Nov 2001 Newsletter

Nov 2001 Newsletter
Associated with the Christian Church/Church of Christ
Dear Friends,
Even though I was not fully recovered from a rather major emergency surgery--(I'm
fine!)--I was so thankful to be able to attend the National Missionary Convention in Tulsa
the end of October. About 5,000 attended, including 1500 college students. I led a teen
prayer encounter-- presenting Japan to a youth group who then prayed with me; I
attended a "Japan meeting" with Team Expansion--consulting with them regarding their
new efforts in Japan; I will be receiving the names of this convention's record-breaking
200 decisions for mission service, which I will follow up on by sending Japan information.
The SAY YES TO JAPAN exhibit was a big hit. A lifesize samurai warrior painting (by
Jenna), strategy "game," balloon-art swords and samurai helmets (by Kevin), and the
ever-popular origami attracted visitors. Then, knowledgeable people were constantly on
hand to answer questions. Thanks to the crew: Jenna Lusby (decorator, right hand and
recruit), Ernie & Neva Faber (retired missionaries), Dave Hinson (missionary), Ken Kira
(Japanese student...and friend!), and recruits: Brian Back, Kevin & Cara Boone, Andrea
Houp, Phil & Kim Kornegay, Karis Pratt, Corey & Nicki Shields. Former missionaries
Milton and Barbara Jones also stopped by and donated four boxes of books.
I'm willing to share some of those Japan-related books with new missionaries/recruits.
And it's been suggested that other missionaries might also have extra books to spare.
Language books, Japanese religion, culture . . . . If any "givers" and "takers" will
contact me, we can take the next step.
Gleaned from missionary newsletters for your consideration, prayer and
* Rob and Naoko Herbert (Sapporo) handed out 50 Jesus manga (comics) to
neighborhood children.
* Chad Huddleston (Osaka) reported a lady came for her baptism in ablack dress, and
left in a white one--symbolizing her death and resurrection into new life.
* Carrie Audrain (Miyazaki Ken), new in Japan with the JET program, requests prayer
for adjustment and her witness.
* Isehara City (Kanagawa Ken) churches joined forces for an area-wide meeting
featuring a former gang member who has become a Christian. Well attended.
* Students at Osaka Bible Seminary had been studying the Bible with some homeless
men. Two have made a decision to accept the Lord.
* Recruit Ayumi Saito writes: "Recently I met four Japanese girls who were staying in
Orlando for ten days. I immediately loved them! We had nice talks and lots of laughter
during our dinner together. Afterward, all of the girls were supposed to go ice skating.
But two of the girls expressed their desire to learn more about the Christian faith.
Instead of going ice skating, I spent three hours talking to them about the meaning of
life, their thoughts on faith and the relevancy of the Gospel to their lives. The girls told
me that they never heard such things before, and that they were really interested in
hearing more. We were very excited at the prospect of seeing each other later in
Japan. I believe that these two girls represent the majority of people in Japan. They are
hungry and thirsty for the truth, but unfortunately haven't had the chance to hear."
* Walter Maxey reported on the last evangelistic meeting of Yoshino Church
(Kagoshima): Sixteen thousand inserts about the two-night event were put in all local
newspapers. Total attendance was 70. A good number of non-Christians were present,
including four who had never been to any kind of Christian service. On Sunday
afternoon, the speaker held a service at the Kokubu Church, designed especially for
non-Christians. Ten people attended, mostly family of church members.
We extend our sympathy to retired missionary Harold Sims on the death of his wife Lois
in September. The Simses, who served in Japan for 50 years, had just arrived in Japan
for the 100th anniversary celebration of the Yotsuya Mission. Amazingly, the
celebration, with participants from all over Japan, continued parallel to funeral
arrangements and service. These events took place in the newly-dedicated chapel at
Shinshu Bible Camp. The chapel had been built with attic space constructed as a
Christian mausoleum to hold a certain number of cremation urns. At the request of
Japanese friends, Mrs. Sims' ashes were divided, and an urn placed in the chapel so a
part of her could "remain in Japan." This loving request indicates the scope of Lois's
witness among the Japanese.
* Let's Start Talking Ministry. Trained teams use English as a tool in foreign countries.
Materials available online. Missionary Chad Huddleston has had success with this
program. Information from: 3201 Airport Freeway, Suite 115, Bedford TX 76021. Tel:
817-684-7LST. Email: Website:
* The Our Daily Bread devotional booklet is available in Japanese. In Japan: RBC
Ministries, PO Box 46, Ikoma, Nara Ken 630-0290. Tel: 0743-75-8230. Email: In the U.S.: RBC Ministries, Asia Distribution, Dept 3, PO Box 293,
Grand Rapids, MI 49501-0293.
* (I haven't checked this out, but...) A minister named Masao Uenuma has materials
and holds seminars to strengthen Japanese Christians. His website is:
* I thought missionary kids might benefit from Focus on the Family's movie review
website: Very thorough.
On Sep 9 I attended the first Japanese worship service in Cincinnati (over 50 people). I
was thrilled to learn that Japanese Christians in the area had taken it upon themselves
to launch such an effort. The inter-denominational service meets the second Sunday of
every month at 2pm at Kenwood Baptist Church in Cincinnati. Contact Mr. Fukuda for
I have started to compile a list of other such fellowships in the U.S.
Please let me know if you have info about any similar gatherings. I'll be
happy to share the list, upon request.
Since the newest SAY YES TO JAPAN website (
lists recruits available, job opps in Japan, other helpful websites, I
will no longer be mentioning those in the newsletters. If you are not
online and need any of that information, I can send you the current pages
printed out.
* I sent a mailing to our 90 CC/CofC congregations in Japan, trying to assess their
status to see if there are ways I can assist them. Responses are just starting to come in.
* A Cincinnati Bible College class on cross-cultural evangelism allowed me to speak
one hour. I hope for more opportunities of this kind.
* I've made several connects between Japanese seekers and churches in Japan. This
often involves quite a bit of sleuthing--I love it! Well worth the effort.
* Unofficial cooperation with Team Expansion continues. It's hard to explain what I do.
But the assisting, recruiting, advising, introducing, resourcing...not to mention the
conventions, could easily be a full-time job. I'm in my SAY YES TO JAPAN office (a
rolling file under a table!) nearly every day. Sometimes I'm on the aggressive. But often
people contact me, and I just help them take the next step. For example: A lady phoned
me, almost in a panic. She had a Japanese guest for a few days and was desperate to
find a Japanese Bible. After several dead-end calls, she had contacted Mission
Services who referred her to me. Not only could I get her a Japanese Bible immediately,
I said, I could also send other helpful materials AND I could hook up the Japanese guest
with Christians once she returned to Japan! (And I did.) This dear caring lady nearly
burst into tears over the phone. The upcoming North American Christian Convention
(June 24-27, 2002, Columbus OH) marks the end of my initial 3-year plan for SAY YES
TO JAPAN: a giant effort to jumpstart interest in Japan missions by enlisting 1,000
prayers, 1,000 fans and 1,000 warriors. The more I do, the more I see that COULD be
done. I would like to continue this work--and am watching to see how the Lord leads.
Your prayers are appreciated.
Thank you all for your heart for Japan.
Lynn Lusby Pratt
5759 Desertgold
Cincinnati OH 45247
Tel: 513-385-4570