50 questions. Each student must provide a SCANTRON form number 882-ES in order to take each exam. Students will have three class days after each exam to review the exams and discuss the grades. No make-up exams will be given except in the case of an excused absence. A written and signed notice is required for an excused absence within three days of the exam. Laboratory test will be given with Exam 2 and with the Final Exam. The first lab test covers the first six experiments, and the second lab test covers the remaining six experiments. IV. In-Class Participation – Clicker Grade You must bring your clicker to class every day. Attendance will be taken using the clicker on most days during the first 60 seconds of class. To make sure that you are going to arrive to class on time you can set your watch here: During class, we will engage in discussions and occasional activities using clicker technology (PRS, Presentation Response System). Participation in these activities will form part of your final grade. You cannot earn class participation points if you don’t have a clicker. Do not let anyone else use your clicker. If you are observed using two clickers you will receive no credit for the In-Class Participation Grade portion of your final grade. V. Grading Course Points = 140 (Exam 1) + 140 (Exam 2) + 140 (Exam 3) + 140 (Final Exam) + 50 (Lab Exam 1) + 50 (Lab Exam 2) + 100 (Lab Experiments) + 80 x (Clicker Grade) 720-800 Points 640-719 Points 560-639 Points 480-559 Points 0-479 Points - A B C D F Stephen F. Austin State University All exams (including the final) are weighted equally, and the lecture portion of the course accounts for 75% of the total grade. The cutoffs for each letter grade are firm. No extra credit work will be assigned to individuals. The final exam cannot be taken early. Notice that 40 out of the 80 possible points for the Clicker Grades are bonus points. This means that not participating in the clicker exercises can cost you 5% of your grade if you do not participate, or improve your overall grade by a much as 5% if you do participate in the clicker activities. VI. Special Accommodations If special accommodations for individuals with disabilities are needed that can be provided by this program, please contact me or the department chair. Alternate formats for this material are available upon request. VII. Classroom Policies For the benefit of your fellow students and your instructor, you are expected to practice common courtesy with regard to all course interactions. For example: □ □ □ □ □ □ Be considerate toward your classmates and instructor and arrive to class on time. Do not leave class early and do not rustle papers in preparation to leave before class is dismissed. Avoid classroom distractions. Be attentive in class: stay awake, do not read newspapers, etc. If you are late to class or must leave early please inform your instructor in advance (enter or leave quietly, don’t walk across the front of the classroom (use the side aisles) and don’t walk in front of the projector). Cell phones, pagers and other communication devices must be turned off during class. Play well with others. Be kind and respectful to your fellow students and your teachers. Here is the University Policy on Cheating and Plagiarism: Cheating includes but is not limited to (1) using or attempting to use unauthorized materials to aid in achieving a better grade on a component of a class (homework, clicker, exams, lecture or lab); (2) the falsification or invention of any information, and/or (3) helping or attempting to help another in an act of cheating or plagiarism. Penalties may include no credit for component or failure of the course. VIII. Email Communications Make sure you always use your SFA e-mail account for network correspondence. Messages from your instructor will be sent to your SFA email account periodically. To get a free SFA email account go to You may forward e-mail from your SFA e-mail address to another address of your choice. To do this use this link: IX. Hints for Success in Physics 101 You will benefit much more from lecture if you scan or read the text material before coming to class. Attend class and take notes. Don’t try to copy everything I say, write on the board, or show in slides or video. Leave enough space in your notes to complement them through a thorough reading of the text material. I generally present material in class in the same order as the text. This makes it easier for you to augment your notes. Make use of the material at the end of each chapter. Study the “Summary of Terms” and answer the “Review Questions” (the answers for which are found in the text). Practice on the “Exercises” for they will assist you in applying physics. As an exam draws near, read the applicable chapters again a few days prior to the exam. On the night before an exam rely on your notes and the material at the ends of the chapters. If you have problems in trying to comprehend this material, please do not hesitate to come and visit with me. I have truly enjoyed working with students and often I have found I am most effective with them when they have brought their questions and problems to me in my office.