IC Meeting - July 10, 2013 Page |1 IC Meeting Notes Boardroom July 10, 2013 9:00 AM Attendees: Jack Bautsch, Tom Braziunas, Kim Chapman, Terry Cox, Gary Gorland, Dawn Kinder, Bill McMeekin, Alison Stevens, Mary Ellen O’Keeffe, Janet Sekijima, Jeannette U Guests: Meredith Bane, Mark Mitsui Approval of minutes 6/12/13 IC minutes for June 12, 2013 were reviewed and approved with edits. Mary Ellen’s transition and recommendations for VPI replacement Inputs for filling the VPI temporary position: Experience – someone inside Learning curve will be huge, someone close to the action Somebody who is up for the challenge If it is someone inside, this will have a domino effect Long term future and have diversity in higher level of our college Somebody who is made temporary, will not be able to compete for the position in the future? Gayla Shoemake Tom Griffith Someone who has respect of faculty and staff Replacement should be made with as little disruption as possible Should be someone who has been an insider Like to give folks the opportunity from within, but there is a domino effect Send Mary Ellen an email with any other thoughts. Those interests in being considered for the VPI temporary position contact Jeannette to make an appointment. The Acting President position will begin July 29. Humanities Conference – Alison Alison gave a report about the Liberal Education Conference sponsored by AAC&U in Denver. More emphasis needs to be placed on liberal education. STEM is part of the education, but what is being lost is the well-rounded education. Younger students are being encouraged to go into STEM areas. Liberal Education and America’s Promise (LEAP) is a national advocacy, campus action, and research initiative that champions the importance of a twenty-first century liberal education—for individuals and for a nation dependent on economic creativity and democratic vitality. Mark Mitsui Mark thanked everyone for his or her great work. State enrollment is up for Summer Quarter. Worker retraining will bump up in the fall. IC Meeting - July 10, 2013 Page |2 Summer Hours The Summer Hours began July 8. Everyone should know that 8 to 1 is work hours on Friday, this does not include lunch. Mary Ellen will forward this information from Daniel Cordas. Assessment beyond the classroom Jack sent a revised assessment project draft with examples to the E-Team for approval. When the ETeam has approved, the VPI’s will send the information out to the appropriate people. The assessment project should be designed for this coming year, with its design completed by mid-September. The assessment project is not directly about student learning. Terry reminded the IC members, that staff has not been involved in the assessment process. It would be good to have an hour workshop for staff to have a better understanding. Jack will plan some workshops this summer and the divisions can bring those staff that will need the training. Everyone needs to do an assessment project. Assessment projects could be looking at processes that need to be improved. Need clear expectations for the different units. Performance evaluations for Exempt Daniel Cordas demonstrated the new Exempt Performance Evaluation website on July 3. He also distributed a detailed handout. Copies of the handouts will be sent to IC members. The self-evaluation is due by July 15. There is no way to make corrections after the Evaluation has been submitted. There is a draft status button available now. Administrator for Professional Development District Committee There currently is a vacancy on the Professional Development District Committee. The position is a oneyear term. The committee makes decisions on sabbatical leave applications. Terry has volunteered for the position. E-Learning Support Fees – Tom Tom talked about the different fees that support E-Learning. The UC fee is a District wide fee. The fee is to be used on web enhanced or hybrid courses. Currently, the UC fee has been waived. UTF Fee (Goes to Students) –$3.00 per credit CL Fee (Goes to IT) – $46.00 (1 class) $73.00 (2+ classes) UD Fee (Goes to E-Learning) – $7.00 per credit UC Fee (Goes to E-Learning) – non online class that uses license technology (waived to web enhanced or hybrid) $5.00 per course Tom would like to activate the UC fee summer 2014. Terry stated that it would be easier if the fees were universal. Mary Ellen would like Tom to have conversations with his counterparts about the UC fee and then present it to the E-Team. Other Workforce Education, Embedded Career Specialist – Meredith Bane Meredith spoke about taking Career Services into the classroom. It can be customizable or whatever faculty is looking for. This is another opportunity to support faculty. The Career and Resource Fair will be held on August 14 from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm in the OCE&E Building. Navigators IC Meeting - July 10, 2013 Page |3 There is a need to map out what Navigators look like at North. Sharing E-Learning will be having Navigators Tom will be going to Highline for a meeting with the Canvas people to discuss how to use it for tracking outcomes. Jack suggested offering stipends for the faculty training. E-learning has organized a two-day retreat for the North Blend at Dumas. The retreat will focus on designing hybrid courses for the Evening AA Degree. Five faculty have confirmed out of fifteen. Many faculty are attending the Canvas training this summer. E-Learning will be offering an online training sequence. Continuing Education Janet shared that the Continuing Education Director position has been posted. Basic and Transitional Studies I-DEA Grant met last Wednesday to see what everyone one doing. North shined. Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences This year will be the planning year for the Theatre Program revival. Rick Olguin has joined the committee to work on the Theatre program. The first meeting will be held in September. The plan is to have the Theatre program ready for start-up in September 2014. The program will include programs that are more technical. Dawson will be spending two-thirds time with Central for FY13-14 only and full-time starting next year at North. Business, Engineering and IT There are currently two applications signed up for the BAS degree. Posters and flyers have been created and distributed. Dr. Todino has accepted the full-time faculty position. Interviewing begins for the BAS manager tomorrow. The TAAACT DOL in Trade and Logistics will provide opportunities for articulation agreements if it is awarded. Strategic Initiatives Seven students will be in the College Bridge program. Recruiting will continue over the summer for three more students. The College Readiness Committee is looking into the prerequisites for Biology. Biology 160 does not have any prerequisites at this time. Gary is looking into having a single support class that would feed into Biology 160. A pilot program is being developed. BancWorks and I-Best are meeting with the faculty coordinators to determine if a program would be viable. Ongoing conversations are going on. This could be a self-support I-Best class and another pathway for ESL and Adult students. Gary talked to Paul about teaching Math 081and creating a cohort. Having the same instructor would be helpful. Gary is working with Paul to capture this on video and putting it online. Gary will talk to Pete about creating a Khan Academy. Math is looking at different ways to accelerate math. Workforce Education IC Meeting - July 10, 2013 Page |4 Dawn shared the different kinds of Navigators that are available in the OCE&E. There should be work done to define what navigation is. Mary Ellen stated that this could be an assessment project. Workforce The fifteen million DOL grant has been submitted. Bill would like to thank Jennie Dulas and Terry Cox for a great job. Bellevue College provided help with writing the grant. North is asking for 1.5 million dollars to build-up the Network Programs and Certificates. The Programming BAS degree development would be funded with this grant, if we get it. North’s ask is six million dollars (2.6 million in salaries for a staff of ten). Wendy Peterson has taken a job at Amazon. North is currently looking for an Interim Director. Faculty from Central and South met about the Computer Programming BAS. Office of Instruction Aryana Bates, Jane Harradine, Brian Palmer, Diana Ma and Laura McCracken will be attending the Institute on Integrative Learning. Business, Engineering and IT Terry suggested that the proposed Internship Coordinator should live in the BEIT division. The position will be one-third teaching and two-thirds staff position. Half of the funding will come from the BAS budget. The other half (or just about - $20,000) is coming from the AH budget, as this was what we have been spending to have the classes taught. This information will be presented to E-team. Institutional Effectiveness The state Board has asked for a list of college level English classes that substitute for ENG101 within professional-technical programs. This information is to be used to assign Student Achievement Initiative (SAI) points. Zane Kelley has gone to work for the University of Washington. South Seattle is considering whether to continuing the sharing Zane’s position. Jack has asked if he can carry over his leftover FY1213 budget. Adjourn Meeting adjourned 10:15 am