Equivalent fractions: Chapter 4: 4.1 Equivalent fractions resources on 10Ticks Pg 120 4.2 Digital Equivalent fraction resources - Some VERY VERY good resources here. Well worth having a look! Pg 121 4.3 Computer room games Pg 123 4.4 Equivalent fraction resources Pg 125 4.5 Equivalent fractions dominoes and matching up game Pg 138 Understanding fraction equivalence is not as simple as it may seem. Some children have difficulty noting equivalence from pictures. Imagine a circle partitioned into fourths with one of those fourths partitioned into three equal parts. Some children we worked with were unable to agree that 3 1 equals even thought they agreed that physically the two sections were the same 12 4 size. Children said that once the lines were drawn in, you could not remove them. [Therefore 3 1 ]. In reality, that is just what must be done to understand fraction equivalence from a 12 4 picture. (Carmer et al; 2009, p.13) - 118 - - 119 - 4.1 ........................................Equivalent fractions resources on 10Ticks: References to 10 Ticks resources in this Chapter: Level 4, Pack 4, page 5 Level 5, Pack 2, pages 10 & 11 Level 3, Pack 4, page 37 - 40 Level 4, Pack 5, pages 3-6 Level 4, Pack 4, pages 7 & 8 Level 5, Pack 2, pages 34 - 36 Level 6, Pack 3, Page 16 http://www.10ticks.co.uk/t_buy.aspx - 120 - 4.2 ....................................................... Digital Equivalent Fraction Resources: NCTM Fraction Model Applet (representing fractions, decimals, and percents): http://my.nctm.org/eresources/repository/ 2071/applet/FractionPie/index.html NLVM's Fractions Equivalent Applet The computer selects a fraction and asks you to find an equivalent fraction as you use controls to place another layer of fractional pieces on top of the first fraction. http://nlvm.usu.edu/en/nav/frames_asid_105_g_2 _t_1.html Math Playground's Fraction Bars Compare up to four fractions of your choice by splitting each bar into parts and selecting the number of parts to color. http://mathplayground.com/Fraction_bars.html Illuminations' Equivalent Fractions Find two equivalent fractions for a given fraction by dividing two other shapes into parts and coloring parts while arrows point to their values on a number line. http://illuminations.nctm.org/ActivityDeta il.aspx?ID=80 Fraction Bars Applet (Virtual Fractions) This applet lets you compare up to five fractions, decimals, and/or percents, but it's a bit clumsy to set up. http://www.arcytech.org/java/fractions/f ractions.html - 121 - lesson to accompany the Virtual Fractions Applet http://www.frontiernet.net/~mmankus/tal ks/bars/fbar1.htm Math Playground's Equivalent Fractions Find a fraction between two given fractions by using virtual fraction bars to visualize equivalent fractions with a common denominator. http://mathplayground.com/visual_fractions.html Illuminations' Fraction Game Try to move your markers across fraction tracks using the fewest number of fraction cards. http://illuminations.nctm.org/ActivityDetail.aspx? ID=18 Fun brain, Fresh baked fractions. A computerized game, which gives you 4 fractions 3 of which are equivalent. It asks to determine which one is not equivalent. It has 4 levels http://www.funbrain.com/cgibin/fob.cgi?A1=s&A2=2 Index with all the games on it: http://www.funbrain.com/fractop/index.html - 122 - 4.3 .............................................. Equivalent fractions Computer games: Computer room games: Equivalent fractions Good starting equivalent fractions game http://www.visualfractions.com/LowestCircle.html Fraction Frenzy http://www.learningplanet.com/sam/ff/index.asp Equivalent fraction fireworks http://www.hbschool.com/activity/mmath/mmath_frac.html Fraction addition: - 123 - A progressive game which you have to pair up equivalent fractions. Quite good http://jamit.com.au/htmlFolder/app1007.html Fraction Data Base: http://classroom.jc-schools.net/basic/math-fract.html Fractions database http://www.gamequarium.com/fractions.html Miscellaneous (non- fraction specific) mathematics games: 24: http://www.surfnetkids.com/games/Math24/ Multiple games: http://www.surfnetkids.com/games/Math_Games/ Multiple games http://www.gamequarium.com/multiplication.html http://www.gamequarium.com/division.html Word Problems http://www.quia.com/pop/13193.html Decimal Jepdody http://www.quia.com/cb/8142.html Basic facts http://www.oswego.org/ocsd-web/games/Mathmagician/cathymath.html Problem solving http://www.gamequarium.com/problemsolving.html http://www.nzmaths.co.nz/BrightSparks/ - 124 - 4.4 .................................................................. Equivalent fraction worksheets: - 125 - - 126 - - 127 - - 128 - - 129 - FRACTION STRATEGIES Fractions Families I am learning that fractions can have different names but can be equal in value. Fractions can look different but they are in fact equal to each other. These are called EQUIVALENT FRACTIONS. For the fractions below there are 8 other members of their family hidden in the box at the bottom. Find these and write them next to the fraction in your books. Example: 1 2 3 , …………….. and so on 6 2 , 4 = Exercise One Find all the members of the family for these fractions: 7 14 7 21 6 30 9 27 5 15 7 28 2 8 9 45 1 5 5 10 2 6 3 12 4 12 3 6 8 24 2 12 3 18 9 36 5 25 3 15 1 6 3 9 6 24 5 30 6 18 1 4 4 8 4 24 4 16 1 3 8 16 8 48 5 20 9 18 1 2 6 12 6 36 8 40 7 35 8 32 4 20 9 54 - 130 - 2 4 7 42 2 10 Exercise Two Find all the members of the family for these fractions: 6 60 9 63 4 44 5 55 2 16 2 14 3 27 7 56 8 80 2 22 8 64 1 10 5 45 6 54 9 72 4 36 8 56 3 21 7 49 6 66 1 11 4 28 3 24 9 99 7 70 5 35 4 32 9 81 2 18 4 40 9 90 1 9 6 48 8 72 7 63 1 8 3 30 5 40 2 20 3 33 1 7 7 77 - 131 - 6 42 5 50 8 88 - 132 - - 133 - - 134 - - 135 - - 136 - Ratio and Proportion Strategies Which one is bigger and WHY? I am learning to order fractions using equivalence and benchmarks. Example: 1. 2. Which is bigger 2/5 or 7/16 and why? 2 /5 < 7/16 because 2/5 is 1/10 less than ½ and 7/16 is 1/16 less than ½. Which is bigger 2/3 or 3/4 and why? 3 /4 > 2/3 because 3/4 is 3/12 away from one and 2/3 is 4/12 away from one. What to do: Do the problems in your head first. (1) Which is bigger 2/5 or 5/10 and why? (2) Which is bigger 5/6 or 5/12 and why? (3) Which is bigger 4/5 or 3/4 and why? (4) Which is bigger 5/8 or 2/3 and why? (5) Which is bigger 5/8 or 3/5 and why? (6) Which is bigger 3/8 or 4/10 and why? (7) Which is bigger 5/6 or 3/4 and why? (8) Which is bigger 17/12 or 5/4 and why? (9) Which is bigger 7/3 or 11/5 and why? (10) Which is bigger 5/8 or 7/12 and why? (11) The students in AJ Tutor Group had a shared lunch. Mrs Jones provided some large meat pies which were divided up amongst those present. Each student received 5/9 of a pie. In JY Tutor Group they had the same pies however each student received 11/18 of a pie. Which students got the most pie for lunch and by how much? (12) Two tutor teachers each received some sweets to give out to their tutor group. One tutor was given 5/7 of a bag of sweets and the other tutor was given 3/5 of a bag of sweets. Which tutor received the greatest fraction and by how much? (13) Write two more similar problems of your own. Write the answer statement and your justification into your books in the SAME way as the examples. - 137 - 4.5 ............................................................................ Equivalent Fraction games Faction dominoes Cut the following dominoes out. Then in pairs match up the equivalent fractions 1 2 2 5 4 7 1 3 3 9 6 11 1 10 4 40 12 20 5 6 25 30 8 15 1 4 4 20 1 2 15 20 2 8 1 5 13 26 3 4 16 20 7 8 14 16 21 28 3 4 7 10 28 40 1 7 6 16 5 9 2 18 1 6 3 8 10 18 1 9 6 36 2 3 36 45 4 5 1 8 8 64 5 50 1 10 2 20 10 15 3 36 6 14 4 28 2 3 1 12 3 7 1 7 10 50 1 2 24 40 15 30 12 20 6 15 3 5 2 12 2 9 - 138 - 1 6 3 27 12 48 Equivalent Fraction Matching Exercise 7 13 49 91 14 26 42 78 21 39 2 7 24 84 6 21 16 56 8 28 5 8 20 32 35 56 55 88 25 40 3 14 12 56 9 42 33 154 24 112 7 11 42 66 14 22 77 121 91 143 5 12 20 48 10 24 45 108 12 36 1 6 8 48 3 18 24 144 9 54 5 7 20 28 30 42 15 21 60 84 7 9 35 45 70 90 28 36 14 18 5 6 35 42 15 18 25 30 65 78 - 139 - 6 7 120 140 60 70 42 49 132 154 2 13 8 52 12 78 10 65 12 91 3 4 27 36 69 92 39 52 63 84 1 2 72 144 52 104 27 54 39 78 11 12 77 84 121 132 33 36 55 60 4 5 32 40 48 60 52 65 24 30 13 14 143 154 65 70 26 28 39 42 6 13 24 52 18 39 30 65 60 130 4 7 12 21 44 77 8 14 48 84 5 9 10 18 25 45 50 90 110 198 - 140 - - 141 -