Craig- - College of Engineering


Spring 2000

MCCE would like to invite your organization and your co-op/intern students to participate in the first annual Michigan Co-op Challenge . The Michigan Co-op Challenge is a fun-filled day of various contests (some athletic, intellectual, and artistic and some just plain goofy!) among company or university-sponsored teams in a friendly competition for some traveling trophies/plaques. The purpose of the event is to provide a forum for co-op/intern students from throughout the state of Michigan to meet, network, have fun and promote the benefits of coop/internship programs.

The event will be held on Friday, August 11, 2000 on the campus of Kettering University in

Flint, Michigan. Teams will consist of ten (10) members each with at least three (3) participants of each gender on each team (e.g. at least 3 men and 3 women on each team). Participants must be current students working in a co-op/internship role at the time of the event, or have done so within the past year. Each team is also required to have a company/school "representative" present at the event who is a full-time employee of the organization they are representing. Team registration fees are $50 per team and can be company/organization or university/college sponsored.

Events that are planned include a company/school skit, volleyball, basketball shootout, Frisbee golf and several more. Each event will be co-ed and each team will be required to have members of each gender participating in each event. Points will be awarded in each event, with the top three teams at the end of the day receiving a traveling trophy/plaque. T-shirts and lunch will be provided for all participants.

Registration materials will be mailed out later this spring. If you have any questions regarding this event, please contact me at (616) 895-3311 or

. We hope that you will decide to participate in the inaugural Michigan Co-op Challenge . We anticipate a fun-filled, eventful day for all!

Chris Plouff / Michigan Co-op Challenge Committee

The List Serve

We need to make sure that everyone is one the list serve. If you receive messages –

Good. If you never receive anything on email from

then please send me your email at

to get yourself added to the service.


CEA Conference June 4-6 in Salt Lake City, Utah

Join this national gathering of over 400 cooperative education and internship practitioners. Preconference training and a newcomer session will be offered. The final night’s gala will be held at

Deer Valley’s Snow Park Lodge, one of the 2002 Olympic venues!

The program includes more than 50 workshop presentations, a plenary discussion with university and college presidents to look at the educational issues of cost, quality and relevance, and an employer panel addressing the issues of workforce training and development.

Get your registration form on line at or from the Fax-on-Demand Service at 1-800-

395-5549, document 214. Also online is information about the workshops, schedule and visitor attractions in Salt Lake City.

Not a member of CEA? Please call/email Patti Jones, 313.593.5188, Don’t miss out on a thing!

Bob Penkala has taken a position at Macomb Community College as Director of Cooperative Education and Outreach

Kelly Counsellor Assistant Director Engineering and Computer Science Career

Services has joined the University of Detroit Mercy Cooperative Education and

Career Center.

Joanna Kroll Assistant Director Liberal Arts, Education and Human Service

Career Services has joined the University of Detroit Mercy Cooperative

Education and Career Center.

Jerry Nehr Assistant Director Architecture and Science Career Services has joined the University of Detroit Mercy CECC .

Deanna Humphrey Office Assistant Cooperative Education has joined the

University of Detroit Mercy CECC

Estella Nicholson is the new Dean of the Cooperative Education and Career

Center here at UDM.

 Sheryl McGriff joined the University of Detoit Mercy Cooperative Education and Career Center as Assistant Dean.

The University of Detroit Mercy Cooperative Education Office has announced the Co-op

Students of the year. One student from Engineering, one student from Architecture, one student from Business and one student from Education/Human Services were selected. These students will be presented with a plaque at the Awards Convocation in the spring. Giffels WEbster

Engineers was also named UDM’s Co-op employer of the year. Giffels WEbster has been a strong supporter of our co-op program for the past 5 years. Every semester they hire between 3-8

UDM students for co-op placements.

Joanna Kroll

The University of Michigan-Flint celebrated Michigan Co-op month (February) with some exciting activities and incentives for students. Once a week during the month, all students who qualify for co-op were invited to "co-oppuccino" day to enjoy a hot cup of coffee or hot chocolate and cookies. On those days, if students attended a co-op information session and registered with the office, their name was placed into a drawing for a $100 gift certificate at the bookstore. Students who had already registered, but not placed, and current co-op students were not left out of the celebration. Previously registered students who stopped by to update their status with the coordinators were also placed into the drawing. Current co-op students who participated in the essay contest, were placed into a separate drawing for a $100 gift certificate.

Overall, 30 new students registered with the co-op office. In addition, all co-op employers were sent a postcard to inform them of Michigan Co-op month and to encourage them to do

"something nice" for their co-op student(s) such as taking them out to lunch.

Janis Chabica Conklin

Collaboration Worth Celebrating!

June 14-16 will mark the first joint conference for MCCE and Mi-ACCES (Michigan

Association of Collegiate Career Employment Services).

Mi-ACCES (formerly known as MCUPA) is an organization comprised of Career Services professionals who provide employment services for students and alumni of their respective colleges and universities. Mi-ACCES members work primarily with permanent employment oncampus, but many also are involved with internship and co-op programs as well.

Many of the issues and topics pertinent to Mi-ACCES professionals are the same items that are relevant to MCCE members. Therefore, several members of both MCCE and Mi-ACCES proposed a joint conference that has come to fruition with Collaboration Worth Celebrating!, appropriately being held this summer, at the beginning of a new millennium.

Collaboration Worth Celebrating! will be the annual conference for both MCCE and Mi-

ACCES for the year 2000. A dynamic program is being put together which will provide both college/university professionals and employers with pertinent and timely information which can be brought back and implemented in the workplace. Highlights of the program will include keynote speaker Martin Yate (internationally recognized writer/speaker who has written numerous books, including the Knock 'em Dead series, on career issues, job search and hiring/retention techniques), a Human Resources panel, a Legal panel, best practices session, and breakout sessions for two-year colleges, four-year colleges/universities and employers.

The conference will be held at the Amway Grand Plaza in vibrant downtown Grand Rapids.

There will be much to do including food, entertainment and shopping. Registration materials will be coming late March/early April. We hope you decide to join us!

See you June 14-16 in Grand Rapids!

Chris Plouff and Ginger Lange

Conference Chairs

MCCE offered “How’s Your Laugh Life?” Putting Humor to Work—a workshop for cooperative education professionals on Friday, March 17. Workshop participants learned how to use humor in the workplace as a tool to enable learning, encourage creativity, solve problems, build morale, and reduce stress. Co-op professionals were presented

with techniques to pass on to their students as well as put into practice in their own professional lives.

Sheila Feigelson, Ph.D., a professional speaker with twenty-five years experience as a trainer and consultant, gave workshop attendees one of the most invigorating presentations in MCCE history. As the author of the recently published book, Energize

Your Meetings with Laughter, she did just that. When she said, “I need to get in this last point before we leave,” the audience was shocked that 2 ½ hours had passed. Anecdotes, audience interaction, and an enormous amount fun was had by all.

The presentation was videotaped and if anyone wishes to view the tape please contact

Craig Gunn at 517.355.5160 or

for details .

Last October at the Midwest Cooperative Education Association (MCEA) Conference in

Des Moines, Iowa, Michigan was awarded the traveling plaques for recruiting the most new employer members and the most new educator members for 1998-1999. Michigan recruited 26 new members to MCEA. Keep in mind that the main reason for this was that

Michigan hosted the 1998 MCEA Conference in Traverse City.

Enclosed in this newsletter is an MCEA informational brochure and a membership application. If you are already a member, please try to sign up at least one new member.

We would sure like to maintain possession of the plaques for next year as well.

If you should have any questions, please contact Diane Grimord, MCEA State Director, at Wayne State University, (313) 577-3390/

MCCE giveaways that are available for members to distribute at career nights and other MCCE events include:

For students: Hot Neon Memo Pads and Rainbow Erasers. There are a limited number of

Neon Rulers left.

For employers: Gray Note Jotters and Gray/Navy Bic Clic Pens

We also have MCCE Gray/Blue Plastic Drawstring Bags for students or employers.

Executive Board

Regional Representation

Baker College - Keri Owen

Delphi Automotive - Sue Williams

Delta College - Rick Kogelman

DuPont Automotive - Rod Gibeau

Ford Motor Company - Pat Triggs

General Motors - Pat Bryant

Grand Valley State University - Chris Plouff

MCCE Corresponding Secretary

Diane Grimord

Wayne State University

656 W.Kirby Ave.

1001 FAB

Detroit, MI 48202

Henry Ford Community College - Nancy


Macomb Community College - Paul Gould

MI Department of Transportation - Betty


Michigan Technological University - Jim Turnquist

Siemens - Eric Mathews

University of Detroit Mercy - Bob Penkala

University of Michigan/ Flint - Janis


Whirlpool Corporation - Richard Ifkovits

CEA Regional Representative, Patricia


MCEA Michigan State Director - Diane Grimord

State of Michigan High School Representative -

Non-Profit Org.

U.S. Postage




