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Along the Infant Way
Basic Schedules/Sleeping Patterns for Baby’s First Two Years
Basic principles:
o Stable sleep patterns are based on stable hunger patterns.
o Babies need to be fed based on a basic routine to help stabilize hunger patterns.
o A well-rested baby is a happy baby.
o The repeating pattern for the first 6 months of baby’s life: FEED-WAKE-SLEEP
o Try to start each morning at as consistent time as possible (taking into account the
family’s normal schedule and disposition.
What this looks like in summary:
o In general, if feeding time is 30 minutes, a new baby may only have 5-15 minutes
of wake time after the feeding. This will continue the first month. This means a
total wake time of 30-45 minutes, including feeding.
o After 1 month, add about 5 minutes of waketime each feeding per week until the
baby is 3 months old.
o Summary:
Newborn: total waketime = 30-45 min, time between feedings 2.5-3 hours (8
feedings per day)
1 month: total waketime = 30-45 min, time between feedings 2.5-3.5 hours (7-8
feedings per day)
***start adding 5 min waketime per week, stretch out feedings a bit
2 months: total waketime = 45min-1 hour, time between feedings 3-4 hours (5-6
feedings per day)
3 months: total waketime = 1.5 hours, time between feedings about 4 hours (3 x 2
hour naps at least)
6 months: start stretching out to 2 hours awake and 2 hours asleep
(4-5 feedings per day)
o 16-20 hours of sleep per day is normal for PDF babies.
o Feeding intervals 2.5-3 hours from start of feeding to start of the next feeding.
o Concentrate on getting good feedings!!! Keep the baby awake for the feeding,
don’t worry if he/she falls asleep right afterwards.
o Don’t overstimulate/overtire baby!!!
Example schedule for newborn:
6:00a-6:35 = feed/wake
6:35a-9:00 = sleep
9:00a-9:40 = feed/wake
9:40-12noon = sleep
12:00p-12:35 = feed/wake
12:35-3:00p = sleep
3:00p-3:35 = feed/wake
3:30-6:00p = sleep
6:00-6:45 = feed/wake
6:45-9:00 = sleep
9:00 feed only, then to bed, feed in night about every 3 hours or so
Baby is probably eating about 6-7 times a day, every 3.5 hours, and
sleeping about 6 hours in a row at night. Start adding 5 minutes waketime per
week of baby’s life to schedule.
Baby has probably dropped the nighttime feeding (or not, that’s okay)
and is sleeping continuously about 8 hours. Probably 5-6 feedings per day. Eating
every 3.5-4 hours, sleeping 2.5 hours per nap.
Baby is ready to drop the late evening feeding, to sleep about 10-12 hours
per night (you made it!!) Probably eating 4-5 times a day, having 3 naps of 2 to
2.5 hours each.
Sample routine at this age:
6:00-7:30 = feed/wake
7:30-10:00 = nap
10:00-11:30 = feed/wake
11:30-2:00 = nap
2:00-3:30 = feed/wake
3:30-6:00 = nap
6:00-7:30 = feed/wake
8:00 sleep
Between 3 and 6 months, the late afternoon nap will usually shorten to a one-hour
catnap. Give baby a bit more wake time before and after this nap. Also between 3
and 6 months, start trying to work toward the goal of the baby eating 3 meals a
day plus a bedtime breast/bottle supplement. Try to line up meals with the family
meals at about 6 months.
Sample schedule:
7-9 = breakfast/wake
9-11 = nap
11-2 = lunch/wake
2-4 = nap
4 = snack, then 5:30 dinner/wake
7:30 = bottle/breast
8:00 = bedtime
Baby will drop late afternoon catnap about 8 to 9 months (some will need it until
1 year old, but just watch that baby isn’t waking up early in a.m.) This leaves 2
naps a day, each about 2 hours long.
Because you have stabilized your baby’s metabolism in his first few months, you
no longer need the time increments between each meal to be identical. You also
no longer need to stick to the “feed-wake-sleep” cycles, and can be more flexible
with nap times and feeding times that fit your family.
Beware of allowing baby’s bedtime to stray much later than 7:30 or 8:00 pm for
the following reasons:
o Mom and dad need time alone and together
o It makes children think they are peers rather than welcome members
o It isn’t conducive to socializing with other adults
o It will need to be adjusted when child starts school
14 to 18 MONTHS:
Your baby will drop another daytime nap during this period. Generally, the
morning nap is the preferable on to drop, as it gives more flexibility and rest. He will
sleep 11-12 hours at night and 2-4 hours in the afternoon.