G6C11and12 and G8C7 Booklet Topics Sheet

G6C11&12 and G8C7 Booklet Topics Sheet
World History: Ancient
Grade 6 Focus Topics:
Select any five from G6C11 and/or
G6C12. (L1, L2, L3)
--------------------------------------------G6C11 – The Roman Republic
1. Italy: Physical Geography
2. Legendary Founding of Rome
3. The Early Republic
4. Italy, 500 BC
5. Roman Society
6. Government of the Roman
7. Do as the Romans Do
8. Checks and Balances
9. The Roman Forum
10. The Roman Republic, 509-270
11. Rome Battles Carthage
12. The Roman Republic, 270-100
------------------------------------G6C12 – The Roman Empire
1. Caesar’s Rise to Power
2. The Death of Julius Caesar
3. Cleoparta
4. Augustus
5. Expansion of Rome
6. Roman Trade Routes, AD 200
7. Trade Increases
8. Pompeii: A City Preserved
9. A Chariot Race
10. Roman Roads
11. The Roman Arch
12. The Colosseum
13. A Roman Fresco
14. Romance Language
15. Civil Law
United States History
G8C7 – The Jefferson
------------------------------Key Terms and People
Select any five. (L1)
1. John Adams
2. Thomas Jefferson
3. John Marshall
4. Marbury v. Madison
5. judicial review
6. Louisiana Purchase
7. Meriwether Lewis
8. William Clark
9. Lewis and Clark
10. Sacagawea
11. Zebulon Pike
12. USS Constitution
13. impressments
14. embargo
15. Embargo Act
16. Non-Intercourse Act
17. Tecumseh
18. Battle of Tippecanoe
19. War Hawks
20. James Madison
21. Oliver Hazard Perry
22. Battle of Lake Erie
23. Andrew Jackson
24. Treaty of Fort
25. Battle of New
26. Hartford Convention
27. Treaty of Ghent
Academic Vocabulary
1. functions
2. consequences
United States History
G8C7 – The Jefferson Era
Grade 8
Focus Topics
Know all Topics – two will be
given for short answers. (L2
and L3)
1. The Election of 1800
2. Marbury v. Madison
3. The Louisiana Purchase
4. Lewis and Clark Expedition
5. Embargo Act
6. America’s Road to War
7. The War of 1812
8. US Navy vs British Navy in
War of 1812
9. Causes of the War and
Effects of the War of 1812
10. America’s Growth by 1820