Conferences/Seminars/Workshops organizer in

Curriculum-Vitae: Ming-Kai Chin
 College
 Universities
: Northcote College of Education (N.C.E.), Hong Kong, 1969-71
: University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK), U.S.A., B.Sc., 1973-77
(Physical Education) with Highest Honour and top graduate in the School
of Education.
Springfield College, Springfield, Massachusetts, U.S.A., M.Ed., 1977-78
(Administration in Physical Education & Sport).
University of Wisconsin-Madison (UWM), Madison, Wisconsin, USA.,
Ph.D., 1978-85 (Exercise Physiology).
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale (SIUC), Illinois, USA, MBA.
1994 - 96 (Master of Business Administration).
Scholarship Interests:
Physical activity, health and physical fitness of school children
Obesity, nutrition and exercise
Cardiovascular, metabolic, respiratory and neurological adaptations to acute and chronic
Integration of sports science - physiological, psychological and biomechanical aspects
towards improving physical performance
Connection of IT and Pedagogy in the application of teaching health-related fitness and
exercise physiology
Academic Membership:
New York Academy of Sciences (1994-1995)
International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport & Dance
(ICHPER.D) (1997-present)
The American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD)
Association Internationale des Ecoles Superieures d’ Education Physique (AIESEP),
International Scholarship awarded by Springfield College, USA, 1978
First Wild and White International Scholar awarded by School of Health, Physical Education,
Recreation & Leisure, University of Northern Iowa, USA, 2002
Fellow, Association Internationale des Ecoles Superieures d’ Education Physique (AIESEP),
Fellow, Research Consortium, American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and
Dance (AAHPERD), USA, 2004
Inaugural member, Leading Health Professional of the World 2005 in Sports Science,
International Biographical Centre (IBC), Cambridge, England, January, 2005
Inaugural member, Top 100 Health Professionals - 2005 in Sports Science, International
Biographical Centre (IBC), Cambridge, England, April, 2005
Great Minds of the 21st Century in Sports Science, The American Biographical Institute (ABI),
North Carolina, USA, April, 2005
International Positions:
First Vice President and Founding member, Asian Council of Exercise and Sports Science
(ACESS), Dec 2000-2003
Editor-in-Chief, Asian Journal of Exercise and Sports Science (AJESS), October, 2002 - Present
International Advisor, Asia Association of Aerobic Fitness, Health and Wellness,
(AAAFHW), August, 2002-Present
Board member, Association Internationale des Ecoles Superieures d’ Education Physique
(AIESEP), October 2002-2006
Acting President of ACESS, July 2004 – Dec 2005
Professional Positions:
Consultant Exercise Physiologist, Jubilee Sports Centre (HKSI), January - June 1987.
Sports Science Co-ordinator, Jubilee Sports Centre (HKSI), July 1987 - Nov. 1989.
Co-ordinator Sports Science and Medicine, Jubilee Sports Centre (HKSI), Oct. 1989 March, 1990.
Head, Sports Science, Hong Kong Sports Institute (HKSI), April 1990 - Sep. 1995
Principal Lecturer, Department of Physical Education, Hong Kong Institute of Education
(HKIEd), Oct. 1995 – Present.
Head, Department of Physical Education and Sports Science, Hong Kong Institute of
Education, July 1998-2000.
Honorary Positions:
Visiting Research Professor, Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education, China, April 1990
- Present
Honorary Advisor, Aerobic Fitness & Health Association, Taiwan, September 1993 Present
Visiting Research Professor, Tianjin Institute of Physical Education, China, November
1993 - Present
Honorary Consultant in Sports Science, the Philippine Centre for Sports Medicine, the
Republic of Philippines, January 1994 - Present
Visiting Research Professor, Department of Physical Education, South-China Normal
University, Guangzhou, China, June 1995 – Present
Visiting Professor in Sports Science, University of Baquio, the Republic of Philippines,
August 1998 - Present
Honorary International Member, Korea Academy of Sports Science, National Seoul
University, Korea, August 1998 - Present
Visiting Research Fellow, Department of Physical Education, Beijing Normal University,
December 1998 – Present
Visiting Professor, School of Health, Physical Education and Leisure Services, University
of Northern Iowa, November 2004 – Present
Visiting Professor in Sports Science, University of the Cordilleras, the Republic of
Philippines, November 2004 - Present
Other Professional Activities:
Founding and Council member, the Hong Kong Association of Sports Medicine and Sports
Science, July 1988 - July 1997.
Vice-President, the Hong Kong Association of Sports Medicine and Sports Science, May
1993 - July 1997.
Member, Sports Physiology Commission, International Council for Health, Physical
Education, Recreation, Sports and Dance (ICHPER.SD), January-December, 1996.
Member, the Guiding Committee for Physical Education in Higher Institutions of State
Education Commission (全國高校體育教學指導委員會), China, May 1996 – Present.
Key member, Validation and Re-validation for the 4 Y BEd (Primary), 4 YBEd
(Secondary), 3Y MM BEd (P), 3Y MMBEd(S), PGDE (P) and PGDE (S) degree
majoring in Physical Education at HKIEd, 1997-2004.
Invited member, Panel of International Referees, Expert Subcommittee on Grant
Applications & Awards, Health Services Research Committee/Health Care & Promotion
Fund Committee, Hong Kong Hospital Authority, 1998- Present.
Honorary Vice-President, University of Hong Kong Physical Education and Sports Science
Alumni Association, December 1998 – Present.
Honorary Advisor, Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education Alumni Association,
December 1998 – Present.
Appointed Chairman, Occupational Health and Safety Committee, HKIEd, July 1999-2002
10. Advisor, Hong Kong Physical Fitness Association Co. Ltd., September 2000-2003.
11. Appointed member of the Promotion and Monitoring Sub-Committee of the Quality
Education Fund (QEF), Sept 2000 – January 2002.
12. Reviewer, Hong Kong Journal of Sports Medicine and Sports Science, Oct 2000 – Present.
13. Reviewer, Journal of Physical Education & Recreation (Hong Kong), Nov 2000 – Present.
14. External Assessor, Health Services Research Committee/ Health Care & Promotion Fund
Committee (HSRC/HCPFC), Hong Kong Hospital Authority, Nov 2000.
15. External Assessor, University Grant Committee (UGC), May 2001.
16. Accreditation Panel member of Master of Social Science in Sport and Leisure Management,
Hong Kong Baptist University, May 2001.
17. Course Director, Sports Medicine & Sports Science Course, Hong Kong Olympic Academy,
Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China, April 2002.
18. Founding and Executive Committee member of the Society of Chinese Scholars on
Exercise Physiology and Fitness (SCESEPF), December 2002 – October 2004.
19. Appointed Research Symposium Director, “Improvement in Asian Physical Education,
Sport Fitness and Recreation Through Research”, 4th ICHPER.SD Asia Congress,
Bangkok, Thailand, March 20-23, 2003
20. Reviewer, Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness, July 2003 – Present
21. Appointed Development Initiatives Coordinator, School of Creative Arts, Sciences and
Technology, HKIEd, July 2003 – August 2004.
22. Physical Education Consultant, Shap Pat Heung Rural Committee Kung Yik She Primary
School, Hong Kong, July 2003.
23. Physical Education Consultant, Baptist (STW) Lui Ming Choi Primary School, Hong Kong,
September 2003.
Physical Education Consultant, The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Lee Shau Kee
Primary School, Hong Kong, February 2004.
Reviewer, British Journal of Sports Medicine, March 2004.
Member of the Committee of the Skills Upgrading Scheme in Sport Industry, Vocational
Training Council, April 2004.
Convenor, Assessment Sub-Group, Committee of the Skills Upgrading Scheme in Sport
Industry, Vocational Training Council, April 2004.
Member of the Committee of Healthy City and Regional Community Affairs, Sai Kung
District Council, April 2004.
Co-Chairman, Scientific Committee, 2005 Pre-SEA Games Scientific Congress, organized
by College of Human Kinetics, University of Philippines-Diliman (CHK-UPD) and Asian
Council of Exercise and Sports Science (ACESS), 21-25 November, 2005
Appointed External Panel Member by HKCAA for the external validation of
Associate Diploma, Hong Kong College of Technology, April 2005.
Appointed member of HKCAA Register of Subject Specialists in health and fitness, April
Vice Chairman of the Organizing Committee and Chairman of the Scientific Committee of
the III International Conference for Physical Educators (ICPE 2006) and IV International
Sports Coaching Science Conference, organized by the Graduate Institute of the Sports
Coaching Science, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan, at Chinese Culture University,
Taiwan, 14-16 December 2006.
Conferences/Seminars/Workshops organizer in sports science/sports medicine/physical
education in Hong Kong
April, 1995
Chairman, Organizing Committee for the Gatorade Sports Nutrition Course for
participants of 8 Asian Countries
April, 1996
Chairman, Organizing Committee for the International Physical Education
Seminar The Role of Physical Education Curriculum in Developing Sports
Culture in Chinese Community, organized by the HKASSM&SS and Hong
Kong Baptist University
Chairman, Organizing Committee for the Sports Nutrition Seminar The
Changes of Body Composition and Physical Fitness as Related to Age Exercise
and Diet presented by Prof Jana Parizkova, M.D., D.Sc., Laboratory of Health
Promotion, Department of Internal Medicine, Charles University, Prague,
Czech Republic. The Seminar was jointly organized by the Centre for Research
and Development; HKIEd; Hong Kong Association of Sports Medicine and
Sports Science; and Department of Physical Education, HKIEd
May, 1998
Chairman, Organizing Committee of the Sports Science Conference Sports
Psychology and Physical Activity for Primary and Secondary Students in
Physical Education Towards the 21st Century, organized by the Department of
Physical Education, HKIEd
Chairman, Organizing Committee of the Seminar Teaching of Physical
Education – a New Direction Towards the Next Millenium, organized by the
Department of Physical Education, HKIEd
March, 1999 Chairman, Organizing Committee of the International Seminar Information
Technology in Sports, Physical Education and Dance, organized by the
Department of Physical Education and School of Creative Arts, Sciences and
Technology (SCAST), HKIEd
June, 1999
Chairman, Organizing Committee of the Physical Best – Health Fitness
Workshop, jointly organized by the Department of Physical Education and
Sports Science (PESS), the School of Creative Arts, Sciences and Technology
(SCAST), HKIEd and the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education,
Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD), USA
July, 2000
Chairman, Organizing Committee of the 2000 International Conference for
Physical Educators (ICPE 2000) on Innovation and Application of Physical
Education and Sports Science for the New Millennium – An Asia Pacific
Perspective, organized by the Department of Physical Education and Sports
Science, School of Creative Arts, Sciences and Technology and Centre for
Research and International Collaboration, Hong Kong Institute of Education,
Hong Kong-China
July, 2002
Chairman, Organizing Committee of the Special Project: Teaching Aerobic
Dance in the Secondary School Workshop – An Innovative and Creative
Approach to Meet the Education Reform in the PE Curriculum, organized by
the Department of Physical Education and Sports Science (PESS), HKIEd with
the support of Dept of Physical, Health and Art Education, China Ministry of
July, 2004
Chairman, Organizing Committee of the II International Conference for
Physical Educators (ICPE 2004) on The Global Perspective in the Integration of
Physical Activity, Sports Dance and Exercise Science in Physical Education –
from Theory to Practice, organized by the Department of Physical Education
and Sports Science, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong-China
August, 2004 Chairman, Organizing Committee of the Special Project: 2004 Water Fitness
Workshop to Promote Teaching of Health-Related Fitness in Secondary
Schools – An Innovative and Scientific Approach in the 21st Century, jointly
organized by the Department of Physical Education and Sports Science, Hong
Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong-China and University of Nevada, USA
Advisor & Examiner of the following graduate studies:
Rosemarie R. Saile., Sports specific fitness testing in badminton, College of Human
Kinetics, University of the Philippine (M. Ed) (1989-90)
Raymond C.H. So., Isokinetic muscular profiles among Hong Kong elite male athletes,
Dept of Orthopedics & Traumatology, Chinese University of Hong Kong (M. Phil)
Judy Ng Ip Kit Wan., The use of pedometer and physical activity log in assessing physical
activity of school children, Dept of Physical Education, Hong Kong Baptist University (M
Phil), (1997)
Chen Wah Fuk., Effects of exhaustive exercise on myocardial ultra structure and endocrine
function of circulatory system after training of different intensity levels, Dept of Physical
Education, South China Normal University (MEd), (1999)
Mazlan Ismail, Evaluation of an exercise module for the improvement of strength and
flexibility in the elderly, School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
(MSc), (2000)
Ooi Foong Kiew, Effects of a herbal drink on exercise metabolism and cycling
performance, School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia (MSc),
Wang Lei Nai, Effects of different exercises on kidney function of high level broad jump
athletes, School of Physical Education and Sports Science, South China Normal
University, (MEd), (2000)
Lu Yong Mei, Experimental study of supplementing fluid on the effects of the elderly’s
physical functions during exercise of different duration, School of Physical Education and
Sports Science, South China Normal University, (MEd), (2000)
Sk.Md.Rauf Iqbal. Indirect methods and their suitability to evaluate aerobic capacity and
anaerobic threshold level of Indian male sports persons, Vidyasgar University, India,
(Ph.D.), (2000)
Shi Jian Rong, Cardiac structure and function in young athletes during exercise, Victoria
University of Technology, Australia, (MSc.), (2002)
Lawrence Gray Kumar, Acid-base and cardio respiratory responses to submaximal exercise
among somatotyped university athletes, Alagappa University, India, (Ph.D.), 2003
Mehander Singh, Health-related physical fitness intervention programme for secondary
school boys within the school curriculum, School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains
Malaysia, Malaysia, (Ph.D), (2004)
Hara Rama Chandhiran, Effect of Physical and Combination of Physical and Yogic
Exercises on Performance and Performance Related Factors of Basketball Players,
Bharathidasan University, India (Ph.D), 2004
Grant Approval:
1. 1987-1995 Principal Investigator, Grant for setting up the Human Performance Laboratory,
Sports Science Department, Hong Kong Sports Institute ($4.5 millions; approx.
US$ 580,000)
2. 1990-1993 Principal Investigator, Research Grant from the Sports Development Board on
“Physiological assessment of Hong Kong elite squash, badminton, soccer and
rowing athletes” ($ 230,000; approx. US$ 30,000)
3. 1997-2001 Principal Investigator, Grant for setting up the Human Performance Laboratory,
Department of Physical Education and Sports Science, HKIEd ($7.5 millions;
approx. US$ 962,000)
4. 1998-1999 Principal Investigator, HKIEd Research Grant: “Validation of bioelectrical
impedance to measure body composition in Chinese school children”, with
Girandola, R., Liu, Y.K., with co-worker at University of Southern California,
USA ($139,200; approx. US$17,846)
5. 1998-1999 Co-Investigator, Research Grant funded by MC2 Study ™ : “A research on how
MC2 Study™ reduces the mental fatigue and improves the imagination ability of
top athletes”, with Ding, X.Q. and Zhang, Z.Q. National Research Institute of
Sports Science, China ($81,619; approx. US$10,471)
6. 1998-1999 Co-Investigator, Research Grant funded by MC2 Study ™ : “A research on how
MC2 Study™ (EN SHI™) works to effect attention of students”, with Yin, H.C.
and Meng, Q.M. Department of Sports Psychology, Beijing Normal University,
China ($171,600; approx. US$22,000)
7. 1999-2001 Core team member, UGC’s TDG Grant “Technology-based Creativity in
Performance Related Education”, School of Creative Arts, Sciences and
Technology (SCAST), HKIEd ($3.827 millions; approx. US$490,640)
8. 1999-2000 Co-Investigator, UGC’s TDG Grant funded by Centre for Technology-based
Creativity in Performance Related Education: “Production of CD ROM on
nutrition and physical activity for young adolescents”, with Mrs. Millie Yung
and co-workers. Home Economics Section, Department of Information and
Applied Technology, HKIEd ($89,000; approx. US$11,410)
9. 2000-2001 Principal Investigator, HKIEd Research Grant: “New Techniques in Measuring
the Body Composition of Chinese College Students”, with Girandola, R., Liu,
Y.K., with co-worker at University of Southern California, USA ($105,090;
approx. US$13,473)
10. 2001-2002 Principal Supervisor, HKIEd Teaching Development Grant: “Integration of IT
and Multi-Media in Teaching of Health-Related Fitness and Exercise
Physiology – An Innovative Approach” ($146,496; approx. US$18,780)
11. 2002 -2003 Principal Supervisor, HKIED IT Development Grant: “Development of a
Self-Learning Media Resource System (SLMMRS) in Health-Related Fitness : An
Integrated and Creative Approach to Meet the Local and Global Education
Approach in the PE Curriculum ” with Chan, T, Department of IAT, HKIEd
($137,072; approx. US$17,573)
12. 2003-2004 Principal Supervisor, HKIEd Teaching Development Grant (Individual bid):
“Problem-Based Learning Resources Package for Health-Related Fitness and
Exercise Physiology Modules Taught Through the Medium of English ” with
Chan, R, Centre for Learning, Teaching & Supervision (CELTS); Beh, P,
Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong;
Storey, P, Centre for Language in Education (CLE), HKIEd ($277,508; approx.
13. 2003 -2004 Co-Investigator, LEARNET Production Fund: “Reusable Media-rich
Educational Triggers for Problem-based Learning(PBL) in Education” with
Keppel, M, Centre for Integrating Technology in Education (CITIE) and
Co-workers. (HK$150,000; approx. US$19,230)
14. 2004 -2005 Consultant of QEF Project: Physical Education Consultant of Baptist (STW) Lui
Ming Choi Primary School for a QEF project “Three Crossing Teaching
Learning Model: An Implementation with Campus TV Approach” (三跨式教
學:在校園電視臺概念上的實踐). (HK$ 326,000, approx. US$41,795)
15. 2004-2005 Co-Investigator, HKIEd Special Project Fund: " Adapted Physical Activity
Workshop for Teaching Children with Disabilities in Regular Physical
Education Setting” with Chen, S., Cote, P. Department of PESS, HKIEd.
($19,410; approx. US$2,488)
Supervisor/Mentor of the following international visiting sports scientists in sports science
(1989 - 2004):
Xu Fan: Assistant Researcher, Dept of Sports Physiology, National Research Institute of
Sports Science, China, (1989-90)
Yao Jia-Xin: Director and Associate Professor, Dept of Sports Psychology, Wuhan Institute
of Physical Education, China, (1990-91) (currently Vice President and Professor, Wuhan
Institute of Physical Education, China, 2003)
Chen An: Vice-Director, Dept of Sports Physiology and Biochemistry, Beijing Research
Institute of Sports Science, China (1990-91)
Ding Xueqin: Director and Associate Professor, Dept of Sports Psychology, National
Research Institute of Sports Science, China (1991-92) (currently Director and Professor,
National Research Institute of Sports Science, China, 2003)
Dr Li Xiao-Hong, MD, Ph.D: Researcher, Dept of Sports Physiology and Sports Medicine,
Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education, China (1991-92)
Zhang Li-Wei: Director and Associate Professor, Dept of Sports Psychology, Beijing
University of Physical Education, China (1992-93) (Currently Dean of Student Affairs
and Professor, Beijing Sports University, China, 2004)
Dr Li Jing-Xian, MD. Vice-Director and Associate Professor, Dept of Sports Physiology
and Biochemistry,Tianjin Institute of Physical Education, China (1992-93)
Dr Anthony B King Jr, MD: Philippine Centre for Sports Medicine (April-June, 93)
Dr Consuelo B Gonzalex-Suarez, RPT, MD. Philippine Centre for Sports Medicine (April June, 93)
Dr Geng-Yi, MD: Associate Researcher, Dept of Sports Physiology, Yunnan Research
Institute of Sports Science, China (1993-94)
Marissa Adviento, Msc: Sports Psychologist, Philippine Centre for Sports Medicine (April
- July 94)
Dr Genevieve A Serrano, MD: Strength Coach, Philippine Centre for Sports Medicine
(July - Sept 94)
Dr Wang Wen, MD. Associate Researcher, Dept of Sports Medicine, Henan Research
Institute of Sports Science, China ( Sept 1994- June 95)
Dr Jiao-Ying, MD. Vice-Director and Associate Professor, Dept of Sports Nutrition,
National Research Institute of Sports Medicine, China (Nov-Dec 94)
Gao Xia: Sports Nutritionist, Dept of Sports Nutrition, National Research Institute of
Sports Medicine, China (Nov 1994- June 95)
Ooi Foong Kiew, Msc: Exercise Physiologist, Department of Physiology, School of
Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia ( Feb – July 2001)
Dr. Hu Junmei, MD: Associate Professor, Sichuan Research Institute of Sports Science,
China (Jan – June, 2002)
Chung Jin-Wook, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Physical Education, Seoul National
University, Korea (April 2003 – August 2004)
Visited International Sports Science / Sports Medicine / Physical Education and Sports
Institute of Muscle Physiology, Oslo, Norway, 1982
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, 1982
Exercise Physiology Laboratory, the University of Jyvaskyla, Jyvaskyla, Finland, 1982
August Krogh Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 1982
Exercise Physiology Laboratory, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1982
Exercise Physiology Laboratory, Sporthochschule, Koln, Germany, 1982
The Research Institute of the Swiss School for Physical Education and Sports, Magglingen,
Switzerland, 1982
Exercise Physiology Laboratory, the University of Exeter, Exeter, England, 1982
Sports Science/Medicine Institute, US Olympic Training Centre, Colorado Springs, USA,
Sports Science/Medicine Institute, Australian Institute of Sports, Canberra, Australia, 1987
National College of Physical Education & Sports, ROC, 1988
National Research Institute of Sports Science, Beijing, China, 1988
Beijing Research Institute of Sports Science, Beijing, China, 1989
Yunnan High Altitude Research Institute of Sports Science, China, 1989
National Chengdu Research Institute of Sports Injury, China, 1989
Beijing University of Physical Education, China, 1989
Wuhan Institute of Physical Education, China 1989
Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education, China 1989
Guangdong Research Institute of Sports Science, China, 1989
Institute of Human Movement Sciences, Vrije University, The Netherlands, 1990
Korean Sports Science Institute, Korea, 1990
Tianjin Institute of Physical Education, China, 1990
Malaysian Institute of Sports Science, Malaysia, 1991
Footscray Institute of Technology, Australia, 1991
Shanghai Research Institute of Sports Science, China, 1992
Guangzhou Research Institute of Sports Science, China, 1992
Anhui Research Institute of Sports Science, China, 1993
Jiangsu Research Institute of Sports Science, China, 1993
Netaji Subhas National Institute of Sports, Sports Authority of India, 1993
Henan Research Institute of Sports Science, China, 1994
Liaoning Research Institute of Sports Science, China, 1994
Shenyang Institute of Physical Education, China, 1994
Italian Olympic Training Centre (CONI), Rome, Italy 1994
National Research Institute of Sports Science, Rome, Italy, 1994
Laboratory of Exercise Physiology, Fukuoka University, Fukuoka City, Japan, 1994
Institute of Sports Science, University of Tsukuba, Japan, 1994
Beijing Normal University, China, 1995
Northeast Normal University, China, 1995
Jilin University, China, 1995
Huazhong Normal University, Wuhan, China, 1995
Zhongshan University, Guangzhou, China, 1995
Suzhou University, China, 1997
Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, 1997
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 1997
University of Baquio, Baguio, Philippines, 1998
Nanyang Technological University, National Institute of Education, Singapore, 1997
Indiana University, School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, Bloomington,
USA, 2000
University of British Columbia, School of Human Kinetics, Vancouver, B.C., Canada 2000
Universiti Sains Malaysia, School of Medical Sciences, Malaysia, 2000
Nanjing Institute of Physical Education, Nanjing, China, 2000
Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China, 2000
University of Northern Iowa, School of Health, Physical Education and Leisure Services,
Iowa, USA, 2003
Montclair State University, Global Education Center and Department of Health Professions,
Physical Education, Recreation and Leisure Studies, New Jersey, USA, 2004
University of Philippines – Dilliman, College of Human Kinetics, Philippines, 2005
University of the Cordilleras, Baquio, Philippines, 2005
Abstracts & Presentations:
Chin M.K., Li C.T., Chan K.M., and Lai K.K., 1988. Isokinetic Muscular Testing of the
Young Elite Athletes in Hong Kong: A Physical and Clinical Profile (presented at the
1988 Seoul Olympic Scientific Congress, South Korea)
Li C.T., Chin M.K., Chan K.M. and Leung W.K., 1988. Isokinetic Muscular Testing of the
Hong Kong National Soccer Team; A Physiological and Clinical Profile (presented at the
1988 Seoul Olympic Scientific Congress, South Korea)
Lo Y.S., Chin M.K., Tam T., and Cheng B.W., 1988. Echocardiographic Ventricular
Hypertrophy in Hong Kong Elite Cyclists (presented at the Biennial Scientific Session,
Hong Kong Cardiological Society, Hong Kong)
Chin M.K., 1988. Physiological Profile of Young Elite Athletes in Hong Kong (presented
at the Beijing Institute of Physical Education - International Sports Physiology
Symposium, Beijing, China)
China M.K., 1989. Maximal Aerobic Power and Anaerobic Threshold Measurements of
Hong Kong Elite Oarsmen and Oarswomen (presented at the International Sports
Medicine Conference organized by Chinese University of Hong Kong and University of
Pittsburgh, Hong Kong)
Li C.T., and Chin M.K., 1989. Isokinetic Muscular Characteristics of Hong Kong National
Cycling Team (presented at the International Sports Medicine Conference organized by
Chinese University of Hong Kong and University of Pittsburgh, Hong Kong)
So C.H., Sham M., and Chin M.K., 1989. Skinfold Measurements and Body Composition
of Elite Athletes in Hong Kong (presented at the International Sports Medicine
Conference organized by Chinese University of Hong Kong and University of Pittsburgh,
Hong Kong)
Chien P., Chin M.K., Chow Y., and Li C.T. 1989. Physiological Profiles of Wheelchair
Athletes (presented at the International Sports Medicine Conference organized by Chinese
University of Hong Kong and University of Pittsburgh, Hong Kong)
Chin M.K., 1989. Sports Science and Sports Medicine Program for Hong Kong Elite
Swimmers (keynote speaker at the International Coaching & Swimming Science
Conference, Hiroshima, Japan)
10. Chin M.K., Steininger K, Li C.T., and So C.H., 1990. Physiological Profile and Sports
Specific Testings of Hong Kong Squash Team (presented at the 1990 Sports Medicine
Conference Organized by the Hong Kong Centre of Sports Medicine & Sports Science
and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
11. Chin M.K., 1990. Team Approach of Sports Science and Sports Medicine at the Jubilee
Sports Centre (presented at the 3rd International Congress of Physiotherapy, Hong Kong)
12. Li C.T., Chin M.K., Poon J., and So C.H., 1990. Musculoskeletal and Flexibility
Characteristics and the Injury Profile of Young Dancers in Hong Kong (presented at the
XXIV FIMS World Congress of Sports Medicine, Amsterdam, Holland)
Chin M.K., Steininger K., Li C.T., and So C.H., 1990. Physiological Profile of Hong Kong
Badminton Team (presented at the 1990 Beijing Asian Games Scientific Congress,
Beijing, China)
Li C.T., Chin M.K., Chan K.M., and So C.H., 1990. Comparison of Isokinetic Muscular
Characteristics of the Guangdong and the Hong Kong Female Gymnastics Teams
(presented at the 1990 Beijing Asian Games Scientific Congress, Beijing, China)
Chin M.K., 1990. Sports Physiology Support to elite Rowing (presented at the Olympic
Solidarity Regional Seminar for Asian Rowing Coaches, Hong Kong)
Chin M.K., 1990. Sports Science/Medicine Development in Hong Kong (keynote speaker
at the 9th International Sports Science Seminar organized by Korean Sports Science
Institute, Seoul, Korea)
Chin M.K., 1990. Physiological Profiles of Hong Kong Elite Athletes (keynote speaker at
the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Research Institute of Physical Education & Sports
Science, Chungnam National University, Taejon, Korea)
Lo Y.S. and Chin M.K., 1990. Executive Health Screening (presented at the 3rd Asian
Pacific Symposium on Cardiac Rehabilitation, Singapore)
Chin M.K., 1990. Sports Science/Medicine Development in Hong Kong (presented at the
Meeting of the Sports Science Institute, Malaysian National Sports Council, Malaysia)
Chin M.K., 1991. Dehydration & Sports Performance (presented at the Leisure & Sports
Expo’91, Hong Kong)
Chin M.K., 1991. Physical Fitness Appraisal (keynote speaker at the 2nd Annual Meeting
of the Aerobic Fitness & Health Association, Taipei, Taiwan)
Chin M.K., 1991. Sports Performance - The Importance of Diet (invited speaker at Mars
Conference at the 1st World Women Football M&M Cup, Guangzhou, China)
So C.H., Li C.T., Chan K.M., and Chin M.K. 1992. Bilateral Isokinetic Parameters of the
Shoulder - A Prediction for Comparative Study (presented at the Biomedical Engineering
Symposium, Hong Kong Institute of Engineers, Hong Kong)
So C.H., Li C.T., Chan K.M. and Chin M.K. 1992. The Isokinetic Trunk Muscle Strength
Between Recreational and Competitive Windsurfers in Hong Kong (presented at the
Biomedical Engineering Symposium, Hong Kong Institute of Engineers, Hong Kong)
Wong J.P., So C.H., Yeung J., Chin M.K., and Chan K.M., 1992. Shoulder
Flexion/Extension Peak Torque Ratio: A Comparison between Elite Athletes and Normal
Young Adults (presented at FIMS International Sports Medicine Conference, Hong Kong)
Chin M.K., 1992. Dietary Carbohydrate and Endurance Performance (keynote speaker at
the International Sports Science Conference, Research Institute of Physical Education &
Sports Science, Chungnam National University, Taejon, Korea)
Sham M.Y., Chin M.K., Leung S.F. and So C.H., 1992. Nutrition Knowledge, Attitudes &
Practices of HK Elite Athletes (presented at International Conference of Food for Life
Performance, Hong Kong)
Chin M.K., 1992. Theoretical Principles of Heart-Rate Monitoring (presented at the
Coaching Seminar organized by Hong Kong Coaching Committee and Fitness Concept
Ltd, Hong Kong)
Chin M.K., 1993. Heart Rate Monitoring for Health, Fitness and Sports Training (keynote
speaker at the Seminar organized by Polar Electro OY and Aerobic Fitness & Health
Association, Republic of China)
Chin M.K., 1993. Heart Rate Monitoring for Sports Training (presented at the Seminar
organized by the Fitness Centre of the National College of Physical education & Sports,
Republic of China)
Chin M.K., 1993. Sports Physiology Testing for High Performance Athletes (keynote
speaker at the Netaji Subjas National institute of Sports, Sports Authority of India)
Chin M.K. and So C.H., 1993. Sports Specific Fitness Testing in Badminton (presented at
the International Badminton Federation Advanced Coaching Seminar, Hong Kong)
So C.H., Chin M.K., Chien E.P. and Chow Y.Y., 1993. Isokinetic Knee Muscle
Characteristics of a Sprinter with Cerebral Palsy (poster presentation at the 9th
International Symposium on Adapted Physical Activity, Japan)
Chin M.K., 1993. Obesity, Diet, Exercise and Weight Control - a Current Review (keynote
speaker at the 1993 Health promotion & Aerobic Convention, Taipei, Taiwan)
Chin M.K., 1993. Sports Science/Medicine Support to Hong Kong Elite Athletes at the
Hong Kong Sports Institute (keynote speaker at the Xth FINA World Sports Medicine
Congress, Kyoto, Japan)
Yuan W.Y., Fan X., Chin M.K., So C.H., and Chan K.M. 1993. Hand-eye Coordination
and Visual Reaction Time in Elite Badminton Players and Gymnasts (presented at the 2nd
International Conference on Sports Medicine, Beijing, China)
Chin M.K., So C.H., Yuan W.Y., Li C.T. and Wong S.K., 1993. Cardiorespiratory Fitness
& Isokinetic Muscle Strength of Elite Asian Junior Soccer Players (poster presentation at
the 2nd International Conference on Sports Medicine, Beijing, China)
So C.H., Yuan W.Y., Chin M.K., and Chan K.M., 1993. The Effects of Specific Sport
Training on Strength Relationship of the Knee Musculature (presented at the 2nd
International Conference on Sports Medicine, Beijing, China)
Chin M.K., 1994. Effective Training Through Heart Rate Monitoring (keynote speaker at
the seminar: Development of Champions organized by Selangor Sports Council, Shah
Alam, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
Chin M.K., 1994. Sports Science/Medicine Support to Hong Kong Elite Athletes at the
Hong Kong Sports Institute (presented at the Philippine Center for Sports Medicine,
Manila, Republic of the Philippines)
Chin M.K., 1994. Physiological Testing of the High-Performance Athlete (keynote
speaker at the seminar - workshop: Improving the Performance of Filipino Athletes
through Sports Science, Manila, Republic of the Philippines)
Chin M.K. and So C.H., 1994. Application of Sports Physiology Research to Training of
Elite Athletes (presented at the International Olympic Committee (I.O.C.) Sports
Medicine Course, Hong Kong)
Chin M.K., 1994. Coach-Sports Science: A Team Work (presented to the Faculty of Sports
Science, Shanghai Research Institute of Sports Science, China)
Chin M.K., 1994. Coach-Sports Science: A Team Work (presented to the Faculty of Sports
Science, Jiangsu Research Institute of Sports Science, China)
Geng Y, Chin M.K., 1994. Exercise, Fitness, & High Blood Pressure and Diabetes
(presented at the 1994 Health Promotion & Aerobic Convention, Taipei, Taiwan)
Chin M.K., 1994. Sports Science Supports at the Hong Kong Sports Institute (presented to
the Faculty of the Research Institute of Sports Science, Italian Olympic Training Centre,
Rome, Italy)
Chin M.K., 1995. Sports Science - Leading to Top Performance (presented to the Faculty
of the Physical Education Department, South-China Normal University, China)
Chin M.K., 1996. Physiological Evaluation of the Elite athletes (presented at the
International Sports Medicine Course, organized by Macau Physical Education and Sports
Institute and Macau Health Department)
Chin M.K., 1997. Sports for All - the Scientific Approach to Diet, Weight Control and
Exercise (presented to the Faculty of Department of Physical Education, South-China
Normal University and Zhongshan University, China)
Chin M.K., 1997. Sports for All - the Scientific Approach to Diet, Weight Control and
Exercise and Sports Systems in Hong Kong - from Grassroot to High Performance
(presented to the Faculty of Department of Physical Education, Suzhou University, China)
Chin M.K., 1997. Sports for All - the Scientific Approach to Diet, Weight Control and
Exercise (keynote speaker at the “Fitness For All” Seminar organized by the Hong Kong
Physical Fitness Association and City University of Hong Kong, sponsored by ASF&OC,
Regional Council and Urban Council at the 40th Hong Kong Sports Festival, Hong Kong)
Chin M.K., 1997. A Reflection on Enhancing Quality Teaching Through T&T Professional
Development Programme (presented at the Conference on “Tertiary Teaching and
Technology : Vision and Practice 1997” organized by the Promotion of Teaching Skills
and Technology (T&T), Lingnan College, co-sponsored by Hong Kong Educational
Communications and Technology (HKAECT), Hong Kong)
Gao X., Chin M.K., Girandola, R., 1997. Glucose Polymer Supplementation of a Male
World Champion Lightweight Rower (presented at the 40th International Council for
Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport, and Dance (ICHPER.SD) World Congress
- Revitalization of Humanity and Better Environment, organized by KyungHee University,
Ding, X., Chin M.K., Girandola, R., 1997. The Effects of Mental Training on Specific
Physiological Indices of Elite Asian Female Athletes (presented at the 40th International
Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport, and Dance (ICHPER.SD)
World Congress - Revitalization of Humanity and Better Environment, organized by
KyungHee University, Korea)
Chin M.K., Yang., JZ., 1997. Current Research in Child Obesity and Its Related Factors
(presented at the 97 Beijing Sports Medicine Conference in Health, Fitness and
Rehabilitation, China)
Chin M.K., Deng, SX., Chen., A.,1997. Physical Activity, Fitness and Health -- towards the
21st Century (keynote speaker at the Tsinghua University International Physical
Education Conference, Beijing , China)
Chin M.K., Deng, SX., Chen., A.,1997. Physical Activity, Fitness and Health -- towards the
21st Century (keynote speaker at the Physical Education Seminar of the 95 Anniversary
of Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China)
Chin M.K., Yang., JZ., 1997. Physical Activity, Maximal Growth Potential and Optimal
Health in Early Life - an International Perspective. (invited speaker at the Conference on
Potential Realization of Pre-School Children‘s Physical and Intelligent Growth, organized
by the Jilin Research Institute of Technology and Shanghai Institute of Physical Education,
Shanghai, China)
Chin M.K., Deng, SX., Liu YK., et al., 1997. An Investigation of the Model of Training of
Secondary Physical Education Teachers from Hong Kong and China in the 21st Century
(presented at the 5th China National Conference of Sports Science, Beijing, China)
Chin M.K., 1997. The Integration and Implication of Sports Science in Competitive Sports
and Physcal Activity in China and Hong Kong (keynote speaker at the IESEP
(International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education) 1997 World
Conference on Teaching, Coaching and Fitness Needs in Physical Education and the
Sports Sciences organized by the School of Physical Education, Nanyang Technological
University, National Institute of Education, Singapore)
Chin M.K., Deng, SX., Chen., A.,1997. Physical Activity, Fitness and Health -- towards the
21st Century (keynote speaker at the International Physical Education Conference on
“The Direction of Physical Education in Higher Education towards the 21st Century in
China” organized by the Hong Kong Post Secondary Athletic Association, Hong Kong)
Chin M.K., Deng, SX., Liu YK., et al., 1998. Responses of Current Physical Education
Teachers in Hong Kong and China as to the Academic Curriculum Preparation : A
Possible guide for the 21st Century? (presented at the Annual Meeting of the AAHPERD,
Reno, Nevada, USA, 13-15 April, 1998.)
Yang JZ., Chin, MK., Girandola, RN., Li, XH.,1998. Improving Physical Fitness in China:
Problems and Solutions (presented at the Annual Meeting of the AAHPERD, Reno,
Nevada, USA, 13-15 April, 1998.)
Chin, MK. 1998. Responses of Current Physical Education Teachers in Hong Kong and
China as to the Academic Curriculum Preparation : A Possible guide for the 21st Century?
(presented at the Research Symposium’98 Teaching and Coaching in Sports and Physical
Education, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 9 May 1998.)
Chin, MK. 1998. “The Application of Sports Physiology in Coaching Science - Can It be
Specific?” (keynote speaker at the National Exercise Physiology Symposium, organized
by the Research Institute of School Physical Education and Sports Science, Department of
Physical Education, South- China Normal University, Guangzhou, China, 6-7 June 1998.)
Chin, MK. 1998. “The Application of Sports Physiology in Coaching Science - Can It be
Specific?” (keynote speaker at 1998 International Coaching Symposium, organized by
the Graduate Institute of Sport Coaching Sciences, Department of Physical Education,
Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan, 10-12 June 1998.)
Chin, MK. 1998. The Integration and Implication of Sports Science and Physical Activity
in China and Hong Kong (keynote speaker at the 5th Annual Pacific Rim Conference on
Exercise Science and Sports Medicine organized by the Exercise Science Department,
Chosum University, Kwang-ju, Korea, 18-20 June 1998.)
Chin, MK. 1998. Physical Activity, Fitness and Health -- towards the 21st Century
(keynote speaker at the 40 Anniversary of University of Baquio, the Republic of
Philippines, 6-10 August 98.)
Deng, XS; Chin, MK. 1999. Problems on Course Construction of Human Movement
Sciences (presented at the International Conference on Teacher Education 1999 (ICTED
1999) – Teaching Effectiveness and Teacher Development in the New Century, organized
by HKIEd, Hong Kong, 22-24 February 1999)
Gao, H; Deng, XS; Chin, MK et al., 1999. Computer Multimedia Techniques and Exercise
Physiology Teaching (presented at the International Conference on Teacher Education
1999 (ICTED 1999) – Teaching Effectiveness and Teacher Development in the New
Century, organized by HKIEd, Hong Kong, 22-24 February 1999)
Chin, MK 1999. Sports, Health and Technology – Exploration of Issues in the 21st
Century (invited speaker at Tianjin Institute of Physical Education, China, 16 April
Chin, MK (1999). Fitness and Health of University Students in the 21st Century (invited
speaker at Beijing University, organized by the Department of Physical Education,
Beijing University, China, 21 April 1999)
Girandola, RN; Park, SY; Newell A; Matter R; Chin, MK 1999. Validity of Bioimpedance
and Futrex in Predicting Body Composition in College – Age Students (presented at the
46th Annual Meeting of American College of Sports Medicine, Washington, USA, 2-5
June 1999)
Chin MK., Yang JZ., et al., 1999. Developing Physical Educators’ Competencies in the
Next Millennium – “The First National Sports Skills and Academic Knowledge
Competition for PE Major Students in China” (presented at the 42nd International
Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport, and Dance (ICHPER.SD)
World Congress – Developing Strategies of International Cooperation in Promotion of
HPERSD for the New Millennium, organized by Minia University, Egypt, 2-7 July 1999.)
Chin, M.K. 1999. Physical Fitness, Health and Technology – an Exploration of the Issues
in the 21st Century (keynote speaker at the 1999 Health Promotion and Aerobic
Convention organized by the Aerobic Fitness and Health Association of R.O.C., 12-15
August 1999)
Chin MK., Yang JZ., et al., 1999. Physical Activity, Maximal Growth Potential and
Optimal Health in Early Life – an International Perspective (invited speaker at the 1999
Health Promotion and Aerobic Convention organized by the Aerobic Fitness and Health
Association of R.O.C., 12-15 August 1999)
Ding XQ., Zhang ZQ., Chin MK.1999. A Research on how MC2 Study ™ Reduces the
Mental Fatigue and Improves the Imagination Ability of Top Athletes (presented at the
3rd International Congress Asian – South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology
(ASPASP), organized by Wuhan Institute of Physical Education, China, 25-28 October
Yin H.C., Meng Q.M., Chin MK. 1999. A Reserch on how MC2 Study ™ (EN SHI™)
Works to Effect Attention of Students (presented at the 3rd International Congress
Asian – South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology (ASPASP), organized by Wuhan
Institute of Physical Education, China, 25-28 October 1999)
Chin M.K., Yang JZ., Masterson C. 2000. Physical Best and FITNESSGRAM : Leading
Health-Related Fitness Education into the Millennium (presented at the 2000 American
Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) National
Convention & Exposition , Orlando, USA, 21-25 March 2000)
Chin, M.K.2000. The Integration and Implication of Sports Science and Physical Activity
in China and Hong Kong (invited speaker to the Master of Sports Science Programme,
Faculty of Medical Sciences, School of Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia, 15 May
Chin, M.K., 2000. Connections between Physical Education and Sports Science in the New
Millennium : A Bridge Too Far ? (keynote speaker at the 2000 International Conference
for Physical Educators (ICPE 2000) on “Innovation and Application of Physical
Education and Sports Science for the New Millennium – An Asia Pacific Perspective”
organized by the Department of Physical Education and Sports Science, School of
Creative Arts, Sciences and Technology and Centre for Research and International
Collaboration, Hong Kong Institute of Education, 7-8 July 2000)
Girandola, R., Chin, M.K., 2000. Body Composition : an Update on Older and Current
Technology (presented at the 2000 International Conference for Physical Educators (ICPE
2000) on “Innovation and Application of Physical Education and Sports Science for the
New Millennium – An Asia Pacific Perspective” organized by the Department of Physical
Education and Sports Science, School of Creative Arts, Sciences and Technology and
Centre for Research and International Collaboration, Hong Kong Institute of Education,
7-8 July 2000)
Li, JJ., Yang, JZ., Chin, MK., et al. 2000. A Study of the Current Status and Future
Development of School Health Education in China (presented at the 2000 International
Conference for Physical Educators (ICPE 2000) on “Innovation and Application of
Physical Education and Sports Science for the New Millennium – An Asia-Pacific
Perspective” organized by the Department of Physical Education and Sports Science,
School of Creative Arts, Sciences and Technology and Centre for Research and
International Collaboration, Hong Kong Institute of Education, 7-8 July 2000)
Wang., WQ., Wang, JH., Chin, MK., Liu, YK., et al. 2000. The Structure of Knowledge
for the Future PE Teachers of Primary School and High School (presented at the 2000
International Conference for Physical Educators (ICPE 2000) on “Innovation and
Application of Physical Education and Sports Science for the New Millennium – An
Asia-Pacific Perspective” organized by the Department of Physical Education and Sports
Science, School of Creative Arts, Sciences and Technology and Centre for Research and
International Collaboration, Hong Kong Institute of Education, 7-8 July 2000)
Li, ZQ., Chin, MK., Liu, YK., et al. 2000. A Comparative Study on their Professional
Abilities of P.E. Teachers in Secondary Schools between Hong Kong and Inland China
(presented at the 2000 International Conference for Physical Educators (ICPE 2000) on
“Innovation and Application of Physical Education and Sports Science for the New
Millennium – An Asia-Pacific Perspective” organized by the Department of Physical
Education and Sports Science, School of Creative Arts, Sciences and Technology and
Centre for Research and International Collaboration, Hong Kong Institute of Education,
7-8 July 2000)
Chin M.K.2001. New Direction of Health and Fitness in Physical Education in Hong Kong
and China (invited speaker at the 2001 American Alliance of Health, Physical Education,
Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) National Convention & Exposition, Cincinnati, Ohio,
USA, 21-25 March 2001)
Chin, MK., 2001. Application of Sports Science Technology in Health and Fitness – a
Possible New Model in Physical Education? (keynote speaker at the 2001 Asia-Pacific
Rim Conference on Exercise and Sports Science (APCESS 2001) & The Inauguration and
First General Assembly Meeting of Asian Council of Exercise and Sports Science
(ACESS) on “The New Perspective of Exercise & Sports Science for the Better Life in
the 21st Century”, organized by the Research Institute of Physical Education and Korea
Exercise Science Academy, Seoul National University, Korea, 6-8 July 2001)
Chin, MK., 2001. Integration and Application of Sports Science and Physical Education –
An Asia-Pacific Perspective. (presented at the 2001 AIESEP Madeira Congress on
“Innovation and New Technologies in Physical Education, Sports, Recreation &/ on
Teacher & Coach Preparation” Organized by Department of Physical Education & Sport,
Madeira University, Portugal, 21-25 November, 2001)
Chin, MK., Girandola, RN., Yang JZ., Cruz, A., Liu, YK. 2002. “The Body Mass Index
and Body Composition of Hong Kong School Children” (presented at the 44th
International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport, and Dance
(ICHPER.SD) World Congress – Pursuit of Wellness in the New Millennium:
Contribution of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport, and Dance” organized by
National Council on Physical Fitness and Sport, (NCPFS), Taiwan, 26-29, June 2002)
Chin, M.K. 2002 “ Physical Activity, Health and Wellness in School and Community – An
Asia Pacific Perspective” (keynote speaker, at the Inauguration ceremony of Asian
Association of Aerobic Fitness, Health and Wellness (AAAFHW), Taiwan, 14 August
Chin, MK., Tong, ZG., Ji, KY., Deng, SX. 2002. “Reform of Physical Education in Higher
Education in China: A “Radical Change “ to Meet the Challenge of the 21st Century”
(presented at the 2002 AIESEP Congress on “Professional Preparation and Social Needs”
Organized by University of A Coruna, A Coruna, Spain, 22-25 October, 2002)
Chin, M.K. 2002. “Health is our National Priority: Its Implication in China and World
Community in the 21st Century” (invited speaker, presented to the faculty of the
Chengdu Institute of Physical Education, Chengdu, China , 5 November, 2002)
Chin, M.K. 2003. “The Integration of Sports Science Technology and IT in Health Related
Fitness and Exercise Physiology in Physical Education – An Innovative Model at the
Hong Kong Institute of Education” (invited speaker, presented to the faculty of the
School of Health, Physical Education, and Leisure Services, University of Northern Iowa,
USA, 27 January, 2003)
Chin, M.K.2003.“Promotion of Physical Activity and Wellness in Schools and
Community – An Asia-Pacific Perspective in the 21st Century” (Monica R.Wild and
Doris E-White Scholar Award Public Lecture, keynote speaker at the University of
Northern Iowa, USA, 30 January, 2003)
Chin, M.K. 2003 “Case Studies in Physiological Assessments of High Performance
Athletes – From Theory to Practice” (invited speaker, presented at the Research Council,
School of Health. Physical Education and Recreation, Indiana University, USA, 3
February, 2003)
Chin, MK. 2003. “Reflection on the Role of Sports Science Research in Elite Sports,
School Physical Education and Community (1986-2003): Hong Kong (China)
Perspective” (invited speaker, presented at the 4th International Council for Health,
Physical Education, Recreation, Sport, and Dance (ICHPER.SD) Asia Congress –
Towards the Development of Sport Industry in Asia” organized by Thai Association of
Health, Physical Education and Recreation, Bangkok, Thailand, 20-23, March 2003)
Chin, MK, Ooi Foong Kiew. 2003. “Physical Activity, Eating Habits and Percent Body Fat
of Hong Kong College Students” (presented at the 4th International Council for Health,
Physical Education, Recreation, Sport, and Dance (ICHPER.SD) Asia
Congress –Towards the Development of Sport Industry in Asia” organized by Thai
Association of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, Bangkok, Thailand, 20-23,
March 2003)
Chin, MK. 2003. “ The Past and Current Development of Sports Science: Application for
Enhancing Elite Performance in Hong Kong” (invited speaker, presented at the 2nd IOC
Sports Administrators Programme organized by the Hong Kong Olympic Academy,
Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China, 22-28 September, 2003)
Chin, M.K. 2003 “Case Studies in Physiological Assessments of High Performance
Athletes – From Theory to Practice” (keynote speaker, presented at the 2003 Sports
Science Conference organized by the Graduate Institute of Sports Coaching Science,
Chinese Culture University, Taiwan, 17-20 December, 2003)
Ooi Foong Kiew, Chin, MK, Rabindarjeet Singh. 2004. “Comparison of Physical Activity,
Percent Body Fat, and Eating Habits between Hong Kong and Malaysian College
Students” (presented at the at the 2004 American Alliance of Health, Physical Education,
Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) National Convention & Exposition, New Orleans,
LA, USA, 30 March – 3 April, 2004)
Chin, M.K. 2004. “The Integration of Sports Science Technology and IT in Health Related
Fitness and Exercise Physiology in Physical Education – An Innovative Model at the
Hong Kong Institute of Education” (invited speaker, presented to the faculty of
Department of Health Professions, Physical Education, Recreation and Leisure Studies,
Montclair State University, USA, 6 April 2004.)
Chin, M.K. 2004. “Obesity Problems in Asia – Current Trends and Comparisons” (invited
speaker, presented to the faculty of the Global Education Center, Montclair State
University, USA, 7 April, 2004)
Chin, M.K., Mok, M.C., Chung, J.W. 2004. Enhancing Self-Confidence of Physical
Education Student Teachers Using Problem-based Learning (presented at the II
International Conference for Physical Educators (ICPE 2004) on “Global Perspectives in
the Integration of Physical Activity, Sports, Dance and Exercise Science in Physical
Education: From Theory to Practice” organized by the Department of Physical Education
and Sports Science, Hong Kong Institute of Education, 7-10 July 2004)
Girandola, R., Chin, M.K., 2004. The Efficacy of Drugs, Diets and Surgery in the
Treatment of Obesity (presented at the II International Conference for Physical Educators
(ICPE 2004) on “Global Perspectives in the Integration of Physical Activity, Sports,
Dance and Exercise Science in Physical Education: From Theory to Practice” organized
by the Department of Physical Education and Sports Science, Hong Kong Institute of
Education, 7-10 July 2004)
Girandola, R., Chin, M.K., 2004. Incidence of Obesity in American School-age Children:
Causes and (presented at the II International Conference for Physical Educators (ICPE
2004) on “Global Perspectives in the Integration of Physical Activity, Sports, Dance and
Exercise Science in Physical Education: From Theory to Practice” organized by the
Department of Physical Education and Sports Science, Hong Kong Institute of Education,
7-10 July 2004)
Chin, M.K. 2004. What Did We Learn from the Current Trends of Physical Activity,
Health and Wellness in Asia Community? (invited speaker at the 2004 International
Seminar of Sports Science on “Human Performance in Sport and Physical”, organized by
the Research Center for Sports Science, Hiroshima University, Japan, 17-18 August,
Chin, M.K. 2004. Case Studies in Physiological Assessment and Nutritional Supplement of
Elite Athletes - From Theory to Practice (invited speaker at the International Conference
for the 20th Anniversary of School of Physical Education in University of Ulsan on
“Well-being and Physical Exercise”, organized by the School of Physical Education, the
University of Ulsan, Korea, 22-24, October 2004)
Chin, M.K. 2004. Using Problem-based Learning to Advance Pedagogy in Physical
Education (invited speaker, presented to the Faculty of the School of Health, Physical
Education, and Leisure Services, University of Northern Iowa, USA, 3 Dec, 2004)
109. Chin, M.K. 2005. Obesity Prevention and Health Promotion During Early Periods of
Growth and Development (keynote speaker at the 2005 Asia Sports Science Conference,
organized by Shantung Research Institute of Sports Science and Asian Council of
Exercise and Sports Science, Qingdao, Shangtung, China, 25-28 March, 2005)
110. Chin, M.K. 2005. How to Organize a Successful International Conference: ICPE 2000 and
ICPE 2004 Experience (invited speaker at the Graduate Institute of Sports Coaching
Science, Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan, 21 April, 2005)
111. Chin, M.K. 2005. Childhood Obesity Prevention and Health Promotion: Issues and
Implications in Life-Long Physical Activity (invited speaker at the 2005 Taiwan Health
Promotion and Aerobic Convention, organized by Taiwan Aerobic Fitness and Health
Association, Taipei, Taiwan, 28-31 July, 2005)
Publications :
Chin, M.K., Hensley, L., Liu, Y.K. (Eds.) (2001). Innovation and Application of Physical
Education and Sports Science for the New Millennium – An Asia-Pacific Perspective.
Hong Kong: Contemporary Development Company, pp. 561.
Chin, M.K., Hensley, L., Cote, P., Chen, S.H. (Eds.) (2004). Global Perspectives in the
Integration of Physical Activity, Sports, Dance and Exercise Science in Physical
Education: From Theory to Practice. Hong Kong: Contemporary Development Company,
Washburn R., Chin M.K., & Montoye H.J. (1980). Accuracy of pedometer in walking
and running. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sports, 51(4), 695-702.
Chin M.K., Li C.T. & Chan K.M. (1987). A report on the study of isokinetic maximal
torque power testing of 10 elite athletes in different sports in Hong Kong. Hong Kong
Physiotherapy Journal, 9, 16-22.
Chin M.K., Li C.T. & Chan K.M. (1988). The making of a champion - role of isokinetic
evaluation & training. Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal, 10, 17-21.
Lo Y.S. & Chin M.K. (1991). Echocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy in Chinese
endurance athletes. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 24(4), 274-276.
Chin M.K. (1992). Shaping up your stress. Canada-Hong Kong Business Journal, Jan/Feb,
Chin M.K., Lo Y.S., Li C.T. & So C.H. (1992). Physiological profiles of Hong Kong elite
soccer players. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 26(4), 262-266.
Chin M.K., Lo Y.S., Li X.H., Sham Y.M. & Yuan W.Y. (1992). Obesity, diet, exercise
and weight control - a current review. Journal of the Hong Kong Medical Association,
44(3), 181-187.
Lo Y.S. & Chin M.K. (1992). Exercise and patient with coronary heart disease. Hong
Kong Association of Sports Medicine & Sports Science Newsletter, No. 4 (March):
So C.H., Li C.T., Chan K.M. and Chin M.K. (1992). Bilateral isokinetic parameters of
the shoulder - A prediction for comparative study. Proceedings of the FIMS-1992-Hong
Kong International Sports Medicine Conference: Sport, Medicine, and Health. Hong
Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong; 170-175.
Chan K.M., Chien P., Wong P.S., & Chin M.K. et al (1993). From theory to practice: a
profile of sports medicine & sports science at the Hong Kong Sports Institute. British
Journal of Sports Medicine, 27(2), 79-84.
Chin M.K., So C.H., Perry C.J., & Wong S.K. (1994). Maximal aerobic power of Hong
Kong elite lightweight rowers. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 8(2),
So C.H., Siu T.O., Chan K.M., Chin M.K., & Li C.T. (1994). Isokinetic profile of
dorsiflexors and plantar flexors of the ankle - a comparative study of elite athletes against
untrained. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 28(1), 25-30.
Chin M.K., So C.H., Yuan W.Y., Li C.T. & Wong S.K. (1994). Cardiorespiratory fitness
and isokinetic muscle strength of elite Asian junior soccer players. Journal of Sports
Medicine & Physical Fitness, 34, 250-7.
Chin M.K. (1994). Sports Science/Medicine support to Hong Kong elite athletes at the
Hong Kong Sports Institute. In: Miyashita M., Mutoh Y., & Richardson AB (Eds.):
Medicine and Science in Aquatic Sports, Vol. 39 (pp. 24-27). Basel: Medicine and Sports
King A., Lo Y.S., Chin M. K., Li J.X. & So C.H. (1995). ECG abnormalities and
cardiovascular physiology of athletic overtraining. Hong Kong Medical Journal, 1(2),
So C.H., Siu T. O., Chin M.K., & Chan K.M. (1994). Bilateral isokinetic parameters of
the shoulder - a prediction model for young men. British Journal of Sports Medicine,
29(2), 105-109.
Chin M.K., Steininger K, So C.H., Clark C.R. & Wong S.K. (1995). Physiological profile
and sports-specific fitness of Asian elite squash players. British Journal of Sports
Medicine, 29(3), 158-164.
Chin M.K., Wong S.K., So C.H., Siu T.O. & Steininger K. (1995). Sports-specific fitness
testing of elite badminton players. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 29(3), 153-157.
Yuan W.Y., Fan X., Chin M.K. & So C.H. (1995). Hand-eye co-ordination and visual
reaction time in elite badminton players and gymnasts. New Zealand Journal of Sports
Medicine, 23, 19-22.
Suarez C.B.G., Chin M.K., Gilboe D.D., & Yuan, W.Y. (1995). Overtraining: Metabolic
factors and exercise-induced muscle damage. Hong Kong Journal of Sports Medicine and
Sports Science, 1, 5-14.
Li C.T., Wu Y., Choi S., Chan K.M., & Chin, M.K. (1995). Concentric agonist and
eccentric antagonist peak torque ratios of the knees measured isokinetically. Hong Kong
Journal of Sports Medicine and Sports Science, 1, 66-70.
Wong, PS., So, C.H., Chan, KM., & Chin, M.K. (1996). Isokinetic trunk muscle
performance characteristics of normal Chinese young adults. Hong Kong Journal of
Sports Medicine and Sports Science, 2, 42-48.
Li, CT., Chin, M.K., So, CH., & Chan, KM. (1997). A profile of the musculoskeletal
characteristics and flexibility of a group of young professional dancers in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Journal of Sports Medicine and Sports Science, 3, 21-27.
Chin, M.K., & Parizkova, J. (1997). Childhood obesity, nutrition and physical activity.
Asia Fit Magazine, March/April, 12-15.
Chin, M.K. The integration and implication of sports science in competitive sports and
physical activity in China and Hong Kong. In: Walkuski JJ, Wright SC, Tan KS, (Eds.)
Proceedings of AIESEP (International Association for Physical Education in Higher
Education). Singapore: Nanyang Technological University, 36-42.
Chin, M.K. & Girandola, R. (1998). Fat utilization during exercise and its relationship to
weight control. Asiafit Journal, January/February, 6.
Chin, M.K. (1998). The integration and implication of sports sciences in competitive
sports and physical activity in China and Hong Kong. In: Wee,S.D., (Eds.) Proceedings
of the 5th Annual Pacific Rim Conference on Exercise Science and Sports Medicine.
Korea: Chosun University, 111-126. (Repeated)
Chin, M.K., Deng, S.X., Huang, H.S., Chow, P.Y., Liu, Y.K., Li, W.M., Liu, S.Z., &
Huang, JH. (1998). Responses of current physical education teachers in Hong Kong and
China as to the academic curriculum preparation: a possible guide for the 21st century?
Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 69, suppl., A-86.
Yang, J.Z., Chin, M.K., Girandola, R., Deng S.X., & Li, X.H. (1998). Improving physical
fitness in China: problems and solutions. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 69,
suppl., A-49.
Chin, M.K. (1998). The application of sports physiology in coaching science – can it be
specific? In: Lin WL. (Ed.). Proceedings of 1998 International Coaching Symposium,
Taiwan: Chinese Culture University, 63-73.
Yang, J.Z., Li, X.H.,Chin, M.K., Girandola, R., & Deng, X.S. (1999). The “Fitness for All
Program” – Leading China into the 21st Century. Journal of ICHPER.SD, 15(2), 18-23.
Ding, X.Q., Chin, M.K., Zhang, L.W., & Girandola, R. (1999). The effects of mental
training on specific physiological indices of elite Asian female athletes. Exercise Science,
8(2), 283-288.
Girandola, RN; Park, SY; Newell A; Matter R; & Chin, MK. (1999). Validity of
Bioimpedance and Futrex in Predicting Body Composition in College Age Students.
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 31(5), Suppl. 390.
Chin, M.K., & Yang, J.Z. (2000). Physical Best in Hong Kong. Journal of Suzhou
University, 8, 57-62.
Gao X., Chin M.K., Girandola R., & Liu, Y.K. (2001). The Effects of Diet and
Supplements on a Male World Champion Lightweight Rower. Journal of Sports Medicine
and Physical Fitness , 41(2), 223-228.
Chin, M.K. (2001). Connections between physical education and sports science in the
new millennium: a bridge too far? Proceedings of 2000 International Conference for
Physical Educators (ICPE 2000): Innovation and Application of Physical Education and
Sports Science for the New Millennium – An Asia-Pacific Perspective. Hong Kong: The
Hong Kong Institute of Education, 21-34.
Girandola R., & Chin, M.K. (2001). Body composition: an update on older and current
technology. Proceedings of 2000 International Conference for Physical Educators (ICPE
2000): Innovation and Application of Physical Education and Sports Science for the New
Millennium – An Asia-Pacific Perspective. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of
Education, 177-122.
Chin, M.K. (2001). The integration and application of sport science in physical
education – An Asia-Pacific Perspective. International Journal of Physical Education,
38(4), 161-172.
Chin, M.K., Yang, J.Z., & Masterson, C. (2003). Connection between physical education
and Physical Best in Hong Kong: An Alternative New Model of Innovative Teaching
Health-Related Fitness in Asia? Journal of ICHPER.SD, 39 (3), 60-64.
Parizkova, J., & Chin, M.K. (2003). Obesity prevention and health promotion during
early periods of growth and development. Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness, 1(1),
Ooi, F.K., Chin, M.K., &. Singh, R. (2003). Physical Activity, Percent Body Fat and
Eating Habits Between Hong Kong and Malaysian College Students. International Journal
of Physical Education, XL (3), 95-102.
Chin, M.K., Mok, M.C., Chung, J.W. (2004). Enhancing Self-Confidence of Physical
Education Student Teachers Using Problem-based Learning. Proceedings of II
International Conference for Physical Educators (ICPE 2004): Global Perspectives in
the Integration of Physical Activity, Sports, Dance and Exercise Science in Physical
Education: From Theory to Practice. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education,
Girandola, R., Chin, M.K., (2004). The Efficacy of Drugs, Diets and Surgery in the
Treatment of Obesity. Proceedings of II International Conference for Physical Educators
(ICPE 2004): Global Perspectives in the Integration of Physical Activity, Sports, Dance
and Exercise Science in Physical Education: From Theory to Practice. Hong Kong: The
Hong Kong Institute of Education, 61-72.
Girandola, R., Chin, M.K., (2004). Incidence of Obesity in American School-age
Children: Causes and Solutions. Proceedings of II International Conference for Physical
Educators (ICPE 2004): Global Perspectives in the Integration of Physical Activity,
Sports, Dance and Exercise Science in Physical Education: From Theory to Practice.
Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education, 183-192.
Chin, M.K.(2004). Case Studies in Physiological Assessment and Nutritional Supplement
of Elite Athletes - From Theory to Practice. Proceedings of the International Conference
for the 20th Anniversary of School of Physical Education in University of Ulsan:
Well-being and Physical Exercise. Korea: The University of Ulsan, 13-26.
Chin, M.K., & Ooi, F.K. (2005). Physical Activity, Eating Habits, and Percent Body Fat of
Hong Kong College Students. Journal of ICHPER.SD, XLI (1), 48-51.
Publications (Chinese) :
傅 浩 堅 , 鍾 伯 光 , 錢 銘 佳 ( 編 ): 二 十 一 世 紀 中 國 大 學 體 育 與 運 動 的 展 望 與 探 討
(Physical Education in Higher Education in China towards the 21st Century), Hong Kong
Baptist University, 1998, 308 pp.
錢銘佳, 鄧樹勛, 張永明, 廖玉光(編): 《創新體育教學:邁向新紀元》 (Teaching of
Physical Education : Innovative Directions in the New Millenium), Galaxy Publishers,
2000, pp. 264.
錢銘佳, 鄧樹勛, 廖玉光(編): 《廿一世紀學校體育與運動科學的結合和探討》
(Innovation and Application of Physical Education and Sports Science in the New
Millennium), Contemporary Development Company, 2001, pp. 615.
錢銘佳, 陳適暉, 鄧樹勛(編): 《學校體育、體育活動、運動健康及運動科學結合的全
球展望:從理論到實踐》(Global Perspectives in the Integration of Physical Activity,
Sports, Dance, and Exercise Science in Physical Education: From Theory to Practice),
Contemporary Development Company, 2004, pp. 533.
錢銘佳: 重新開始 Starting Over, 銀禧體訊 (Sports Trend), 1987 年 7 月 號, pp. 6-7
錢銘佳: 生命的氣息 Body Works, 銀禧體訊 (Sports Trend), 1988 年 1 月 號, pp.
李志端: 西碧斯肌能測試 - 香港領導亞洲 Hong Kong - Leader of Cybex
Testing in Asia, 銀禧體訊 (Sports Trend), 1988 年 5 月 號, pp. 60-61
錢 銘 佳: 運動科學研究所巡禮 , Sports Science Institutes around the World, 奪標
(Champion Sports), 1988 年 9 月 133 號, pp. 86-89
李志端, 錢銘佳: 等速運動儀的功用 The Functions of Isokinetic Muscle Testings, 奪標
(Champion Sports), 1989 年 3 月 146 號, pp. 13-15
錢銘佳: 運動之都, 印第安納波利斯參觀後感 A Visit of National Institute for Fitness
& Sports -Indianapolis, USA, 奪標 (Champion Sports), 1989 年 3 月 147 號, pp. 46-49
錢銘佳, 郭家明, 李志端: 香港足球代表隊員體能的測定和分析, Physiological Profiles
of the Hong Kong National Soccer Team, 銀禧體訊 (Sports Trend), 1989 年 4 月號, pp.
錢銘佳: 健康投資睿智之道 Modern Concepts of Corporate Fitness, (Penthouse), 1989
年 7 月 43 號, pp. 72-74
錢銘佳: 體能 Top-Fit, 早著先機 Modern Concepts of Corporate Fitness, 銀禧體訊
(Sports Trend), 1989 年 9 月 號, pp. 4-6
10. 錢銘佳: 壓力: 無處不在 Stress Management, 黃金時代 (Golden Age), 1989 年 11 月號,
pp. 114-116
11. 錢 銘 佳 : 〔 運 動 心 理 學 〕 廣 角 鏡 , International Sports Psychology: Theories and
Application, 銀禧體訊 (Sports Trend) 1989 年 11 月號, pp. 8-13
12. 錢銘佳: 中國體院及科研所巡禮 Sports Science and Physical Education Institutes in
China, 奪標 (Champion Sports), 1989 年 12 月 167 號, pp. 64-66
13. 蘇志雄, 錢銘佳, 許帆, 李志端: 單車運動生理的探討 Physiological Profiles of Elite
Hong Kong Cyclists, 總督體育 (Viceroy Sports), 1990 年 5 月號, pp. 8-10
14. 錢銘佳: 有需要服食鹽餅嗎? Are Salt Tablets Necessary for Athletes During Hot
Weather 銀禧體訊 (Sports Trend) 1990 年 5 月號, pp. 37-38
15. 蘇志雄, 錢銘佳: 漫談微型電腦心跳儀 Microcomputer Heart Rate Monitor, 銀禧體訊
(Sports Trend), 1990 年 6 月號, pp. 25-28
16. 陳啟明, 錢銘佳: 香港在國際運動醫學/科學界扮演角色-綜論第24屆國 際運動
醫學會議 Hong Kong Taking the ‘Centre Court'in World Sports Medicine/Sports
Science - A Panoramic Review of the 24th World Congress of Sports Medicine, 銀禧體
訊 (Sports Trend), 1990 年 7 月號, pp. 11-14
17. 錢銘佳, 陳啟明: 東德體育文化學院及國立運動科學/醫學研究院訪後記 A Visit to
the German College of Physical Culture and the National Research Institute of Sports
Science/Medicine, GDR., 銀禧體訊 (Sports Trend), 1990 年 8 月號, pp. 8-13
葉禮賢, 蕭淦瑩, 錢銘佳: 科學化訓練在香港 Sports Science in Hong Kong, 奪標
(Champion Sports), 1990 年 9 月, pp. 46-49
許帆, 錢銘佳 , 蘇志雄: 長跑運動員的能量節省化對其比賽成績的影響 The Effects
of Running Economy on Long Distance Performance, 銀禧體訊 (Sports Trend), 1990 年
11 月號, pp. 37-39
陳安, 錢銘佳: 高原訓練之秘 The Secret of High Altitude Training, 奪標 (Champion
Sports), 1990 年 12 月 192 號, pp. 61-65
陳 安 , 錢 銘 佳 : 得 不 償 失 - 空 氣 污 染 與 運 動 者 的 影 響 Air Pollution & Sports
Performance, 總督體育 (Viceroy Sports), 1991 年 1 月號, pp. 92-93
錢銘佳, 陳安: 韓國人的神話: 南韓國家運動科研揭秘 A Visit of Korean Institute of
Sports Science - the Secret of their Success 奪標 (Champion Sports), 1991 年 3 月 198
號, pp. 48-51
錢銘佳, 陳安: 以周福華女士看體育運動的效果 A Case Study of An Elite Middle
Age Female Athlete's Physiological Profile, 總督體育 (Viceroy Sports), 1991 年 4 月號,
pp. 61-62
陳 安 , 錢 銘 佳 : 現 代 運 動 科 學 的 先 鋒 - 運 動 生 物 化 學 Biochemistry & Sports
Performance, 奪標 (Champion Sports), 1991 年 5 月 203 號, pp. 70-72
錢銘佳, 陳啟明, 李志端: 體院運動科學/醫學的發展與前膽 The Development of
Sports Science & Sports Medicine at the Hong Kong Sports Institute (1986-91), 精英
(Sports Excellence), 1991 年 6 月號, pp. 18-20
蘇 志 雄 , 錢 銘 佳 , 陳 安 : 香港精英壁球運動員的心肺功能與運動專項素質 特 點
Cardiorespiratory and Sports Specific Fitness of Hong Kong Elite Squash Players, 精英
(Sports Excellence), 1991 年 8 月號, pp. 25-32
錢銘佳, 蔡敬民: 飲食營養與運動表現 - 九一年代新面貌 Food Nutrition & Sports
Performance - A Current Review in the 90's, 精英 (Sports Excellence), 1991 年 9 月號,
pp. 8-16
羅鷹瑞, 錢銘佳, 李笑虹: 運動與冠心病患者的康復 Cardiac Rehabilitation & Exercise,
信報財經月刊 (Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly), 1991 年 11 月 176 期, pp.
錢 銘 佳, 李笑虹 : 失水與運動表現 Dehydration & Sports Performance 體育雜誌
(Sports Magazine), 1991 年 11 月 6 號, pp. 91-93
李笑虹, 錢銘佳: 女子身體特點與運動的關係 Female Physiological Characteristics and
Sports Performance, 總督體育 (Viceroy Sports), 1992 年 2 月號, pp. 84-86
李笑虹, 錢銘佳, 黃平山: 月經與運動訓練 - 近代科研的探討 Menstruation & Sports
Training - a Current Review, 體育雜誌 (Sports Magazine), 1992 年 5 月 12 期, pp.
王香生, 錢銘佳, 李笑虹, 岑楊毓湄: 飲食中碳水化合物與耐力表現的關係 Dietary
Carbohydrate and Endurance Performance, 精英 (Sports Excellence), 1992 年 5 月號,
pp. 8-17
袁慧儀, 李笑虹, 錢銘佳: 如何令體內脂肪燃燒 - 中長跑運動生化能源的應用
Biochemical Effects of Exercise in Endurance Running, 體育雜誌 (Sports Magazine),
1992 年 6 月 17 期, pp. 86-87
錢銘佳, 李笑虹: 上海體育廣招人才 Sports Science in Shanghai, 奪標 (Champion
Sports) - 1992 年 9 月 238 期, pp. 48-50
李笑虹, 錢銘佳, 梁淑芳: 懷孕與運動 Pregnancy and Exercise 奪標 (Champion Sports)
- 1993 年 3 月 251 期, pp. 35-37
袁 慧 儀 , 錢 銘 佳 , 李 笑 虹 : 生 物 時 鐘 與 運 動 表 現 Circadian Rhythms and Sports
Performance, 精英 (Sports Excellence) - 1993 年 3 月號, pp. 6-12
錢銘佳, 李笑虹, 岑楊毓湄, 羅鷹瑞: 減肥與運動.營養的關係 - 九十年代科研的最新
探討 Obesity, Diet, Exercise and Weight Control a Current Review in the 90's, 明報月
刊 (Ming Pao Monthly Magazine) - 1993 年 28 卷 第 6 期, pp. 35-40
錢銘佳, 李靜先, 張力為: 中國運動科研近貌 A Current Update of the Sports Science
Research in China, 奪標 (Champion Sports) - 1993 年 6 月 258 期, pp. 64-66
李靜先, 錢銘佳, 袁慧儀: 吸煙與運動表現的關係 Smoking and Sports Performance,
奪標 (Champion Sports) - 1993 年 7 月 260 期, pp. 66-69
錢銘佳: 香港運動科學發展現況檢討 Reflections on the Development of Sports Science
in Hong Kong, 精英 (Sports Excellence) - 1993 年 7 月號, pp. 25-28
錢銘佳: 走向社會, 實現使命 Health and Fitness – the New Role in Society, 體育與科
學 - 1994 年 1 月第一期, pp. 1
耿醫, 錢銘佳: 高血壓與運動的關係 High Blood Pressure & Exercise, 信報財經月刊
(Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly) - 1994 年 3 月號, pp. 28-31
耿醫, 錢銘佳:糖尿病與運動 Diabetes & Exercise, 信報財經月刊 (Hong Kong
Economic Journal Monthly) - 1994 年 8 月號, pp. 55-58
韋德比,錢銘佳: 遼寧運動體制 Committed To Excellence - The Liaoning Sports System,
精英 (Sports Excellence) - 1994 年 10 月號, pp. 40-44
耿 醫, 錢銘佳: 免疫能力與運動的關係 Immunity & Exercise, 奪標 (Champion
Sports) - 1995 年 8 月 315 期, pp. 64-67
高峽, 錢銘佳: 優秀運動員營養調查與跟蹤 Sports Nutritional Assessment and Its
Application for Elite Athletes, 香港浸會大學體康學報 (PERS Review - Hong Kong
Baptist University) - 1995 年 12 月 第一期 (No. 2), pp. 9-11
楊 靜 珍 , 錢 銘 佳 , 鄧 樹 勛 : 中 國 體 育 一 項 系 統 工 程 : 全 民 健 身 計 劃 . Systematic
Engineering of the “Fitness For All Program” -- A National Movement in China. 香港浸
會大學體康學報 (PERS Review - Hong Kong Baptist University) - 1997 年 6 月 第三
期 (No. 1), 10-17.
錢 銘 佳 , 陳 安 : 運 動 生 理 研 究 在 壁 球 訓 練 中 的 應 用 The Application of Sports
Physiology in Fitness Training of Squash Players, 體育學刊 (Journal of Physical
Education) - 1997 年 第三期, 16-21
錢銘佳,楊靜珍: 兒童潛能開發研究的國際動向:體力活動能力與潛能發揮及健康成長
Physical Activity, Maximal Growth Potential and Optimal Health in Early Life - an
International Perspective, 生 態 經 濟 與 能 力 開 發 (Ecological Economy & Energy
Development) - 1997 年 9 月 第三期, 60-67
錢銘佳,楊靜珍: 對兒童肥胖及其影響因素的研究 Current Research in Child Obesity and
Its Related Factors, 中國學校體育 (Journal of School Physical Education) - 1997 年 6 :
錢銘佳, 鄧樹勛, 陳安: 二十一世紀運動與健康未來發展的新趨向 Physical Activity,
Fitness and Health - towards the 21st Century 傅浩堅, 鍾伯光, 錢銘佳(編): 二十一
世紀中國大學體育與運動的展望與探討 (Physical Education in Higher Education in
China towards the 21st Century), Hong Kong Baptist University, 1998, pp. 63-72.
楊靜珍, 錢銘佳, 李建軍: 對健康教育保持健身習慣及健康生活方式作用的探討
Health Education’s Role in Maintaining Habitual Physical Activity and Health
Lifestyles 傅浩堅, 鍾伯光, 錢銘佳(編): 二十一世紀中國大學體育與運動的展望與
探討 (Physical Education in Higher Education in China towards the 21st Century), Hong
Kong Baptist University, 1998, pp. 129-140.
廖玉光, 楊靜珍, 錢銘佳: 球類運動教法新趨向-“領會教學法” 的思路與進展 A New
Direction of Games Teaching - Theory and Development of “Teaching Games for
Understanding” 中國學校體育 (China School Physical Education), 1998, 3: pp. 28-29
錢銘佳, 鄧樹勛, 周佩瑜, 廖玉光等: 面向二十一世紀中國和香港中學體育老師培訓
模式調查研究 An Investigation of the Model of Training of Secondary Physical
Education Teachers from Hong Kong and China in the 21st Century, 體育科學 (Sports
Science), 1998, 18(6): 12-15
張力為, 錢銘佳, 丁雪琴: 大腦半球功能干擾實驗在體育教學中的實踐意義
Interference Experiment of Hemispheric Function and its Implication in Teaching in
Physical Education 學 校 體 育 科 學 (School Physical Education Science),1998, 2:
廖玉光, 劉錦新, 錢銘佳 : 領會教學法在香港球類教材教學中的個案研究 Teaching
Games for Understanding in Hong Kong – A Case Study 中國學校體育 (China School
Physical Education), 1999, 4: pp. 58.
丁雪琴, 張忠秋, 錢銘佳: MC2 StudyTM 對減輕優秀運動員心理疲勞和增強表象演練
能力的研究 Research on how MC2 StudyTM Reduces the Mental Fatigue and Improves
the Imagination Ability of Excellent Athletes 中國體育科技 (Journal of Sports Science
and Technology), 1999, 36(1):14-16.
張 蘊 琨 , 錢 銘 佳 : 熱 環 境 下 中 小 學 生 體 育 課 中 的 水 鹽 丟 失 與 補 充 Water and
Electrolyte Balance in Elementary and Secondary Physical Education Students in a Hot
Environment 香港浸會大學體康學報 (Journal of Physical Education & Recreation Hong Kong Baptist University), 1999, 5(2):49-54.
錢銘佳, 楊靜珍, 琳達湯普森-甫樂: “最佳體適能” : 教育、娛樂與健身 Physical Best :
A New Health-Related Fitness Concept for Physical Educators 錢銘佳, 鄧樹勛, 張永明,
廖玉光(編) : 《創新體育教學:邁向新紀元》 (Teaching of Physical Education :
Innovative Directions in the New Millennium), Galaxy Publishers, 2000, pp. 121-134.
鄧樹勛, 錢銘佳: 運動人體科學學科建設的若干問題 Problems on Course Construction
of Human Movement Sciences 錢銘佳, 鄧樹勛, 張永明, 廖玉光(編) : 《創新體育教
學:邁向新紀元》 (Teaching of Physical Education : Innovative Directions in the New
Millenium), Galaxy Publishers, 2000, pp. 185-191.
郭紅, 黃玉山, 鄧樹勛, 錢銘佳: 計算機多媒體技術與運動生理學教學 Computer
Multimedia Techniques and Exercise Physiology Teaching 錢銘佳, 鄧樹勛, 張永明,
廖玉光(編) : 《創新體育教學:邁向新紀元》 (Teaching of Physical Education :
Innovative Directions in the New Millenium), Galaxy Publishers, 2000, pp. 215-222.
錢銘佳, 楊靜珍等: 對培養未來文武雙全, 德才兼備的體育師資的研究 -- 97 首屆全
國體育教育專業大學生基本功夫大賽的分析與思考 Developing Physical Educators’
Competencies in the Next Millennium -- the First National Sports Skills and Academic
Knowledge Competition for Physical Education Major Students in China 北京體育大學
學報 (Journal of Beijing University of Physical Education), 2000, 23 卷第一期, pp.
殷 恆 嬋 , 孟 慶 茂 , 錢 銘 佳 : 恩師 TM 對提高中小學生注意力水平的實驗 研 究
Experiment Research on How EnShi TM Improves Attention of Primary and Middle
School Students 心理科學 (Psychological Science), 2000, 23 卷第三期, pp. 350-351.
李建軍, 楊靜珍, 陸祥麟, 蔡賡, 錢銘佳等 : 我國學校健康教育的現狀與對策 The
Current Status and Strategic Planning of School Health Education in China 蘇州大學學
報 (Journal of Suzhou University), 2000, 8 月, pp.23-32.
李建軍, 楊靜珍, 陸祥麟, 錢銘佳等 : 我國學校健康教育的現狀,發展方向與對策 The
Current Status and Future Direction of School Health Education in China 蘇州大學學報
(Journal of Suzhou University), 2000, 8 月, pp.80-94.
楊靜珍, 錢銘佳, 鄧樹勛 : 回歸前看中國全民健身計劃 Fitness for All Program in
China 蘇州大學學報 (Journal of Suzhou University), 2000, 8 月, pp.165-169.
錢銘佳, 鄧樹勛, 陳安 : 下世紀如何提高學童健康?How to Improve the Health of
School Children in the 21st Century? 蘇州大學學報 (Journal of Suzhou University),
2000, 8 月, pp.170-173.
王維群, 錢銘佳, 王家宏 等: 未來中學體育教師的知識結構 The Evaluation of
Professional Knowledge for the future Secondary School Physical Education Teachers 錢
銘 佳 , 鄧樹勛 , 廖玉光 (編 ): 《廿一世紀學校體育與運動科學的結合和探討》
(Innovation and Application of Physical Education and Sports Science in the New
Millennium), Contemporary Development Company, 2001, pp. 213-220.
李志清, 錢銘佳, 廖玉光 等: 香港與內地中學體育教師對其職業能力認識的比較研
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李建軍, 楊靜珍, 錢銘佳, 等: 我國學校健康教育的現狀及未來發展方向與對策
Current Status and Future Development of School Health Education in China 錢銘佳,
鄧樹勛, 廖玉光(編): 《廿一世紀學校體育與運動科學的結合和探討》(Innovation and
Application of Physical Education and Sports Science in the New Millennium),
Contemporary Development Company, 2001, pp. 385-407.
錢銘佳: 教育改革新理念: 沉浸課程與香港中、小學體育師資培訓的反思和建議 – 香
港教育學院體育沉浸課程 Connection of the New Education Reform and the 2002
Physical Education Immersion Program (Jiangsu – China) of The Hong Kong Institute of
Education: Reflections and Suggestions, Journal of Physical Education & Recreation
(Hong Kong) 體康學報, 2003, 9(2), pp. 8-18.
1. Chin, M.K. (1999). The New Physical Best Health and Fitness Workshop. (CD ROM). Hong
Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education.
2. Chin, M.K. Integration of IT and Multi-Media in Teaching of Health-Related Fitness and
Exercise Physiology – An Innovative Approach. (CD ROM). Teaching Development Grant
2001-2002, Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education
3. Chin, M.K. Self-Learning Multi-Media Resource System in Health-Realted Fitness. (CD
ROM). IT Development Grant 2001-2003, Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education
4. 容陳美意, 錢銘佳, 胡俊梅, 馬騏 (編): (2002),《香港青少年膳食營養分析及管理系統》
﹝電腦光碟﹞, 香港: 香港教育學院.
5. 錢銘佳: (2002),《形體健美與健美操工作坊》﹝電腦光碟﹞, 香港: 香港教育學院.
6. Chin, M.K. (2002/2003). Innovative Physical Best Activities in PE lesson. (CD ROM). IT
Development Grant 2001-2002. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education.
7. Chin, M.K. (2002/2003). Problem-based Learning Resource Package for Health-related
Fitness and Exercise Physiology Modules Taught Through Medium of English (Disk 1).
(CD ROM). Teaching Development Grant 2002-2003. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong
Institute of Education.
8. Chin, M.K. (2002/2003). Problem-based Learning Resource Package for Health-related
Fitness and Exercise Physiology Modules Taught Through Medium of English (Disk 2).
(CD ROM). Teaching Development Grant 2002-2003. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong
Institute of Education.
9. Chin, M.K. (2002/2003). Problem-based Learning Resource Package for Health-related
Fitness and Exercise Physiology Modules Taught Through Medium of English (Disk 3).
(CD ROM). Teaching Development Grant 2002-2003. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong
Institute of Education.
10. Chin, M.K. (2003/2004). Innovative Physical Best Activities in PE lesson. (CD ROM).
Teaching Development Grant 2003-2004. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of
11. Chin, M.K. (2003/2004). Water Fitness Workshop Program. (CD ROM). Special Project
Fund 2003-2004. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education.
12. Chin, M.K. (2004) II International Conference for Physical Educators (ICPE 2004). (CD
ROM). Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Public Education (Chinese)
1. Chin MK. Exercise and Elderly (引起老人運動興趣的獎品). Ming-Pao Daily (明報), 10
October, 96.
2. Chin MK. Physiological Characteristics of Women in Exercise and Sports (善用身體點, 女
子運動發光芒). Ming-Pao Daily (明 報), 28 November, 96.
3. Chin MK., Parizkova J & Deng SX. The Problem of Child Obesity and the Role of Physical
Activities in Early Life (學齡前兒童肥胖多宜急謀對策). Ming-Pao Daily (明報), 12
December, 96.
4. Guo H., Chin MK & Deng SX. Biological Rhythmn and Human Performance (調整生理時
鐘, 掌握體能巔峰). Ming-Pao Daily (明 報), 28 April, 97.
Chin MK., Chen A & Deng SX. Fat Utilization in Exercise (運動強度適當,方可去除脂肪).
Ming-Pao Daily (明 報), 22 May, 97.
Ding XQ., Zhang LW., Chin MK & Girandola R. The link between physiological and
psychological indexes in sports performance. (心理狀態與生理反應關係密切 -- 運動
員締佳績科學化). Ming- Pao Daily (明 報), 25 Feb., 98.
Yang JZ., Chin MK., & Deng SX. Health Education -- the new challenge in the 21st Century
(廿一世紀體育健教大結合). Ming-Pao Daily (明 報), 12 May, 98.