03-17-2013 Order of Worship - St. Paul's United Methodist Church

Our Prayers:
As members of the United Methodist Church, we will faithfully participate in its ministries by our prayers, our
presence, our witness, our gifts, and our service.
“The Church with a heart, in the heart of Orangeburg”
Also, let us offer our prayers, love, and care to the following persons:
Dealing with illness or injury: Kelly James Draganov (in need of lung transplant); Grace Myers (home); Jean
Thomas (home); Ginger Fogle (cancer); Joe Braxton; Billie Jean Hawn, (Richland); Hannah Todd (granddaughter
of Robert and Shirley Dibble); Jim Cary (RMC); Ernest Rogers (home); Louis Boone (East Cooper); Kay Crawford
(home); David Light (cancer).
Serving in the military: Stephen Guffey, Marines, Okinawa, Japan; Will Bishop, Afghanistan; Justin Jennings,
Korea; Jason Cox, Military, EOD; Joanna Cox, Navy; Patrick Maynard, Army, Afghanistan; William Warren,
Afghanistan. Serving in the mission field: Cindy Ott, (Afghanistan).
+ If you would like to add yourself or a close relative to our prayer list, please contact Iva in the church office. By
law, we must have the permission of an individual to add his or her name to this public list. Names will remain
for 3 weeks, but may be kept longer if requested.
Heartfelt Christian Sympathy is extended to Jo Wyrosdick and family at the loss of her mother Nell Goodman
who passed away Thursday, March 7, 2013.
Sunday, 03/10/2013
10:45 Worship: 98
Sunday School:
Crib Nursery
Children Ages 3-8
Middle School
New Life Fellowship
E. S. Jones Class
Men’s Bible Class
Total: 47
Teachers: 0
Teachers: 1
Teachers: 2
Teachers: 1
Teachers: 2
Teachers: 1
Pupils: 0
Pupils: 3
Pupils: 4
Pupils: 8
Pupils: 17
Pupils: 8
Our Gifts
Budget Offering Received 03/10/2013: $4,967.50
Needed Weekly: $5,378.51
Total Budget 2013
Budgeted Income to Date
Income to Date
Expenses to Date
Unpaid Apportionments
$6,312.30 (January & February Unpaid)
Our Service
Ushers: J. T. Champy, Frank Gillam, Becky Gramling, Donald Hunter, Dr. David Hutto, Eddie Godowns,
Jim Cary, Bernice Tribble
Greeters: Robert Wactor, Don Walter
Offering Counter: J. T. Champy
Crucifer and Acolyte: Andy Walter, Sophia Andre’ Next Sunday, March 24: Kimberly Boensch, Celeste Metts
Nursery Workers Today: Judy Tyler
Next Sunday, March 24: Laurel Rand
Children’s Sermon Today: Dyna Wactor
Next Sunday, March 24: D’Anne Haydel
Children’s Church Today: Cecile Boensch
Next Sunday, March 24: Dyna Wactor
St. Paul’s United Methodist Church
1356 Amelia Street Orangeburg, South Carolina 29115
Office: 803-534-1071
Pastor’s Cell Phone:803-597-6908 Parsonage: 803-534-6282
Pastor’s Email: garypeterson728@gmail.com
Email: iva@saintpauls-umc.org
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/StPaulsUMCOburg
Reverend Gary Peterson, Pastor
Kay Tolles, Interim Music Director • Wyndell Dodgins, Organist
Iva Strock, Office Manager • Harvey Williamson, Finance Administrator
Melissa Camp, Custodian • Stephanie Summers, Daycare Director
Jerry Wuenscher, Lay Leader
Fifth Sunday in Lent
Chancel Choir
“The Old Rugged Cross”
March 17, 2013
The Message
Liturgical Color is Purple
“What Was Jesus Doing His Final Night? Praying for You!”
Response to the Word
We gather as the Body of Christ to worship our Lord
We respond to God’s call on our lives
Mrs. Kay Tolles, Music Director
Gathering Music
Welcome and Announcements
Jerry Wuenscher, Lay Speaker
Opening Prayer
Jerry Wuenscher, Lay Speaker
+ Greetings in Grace
Choral Call to Worship
+ Processional Hymn
+ Hymn
“Jesus Shall Reign”
UMH #157
Proclamation of the Word
UMH #401
Time for Children
After the Time for Children, children in preschool—3rd grade may be dismissed to Children’s Church
Pew Bible KJV pg. 103; NIV pg. 1679
This is the word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.
“Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow”
UMH #301
Our altar rail is always open for prayer at this time. Come, as you feel led.
+ Choral Benediction
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow! Praise Him, all creatures here below!
Praise him above, ye heavenly host! Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost! Amen.
UMH #95
Chancel Choir
“The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power”
Wyndell Dodgins, Organist
+ Postlude
+ Indicates please stand, as you are able.
Welcome, Friends!
Wyndell Dodgins, Organist
“Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross”
+ Spoken Benediction
For Holiness of Heart
John 17: 1-6
+ Closing Hymn
UMH #402
We hear and receive God’s Word to us
+ Scripture Reading
Sending Forth
We go forth in the power of the Spirit to love and serve God and neighbor
Rev. Gary Peterson
“Lord, I Want to Be a Christian”
+ Responsive Reading
Morning Prayer followed by The Lord’s Prayer:
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,
for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.
Chancel Choir
“Worthy Is the Lamb”
Sharing of Thanksgivings, Prayers, and Petitions, followed by Silent Prayer
Rev. Gary Peterson
Those of you, who are worshiping with us for the first time, welcome to the family!
We are so glad you have become a part of us on this joyous day!
We are a family of faith, growing together in love, peace, and grace.
However we can be of help to you, we would love to be. Please sign your name, with your address
and phone number, on a card located in the pew in front of you (which you may place in the offering
plate), or on the attendance register that will be passed to you. That way, we can offer our help and a
special welcome to you!