
2012 member survey
Thank you for taking part in our 2012 member survey. Your feedback is crucial in allowing us to provide the
best possible service to 122 street papers in 40 countries. Gathering this information is also part of a wider
PR plan – to help us to positively promote the work of street papers and the network.
So please liaise with your colleagues (editorial / vendor support / managerial) to make sure that all
questions are answered accurately and fully.
Your help is much appreciated!
Name of street paper:
Name of person completing survey:
Email address of person completing survey:
About your street paper
1. Is your street paper: [Tick one box only]
Magazine format
Newspaper format
2. Is your street paper: [Tick one box only]
Full colour
Black & white
Spot colour / colour front page only
3. How frequently do you publish? [Tick one box only]
Every 2 weeks
Every 2 months
4. What is the cover price?
5. What percentage of the cover price is kept by the vendor?
6. What percentage of your street paper’s income is from:
Street paper sales
Government funding / support
Other funding / support from funding bodies
General public support
7. Please list all the cities where you distribute:
Circulation & readership
8. What is your average circulation per edition?
9. Is this figure audited? (for example, by the ‘Audit Bureau of Circulations’ / ‘ABC’)
[If no, please skip to Q 13]
10. What is the name of the audit body?
11. What was the date of your last circulation audit?
12. Please estimate your readership per edition (i.e. readers per copy / pass-along rate):
13. Have you ever conducted a readership survey?
[If no, please skip to Q 17]
14. What date was the readership survey conducted?
15. Was the survey conducted by an external body? (for example ‘National Readership survey’)
[If no, please skip to Q 17]
16. If yes, please give the name of the external body:
17. If known, please give the percentage of your readers who are:
18. If known, please give the percentage of your readers who are aged:
Under 18
19. Please also give details of any other readership demographic information that you have
(anecdotal or other):
20. Have you ever conducted a ‘social impact’ or ‘social return on investment’ (SROI) study?
If yes, please give name / study type:
21. Please can you send (by email attachment [] or via the INSP Dropbox) the full
results of all surveys, audits, studies and anecdotal evidence that you have; concerning
circulation, readership and social impact? Please note here what you are sending:
About your vendors
22. How many vendors do you work with at any given time?
23. Please estimate how many vendors you have worked with / have registered with you in the past
12 months:
24. How many vendors have been registered in total since the launch of your paper?
25. What percentage of your vendors are female?
26. What percentage of your vendors are from a Roma background?
27. Please give (or estimate) the percentage of your vendors that move on to other employment or
education, per year:
28. Do you have advertising in your street paper?
[If no, please skip to Q 31]
29. If yes, please give details of your advertising rates:
Full page rate:
Half page (landscape) rate:
Half page (profile) rate:
In which currency?
What is your usual print deadline?
30. Please give your full page dimensions (mm / inches):
31. Would you be interested in being involved in international advertising opportunities through
About your organisation
32. How many staff and volunteers work at your street paper? [Please give numbers for each]
Full time paid staff
Part time paid staff
If your staff and volunteers are part of a larger organisation, please give details:
33. Do you have a board of directors? [If yes, please answer the following 3 questions]
[If no, please skip to Q 37]
34. How many members are on your board?
35. How frequently does your board meet?
36. Please give some information about your board members and board structure (e.g vendors,
former vendors, external professionals etc):
37. Do you have any well-known supporters / contacts? If so, please give details:
38. Please give your website URL(s):
39. Please give your Facebook URL(s) (if applicable):
40. Please give your Twitter names(s) (if applicable):
INSP services
41. Which INSP services do you use / participate in?
News service
Conference travel bursaries
International Street Paper Awards
Annual campaign
Global advertising
Members’ partnering scheme (financial donations)
Monthly email newsletter
INSP website
Our public Facebook page
Our Facebook member group
INSP Twitter
Information and advice from head office
42. Do you have any comments (either positive or negative) about any of the projects listed above?
43. Please suggest any improvements that could be made to our existing services?
44. Please suggest any new projects / services that you think we should provide?
INSP campaign
45. Did you take part in our 2011 marketing campaign (Vote for Dignity)?
[If no, please skip to Q 48]
46. Did the marketing campaign have a positive impact on your street paper?
[If no, please skip to Q 49]
47. Which areas were positively affected? [Please tick all that apply]
Increased sales
Positive feedback from vendors
Positive feedback from readers
Changed perspectives of readers and / or supporters
Publicity in the local media
A sense of solidarity with INSP and your global street paper colleagues
48. If you did not take part in the marketing campaign, please give your reason(s):
49. Can you suggest improvements for INSP’s future marketing campaigns?
50. Can you indicate if your paper would be interested to take part in the 2012 INSP marketing
INSP news service
51. Do you use the INSP news service?
52. In what ways do you use the news service?
I submit articles from my street paper to the news service
I publish full length stories and pictures from the news service
I publish the INSP ‘News Pack’ (short stories) [launched in March 2012]
I request Reuters pictures
I request story translations
53. Which kinds of news service content do you currently use?
Articles about homelessness
Celebrity stories / interviews
International ‘hard’ news (for example: uprising in Syria, massacre in Norway)
Articles about social justice/ human rights
Articles about arts & culture
Articles about sport
Articles about aid and development
‘Worldwide Vendor Spotlight’ (vendor profiles)
54. How do you normally search for stories on the INSP news service?
Read the weekly feed
Browse the homepage
Check the ‘recently added’ list
Search by keyword
Search by topic
Search by source
55. If you answered no to Q51, why do you not use the news service?
56. What type of stories do you think are missing / not seen enough on the INSP news service?
57. What other services could the INSP news service offer you that we do not currently provide?
News service story research
We are currently working on a news service feature, as well as an advocacy and PR project, and we need
your help with some research. Please answer the four questions below:
58. Please give details of the major issue(s), challenge(s) or social problem(s) that people are
currently facing in your city / country? [Think of societal issues, rather than operational issues
facing your project]
59. Have you seen a change in your vendor base in the past four years? [You can tick more than 1
 No
 Yes, a general increase in vendor numbers
 Yes, more older people are becoming vendors
 Yes, more young people are becoming vendors
 Yes, more families are becoming vendors
 Yes, more immigrant populations are becoming vendors
 Yes, more people with disabilities are becoming vendors
 Other
60. Have you seen a change in the demographic of homeless and unemployed people in your city in
the past four years? [You can tick more than 1 box]
 No
 Yes, more older people are becoming homeless
 Yes, more young people are becoming homeless
 Yes, more families are becoming homeless
 Yes, more local people are unemployed
 Yes, more immigrant populations are unemployed
 Other
61. If you answered yes in the last two questions, what would you say are the main causes of these
changes? [You can tick more than 1 box]
Lack of affordable housing
Lack of employment
Change of government
Economic crisis
Other, please explain:
62. And one final question: Are there any street papers in your country / city that are not already INSP
members? [If yes, please give names and contact details if known]
Thank you for taking part in the 2012 INSP membership survey!
Your input is much appreciated and will help us to provide
the best possible service to all of you.