File - Texas History Planner

First Semester Test Review
1. plain A landform that is
generally level
2. Barrier island (and give
examples) island protects the
main body or land from the ocean
waves. Galveston and South
Padre Island are examples of a
barrier island.
3. relative location position of a
place in relation to other places
4. absolute location the EXACT
location on the earth’s surface
5. escarpment a steep cliff
6. aquifer an underground water
7. List the 4 regions of Texas:
Know where they are located!!!
Coastal Plains, North Central
Plains, Great Plains, Mountains
and Basins
8. What part of the state has Big
Bend National Park? Mountains
and Basins
9. What river borders Texas
and Louisiana? Sabine
10. What river borders Texas
and Oklahoma? Red
11. What river borders Texas
and Mexico? Rio Grande
12. What part of Texas has a
wetter climate and why?
South East Texas…due to it’s
location close to the Gulf of Mexico
Indians/Native Americans
1. Write the definition of a
nomadic tribe.
Tribes that move from one
place to another, no permanent
2. What was the most valuable
animal to the Plains tribes for
food, clothing, and shelter?
The buffalo; used all parts of the
3. Why did so many Indians die
of European diseases?
Indians had never been exposed
to European disease before…did
not have any immunity to the
1. Which European country was
the first to explore in the
American Southwest?
2. What is a conquistador?
Spanish soldier
3. What were the conquistadors
searching for?what was their
Riches and land, Gold, silver
God (spread Roman Catholic
faith), Gold (riches) and Glory
(fame for themselves and the
Spanish King)
4. During the Columbian
Exchange, what goods were
moved from the “Old World” to
the “New World?”
Diseases, Cattle, horses, pigs
brought from Old world to New
5. What goods were moved from
the “New World” to the “Old
Tobacco, beans, turkeys, corn
brought from New World to the
6.What role did Cabeza de Vaca
have in the exploration of Texas?
Shipwrecked on coast of Texas,
wandered through Texas for 7 years,
wrote about Texas and it’s landforms
and it’s people
1.presidio military outpost for soldiers,
usually built near the missions
2.mission religious buildings used to
convert Indians and teach them;
Priest/Friars lived in the missions
3.How did the French and Spanish
differ in their relationships with Texas
Spanish wanted to change their way of
life, take their land, used them as slaves
French wanted to trade with the
Indians, didn’t want to change their
4.How did most Indians feel about the
Spanish missions?
Most did not like it, did not want to live
inside the missions, did not want to work
day and night for the priests
5.What legacy did Spain leave in Texas?
Language, Names of towns, law, cattle
ranching, architecture
6.What territory did the United States
buy from France in 1803?
The Louisiana Purchase
Empresario Period
1.Tejano person of Mexican heritage
who calls Texas home
2.empresario land agent who’s job it was
to bring settlers to an area
3.militia a group of citizens acting as a
military force
4.vaquero a cowhand/cowboy
5.survey to measure for land size
6.Who is the “Old 300?” The first 300
families that settled in Austin’s colony
7.Who was the most successful
empresario and known as the Father
of Texas?
Stephen F. Austin
8.Where did most of the colonists come
from during the Mexican colonial
Southern United States, Mexico and
9.What attracted many AngloAmericans to Texas?
To own land, to escape paying debts, to
start a new business, to buy and sell
10. What was the capital of Austin’s
San Felipe de Austin
11. Where did Stephen F. Austin settle
his colony?
South East Texas, between Colorado and
Brazos rivers
12. What requirements did you have
to follow to live in Mexican Texas?
Roman Catholic and speak Spanish
13. Why were Coahuila y Texas
Texas did not have enough people to
become and independent state
14. Describe the Mexican Constitution
of 1824 and explain its importance.
Was similar to the US Constitution and
created individual states, much like the US
Texas colonists wanted Texas to become an
independent Mexican state but was joined
with Coauhuila
Road to Revolution
1.customs duty taxes placed on goods
coming in to the country
2.decree an order that has the force of
3.skirmish a small fight, usually during
4.dictator a leader who controls an area
through absolute power
5.exempt excuse; to free from a rule that
others must obey
6.cholera a disease caused by bacteria in
food and water
7.List the cultural differences between
Texas and Mexico.
Language, religion, views on
government, Slavery
Role of religion in Government
8.Why did many colonists support
Santa Anna at first?
He said that he would support the
Mexican Constitution of 1824
9.Why were colonists angry about the
Decree of April 6, 1830?
It stopped immigration from the US,
Suspended most empresario contracts
Placed taxes on goods coming in from
another country
10. Why was Austin imprisoned in
Mexico City?
For his political opinions, he wanted
TX to be a separate Mexican state
11. What did the colonists call for at
the Convention of 1832 and 1833? (6
TX be made a separate Mexican state,
immigration be permitted from US again,
Improve educational facilities, exemption
from import taxes, protection from
Indian attacks, land titles for settlers in
East Texas
Texas Revolution
1.provisional government temporary
2.besieged surround, thousands of
Mexican troops besieged the Alamo
3.fortified to strengthen; 21 cannons
fortified the Alamo
4.calvary soldiers on horseback
5.infantry soldiers on foot
6.What did the Texian forces at
Gonzales demonstrate to the Mexican
Ready to fight and would not back
7.What did the flag say at the Battle of
Come and Take It
8.What year and where did Texas
declare independence from Mexico?
1836 Washington-on-the-Brazos
9.What 2 documents were created
during the Convention of 1836?
Declaration of Texas Independence and
The Constitution of Texas
10. Who wrote the Texas Declaration
of Independence?
George C. Childress
11. The Texas Declaration of
Independence was modeled after
The United States Declaration of
12. Who was chosen as commander
and chief of the army at the
Convention of 1836?
Sam Houston
13. What was alarming the
Convention delegates at the end of the
Santa Anna and his troops were
marching toward Washington-on-theBrazos
14. What were the strengths and
weaknesses of the Alamo defenses?
Strength: High, thick walls, 21
cannons, plenty of supplies
Weaknesses: Not enough men, area too
large, unfinished walls
15. When did Battle of the Alamo
March 6, 1836
Who’s Who
1.Santa Anna dictator, President 11
times, merciless towards his enemies
2.Bowie Co-commander of Alamo until
he fell ill, Bowie knife, strong leader
3.Crockett From Tennessee, excellent
shot, fought at the Alamo, was killed
after the battle
4.Childress wrote the Texas Declaration
of Independence
5.Houston Commander of the entire
Texas arm
6.Fannin Commander at Goliad, never
made it to the Alamo to help
7.Seguin Tejano hero, was at the Alamo
but left for help, excellent horseman
8.Travis Commander at the Alamo
9.Zavala Tejano leader, ad-interim Vice
President of Texas
End of the Revolution/ Independence
What was the Goliad Massacre?
General Urrea and his men surrounded
Fannin at Goliad, therefore he
surrendered. Santa Anna ordered
Urrea to kill Fannin and his men; in
the end Fannin and 350 Texians were
What was the Runaway Scrape?
After the Goliad Massacre and the
Alamo, many families believed that the
Mexican Army would harm them too.
They packed up their things and
headed toward the Sabine River.
What date did the Battle of San
Jacinto occur?
April 21, 1836
What was the effect of the Battle of
San Jacinto?
Texas became an independent country;
The Republic of Texas