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Career Guide 2015
With contributions from
Aliya Janson, Frank Abrams, Whitney Abrams,
Queleigh Boyd and Quin Blake.
Copyright © 2013-5 zenPeak
Career Guide 2015
There is an ancient proverb about the impact of a small deed. By helping one person, in effect
you help heal the entire world.
Our mission is to help companies find and hire great people, and just as important, our
mission is also to help people in their career advancement and job search. If this Career
Guide only helps one person, it is worth the effort.
So for now... YOU can be that one person, and consider that this guide is all about you!
---What is our point of view with this guide? Is it just a rehash of everything else that has been
written about career and job search?
Our point of view is that you need to “work at it” to give yourself the best chance at career
success. By this we mean you can't delegate building a network. You can't have someone
else lift the telephone and make telephone calls. You need to out-work other Candidates. You
need to track and record what you are doing. You need to try and compensate for the
perceived negatives you may have; such as age, experience, ability to self-promote, and
Why is being so involved and hands-on essential? Why do you need to “take ownership”?
What are your expectations about today's work environment?
Everywhere you look, industries are dying out or radically changing,
and new skills and experience are rising in demand. Its a perfect
storm of technology meeting globalization.
The world of employment has changed; and for the North American
Candidate... its not change for the better. Barriers are being created,
as fast as walls are coming down. Yes, you can apply to a hundred
jobs in a day without spending a dollar on stamps or stationary, but
1,000 other people may do the same for each posted and advertised
You need to know that we are still living in a period of extreme
economic upheaval. About 5 years ago the global economy &
banking system ground to a halt. At the same time, the economy
went into recession, job losses shot up.
Even now that the economy is doing better, some of those lost jobs
are gone forever to lower wage outsourcing; locally or abroad. These
changes mean the economic base is eroding with more people
chasing after fewer jobs. The perfect storm of technology meeting
Copyright © 2013-5 zenPeak
globalization has ripple effects. It's not just jobs that are gone forever.
Companies and complete industries are rapidly disappearing. Every
business model is being ripped apart.
You must be open to new ways of doing things. You need to learn faster, dig deeper for
energy and confidence, and at all times, take ownership of what you are doing. The good
news is your value is not just about the number of hours you put in at a job.
Its about... “What I Can Do For You!” (this is the name of our resume style)
Resumes & Interviews: Learn to build your own resume, customized for every opportunity,
and tweaked to the person you know will be reading it! (or... you can be lazy and send the
same resume to everyone and cross your fingers). Practice your interview skills for both the
telephone interview and face to face. Work at it – practice for real.
You are unique, so saying that one strategy is best, or that “this” is guaranteed to work is
dishonest. Maybe its about luck, but we are sure that the harder you work at it, the luckier you
will get! :-)
There are common threads to be observed from Candidates who do well in a job search.
Commitment, Focus, Sacrifice, Belief in Oneself (even if there is no one else believing in you).
Dusting yourself off after a career setback or a failure. You'd be surprised that ex-employers
usually say very good things, in reference interviews, about their former employees. There
are lots of other misconceptions you may have.
Don't be shy. Don't worry what others think about you (they're probably thinking something
good about you anyways).
We will tell you what others did to find success. This may inspire you, or help you recognize
something about yourself, to help you.
There are moments of decision coming, chances to be taken, opportunities ready to be
Good Luck! and the harder you work at it, the luckier you will get!
One final note. If you have found something inspiring or helpful please let us know in an
email. If you can think of ways to improve this Career Guide, we'd like to hear about that too.
Frank Abrams
Founder of zenPeak
Copyright © 2013-5 zenPeak
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
Table of Contents
WHAT TO DO AFTER A CAREER SETBACK ........................................................................................................ 1
HOW THEY DID IT ................................................................................................................................................... 9
WHAT YOU ABSOLUTELY NEED BEFORE YOU START A JOB SEARCH ....................................................... 16
ZENPEAK INTERVIEW GUIDE 2015 .................................................................................................................... 18
SECTION GUIDE ................................................................................................................................................... 19
THE UNIQUE ZENPEAK INTERVIEW GUIDE – IT’S ALL ABOUT YOU!! .......................................................... 20
PHASE 1: BEFORE THE INTERVIEW .................................................................................................................. 23
PHASE 2: DURING THE INTERVIEW ................................................................................................................... 40
PHASE 3: AFTER THE INTERVIEW ..................................................................................................................... 58
SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................................ 65
RESOURCES ......................................................................................................................................................... 67
THE TOP 5 WAYS TO USE YOUR AGE TO ADVANTAGE .................................................................................. 68
HOW THEY DID IT - NEW GENERATION............................................................................................................. 70
Table of Contents
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
What To Do After A Career Setback
Author: Frank Abrams
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
Job Loss Can Be a Gift
A gift you will likely not appreciate immediately. The gift of “growth”.
The first time I got fired, I was 44 years old – married with 3 kids, I went home, and that
evening I went out for a walk with my wife and I told her the news. She asked me “What are
we going to do now?”
“What are we going to do now?”
My mind had been racing from the second I was let go. In that moment, I was able to calm
down and with shaky confidence say... “Don't worry, everything will be ok”
Looking back, the message is... You Are Not Alone in this “setback”.
There are others who may depend on you, or care about you, or are willing to help you.
Whether you like it or not, someone is going to be a part of your job loss; family, friends,
(maybe the mortgage or loan officer too).
Not being alone in your job loss, can bring on new feelings of guilt for you. For example you
may feel you have let others down, or failed.
The positive flip-side of not being alone in a job loss, is those who care about you, will still
care about you. Anyone who loses interest in you because you lost a job, is better off out of
your life anyways.
Wait a moment. Positive thought. The world is random, unfair and unpredictable. Knowing
and accepting this randomness makes losing a job less about you personally, and more about
other people, the organization where you worked, and other circumstances.
The conventional wisdom is when one door closes, another one opens. Before we explore the
possibility that another opportunity is waiting for you.. take advantage of the gift you
have received. You have been given a gift to make some changes and grow. Don't lose
that gift.
You are normally not subjected to the stress and trauma of job loss. When you are caught in
daily routines, including going to work and returning, and you are time-starved, your mind and
emotions are not as open.
Job loss is a shocker. Along with the shock comes an opening mind, heightened awareness.
An opportunity for growth, and new choices.
I can choose to be angry
I can choose to take it easy
I can choose to drink or drug, kill the pain and feel sorry for myself
I can choose to take the first job I get and stop looking
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
You Have Choices
Having choices means you are not powerless. You may not have the power to summon up a
job, but you do have the power to make your own choices.
The shock and trauma of the job loss comes with stress. It feels like a smack in the head to
be fired and told to go away. Those feelings are not just in your head, but affect your entire
body! STRESS!
When we are pushed out of our comfort zone with a job loss, we get heightened awareness;
emanating from significant instantaneous biological/hormonal changes from the job loss
experience and your involuntary response. “Fight or Flight”; a response which is out of your
immediate control, is buried in our dna & thousands of years of human history.
Along with heightened awareness, recognize that you have the power to make choices,
The 1st choice you need to make. Choose to deal with the job loss and the
stress head-on. As quickly as possible, right after a job loss and the initial flight or fight
response, you should choose to deal with the job loss and the stress head-on. Ignoring the
new reality will make things harder within coming hours and days.
Be ready to deal with stress on the first day of a job loss, so it isn't a chronic debilitating force
in your life. Be aware of the stress brought on, and start to make good choices for positive
change, so you don't fall victim to the negative impact of chronic unrelieved stress.
Responses to stress include adaptation, psychological coping such as
stress management, anxiety, and depression. Over the long term,
distress can lead to diminished health and/or increased propensity to
illness; to avoid this, stress must be managed.
Stress management encompasses techniques intended to equip a
person with effective coping mechanisms for dealing with psychological
stress, with stress defined as a person's physiological response to
an internal or external stimulus that triggers the fight-or-flight
response. Stress management is effective when a person uses
strategies to cope with or alter stressful situations.
There are several ways of coping with stress,[21] such as controlling the
source of stress or learning to set limits and to say "no" to some of the
demands that bosses or family members may make.
A person's capacity to tolerate the source of stress may be increased by
thinking about another topic such as a hobby, listening to music, or
spending time in a wilderness.
Source Wikipedia:
People who get fired should at least see it as an opportunity to learn something about
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
themselves as they search for another job. There is growth, maybe not security or comfort or
happiness like before, but growth in some way. Those who suffer stress from a traumatic
event are reliving it over and over in their mind and their bodies as a result.
Have you ever heard the phrase, “What doesn't kill you makes you stronger”? The shock of a
job loss qualifies...
“For the past twenty years, pioneering psychologist Stephen Joseph
has worked with survivors of trauma. His studies have yielded a
startling discovery: that a wide range of traumatic events — from
illness, divorce, separation, assault, and bereavement to accidents,
natural disasters, and terrorism — can act as catalysts for positive
change. Boldly challenging the conventional wisdom about trauma
and its aftermath, Joseph demonstrates that rather than ruining one's
life, a traumatic event can actually improve it.
Drawing on the wisdom of ancient philosophers, the insights of
evolutionary biologists, and the optimism of positive psychologists,
What Doesn't Kill Us reveals how all of us can navigate change and
adversity — traumatic or otherwise — to find new meaning, purpose,
and direction in life.” source: Stephen Joseph website
This is often referred to as “post-traumatic growth” and the changes are often cited as
improved relationships with others a bit of humility won't hurt most of us), awareness to new
possibilities, personal strength (you discover what you are made of when the going gets
tough), spiritual awareness (perhaps a job loss teaches us the relative value of an
organization vs. us, our families, communities etc.), and appreciation of life.
Now that you are thinking positive...
Get organized!
When we engage with Candidates looking for work, we take note of what they do to find work.
How many jobs have they applied for? Online or through their network? How many telephone
interviews have they had? Do they keep a spreadsheet, journal or record of the places they
have applied?
If they are out of work when we talk with them, we also listen to the entire story of how they
lost their job. All the conditions around the event. Was it just them, or a group? Were there
rolling layoffs? What have they done since they got fired.
Many times we hear... “I'm starting to get worried. I took a few months off, didn't look for work,
and now its taking longer than I thought” … HELLO!
Your new job is finding a new job. Organizational skills and self-promotion for a job search are
critical. Going on vacation after losing a job is fine as long as you are aware of what you are
coming back to. You need to hit the ground running with a plan. Your new job for the time
being is the work around finding a new job.
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
The foundation of being organized and having a plan is to work your job search every day,
and keep records of your efforts; the same things we talk about in our face to face interviews.
How many jobs have you applied for? Online or through your network? How many telephone
interviews have you had?
You need to track what is working and what isn't in your job search.
Am I finding enough opportunities?
Is my resume working?
Do I have a short profile that will get someone excited about me?
Am I applying to the right jobs?
Am I sharing the right success stories for the opportunity?
Am I well-prepared for telephone or face to face interviews?
And you need to track the numbers. Most Candidates underestimate the number of jobs they
are applying for. Give yourself a reality check on how you're doing; the faster and more
frequent, the better.
If someone has been looking for 6 months and they apply for 3 jobs a day on average, that
adds up. They may say “I've applied to 20 or 30 jobs” and then are shocked to learn its over
400 applications! This happens because its so easy to apply online – which should tell you
about the competition you are facing with online applications (as well as suggest to you to use
techniques that may help your chances with online applications)
If you are organized that means you are tracking information, It also helps when the
telephone rings about a potential job opportunity, and you are ready with the information you
need, to talk with a hiring manager. Its better than saying “sorry, can I call you back, I've
applied to hundreds of jobs and I don't remember the opportunity, I don't remember the
position description, and I don't have my notes handy”
Use this statistic to determine how things are going in your job search (right
from the start) The % of telephone interviews vs. the number of job applications sent in.
Example: 1,000 jobs applied for and 4 telephone interviews (0.4%) should tell you something
vs. 100 jobs applied for and 15 telephone interviews (15%)
Our system is built on a specific way to handle cover
letters, resumes, profiles and success stories; all designed
to help you Tell Your Story. You can use some of these in
your own toolkit to help you communicate your story, to
get a job. If you aren't getting some telephone interviews,
then change what you are doing!
In many cases, someone who has just been fired behaves like a deer caught in the
headlights. Frozen about what to do next. Their world has crumbled around them and they are
afraid and worried. Be aware of the new stress and uncertainty in your life when making
decisions that may cost you time and money.
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
You can be selective about the actions you take. Sometimes saying “No” is the best thing you
can do especially when you are still in shock from a recent job loss.
Don't rush into any opportunity you have to pay for
Don't take a commission-only job unless that's what you normally do
Don't rush into buying a franchise or a business on short notice without advice
Don't pay anyone, or any company to get you a job
Don't pay a lot of money for “magic” resumes (you need to learn how to write your own
resume, and tell your story)
Create options for yourself - be in demand.
If you don't need to accept just any job, the stress and pressure surrounding the search and
interviews is reduced. If when you lose a job, you are “broken” financially and emotionally,
then you are desperate and it shows. It is apparent in interviews, salary negotiations,
telephone contact... everything.
At the same time as you look for a new job, build the capability to get stronger, so you are
never in that desperate place again. This may involve exploring side contracts, part-time work
or businesses, writing, teaching, starting a blog, sharing your expertise etc. These endeavors
will raise your confidence in yourself, and improve your network reach.
Your true power in guiding your career comes from not needing to accept a new job as much
as they need you. Many companies are anxious to hire and will increase their offers to get
you. A word of caution. There are limits. Employers don't mind someone exploring a few
options if they are direct, honest and communicate the issues. Make your decisions very
quickly and keep the employer that is interested in you, up to speed. If a potential employer
won't give you a few days to make a decision, or threatens you “take it or leave it”, it might be
best to leave it.
How you present yourself is critical in the employer's desire for you, and your ongoing
perceived value.
You may not believe when you are unemployed that you can be in demand, or even be
anxious to switch jobs because you are getting better offers. Imagine a situation where once
an employer gets to see your work and your results, word gets around and others become
interested in you.
In the old Hollywood studio system, or in the music
industry, performers who break out with great success
are often held back by contracts. Sometimes the best
thing for them would be if the company went under, or
said go ahead lets tear up the contract you can own
your publishing rights, or you can make a movie with
whoever you want. Can you be that person while you
work for someone, or even while you look for work?
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
YES If you create options for yourself.
Try and network with (1) the people who can make a yes or no decision to
hire you, or (2) the people who can pick up the phone to call someone they
know, who can hire you.
This is a piece of advice that the recruiting establishment doesn't like. Stay away from job
support groups. Everyone there is looking for work, or trying to sell you something. When a
person at a job support group gets a job, they disappear and you can barely see the vapor
trail. They want to wipe off the stink of being unemployed and are happy to be in a new job.
(sorry, some honesty coming through)
You don't need a crutch like a job support group, to make you comfortable and to feel ok
about your predicament; to collect sympathy and understanding that losing a job can happen
to anyone. We know that – it can happen to anyone. Don't wallow in it at a job support group
– surround yourself with positive working people, rather than unemployed people. Stay away
from people who profit from you being unemployed!
If you feel lousy about being unemployed that's normal. Yes. It can happen to anyone. But
You DO need to feel good about yourself, and your efforts to make the right choices and
grow. Put yourself in the right environments. If you had time for everything it may not hurt to
go to job support groups, but until you run out of decision-makers to call who can say Yes or
No to offering you a job, I would avoid them.
Changing Paths
As part of a section on how to deal with a career setback, we think it’s important to accept that
certain jobs are riskier than others. Being self-employed has many advantages and
disadvantages but only you can fire yourself. Yes, your business may fail, but you will never
get called into someone's office at 4:45 on Christmas Eve and get fired.
If you aren't the independent type, you can still seek out work that may be less risky. For
example, if you know there are shortages of workers in a particular city or province, then
consider moving.
Going forward you can choose to go after a job with less risk of getting fired.
Union jobs tend to be safer in the short term, although they may not offer advancement or
compensation tied to your performance.
Licensed and regulated occupations have limits on the numbers of people in that job; if you
are going back to school, consider a trade, or a licensed occupation. This may offer better job
Your approach to finding work can break some rules. You hear of people who have put up
billboards and youtube videos to capture attention. If you aren't that much of a self-promoter
you can still contact a potential employer and offer them a proposal of 2 weeks of your time
with no strings. If they see “What You Can Do For Them” they may give you a full-time job. Or
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
you can walk in with a proposed project or association with a clear “Ask” You may be asking
for money, a share of results or revenues. Again, your value can get established with the
employer and you may advance into a full-time job. In any event, even if you get turned down
(you can then move on to another company with the same proposal) the employer will respect
your courage to ask – most people are too frightened! They will become a referral source.
Part of changing paths is discovering what a headcount company is. This knowledge will help
you. You are a number at a headcount company. They hire a 1,000 they fire 1,000 – they fill
slots with workers. Unless you are at the high executive level, your best bet here is to follow
traditional ways of getting hired. Apply online, apply directly, work your network, but
developing a proposal as mentioned above is likely not a fit to how a headcount company
If however, you approach entrepreneurial owner-operated companies with a proposal you will
get a better reception. Know your stuff, know the company inside out, and only deal with
someone who can say Yes or No; a decision-maker. You need to position yourself with a What
I Can Do For You” point of view (not everything you have done in the past) and be the type of
person who can do what they need done. Always focus your proposals and presentations on
your core competencies – the things that come easy to you (and don't seem like work).
Network: talk, meet, telephone. Start with your old bosses.
Make the call, be open about your situation, ask your old Boss who they know
Part of our regular daily work is calling Candidate references. We conduct formal reference
interviews with past employers who the Candidate reported to directly. In almost every case,
the reference says good things about the person, and has regrets that they couldn't keep
them. Often they say they would hire them back in a minute if they could. Remember, you are
not alone in your job loss and former employers know you better than anyone. So at least
make them aware of your situation.
This will get you past any shame you have, or negative thoughts about your situation. This will
empower you to talk to other bosses. Do it.
Final Advice to Deal with a Career Setback
I've been fired 3 times in my life. It isn't pleasant but I have learnt the following above all else:
 You are not what you have in material possessions
 You are not what you do for a living/job
 You are not what others think about you
Good Luck in your job search! The harder you work at it, the luckier you'll get!
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
How They Did It
Author: Frank Abrams
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
How They Did It
How Famous People Found Career Success
What others did to get work, and to advance in their chosen careers.
This section is about what has worked for others.
You may say... “but they are famous or rich, what does that have to do with me?”
There is a lot of common ground between you and them. You will see the ordinary and the
“everyman” that exists within these successful people, as well as within each of us.
If you are reading this, then you have probably experienced a setback, failure, loss. You may
have lost your job after years of working your butt off, through no fault of your own. Everyone
has made mistakes and suffered loss. Maybe you are stuck in a job that is causing you
suffering; The people profiled here have had setbacks too, just like us – that's common
Will this work for me?
I have no exact answers on what will work for you, to get work. Advice for one person, may
not work for someone else. I can't say exactly... “Do This!”
I can tell you what others did to get work, and to advance in their chosen careers.
People you have heard of, and recognize, as being successful.
I hope you get inspired!
I have researched, read, studied, and watched what has made others successful, and for this
section of the Career Guide, I have captured that very special moment when everything
changed for the better Call it the “turning point”, or a “lucky break”.
If you are intrigued by someone here, take the time to research them, and read more about
them, to also understand the setbacks, dead ends, mistakes and failures they experienced;
what not to do, and what to avoid. Sometimes you can benefit just as much by understanding
why people failed at something, in addition to why they were successful.
-----------“What I Can Do For You” Recognizing a good opportunity and positioning yourself as
the person who can deliver.
Howard Schultz | Starbucks' Founder
Let's start with the story of the man who started coffee giant Starbucks. Howard Schultz
worked for a Seattle coffee roasting company called Starbucks. The company did not sell
drinks, only roasted coffee beans, and had 6 local stores in Seattle, WA. On a business trip to
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
Milan, Howard discovered his own passion for the culture surrounding Italian cafes; the
drinks, the people, the food, the aromas. On his return, his bosses listened to Howard, but
weren't interested in creating coffee bars.
Howard decided to quit his job and pursue a dream. He opened a cafe called Il Giornale. He
expanded it to 5 stores, and when the opportunity came up to buy out his old employer,
Starbucks, he took action. He went about to buy the company with investor support. He
merged the companies and kept the name Starbucks.
He positioned himself as the person who could “deliver”. Isn't that what Howard Schultz had
to do with his Investors? Convince them that this was a sound direction for Il Giornale, and
that he was the one to do it?
Ask yourself this when you send in your resume for an opportunity, or when you meet
someone face to face in a job interview... Am I promoting myself as the person who can
deliver what they want? Am I communicating... “What I Can Do For You”?
The actor and comedian Steve Martin said “be so good they can't ignore you”.
Be good at what you do, and open yourself up to be ready to seize opportunity.
It worked for Quincy Jones.
Quincy Jones | Composer & Producer: TV scores, movie soundtracks, music of every genre
from Frank Sinatra to Michael Jackson, inc. TV production (Fresh Prince of Bel Air).
Quincy Jones grew up outside Seattle poor, hungry and neglected. One day as a young
teenager, his gang of friends broke into a recreation center, and while the others were stealing
food, he discovered a piano in a back room. He kept sneaking back in to play on the piano,
finding relief from the misery of his life. He practiced, played and studied his craft. To learn
and get better, he took advantage of every chance to play in bands and groups. He watched
and listened to other musicians at Seattle nightclubs.
He wrote songs and walked around with the sheet music to his composition “The Four Winds”
showing it to more experienced musicians. He was ready to seize opportunity when he heard
about a music school scholarship, sent in his composition, and was accepted. The school got
him a step closer to New York.
He advanced his career this way; over and over, putting himself in position to take on
challenges with courage, and the desire to try new things.
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
Stay in Control
Neil Young | Singer-Songwriter
Neil Young is one of a handful of musicians from the 1960s and 1970s that continues to have
wide appeal, and to attract new fans. When I was about to start reading the biography of his
life, I checked the publication date and I noticed this:
“Copyright 2002 by James McDonough and Neil Young. All ancillary rights and subsidiary
rights are separately owned solely by Neil Young.”
Even before reading the first word on the first page, I learned something about Neil Young
from the book's copyright notice. In exchange for cooperating with the author, he maintained
the rights to the book beyond the printed version. He controls what he spends his time on,
and his career path. At least that was the case in 2002.
Neil Young grew up in Western Canada. He started to play guitar and assembled a series of
groups to play local high school dances, bars, private clubs and parties. As he was learning to
play, he began writing some songs and developing a unique style. He was always the most
serious person in his musical groups, frustrated when others were less committed. His band
traveled between Saskatchewan and Thunder Bay Ontario, performing and struggling to
Neil moved to Los Angeles and teamed up with some other musicians to form Buffalo
Springfield which became a popular live act that didn't succeed as well with studio recordings.
As a result of bad management and poor decisions, even with abundant talent and increasing
popularity, the band broke up.
His biographer wrote: “Young learned some lessons from his tumultuous time in the
Springfield. He would never relinquish control over his music – or much of anything else in his
life – again. By his very next record, he would have both a manager and a producer who
would protect him ferociously.”
Neil Young said in 1992 “Artists are manipulated by business all the time. A lot of Artists are
weak when it comes to their own direction and their own future. Many of them put themselves
in other people's hands – and then feel frustrated that things aren't turning out right.”
The message for a job seeker that I take from Neil Young is you need to “take ownership” of
your current situation and your career direction. If you take a job with an uneasy feeling, such
as maybe the company is in trouble, or your new boss is a tyrant, lower as much of your risk
as you can; such as the financial risks of taking the job, as well as the risk of damaging your
Build a network of people who care about you, and who you care about AND...
“be nice to people on the way up, you'll be seeing them on the way down”
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
Edward Dmytryk | Hollywood Director
Dmytryk started from the age of 15 working in the studio department that made copies of
silent films. He started as a copier, then projectionist, editor, and director, over a 50 year plus
career. He worked with stars such as Humphrey Bogart, Elizabeth Taylor and William Holden
during Hollywood's golden age.
A studio executive, out of the blue, helped him and wrote a check for him to go to College
when he was just a teenager.
Another of his big breaks came when he was on the set of a film working as a co-director on
behalf of the film studio. The director was out of favor with the studio, and Edward was there
to make sure the actual director stayed on budget, and finished on schedule. The director was
eventually fired, and Edward was asked to finish the directing assignment. The movie did ok
and the studio felt they did the right thing firing the director; Edward Dmytryk solved their
problem, and was offered a contract to direct movies.
At the height of his career, he suffered a major setback. Edward Dmytryk was a victim of a
witch hunt against communists in Hollywood, He was one of the “Hollywood Ten” and was
jailed for a year because he wouldn't “name names” - tell the government which of his friends
and associates were communists Like many who are disgraced or fired, Edward discovered
who is friends really were; the people ready to lend a helping hand. He also learned who was
ready to take advantage of him, as well as those who cut him off completely, when he needed
their support and help.
In the career of Edward Dmytryk, he encountered people who helped him out, unshakeable
friends, and those that dropped him when it wasn't convenient to know him.
Ever heard of the saying... “It is better to give, than to receive”? Good advice for helping
others, as you build a network that one day may help you.
Stay in the Game – You Are Not Too Old
Betty White | Actress & Comedienne
Early in Betty White's career she experienced one of those lucky breaks that moved her
forward. She had just been to a casting call and heard that she needed a union card to
perform on Radio. There was only one catch. Without a job you couldn't get a union card! As
she took the elevator down from the appointment, the man who interviewed her said that he
knew how hard it was to get that 1st job, so he said she could be on the show, and say one
word... “Parkay” (the sponsor's name) That little job was enough to qualify her for the union
card and get her career started.
Pure Luck? No.
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
Before that moment, Betty had gone, week after week, to many auditions all over town. She
kept going back, trying over and over, and yes she had a lucky break, but being persistent
made a difference; if she had quit after the 1st rejection she never would have been in the
right place at the right time. Later in Betty's career, she hired that same producer, who had
helped her out, to be a writer on one of her shows!
Betty White has had a long career as a comedic actress, singer, game show panelist and star
of four TV series, named The Betty White Show (not one of those was a success). She
worked with every major star throughout her career on successful shows like Golden Girls,
Mary Tyler Moore and others. She continues to work into her 80s and is gaining popularity
with a new generation on TV shows like Hot in Cleveland and Saturday Night Live. The
message for a mid-career job seeker is that if Betty White can stay in the game, regardless of
age, so can you.
Be An Original... There is Only One You!
Marlon Brando | Movie Star
Brando arrived in New York City in 1943. He began taking lessons in the new methods of
acting that were more natural. This new type of acting drew from the experience and
imagination of the actor, as opposed to old-fashioned theatrical styles.
Brando attracted attention because he was athletic, handsome and filled with energy. His
appeal also came from how fresh and different he was.
He prepared for his roles in advance by “getting into the character”, physically transforming
through diet or exposure to the character's life circumstances. This type of preparation was
very new at the time. His stage presence catapulted him into the lead role in “A Streetcar
Named Desire”, first as a broadway play, and then as a film.
Marlon Brando was not interested in the trappings of stardom of Hollywood. He worked to
make money and didn't glorify acting. Yet he was one of Hollywood's highest-paid and biggest
stars, because he was an “original” and developed his strengths.
Marlon Brando capitalized on his tough guy, indifferent “image” and chose roles such as “On
The Waterfront” and “The Wild Ones”. He cultivated a smoldering, sexy and potentially
explosive persona that captivated audiences. He played to his strengths. When he tried
comedic and dramatic character roles, he was less successful.
Job seekers that appreciate their own talents and strengths, understand the importance of
showcasing “What I Can Do For You” as opposed to...“Everything I have Done”.
It may be hard to limit what you share about your full career story, but chances are what you
are good at, your natural strengths, will command the most interest from employers, and the
highest value in the job marketplace.
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
Anthony Bourdain | Chef
Anthony had the culinary school training, and was working as a chef, but he didn't understand
what it took to work at a high level. He began to work in very busy kitchens on Cape Cod, and
then in New York, under both good and bad owners. Alongside experienced chefs in these
fast-paced demanding environments, he learned the true nature of the business, and the
sacrifices he would need to make, in order to excel as a chef.
Following some success, Bourdain had the worst career setback possible; a ruined reputation
from drug addiction. He was able to climb back up by focusing on work, and knowing that
deep down he was talented and good at his craft. Job seekers need to be self-aware to know
whether they are good at something, or not. A setback gives you a wake-up call, and an
opportunity for self-evaluation.
Do I have the passion? Am I ready to sacrifice? Is this path right for me?
Have passion for what you can actually do well, not just what you think you would like to do.
Forget for a moment what you think you are passionate about, and get excited about your
proven ability to be great at... “What I Can Do For You”. Believing in your own capabilities to
deliver is contagious, and affects everyone around you.
Don't forget, self-promotion is critical for the job seeker. If you are shy about yourself, develop
a few short “success stories” and practice telling them – don't leave anything to chance.
So Good They Can't Ignore You
Conn Smythe | Founder of the Toronto Maple Leafs Hockey Team
Conn Smythe was involved in many sports from a very young age, as a player, then team
coach, talent scout, and team manager in University athletics.
He developed a keen eye for spotting good hockey players, all across Canada, that didn't “fit
the mold”. They could be signed at a good contract price. He even remarked to the owner of
the Boston Bruins, that his college team could beat the Bruins. (this was in the early days of
the NHL before the Maple Leafs were even formed).
He was hired to scout and put together the team for the new New York hockey franchise. He
collected talent from across Canada, many College level players without pro experience, and
some veterans who needed a second chance. Against all odds the team went on to be very
successful and his reputation as a team builder, and a success at the professional level was
established. He was so good that he couldn't be ignored.
He had a business network as well from his construction materials company, so when he was
offered the struggling Toronto hockey team, he put together a group of buyers. Smythe even
got the workmen building Maple Leaf Gardens to take part of their salary in shares.
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
What You Absolutely Need Before You Start a Job Search
Author: Frank Abrams
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
What You Absolutely Need Before You Start a Job Search
1. A Proper Email Address.
Your email address for professional communications should always have your first and last
name, or at least whichever name, first or last, is easier to spell accurately. If you flip your
name around, last name before first, you can often get your exact full name in the email.
Consider that the Hiring Manager may need to search their email inbox to find you. Make it
easy for them. An obscure or strange email doesn't help your chances of being treated
seriously. Take a look at this list of emails. Can you guess which ones work for a job search
and which don't?
2. A Resume.
We have a unique style to our resume, and an approach to quickly customizing it for every
new opportunity. Before you get started on your job search, have your resume ready to go as
a word document. The last thing you want is to have someone interested in you, and you
have to say "I need to finish up my resume, and make a few changes, then I'll send it over".
Be the editor of your resume and make sure it showcases "What I Can Do For You".
3. A LinkedIn Profile.
Social networks are used by Hiring Managers all day long and an up to date LinkedIn Profile,
that is an exact match to the information in your resume, is essential.
4. A working personal Telephone Number.
A telephone number (not the number and extension where you currently work, or a friend's
number) with setup voicemail and a professional voicemail greeting. It doesn't matter if it is a
home telephone number or a mobile phone. Remember that the Hiring Manager gets a free
listen to your voice if they hear your voicemail greeting, so listen to your voicemail greeting,
and let others listen to it, to make sure it projects warmth, trust and a positive attitude.
5. A Computer with Internet Access.
When you prepare for networking, telephone interviews etc. you must be prepared, and you
must do research in advance. If you position the computer near your telephone at home, you
can follow along with an interviewer from the very first contact if you receive a call.
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
zenPeak Interview Guide 2015
Nailing the Interview Process: A Practical Guide for Candidates
from Start to Finish
Author: Aliya Janson, with contributions from Frank Abrams, Queleigh Boyd and
Quin Blake
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
WHAT TO DO AFTER A CAREER SETBACK ........................................................................................................ 1
HOW THEY DID IT ................................................................................................................................................... 9
WHAT YOU ABSOLUTELY NEED BEFORE YOU START A JOB SEARCH ....................................................... 16
ZENPEAK INTERVIEW GUIDE 2015 .................................................................................................................... 18
SECTION GUIDE ................................................................................................................................................... 19
SECTION GUIDE ................................................................................................................................................... 19
THE UNIQUE ZENPEAK INTERVIEW GUIDE – IT’S ALL ABOUT YOU!! .......................................................... 20
THE UNIQUE ZENPEAK INTERVIEW GUIDE – IT’S ALL ABOUT YOU!! .......................................................... 20
PHASE 1: BEFORE THE INTERVIEW .................................................................................................................. 23
PHASE 1: BEFORE THE INTERVIEW .................................................................................................................. 23
COVER LETTER ........................................................................................................................................ 23
ZENPEAK UNIQUE, RESULTS-ORIENTED, FUNCTIONAL 3-SECOND RESUME ................................................. 23
ONLINE RESUME....................................................................................................................................... 27
THE ZENPEAK STATISTIC OF HOW YOUR SEARCH IS GOING ........................................................................ 27
PROFILE ................................................................................................................................................... 28
SUCCESS STORIES ................................................................................................................................... 28
You! ................................................................................................................................................................................ 30
Your Passion ................................................................................................................................................................... 30
The Opportunity! ........................................................................................................................................................... 30
“ALL YOU CAN DO, IS ALL YOU CAN DO” ....................................................................................................... 31
DRESS FOR SUCCESS ............................................................................................................................... 32
Clothing Ideas and Tips for Men and Women ................................................................................................................ 34
Shoes .............................................................................................................................................................................. 35
Fragrances and Accessories ............................................................................................................................................ 36
Hair and Personal Grooming .......................................................................................................................................... 37
Store Websites ................................................................................................................................................................ 38
ANXIETY, STRESS AND WAYS TO COPE....................................................................................................... 38
Physical Remedies........................................................................................................................................................... 39
Mental Remedies ............................................................................................................................................................ 39
Medicinal Remedies........................................................................................................................................................ 40
PHASE 2: DURING THE INTERVIEW ................................................................................................................... 40
PHASE 2: DURING THE INTERVIEW ................................................................................................................... 40
FIRST IMPRESSIONS .................................................................................................................................. 40
KEY POINTS – TIMING, APPEARANCE, HANDSHAKE, BODY LANGUAGE ............................................................ 43
SAMPLE INTERVIEW QUESTIONS ................................................................................................................ 43
Most Common Interview Questions ............................................................................................................................... 44
5 Common Behavioral Questions ................................................................................................................................... 45
Oddball Interview Questions .......................................................................................................................................... 46
How to Answer Oddball Questions ................................................................................................................................. 53
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
PREPARING FOR THE TELEPHONE INTERVIEW ............................................................................................. 54
Tips for Before and During the Telephone Interview ...................................................................................................... 55
Ending the Telephone Interview ..................................................................................................................................... 56
Tips for Preparing for a Skype Interview ........................................................................................................................ 56
PHASE 3: AFTER THE INTERVIEW ..................................................................................................................... 58
PHASE 3: AFTER THE INTERVIEW ..................................................................................................................... 58
QUESTIONS YOU SHOULD ASK AT THE END OF YOUR INTERVIEW ................................................................. 58
QUESTIONS TO AVOID ASKING IN AN INTERVIEW ......................................................................................... 60
THANK YOU FOR THE OPPORTUNITY AND W RAP UP HANDSHAKE ................................................................... 63
Exit Strategy ................................................................................................................................................................... 63
Self-Confidence .............................................................................................................................................................. 63
Wrap Up Handshake ....................................................................................................................................................... 63
Aftermath ....................................................................................................................................................................... 63
Follow up ........................................................................................................................................................................ 64
Email............................................................................................................................................................................... 64
Telephone Call ................................................................................................................................................................ 65
SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................................ 65
SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................................ 65
RESOURCES ......................................................................................................................................................... 67
RESOURCES ......................................................................................................................................................... 67
THE TOP 5 WAYS TO USE YOUR AGE TO ADVANTAGE .................................................................................. 68
HOW THEY DID IT - NEW GENERATION............................................................................................................. 70
The Unique zenPeak Interview Guide – It’s All About You!!
It seems more often than not that the prospect of a job interview is like an intimidating, scary
monster that’s lurking around the corner in the shadows. It’s causing you copious amounts of
anxiety and stress because you know you will have to face it sooner than later. What will the
end result be? Will you triumphantly slay the monster or will you fall flat at its feet? The
interview process really doesn’t have to be this way.
This is a practical guide that showcases zenPeak’s unique style at conquering the interview
process. The point of view that will be the focus of this guide is the perspective that
interviews are Part of a Complete Process. By breaking up the interview process into three
phases: beginning, during and after the interview, readers will have a better understanding on
what to focus on, properly prepare for, and internalize the key points to be successful in the
job interview.
Throughout this guide you will notice that the zenPeak style centers around “My story” –
meaning the candidates individual career history and the skills and experiences that they can
bring to the organization. Secondly, we focus on “What I can do For you”, rather than
“Everything I’ve ever done”. Employers want to hone in on exactly what you can bring to the
organization to improve processes, increase productivity/efficiency, and ultimately skyrocket
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
sales and revenue – not focus on minute details of how you are a team player.
“One key is to focus on what you can do for the employer NOT what they can do for you.
Many times, candidates get caught up in the me-me-me aspects of their job search toolkits,
adding impressive info to their resume and talking about their amazing credentials,
experiences, and accomplishments…But unless job seekers focus on the you-you-you
aspects – specifically, how all of this info can benefit a potential employer – candidates will
have an extremely difficult time getting hired, regardless of where they went to school, how
awesome their resumes, and how much they sell themselves in an interview situation.” “Why
You Didn't Get the Job -- It's Not Just About Your Credentials”, Annette Richmond,
When reading you will also see that preparing, practicing and rehearsing key success
stories, giving the perfect answer to the #1 job interview question, and giving the best first
impression will give you the self-confidence to perform at your best, and not be burdened by
stress and anxiety. You will be empowered from your preparation and being yourself.
Remember, everyone has the tools and skills to perform successfully in an interview. So,
whether you are reading this guide to get ideas because it’s your first time writing your
resume or interviewing, or if you’ve been out of the job market for a while and are “touching
up” your skills, don’t worry! By following these tips and guidelines you will be back in the
swing of things before you know it, and will find yourself very comfortable walking into that
You’ll Discover….
Why focusing on “My Story” and “What I can do for you” is integral in the interview
“All you can do, is All you can do” – being fully prepared including practicing interview
Key questions to ask, and ones not to ask
Why the first 3 seconds can make or break your interview, and how to prepare for that
Skills for maximizing your interview performance
Strategies for following up in a professional manner to ensure you are a top candidate
for consideration after the interview
Ultimately, our purpose is to create an original Interview Guide that gives our candidates key
points to work on to improve their Interviews, so they will be well-equipped with the selfconfidence derived from proper preparation and being themselves.
We know you will find this guide useful, and that you will apply our tips to become successful
in your job interviews!
~zenPeak Recruiters
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
Phase 1: Before the Interview
This is Phase 1 of the interview process. Here we will talk about perfecting and preparing all
of the things that are in the candidate’s control i.e. Cover letters, Resume, Communication
Emails, Phone Calls, Dress Code – all things that are needed to equip you before you go into
the interview. From the Cover Letter to purchasing an affordable pair of killer shoes, these
tips will give you a “shoe-in” to success to take you to Phase 2: During the interview process.
Cover Letter
The hiring process has undergone a huge transformation just within the last decade. In the
olden days there would be an ad in the local newspaper under classifieds with a mailing
address. A candidate would then write an extensive cover letter accompanying their resume
and mail it to the company. Mailing transformed to faxing, and then faxing transformed to
emailing. Today, speed and accuracy is fundamental. The various job related web resources,
social media, and on-line applications where you can upload your documents in various
formats have changed the way we search and apply for jobs in today’s society.
Employers do not have the time to review lengthy applications. Many will argue that the cover
letter should become extinct as social media has eliminated the need for this step, thereby
reducing the employers cost and time spent on reading long-winded cover letters and print
resumes. Ultimately, whatever the employer states the application submission requirements
to be, is what should be followed. However, what should be kept in mind is that if you are
going to write a cover letter, it should be done in an efficient and succinct manner that will
intrigue the employer.
Candidates need to quickly demonstrate (in really only a few sentences) just how valuable
they would be, how much of an impact they would make and what they have done previously
that they would bring to the organization to increase its growth, sales and revenue. It should
be just long enough to get someone very interested in reading your resume right now! It
should not be a shortened rehash of your entire resume, but rather a “pitch” letter. “You are
attempting to entice a buyer for your product and that product is you. Remember to be
convincing and compelling and give the employer a reason to be excited about calling you for
an interview.” “Cover Letters in the Age of Email’, Trudy Steinfeld,
The zenPeak take on the cover letter is that it should be just long enough (maybe a few
sentences) to get someone very interested in reading your resume right now. A well-selected
highlight from a success story can have a place on the cover letter too. We will read about
success stories in an up-coming section.
zenPeak Unique, Results-Oriented, Functional 3-Second Resume
Haven’t got the interview yet? Resume style and content does make a difference! One of the
most frustrating parts of a job search is dealing with all the advice you get about resumes.
The best approach is a resume that gets you the interview, and helps you get the job! If we
have one piece of advice it would be… Don’t make the person reading your resume, work
hard to figure you out. Employers and Hiring Managers have hundreds of resumes to look
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
through so how do you stand out from all the rest? The answer is simple. When a employer
is looking through a stack of resumes they don’t want to see what you have done; they want
to see within seconds….. what you can do for them. zenPeak promotes a (numeric) resultsoriented, functional style resume that showcases… WHAT I CAN DO FOR YOU and not just
everything that you have done.
The zenPeak style resume breaks it down into 4 distinct parts: Tagline, Buckets, Numeric
Results and finally Work Experience.
Start with a powerful descriptive tagline (customized for each opportunity). For example:
“20 years of executive experience in e-Business, Target Marketing & Talent
Determine what your X-Factor is and display it front and centre. This powerful tagline should
outline your skills and experience in a short, catchy opening phrase. This tagline should not
only reflect your own skills but make sure it also reflects how these skills are going to be
beneficial for the job you are applying for. The tagline will capture the attention of an employer
as they will see right away exactly who you are and give them an idea of what they will see in
the remainder of your resume.
Once you have their attention; you want to sell your best achievements.
Create a Functional section which will categorizes your top skills and experience from all your
career & life experience (not chronological).
Look at your whole work history and come up with 2 or 3 “buckets” of your best skills and fill
those buckets with examples of your successes and show how those successes will benefit
the company.
A bucket can be anything that showcases your skills and experience such as sales,
marketing, technical achievements, customer service, additional training or courses, this is for
you to narrow down to show what best sells you to the employer reading your resume.
Make sure to include specific numeric results. Also, eliminate any soft language (e.g. “team
player). The human eye naturally will gravitate to numbers, so make them count! Now that
you have your bucket examples, you have to back it up with numeric results! This may sound
daunting and you are probably thinking that there are no numbers, but the truth is that all jobs
have numbers. The best numbers show how much your contributions have improved the
company in some way – What you can do for them! For example:
 50% increase in sales, or client satisfaction, or efficiency etc
 70% reduction of waste, or overtime, or production time
If you run into the problem of having to lie about the stats, then search for numbers that are
concrete. For example:
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
 managed a team of 35 people
 worked in a 5 Billion Dollar Company
 managed a budget of 100K annually
Find what applies to you. Once you have your numbers in place under your specific bucket
examples, you will have the employers’ attention. Remember to remove any meaningless
soft language such as “team player” and avoid being repetitive. Also include transferable
skills and experience in your resume – regardless if you’ve used them or not in your most
recent job. Focus on organization, numeric results and targeting.
Here is an example of how the second and third phases combine to show a quick and
succinct way of showing the employer what you’ve done:
“e-Business: a technology trailblazer from social networks to data-rich marketing.
Social Networks for Business –a hands-on track record of marketing and promotion in
the Web 3.0 world.
Results: 25% user growth per week on multiple Facebook music pages (Frank
Sinatra etc. over 150,000 members)
Target Marketing – the specialist in real-time customer identification at the point of
decision, and generating customized 1:1 promotional offers.
Results: high ROI & offer redemption rates over 43% vs. industry average of
12%. Increased store profits by $1,000 per month with a system ROI of just 90
Entrepreneuring & Executive Consulting– start-ups, going public, going private,
divestitures, multi-unit growth & operations and I have the scars to prove it!
Results: a 700% increase in sales over 8 years.”
Work Experience
This area is the proof for the claims made in the top functional section (“where did you do it”).
Make sure to detail the employer’s activities & scope/area of operations and also your specific
title and what you did in that role.
Afterwards, you can list your education, credentials and any licenses, designations,
certifications or courses that would be applicable and specific to the role you’re applying. For
“VP Corporate Development, Rampart Mercantile, Inc.
1999-2001 Mid-sized Canadian full-service brokerage.
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
- Led the Online Business unit
- Recruited team of 8 staff
- Developed an online investment/trading service, online investment portal and
original research inc. back-end quotations, trading, settlement and accounting
“Education, Licensing etc.”
MBA, Rotman School of Business, University of Toronto, 1985
BA, Political Science & Economics, University of Toronto, 1983
Futures, Equities, Equity Options, Insurance & Mutual Funds licensed
Mergers and Acquisition Valuation Course University of Toronto / McGill
University, 2000
Professional CRM designation, AARM course, 2003
Expert level: Photoshop, Powerpoint, Project, Visio, Word, Excel, Html,
Volunteer: assist National Director, Simon Wiesenthal Center, Jazz FM 91.1”
We have reviewed the content portion of the resume which is the number one priority. The
second priority is the visual component (which often can be seen as just as important as the
Imagine you are an employer looking at two resumes. One has various fonts, font sizes,
some sections are bold, some are underlined and some are italics. There’s an abundance of
information all over, and under specific headings. The second one looks like there is a lot of
information, but it is strategically organized under specific buckets, with numeric results
popping out. Which one would you be more inclined to reading? Obviously the one that
takes the least amount of time figuring out the candidate!
Here are key points to remember when looking at the visual portion of your resume:
 keep it looking professional
 Use easy to read fonts
 Keep font sizes and variety to a minimum
 Don’t over format – keep it simple and professional
 Proof read to ensure that there are no typos, misinformation and no lies!! (53% of all
job applications contain inaccurate information – don’t catch yourself falling into this
statistic of being a resume liar!)
 Spell and grammar check. “Consider asking an eagle-eyed friend to review your cover
letter and resume before you send them in. Alternatively, try to read your resume
backwards. Of course, always spell-check your work, but be aware that spell-check
doesn't pick up every error.” “10 Reasons Why You Aren’t Getting Hired”, Miriam
Salpeter ,, July 10, 2013.
If you break down your resume into these easy sections, it will be straightforward for you to
organize your thoughts around your work history and allocate them accordingly. If you are
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
just starting to write your resume or fixing it up, take some time to collect your thoughts and
ideas and put them under each heading. Don’t worry if you can’t figure out all the numbers
right away – look at the facts! You will soon have a professional looking resume that will take
an employer no time to figure you out
Online Resume
In today’s world where most job applications are done online, you essentially need to prepare
two resumes. One to submit during a face-to-face interview and the next is one that you
submit online. Employers use electronic searches and enter key search terms to find the
ideal resume. These search terms are the keywords “bait words” in your resume.
Is your resume optimized for keywords? Think of getting a job from a company that you’ve
applied to online like catching a fish – sure there may be plenty of jobs available to apply to,
but you will never be chosen without the right bait. Repetition of bait words is key, sometimes
used 4-5 time within your resume can give you a higher score, and could possibly result in
your resume being chosen.
“Just like SEO, there is logic to how keywords effect ranking. The mere inclusion of a keyword
may not be enough. Relevance, placement and density can be important. Fortunately,
optimizing for these factors can make your resume more interesting to both machines and
humans. Use keywords frequently, including in headlines, profiles and accomplishments
(PARs and SARs). Try to use them towards the beginning of each section, job and
accomplishment.” “How to Tailor a Resume to Get a Job From an Online Posting”, Oubria
Tronshaw, Demand Media.
Repeat exact phrases in the job description, titles, etc. Even add acronyms and customer
names. You could also create variations of the same resume to accommodate for synonyms.
Research a variety of job listings with the same title as the job you’re seeking and then revise
your resume by using the language associated with the position. By using these various
terms for the same position you could essentially cover multiple alternatives of the same
concept within your resume. Employers don’t necessarily search for all of the terms
associated with the job description, but you will increase your chances because whatever
word they search for, you will have accounted for in your variations!
Remember, being found and rejected is still better than not being found at all!
The zenPeak Statistic of How Your Search is Going
In the process of meeting people who are looking for work, we ask a lot of questions. We start
on the telephone then at times we go to a face to face interview so we can “internalize” the
candidate and really get to know them. There is one statistic that tells a lot about how well the
search has been going for the candidate. We focus on the % of telephone interviews vs.
total applications. This stat gives the job seeker something to contemplate, focus on and
If someone applies for 100 positions and gets 20 responses and 8 or 9 telephone interviews
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
and perhaps 6 or 7 face to face interviews, they are (1) most likely applying for jobs they are
really suited for, and (2) if they applied online, their resume is probably filled with repeated
use of “bait” words to get past the initial automated screening.
If they are also getting multiple face to face interviews, not only are they suited to the role, but
they’re doing a good job handling the interview process.
However, if your statistic is quite low, then automatically a red flag should go up in your mind.
Maybe your resume quality and suitability to the role needs to be worked on. Are you
applying to the wrong type of job? Is your resume lousy? Are you not using the right bait
words? You will need to adjust your efforts if you are applying for hundreds of jobs and not
getting responses.
Focus on creating a good, targeted, functional, results-filled, no soft language, “What I Can
Do For You” resume for each opportunity.
To get a sense of your performance in telephone interviews vs. face to face, listen and ask for
feedback from the company. Make notes and ask others what is meant by the interviewer’s
Source: “Looking for a Job? Here is the one statistic that matters the most”, Frank Abrams,
After meeting with our candidates face to face and reviewing their resume with them, the next
step at zenPeak is to create a profile. This is one of the ways that we market our star
candidates. We prepare a mini-profile on each candidate based on our initial face-to-face
meeting and the resume. The profile is a write-up of less than a page, with “talking points” of
everything that we have learned about you. This profile is emailed to potential employers.
Success Stories
Success stories are probably the most important thing you can do within the zenPeak system
that focuses on you and “My Story”. In our face to face meeting we ask you to think about the
2 or 3 major success stories (peak achievements in their career history) that we’ve discussed,
and write up short paragraphs (3-4 sentences max) on each. These stories showcase key
achievements in your career history and capture the interest of the reader; in this case a
hiring manager. Once you have their attention, they will look deeper into “What You Can Do
For Them” in the organization.
A success story should follow these basics:
the problem and the risks of not doing anything about it
what you did, and the results
the feedback you got which confirmed your success
Candidates go through the process of thinking of and creating these success stories (which
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
gets a potential client excited about a candidate). As a result the candidate is better prepared
to relay these successes to the interviewer as it is fresh in their mind.
Preparing, practicing and rehearsing the success stories (and answers to key questions
that we will learn about in the next section) gives the candidates the self-confidence to “sell
themselves” or amplify the “self pitch” during an interview.
Think about driving. When you first get your license and you start driving, your mind is trained
and in tune to concentrated on every single rule of the road. You make sure to follow every
sign, never go over or under the speed limit, watch for pedestrians, check your blind spots,
never change lanes in an intersection etc. Your awareness is heightened in every aspect
when you are behind the wheel for the first time. Now, after years have passed and you’ve
become a seasoned driver, these practices become second nature to you. This is exactly the
same with preparing for the interview process.
Practice your success stories in front of a mirror. Rehearse and rehearse. Make yourself
unconsciously prepared to tell an employer about you! There may be distractions during an
interview, i.e. paper dropped, phone rings etc. But you will be right on track because of your
“You want to have practiced beforehand so that you don’t crumble under the stress of the
situation”…”The people who cope best are those who’ve done their legwork so they can
perform under stress.” “Persuasion”, Arlene Dickinson, 2011.
The #1 job interview question you are most likely to be asked is…“Tell Me
About Yourself!”
So now you have a great resume (both online and one to present to the employer) and you
have secured an interview – now you are ready to prepare for the #1 Job Interview Question!
How you respond to an interviewer’s questions is just as important as the content and visual
portion of your resume. Preparation of answering one major question “Tell me about yourself”
is key when preparing for an interview.
The last thing you want to do when being asked this question is ramble on about something of
no interest to the interviewer or stammer and stumble over a question that should be fairly
easy to answer. You need to intrigue your employer instead of boring or confusing them by
preparing yourself ahead of time. Your answer needs to be no more than 20 – 30 seconds. It
doesn’t have to be a complex answer either. Aim for the “Coles Notes” version of who you
are and then trim it down from there. Here is a simple strategy that involves three basic
guidelines you need to remember for this answer:
A little personal tidbit to show you are a team player – YOU
What your passionate about (what the employer wants) – YOUR PASSION
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
Why you are really excited about the opportunity (this will get the employer excited about you)
You need to share some personal information. Your goal here is to ensure that the
interviewer will feel that you would be a great fit for the company and culture. You can share
some information that is already on your resume like where you currently live, where you are
from originally and something personal related to your family.
You could talk about your kids, spouse, siblings or parents. The flip side of this is that if you
choose not to add any personal tidbits, you could come across as being cold, secretive,
unable to work in a team setting and ultimately not easy to get along with. All leading to your
interview being cut short and sending you right back to the application process. The key to
answering this portion of the question is to make it concise and to the point. Don’t get
involved in a lengthy conversation with follow-up personal answers with the employer: move
quickly onto the next point about you.
Your Passion
Next you should dive right into your passion for what you do at work. This part has to be so
prominent and evident that the interviewer can clearly see that you genuinely love what you
do at work. Be excited about what you do! If you show that you are truly excited about what
you do, it will easily be relayed to your interviewer and will hopefully make an impact. Here
you can share some of your career accomplishments (refer to one or two of your success
stories). This will create a link to what you have to offer and what you can bring to improve
this company. Show the interviewer that you have the skills and talent to do what they need.
Make sure you stay focused and talk only about what you do at work. You don’t need to bring
up anything else that you’re passionate about (ie: travel, sports, music, etc.) Remember, the
reason you are there is to discuss your potential employment.
The Opportunity!
Now you quickly move on to your last point. Say this quote verbatim, “and, I am very excited
about the opportunity to _________ here.” This brings your answer full circle as to why you
are seated in their office in the first place. Let the interviewer see how all the passion, energy
and excitement that you have can easily be transferred over to the opportunity at hand, or any
opportunities for that matter. This final part of the answer shows your interviewer exactly what
type of person you are: someone that will bring energy, enthusiasm and incitement to
projects, teams, corporate culture etc. Someone that they shouldn’t pass up on!
In summary you have answered this most important question by sharing some personal
information about yourself, showing that you are trustworthy, a great team player, and that
you would fit in like a glove. You talked about your work with passion and finished off with
interest and excitement about this new opportunity.
“All you can do, is All you can do”
The zenPeak process is all about integration – Rehearse, Practice, Prepare. Be prepared to
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
practice your answer and your success stories over and over again. Look in the mirror and
recite your answer until you’re comfortable. Make it unconscious – get into gear without even
thinking about it! And don’t worry about it sounding rehearsed – it won’t. It will sound natural,
confident, poised and professional. Also, being prepared will help overcome stress and
pressure. Not being desperate or overwhelmed will also improve your performance.
Some other important things to do before going into the interview are to take the time to
research the company, know your resume inside and out, and think of key examples that will
make you stand out in the crowd.
“Preparation is not fun. It’s the long, hard slog towards success. It’s difficult, grueling even,
and often both frustrating and a little boring.”….”There’s no glory in it. But if you’re not willing
to prepare, you’ll never be ready to seize all of the opportunities that come your way, since the
best ones will require hard work.” “Persuasion”, Arlene Dickinson, 2011.
Know the company: Take some time to research them online. Look up their website and
understand their products or services. What is their mission, vision and values? Find out how
many countries the company is in or how many employees there are globally. Search out
some press releases for any news stories. Being able to congratulate them on an award they
just received will go a long way with being remembered.
Know your resume: Even if you just finished updating it, know what’s on there. Be prepared
to answer questions on anything you have listed on your resume. Be prepared to
answer…“Tell Me About Yourself”. The more familiar you are with your resume, the easier it
will be to answer questions about it. Nothing is worse than being dumbfounded when asked
about something on your resume you have completely forgotten about. The interviewer will
be looking for validation on your part, so the quicker you can confirm information on your
resume, the more trustworthy you will appear. Bring extra copies with you. This is beneficial if
someone else decides to join in the interview and saves time if the interviewer happens to
misplace yours. It shows that you are prepared and thinking ahead. If your references are
not included with your resume, make sure you have extra copies of them with you at the
interview and that they are up to date with current phone numbers and email addresses.
Stand out in the crowd: Think about what you can do to be remembered most out of all the
applicants interviewing for the position. Think about the questions you might be asked,
considering the information on your resume and practice answering in a “what I can do for
you” format. Have examples of situations prepared to back up these answers and make sure
to share numeric results. For example, increasing profit, decreasing costs, large growth
under small budgets, etc.
“Don’t rattle off a list of everything you’ve ever done – talk about why and how what you’ve
done matters to the employer”…. “Focus on the bigger picture of how it will benefit them,”
“Persuasion”, Arlene Dickinson, 2011.
Let your Personality Shine Through: Finally, don’t get hung up on trying to say the right
things in a job interview than equally trying to make a connection. The employer wants to
know how you think rather than repeating verbatim from the company’s website. Being a
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parrot won’t make you stand out, but letting your personality shine through will. “When I hear
passion and personality shining through because someone is really able to convey what
drives and motivates him and how he views success, I’m highly engaged. And if he can link
all that back to my organization, even better. Then we’re ableto have an actual conversation
rather than a job interview.” “Persuasion”, Arlene Dickinson, 2011.
All of the above tips will help you to be successful when interviewing. Success Stories, and
mastering the answer to the #1 Interview Question are key! Rehearse and practice in front of
a mirror! Try practicing with your power suit on, that will sure to make you feel “in the
moment”. (We will talk about your power suit in the next section).
Dress for Success
Dressing appropriate for an interview is an integral part to mastering the first impressions that
we will discuss in the next Phase. You will read in the next phase that you really only have 3
seconds to make that first impression. What you wear and how you look makes up for a huge
portion of that first impression. That initial impression will set the tone for your interview and
can ultimately affect the hiring decision.
Outfit, Shoes, Accessories, Hair, Makeup, Smells etc. all lead to a general perception about
Nicole Williams, LinkedIn’s career expert and best-selling author, agrees. “On a job interview,
your attire makes a statement about yourself before you even open your mouth,” she says. “A
scuffed shoe, a messy bag, or a low cut shirt can speak volumes. You need to wear your
‘power outfit.’ Have a favorite skirt that always makes you feel great when you wear it? Why
not pair that with a blazer? It’s okay to show off your personality through your clothes, as long
as you aren’t wearing a lime green mini skirt. Stick to business-professional looks.” “How To
Dress For Your Next Job Interview”, Jacquelyn Smith, June 20, 2013.
Picture a woman candidate walking in dressed with a low cut shirt, showing lots of cleavage,
heavy makeup, a short red skirt (so short she has problems sitting), and high-heel shoes that
she can’t walk in, going to an interview for a Senior Director position. What message is she
conveying? What is she saying about herself? What will she be able to bring to the
company? Is she showing a lack of respect for the interviewer? Is she showing a lack of
understanding of company etiquette and therefore a general casual carefree attitude towards
work and authority?
“Other common mistakes: Skirts that are too short or tight, too much cleavage, scuffed shoes,
excessive perfume or makeup, “or looking like you walked off the set of Working Girl circa
1985,” Williams says. “The most important thing you bring to an interview is confidence. What
you wear and how you wear it helps convey that. If you aren’t comfortable in your outfit – that
will come across in an interview.” “How To Dress For Your Next Job Interview”,
Jacquelyn Smith, June 20, 2013.
It is extremely important to do some research on the company and find out what the company
attire is before going into the interview. Call the receptionist or the HR department and inquire
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
what the office attire is. Even if the environment is casual, you would still be expected to
dress formal for the initial job interview.
Many companies have actually adopted more of a casual workplace dress code. For
example, if the staff is wearing shorts and a t-shirt, you don’t want to be showing up in a three
piece suit! And alternatively, if everyone is wearing formal business attire, you don’t want to
be that person showing up in shorts and flip flops. It’s so important to give off that impression
that you can easily fit in with the company culture – the hiring manager actually visualizes the
candidate in the position they are trying to fill, so make sure your outfit makes that statement.
When in doubt, always err on the side of conservative! It is always better to be overdressed
than underdressed (or undressed!). If you are unsure of the dress code, a good rule of thumb
would be to dress as if you are going to a dinner party. Bring a jacket/blazer with you, so if
you need to formalize your attire, just throw it on!
If you’ve been out of the job market and interview process for a while, it will probably be a
little intimidating thinking about fitting back into that old suit, finding those good pair of shoes
or even venturing out to the mall to try on and buy a new outfit. Maybe your just not
comfortable wearing a suit or getting dressed up because you haven’t had to do this in quite
some time. However, if you are in a situation where you have to re-enter the workforce or just
entering in for the first time, don’t worry! Dressing the part doesn’t have to be daunting and
difficult. I promise you, if you follow these simple tips and guides (some are so effortless, you
can just use staple items you already have), you will gain the self-confidence to go out and
knock ‘em dead.
Also, if you are feeling self-conscious when you try on your suit, just ask someone you trust
(you don’t have to go to a “mentor”) - your best friend, a sister or even your mother are better
suited to telling you the truth and how to improve. They will have your best interest at heart
and genuinely want you to perform at your best. Asking trusted individuals for their honest
advice on your attire and your overall appearance is a great tip as you will be getting sincere
feedback. Once you are confident in how you look and what you can deliver, there’s no
stopping you.
Here are some tips when thinking about your next outfit for your interview.
Women's Interview Attire
 Solid color, conservative suit
 Suite that lands just above the knee
 Moderate shoes
 Neat, professional hairstyle
Men's Interview Attire
 Solid color, conservative suit
 White long sleeve shirt
 Conservative tie (no Santa Claus or
pink flamingos)
 Dark socks, professional shoes
(buy two dozen pairs of black or
blue socks so you can pick at
random from your sock drawer in
the morning and always have a
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
Women's Interview Attire
Men's Interview Attire
Women's Interview Attire
Men's Interview Attire
Sparse make-up & perfume
Portfolio or briefcase
Coordinated blouse
Limited jewelry
Tan or light hosiery
Manicured nails
Very limited jewelry
Neat, professional hairstyle
Go easy on the aftershave
Neatly trimmed nails
Portfolio or briefcase
Clothing Ideas and Tips for Men and Women
It is a good idea to invest in a few power suits (2-3) because you may be asked to come in for
a second and sometimes third interview. You don’t want to wear the same suit to all three!
“People don’t necessarily notice when you are put together but they 100% notice when you
aren’t. It’s worth it to take the extra step.”
Source: “How To Dress For Your Next Job Interview”, Jacqueline Smith,,
June 20, 2013.
You don’t have to go to Harry Rosen and pay up to $1000 for a suit on clearance to look
great. There are many stores for men and women that sell affordable great looking
professional suits. Trendy mall boutiques like Zara, H&M, Club Monaco and Banana Republic
all have affordable and modern styles to men’s suits. You can shop at traditional suit stores
like Moors, Tip Top Tailors and department stores like Sears and the Bay that specialize in
tailoring and fitting or dedicate a huge section to professional suits. At all of these places, a
good suit shouldn’t cost you more than $300 – probably much less. Also remember to ensure
that you have your suit hemmed and tailored appropriately. A better fit will increase your selfconfidence! Also remember to dry-clean your suits, never machine wash at home – it’s worth
the extra $10.
If you feel like avoiding the trendy mall hopping scene, and wanted to make your inner diva
shine, then why not try shopping at some stylish independent suit shops? Here are a few
around Toronto that offer great suits that are also inexpensive:
GOTSTYLE, 489 King St. W.
One of its least expensive suit brands is J.Fedders from Denmark. These suits are more slimfitting and give off a modern look. Suits start at $450, however if you wanted to spend more
money and have a custom tailored suit, your looking at around $850.
TOM’S PLACE, 190 Baldwin St.
This suit shop located in the Kensington Market and has a huge selection of brand-name suits
at discount prices – some even starting at $175.
HOLT RENFREW LAST CALL, Vaughan Mills Shopping Centre, 1 Bass Pro Hills Dr.
Located in Vaugh Mills Mall, you can find many brand names suits (Prada, Dolce & Gabbana
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
and Armani) at discount prices. Designer suits starts at $599.
For women, 2-3 power suits are also recommended and can also be purchased at the stores
listed above, as well as others that will be listed at the end of this section. However, never
overlook the power of a pair of classic black slacks. These are an essential part of a woman's
interview wardrobe. Invest in a pair of quality black dress pants that fit well and will hold up
after many wears. Once you have a good pair of dress pants, its’ easy to dress them up or
down! You can pair your dress pants with a button down dress shirt and a blazer for a formal
look or with a sweater for a business casual look.
When looking for some button down shirts to wear to your interview, you don’t have to be
boring and limit yourself to the basic colours. You can experiment with fabrics, like silk chiffon
(with a black camisole underneath). Camel colours also work well, and looks tasteful and
professional. Remember to keep the neckline modest. Make sure your bra is covered at all
times, avoid showing cleavage and try to tuck your button down shirt in your trousers to give
off a “put together” look.
Many women are now sporting a bright coloured dress to their interview. Remember to keep
it modest however, so colours like a muted turquoise or deep red would be in good taste. If
you are going with a bright colour dress, then avoid accessories, low necklines or short length
- keep it to knee length. Also remember that the classic black dress is a staple for women’s
attire in the workplace. You can keep it professional and modern by wearing one with capped
sleeves. You can dress up your simple black dress with a pair of subtle textured tights (no
fishnets!). All you will need to complete this look would be a nice professional pair of black
heels or black flats.
Never underestimate the power of the classic v-neck sweater. You can pair a button down
blouse with a v-neck sweater for a classic versatile look. You could wear this with a pair of
black dress pants or a skirt. Even dress it down with khakis! This combination can create a
variety of looks with only a few pieces. Invest in three pairs of button downs, and three vneck sweaters (which all will coordinate with eachother) and then you will have 9 different
tops that you can mix and match with different bottoms!
Some stores that sell tons of various types of dress shirts, cardigans, sweaters, dress pants,
shirts etc. that can all be mixed and matched at an affordable price (and go from petite sizes
to plus sizes) are: Ricki’s, Reitmans, Laura, Jones New York, Melanie Lynn, Mexx, Smart Set,
Suzy Shier, Jacob, RW & Co., H&M and Le Chateau. At Ricki’s they even show you 7 or 8
articles of clothing that can all be coordinated to make many different outfits and styles.
Remember to check out all of their websites for ideas!
Shoes are extremely important in completing your entire outfit. You could have the most
expensive designer suit on, with matching accessories, but if you are wearing old tattered
scuffed up shoes, then your overall appearance will suffer. Women should consider wearing
low, conservative and comfortable heels. However if you can’t wear heels to save your life,
than you can sport a pair of “power flats!” Men should invest in a pair of loafers, or lace-up
dress shoes. Remember to buff them up to a shine before your interview and avoid shoes
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that expose your toes!
Again, you don’t have to pay a fortune for great shoes. Many shoe stores have discounted
prices on almost all of their selection. Just to name a few stores: Aldo, Town Shoes, Moors,
Spring, the Shoe Company, Nine West. Department stores like Sears and the Bay have a
huge selection of formal shoe attire. Most of these stores will carry handbags, wallets and
other accessories as well. Consider GLOBO shoes or even Payless Shoes for that matter.
There is a huge selection of affordable footwear for your next interview. Why not go online
before heading out and check out the websites of these stores (a list of them will be at the
end of this section) – they usually have their latest seasonal line up on the website and tips!
Source: “Dress for Success” Alison Doyle,
Fragrances and Accessories
Many people are allergic to scents and fragrances or have problems smelling strong scents,
so you don’t want to cause problems as soon as you enter the building. Avoid strong
aftershave, cologne or perfumes. The standard is to avoid scents except for natural smelling
ones. However, if you are the type of person that can’t live without wearing your favorite
fragrance because it’s your secret weapon and a part of your general makeup, then please
follow these tips:
Tip One: Wear perfume in places that the interviewer will not come in contact with, for
example, behind your ears, on the insides of your wrists and on the back of your neck.
Subtlety is key.
Tip Two: Do not spray perfume on your clothes. Not only will it ruin your clothes, but the
fragrance will be overpowering and will linger. Every time you move it will be like a punch in
the face with your overwhelming perfume.
Tip Three: Take it easy when spraying on your perfume. One time is enough – it’s not air
freshener! If it is still strong in a closed room then wipe some of it off with a washcloth or
change your clothes.
Tip Four: Avoid using strong shampoos, conditioners, hairspray, body oils, body sprays and
fragrance glitter too. You’re not getting away with anything by not using actual perfume but
wearing powerful cosmetics in other areas. Sometimes those products are more intense in
smell and will cause more damage.
Source: “Is wearing perfume or cologne on a job interview a bad decision? Shamontiel
In the end it’s important to keep in mind that you are going for a job interview to showcase
your skills, accomplishments and what you can bring to the company. The interview should
be focused on your answers, attire, facial expressions and body language. A harsh smell can
come in the way of the overall interview experience and can ultimately affect the hiring
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
Accessories are also very important for both men and women. It’s this little attention to detail
that can affect your overall look – less is more. Remember to polish your shoes and
sometimes a nice belt can go a long way. Try to stay away from using too much jewelry (stay
away from large distracting hoop earrings for example). Non-flashy watches are fine and one
ring is preferable. Ultimately the key is to remember that you want that interviewer to picture
you behind the desk in the office of the position that you are interviewing for – fitting in
perfectly the corporate culture.
Hair and Personal Grooming
Pay attention to your hair and facial appearance. You don’t want to go in to an interview with
unkempt hair and a forest growing out of your nose. For men, the ideal look is short in the
back and short on the sides. Men should get a haircut a few days prior to the interview so
you can practice how to wear it. Please ensure you have a shower in the morning of your
interview and avoid the gel and goopy wax style – skip the spiky look for your interview. This
gives the impression of being level headed, professional and in control. It shows your care
about your appearance, the job and that you mean business.
In terms of facial hair, most resources state that you should go clean shaven to give off the
impression of looking distinguished. However, if you insist on keeping your facial hair, than it
must, without question be properly trimmed. Going in to an interview with un-groomed facial
hair is like going in with a “DO NOT HIRE ME” sign on your forehead.
Source: “How to groom for a job interview”, Will Holloway,
For women, remember to get a trim and have a colour touch up. Avoid going in to an
interview with your roots down to your ears or pink streaks in your hair. Hair should be clean
and conservative.
Think natural and neutral when it comes to makeup. A good example would be TV
broadcasters, they use makeup, but it looks quite natural. Stay away from bright colours and
leave the red sexy lipstick for Saturday night. Make sure your make-up and foundation is
well-blended and do not forget the neck area.
Another tip would be to leave your fake nails and long eyelashes at home. You don’t want to
look like you are going to be afraid to break a nail or that you are in drag. Use neutral or
sheer colour on your nails and keep them short and clean.
Once you land your job, remember to keep up your professional appearance. Remember
“Dress For The Job You Want, Not The Job You Have”. Don’t dress like how your peers
dress, dress how management dresses, if that is what you are aspiring to be. When you are
dressed for success, your mind only naturally will be geared towards success. Look the
part…be the part!
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
Store Websites
Store Names
Zara Canada
H&M Canada
Club Monaco
Banana Republic Canada
Le Chateau
Tip Top Tailors
Laura Canada
Jones New York
Melanie Lynn Canada
Mexx Canada
Smart Set Canada
Suzy Shier
Jacob Canada
Aldo Canada
Town Shoes
Spring Canada
The Shoe Company
Nine West Canada
Unisex Apparel
Men’s Apparel
Women’s Apparel
Anxiety, Stress and Ways to Cope
Are you one of those people that suffer from severe anxiety and stress right before a job
interview? Maybe you are great in other social settings, but when you think of being in a
closed room, having to sell yourself to a complete stranger who is in a position of authority,
knowing that you are being evaluated and judged on your appearance, demeanor, every word
you say and every move you make – stress kicks in and now you’ve been transported to a
world beyond anxiety with no way out. This is an even worse combination for those that
actually suffer from Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). If you do suffer from SAD, there are formal
treatments such as medication or cognitive-behavioral therapy, but there are other strategies
that you can use to help ease the burden of severe anxiety and stress before an interview.
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
Consider practicing some of these remedies right when you start your job search, so that it
will become part of your routine. You might even start seeing a change in your anxiety levels
before you even have to walk into an interview.
Physical Remedies
This includes getting rid of anxiety-inducing foods from your diet. Think about slowly reducing
some of these common anxiety provoking foods:
Coffee: If you need your morning coffee to function for the rest of the day, try switching to
decaf or decaf tea or even water for just a few weeks. Try it out and see if you find there is a
reduction in your stress levels over this trial period.
Sugar and starch: Many use these foods as a treat or a vice for coping with stress, however
the impact on your blood sugar can actually make your emotions feel like if you are on a roller
coaster. Try replacing these with fruits and veggies to avoid these sugar highs and lows.
Alcohol/Smokes: After a stressful day at work, many unwind over a few drinks or smoking.
Booze can make stress go away for a while, but the after effects negate the temporary lull that
you feel. Because alcohol is a depressant, it can end up having a negative effect on your
mood in the long run. Try avoid drinking every day and when you do drink (sparingly) make
sure to hydrate to avoid having a stressful hangover. Cigarettes cause numerous breathing,
skin and health problems. Also, the fact that nicotine is the most addictive drug in the world
(more addictive than heroin or cocaine) it is the most difficult drug to quit and results in
dependency issues.
Mood-Enhancing Foods: Maintaining a healthy body with a balanced diet can often stabilize
your mood. If you’re getting the right kind of nutrients, your body will be in a better position to
combat anxiety and stress. Try incorporating high antioxidant foods like blueberries and Acai
berries. Also high mineral foods like bran, dark chocolate, and almonds are high in
magnesium and potassium which is needed to combat anxiety.
Exercise: Studies have shown that regular exercise relieves symptoms of everyday anxiety
and also helps to treat anxiety disorders. Consider giving yoga a try. The soothing
atmosphere of yoga classes with the opportunity to be quiet and focus internally is extremely
conducive to calming anxiety. If exercising stresses you out, then just go low impact. Just
walking around your neighborhood is a great way to relieve anxiety and get you moving.
Breathing: When you are stressed, you tend to breath at a more rapid rate, which will stress
you out even more. Instead try focusing on bringing in air to the lower portion of your lungs
and breathe in as deeply as possible. This will decrease your blood pressure, relax your
muscles and calm your nerves.
Mental Remedies
Keep a Journal: When you feel anxious, write down your thoughts about what is affecting
your mood. By writing down your thoughts, you will be able to address the situations that may
be prompting your anxiety and figure out ways to alleviate them or make them easier for you.
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
Practice meditation. Relaxation and meditation routines are very effective at lowering
anxiety levels. Guided meditation is a good option for beginners and can be done by listening
to a CD or watching a video on Youtube as it incorporates soothing sounds and relaxing
music. Mindfulness meditation involves finding a quiet space for a few minutes to focus on
the thought patters that create your anxiety. The idea is to focus on them until they fade away
and your mind is clear. Whatever way you choose, meditation is a useful tool to combat
anxiety and stress.
Ask for help. Many people find talking about their anxiety or being allowed a space to vent is
very beneficial as it often creates a cathartic release. Just the mere exercise of putting your
stress into words can be helpful. Consider speaking with a therapist, or if it is severe,
possibly get a doctor involved. Chronic and severe anxiety can be debilitating, so enlisting
the help of a psychiatrist should be done sooner than later.
Medicinal Remedies
Natural Remedies: Many herbal teas and supplements are known to decrease symptoms of
anxiety. Try chamomile (similar to anti-depressant drugs), ginseng (reduce body stress),
Kava Kava (sedative effect to relieve anxiety) or Valerian root (sedative properties).
Anti-anxiety drugs. If you are experiencing prolonged effects of anxiety, you need to speak
to a doctor to come up with a treatment plan.
Remember to consult your doctor before you take herbal supplements, or if you are beginning
a new physical activity routine.
Source: “How to Deal with Anxiety”, Andy Zhang,
Phase 2: During the Interview
You’ve fixed up your resume (prepared an online and paper copy), poured over hundreds of
job postings, applied to some, and now you have an interview. Congratulations!
First Impressions
Remember, an interviewer can develop an initial impression of you just within the first 3
seconds of meeting you (all before you open your mouth). This initial impression can set the
tone of the entire interview and can also affect the final hiring decision, so it better be a good
“Hiring is at least as much about likeability as skill set, so make sure focus on the people as
much as the content. Even little things like your smile, handshake, eye contact, listening,
and being friendly can add up and make a huge difference.” “Why You Didn't Get The Job -It's Not Just About Your Credentials”, Annette Richmond,
First of all, make sure to plan to arrive 10 minutes early. This gives you a chance to have a
few moments to organize your thoughts and take a few deep, relaxing breaths. It also shows
the interviewer that you respect their time and will be a prompt employee. Make sure you
know the location of the office, the floor and suite number if necessary. Do a test run ahead
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
of time and see how long it takes you to drive, park and enter the building so you know how
much time you will need on the day of. Make sure you do your test run around the same time
as the interview is scheduled for.
Other than obvious things like arriving 10 minutes early with 2 copies of your resume, locating
the office, knowing the floor and suite number, checking out the parking and any traffic issues
in advance, and checking your teeth in the car mirror to make sure there are no green things
stuck in there, there are several things you can do to make sure you walk in to your interview
feeling confident, calm and ready to impress.
Make sure your Body and your Mouth are speaking the same Language!
Here are a few body language enemies to conquer to show interviewers they have the right
person: Posture, Hands, Arms, Eyes and Expression.
Posture: The first thing an employer will see will be you sitting, standing or walking into their
office. So be sure to have good posture. A straight back and head forward, the key to good
posture is to imagine the top of your head has a string attaching it to the ceiling. Not only is
this posture showing confidence and self –assurance, it’s good for your health!
Hands are Arms: Your hands sometimes tend to have a mind of their own. Make sure you
are aware of what they are doing. Positions to avoid are hands in your pockets, arms behind
your back, or crossed over your chest. These comfortable and common positions can
mislead your intentions.
 Hands in pockets indicates you are overly casual and or have a lack of interest to the
situation at hand.
 Hands behind your back can make you seem overly stiff and some people find this
pose suspicious or aggressive.
 Arms crossed over your chest can be interpreted as defensive, lazy or uninterested.
 The best place for your arms is resting comfortably by your sides.
Also remember to avoid fidgeting: Hands tend to do what they may when nerves set in.
Play with hair, tap the desk, scratch, whatever your nervous habit may be, it usually comes
out with your hands. Keep aware of what they are doing and if you can use them to show
your interest, the better. You want your hands to show interest and energy in what you are
saying but you don’t want them to go over board and become distracting or aggressive, or
even passive and dismissing.
Eye Contact: Eye contact is important for many reasons but mostly because it shows you are
engaged and interested. The subtle eye movements can also undermine your success if you
are being untruthful.
Studies show that eye direction says what part of the brain is being used.
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
 Direct, forward eye contact shows confidence and assurance in what is being said (ie.
 If you look upwards, you are accessing memory
 If you look down it implies you are being dishonest. This one is a tricky one for those
of us who are shy but an important one to be aware of!
Making eye contact and maintaining for the appropriate length of time is also crucial. Making
eye contact should always be done but don’t break it too quickly otherwise you seem like you
are hiding something or lack confidence, but don’t hold it so long that it becomes creepy or
And to complete the ideal package, make sure your expressions match your intention. Have
you ever seen someone who didn’t smile when then told a joke? It’s awkward and you don’t
know if they are serious or not! This is the same way in interviews, make sure you facial
expression and your vocal tone are in sync. Are you smiling too much? or just plain stone
faced? This will probably require a little practice in front of a mirror or with a friend to be sure
what you can’t see is still working for you.
The Handshake: The handshake is actually a crucial part of the interview. Research has
been done regarding the impact of a handshake at the beginning of the interview, and it has
been found that the first impression begins with the handshake, and that sets the tone for the
entire interview. “The handshake is one of the first nonverbal clues we get about the person’s
overall personality and that impression is what we remember.” “Good Handshake Key to
Interview Success”, Gayle Hallgren-Rezac,
Some tips for a great handshake are:
Aim for a firm and solid handshake – but definitely not bone crushing. You’re not trying
to intimidate your interviewer!
Avoid the “finger tips” handshake; make an actual hand-to-hand connection.
Shake up and down. That is the correct motion of a handshake – not a sideways or a
circular motion.
Shake the hand three or four times – that’s it! Don’t over shake the interviewer’s hand
(you’re not long lost friends meeting for the first time in years – and if you are, it could
possibly be a conflict of interest)
Manage your sweaty palms, if applicable – This can become a challenge, but it can be
helped with practice. The more hands you shake in a stressful situation, the drier it will
be when you shake hands with the fifth or sixth person, let’s say. Practice makes a
huge difference. Also, before you go in, wash your hands in the bathroom, or bring a
wet nap. Unclench your fists to let a little air in. Finally when
your interviewer is
in sight, make sure to wipe your hand on your pant leg (discretely ofcourse) before
standing up to shake. We will talk about the “wrap-up” handshake in the next Phase.
Again, make and hold eye contact with the other person when you are shaking their
hand. If you don’t do that, it doesn’t matter how firm and confident your handshake is.
A good tip would be to try to figure out the color of the interviewer’s eyes. That way
you will definitely make good eye contact during your first handshake,
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
“Good Handshake Key to Interview Success”, Gayle Hallgren-Rezac,
The interview can be tough, but remember to go in confident! They wouldn’t have called you
for an interview if they didn’t suspect you have what they need. Follow these tips (checklist
below) and you will be prepared during your interview.
Key points – timing, appearance, handshake, body language
 Come with 2 perfect clean copies of same resume the interviewer has – don’t assume
they have it ready even if they say they do
 Arrive exactly 10 min early
 To answer a convoluted behavioural interview question, reflect & repeat it back in a
simpler way… “if you are asking me how would I deal with problems with a co-worker. I
would …
 No gum and no smoking the same day of your interview
 Dress for success and to impress
 Listen to the interviewer and their questions
 Practice short answers – cope with silence for a few seconds with a smile
 Be ready to answer the #1 Job Interview Question “Tell me about yourself” (include a
bit about yourself and bring it back to your passion and the opportunity)
 Stay on message –– answer what is asked in short answers
 Make sure to research the company so you are prepared to answer the interviewer’s
question about the company “Do you know what we do?” Start the answer with “from
what I understand…”
 Make eye contact
 Have good posture
 Ask permission to take a few notes then do it occasionally especially if the interviewer
is doing an information dump as if you have already been hired
Sample Interview Questions
As we have stated above, rehearsing and preparation are key to success in the interview.
“For a job interview, you need to go through the whole persuasion process: prepare
intensively, listen quietly, try to understand the subtext, and deliver a pitch that stresses the
benefits to the other party.” “Persuasion”, Arlene Dickinson, 2011.
However practicing your responses to some top interview questions will also be beneficial, as
you will be prepared with the best answer to these questions (and versions of them).
Whatever question the interviewer throws at you, you will already have rehearsed your
answers, and be able to answer quickly and intelligently.
Below are some 2013 questions just released by the team.
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
Most Common Interview Questions
What are your strengths?
Why are you interested in working for [insert
company name here]?
Why do you want to leave your current
What are your weaknesses?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
10 years?
Why was there a gap in your
employment between [insert date] and
[insert date]?
What can you offer us that someone else can What are three things your former
manager would like you to improve on?
Are you willing to relocate?
Are you willing to travel?
Tell me about an accomplishment you are
Tell me about a time you made a
most proud of.
What is your dream job?
How did you hear about this position?
What would you look to accomplish in the
Discuss your resume.
first 30 days/60 days/90 days on the job?
Discuss your educational background.
Describe yourself.
Tell me how you handled a difficult situation.
Why should we hire you?
Why are you looking for a new job?
Would you work holidays/weekends?
How would you deal with an angry or irate
What are your salary
requirements? (Hint: if you’re not sure
what’s a fair salary range and
compensation package, research the
job title and/or company on Glassdoor.)
Give a time when you went above and
Who are our competitors?
beyond the requirements for a project.
What was your biggest failure?
What motivates you?
What’s your availability?
Who’s your mentor?
Tell me about a time when you disagreed
How do you handle pressure?
with your boss.
What is the name of our CEO?
What are your career goals?
What gets you up in the morning?
What would your direct reports say
about you?
What were your bosses’
If I called your boss right now and
asked him what is an area that you
could improve on, what would he say?
Are you a leader or a follower?
What was the last book you’ve read for
What are your co-worker pet peeves?
What are your hobbies?
What is your favorite website?
What makes you uncomfortable?
What are some of your leadership
How would you fire someone?
What do you like the most and least about
Would you work 40+ hours a week?
working in this industry?
What questions haven’t I asked you?
What questions do you have for me?
Source: “Most Common Interview Questions”, Glassdoor Team, January 10th, 2013.
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
In addition to the common questions above, most employers today always ask a few
behavioral questions so that they can identify how you handled a particular situation in your
past and what the outcome. The idea here is that if you were successful in the past in a
situation, you will bring the same strategies and thought processes to your current position,
i.e. your past performance will indicate the future performance.
5 Common Behavioral Questions
1. Tell me about a time you had a conflict with someone within the organization.
Here the hiring manager wants to find out if you had a conflict with a co-worker or a manager,
maybe due to the differences in personalities, temperament etc. How did you handle this
dispute and what was the end result? The interviewer is trying to understand how you
resolved the difference with the other person – what was your response to the situation?
2. Tell me about a time you worked on a challenging team project.
Are you a team player? How well do you work as part of a collaborative team working on a
high profile project? The interviewer wants to see if you can handle various dynamic
personalities within a team.
3. Do you prefer to work alone or with others?
Many interviewers ask this question to see whether or not you can adapt to working
independently or in a team environment (whether or not you are more inclined to one or the
4. Tell me about a time you took a leadership role.
This question is usually geared towards more senior level roles. It is a classic behavioral
question that companies ask to see if the candidate has any leadership potential and
5. What’s the most difficult problem you had to solve? or Tell me about a time you had to
come up with a creative solution to a problem?
The interviewer wants to see if you understand what problems solving entails and what type
of approach you take. Do you run to your Manager for the solution to ever single minute
problem? Do you handle it head-on by yourself?
During the interview, if you are unsure about how to answer the question, you can always ask
politely for clarification. Try to include these points in your answer:
A specific situation
The tasks that needed to be done
The action you took
The results i.e. what happened
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
There are really no right or wrong answers to behavioral questions (aside from talking about a
situation where you went off the deep-end and got fired, arrested or lost the company money).
The Interviewer is just trying to understand how you behaved in a given situation, and how
you respond is essential. Listen carefully, be clear and detailed when you respond, and most
importantly, be honest – people can almost always pick up when you are making up a story.
Source: Donna Fuscaldo “5 Behavioral Interview Questions Employers Should Ask”, April 30, 2013.
Oddball Interview Questions
More recently companies are thinking out-of –the-box when it comes to interview questions.
More and more companies are starting to ask unconventional “oddball” questions to
determine a candidate’s ability to think on their feet, think critically, problem solve and
effectively talk through a response. The interviewer will be looking for whether your response
can be seen to fit in with the position and company culture. There definitely isn’t a right or
wrong answer to these odd questions, but they are nonetheless quite tricky and can totally
catch you off-guard. With this in mind, it would be in a candidate’s best interest not only to
prepare for the traditional questions, but also spend some time on these “unusual” ones as
Here is the 2013 Top 25 Oddball Interview Questions”
"If you were to get rid of
one state in the US, which
would it be and why?"
Company Asking
Forrester Research
Possible Answer
9/9 people found this
response helpful:
“I wouldn't get rid of any of
the states because they all
play a part in making this
country great.” By Lisa.
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
"How many cows are in
Company Asking
"How many quarters would
you need to reach the
height of the Empire State
"A penguin walks through
that door right now wearing
a sombrero. What does he
say and why is he here?"
Clark Construction Group
Possible Answer
11/12 people found this
response helpful:
"First I would have to know
are we talking all cows or
cows for producing dairy, or
brown cows, female
cows.....etc.?" My
interviewer said, "All cows."
I said, "Well first we have to
know how many farms are
in Canada. Then we could
find out the maximum
number of cows each farm
is allowed to have and
research with the dept. of
Agriculture whether all of
the registered farms are at
maximum occupancy. We
also have to take into
consideration are their
pregnant cows, and how
many are slaughtered each
month, there has to be an
allowance with that also."
By Selina.
I personally liked the
response “Let me Google
No answers listed on but stated that this
question has become one
of the most bizarre
interview questions of the
1/1 people found this
response helpful:
“I imagine he would say
upon seeing my smiling
face, "Hire this man
immediately and double no, triple his salary!” by Jim.
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
Company Asking
"What songs best describes Dell
your work ethic?"
"Jeff Bezos walks into your
office and says you can
have a million dollars to
launch your best
entrepreneurial idea. What
is it?
"What do you think about
when you are alone in your
"How would you rate your
Possible Answer
5/6 people found this
response helpful:
“Don't worry, be happy. It
reminds us that life is
wonderful, live it up to its
fullest each day, and enjoy
all the ups, downs,
negatives and positives.
Don't worry, be happy is a
daily reminder to do just
that.” By Shane.
6 of 6 people found this
“It is not probably what they
want to hear but the thing
any sane entrepreneur
when offered an investment
would ask is "on what
conditions?". Being offered
$1M means nothing if, for
example, in return Bezos
wants 99% of your
company.” By
entrepreneurial answer.
1 of 1 people found this
“Where’s my chauffeur? He
ought to be here now.” By
10 of 10 people found this
“Great. I can't think of
anything I have forgotten.”
By Tia.
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
"Name 3 previous Nobel
Prize Winners.”
Company Asking
Possible Answer
1 of 2 people found this
“You really need to think
about what your answer to
this communicates. If you
answer MLK, Desmond
Tutu, and Mother Theresa,
you have communicated
something to your
interviewer that's different
than if you answer Paul
Samuelson, Milton
Friedman, and Paul
Krugman. It's a very clever
question. The candidate is
tricked into thinking that his
knowledge is being tested,
when the interviewer is
really trying to figure out
what the candidate thinks is
important in life.” By Scott.
8 of 8 people found this
“Although I am clearly
qualified to multi-task, I
would be doing my client a
disservice by providing
them with alliteration when
they would seem to be
more interested in the
features and benefits of a
potential product.” By Emiri.
"Can you say: 'Peter
Pepper Picked a Pickled
Pepper' and cross-sell a
washing machine at the
same time?”
"If we came to your house
for dinner, what would you
prepare for us?"
Trader Joe’s
2 of 2 people found this
“That depends, are you
vegetarian, vegan?” by
“How would people
communicate in a perfect
2 of 2 people found this
“With kindness and mutual
respect.” By Anonymous
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
"How do you make a tuna
Company Asking
Astron Consulting
Possible Answer
1 of 2 people found this
“Two ways: From a can,
solid white albacore tuna,
Helman's mayo, sweet and
dill pickle, onion, mixed and
spread on what ever bread
is on hand. Or, fresh mahimahi, marinated in teriaki,
lightly grilled and served on
toasted sourdough bread
with paper-thin sliced sweet
onion.” By J. Acklin.
"My wife and I are going on
vacation, where would you
5 of 6 people found this
“I would first ask a couple of
1. What type of vacation do
you prefer: a) On the
beach, b) outdoor + sports,
c) sightseeing + culture, d)
party + seek contact to
persons of the opposite
sex, e) shopping.
2. What time of the year do
you want to go?
3. What budget do you
4. How long do you want to
5. Depending on answer to
question 1, I would ask one
last question about
Then I would make a
recommendation.” By
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
“You are a head chef at a
restaurant and your team
has been selected to be on
Iron Chef. How do you
prepare your team for the
competition and how do
you leverage the
competition for your
“Estimate how many
windows are in New York”
Company Asking
Possible Answer
1 of 1 people found this
“SWOT analysis”. By
Bain & Company
"What's your favorite song?
Perform it for us now.”
Living Social
6 of 6 people found this
“Divide and conquer. I may
not know the answer to the
question, but I can
determine the answer
because I can approximate
two supporting questions:
- How many people are in
New York (City or State,
- How many windows, on
average, does each person
have (home, car, work,
shopping center, ....)
I'll say 10M in NYC and 10
windows per person so my
answer is 100M windows in
NYC.” By Bill.
7 of 7 people found this
“My favourite song is
Moonlight Sonata, and I
would be happy to perform
it for you now. Where's the
piano?” by Jim.
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
"Calculate the angle of two
clock pointers when time is
Company Asking
Bank of America
"Have you ever stolen a
pen from work?"
Jiffy Software
"Pick two celebrities to be
your parents."
Urban Outfitters
"What kitchen utensil would
you be?"
"If you had turned you cell
phone to silent, and it rang
really loudly despite it being
on silent, what would you
tell me?
“On a scale from one to ten, Kraft Food
rate me as an interviewer."
Possible Answer
9 of 10 people found this
“Here's a simple way to look
at it. If the hour hand was
exactly on 12 then the
angle would be 60 degrees.
However since the hour
hand is just short (by 10
minutes) of the twelve, you
need to subtract 10 minutes
x .5 degrees per minute
giving you 60 - (.5 x 10) or
60 - 5 = 55 degrees.” By
4 of 4 people found this
“Yes, but not on purpose.”
by Interview Candidate.
1 of 1 people found this
“Without your parents you
would not exist. They are
the celebrities in your life”
by Sylvia.
3 of 3 people found this
“a spatula, so I can pick
things up and see the other
side so I get a clear picture
of what is going on.” By
5 of 5 people found this
“Sorry for the interruption, a
silent mode failure, if it
would be a biomedical
engineering problem I
would have fixed it right
away - then take off the
battery.” Ektormelendez
6 of 6 people found this
“Who needs scales? You're
doing a great job. Keep it
up.” By Jen.
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
"If you could be anyone
else, who would it be?"
Company Asking
"How would you direct
someone else on how to
cook an omelet?"
Possible Answer
4 of 4 people found this
“Why would I want to be
somebody else?” by Shane.
2 of 2 people found this
“I would direct them to an
internet search engine and
suggest they figure it out for
themselves, just like I did!”
by Jim.
Source: Glassdoor Team,, January 11th, 2013
How to Answer Oddball Questions
These oddball questions are really just thrown at you out in left field and most of the time,
have nothing at all to do with the job. However, how you answer them is critical to the
outcome of the interview.
It’s obvious that the company does not want to know exact figures and statistics, but they do
want to know your thought processes and how much detail you will give when answering the
question. Here are some examples to help you better handle these oddball questions.
1. “How many cows are in Canada?” asked by Google.
You don’t have to have a degree in agriculture to successfully answer this question. You just
have to respond in a creative way without straying away from professionalism. Just
internalize the question, politely ask for clarification if necessary, pick apart the question
intelligently and answer to the best of your abilities. Remember, if you’re stumped, it’s better
to say something intelligent, than say “I don’t know”.
2. “Estimate how many windows are in New York” asked by Bain & Company.
This question obviously asks you to respond with a number. Just show the interviewer that
you can respond with an interesting answer and that you can think on your feet. These types
of problem solving questions are asked because your answer will help the interviewers
determine if you are a cultural fit. You should start by picking the question apart, first estimate
how many people are in the city, how many windows on average does each individual have
then multiply them together. This shows your ability of deductive reasoning and that you will
be able to successfully attack issues that arrive on the job.
3. “A penguin walks through that door right now wearing a sombrero. What does he say and
why is he here?” asked by Clark Construction Group.
Sometimes it is a good idea to show some humour, but obviously not past the point of
professionalism. Here you could say something like, “you should hire _____ because she
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
would bring ______ to the organization, or because she is so _____”. You could do a little
self-pitch here: show some humour, showcase your skills and come off as being likeable and
4. “What songs best describes your work ethic?” asked by Dell.
These types of questions allow for lots of creativity. If you are really thrown off, take a little
time to collect your thoughts before answering. It is better to have a clear, concise and
creative answer, than to stammer your way through it and come across as nervous and
awkward. Give an answer that would describe your work ethic. For example, “’I’m a Rolling
Stone,’ because I take it as it comes!” Creativity is key.
When answering these oddball questions, just keep the following in mind:
If you don’t understand, ask politely for some clarification. For example, “to help me
better address your question, could you provide more detail as to how the problem relates to
how problems are solved here?’” Ask politely and tastefully as you don’t want to come across
as being defensive or avoiding the question.
Do your homework and know the company’s products, services, culture and values.
This way you can throw some of these points into your answer and sound very
Take a deep breath, slow down, internalize the question, sound out your thought
processes and walk the interviewer through how you are coming to your answer.
Answer in a creative way. You want to stand out and make the interviewer remember you!
Showcase your skills and show them just how well you can perform under pressure!
Remember, the interviewer doesn’t expect you to know exactly to the decimal how many
cows there are in Canada, but they will be happy to know that you have done your homework,
have clear thought processes and can think fast and effectively on your feet.
Source: How to Answer Oddball Interview Questions, Heather Huhman, January 15th, 2013
Preparing for the Telephone Interview
Lots of companies prefer to conduct telephone (screening) interviews before inviting
candidates to a face-fact in-person interview. It is very important to prepare for the telephone
interview exactly as you have for the in-person interview. Practice, Rehearse and Prepare is
just as important as ever. Many candidates feel as though the interview will be so much
easier if it’s done on the phone, because you don’t have to dress up and worry about how
professional you look, and you’re also in the comfort of your own home so you can feel more
relaxed. Letting yourself slide into this complacent mode will not make you successful in the
telephone interview. The impression you create in the opening moments, and the manner
with which you present yourself will determine whether or not you will be successful.
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
Tips for Before and During the Telephone Interview
Research: Similar to the preparation we’ve already stated, make sure you check the website
and learn about the company’s mission, vision, values, any awards, offices etc. Candidates
often receive a rejection letter because the interviewer reports that “they can’t see the person
in the job.” Since it’s even tougher to show you’re in sync over the phone, you will need to
demonstrate that you understand the company’s culture and can integrate yourself into it. Be
Prepare Questions: If you have any questions about the company or position, make sure to
jot them all down on a notebook close to the phone (have a notepad and pen ready), so that
you can ask when the interviewer prompts you for questions.
Have your Resume printed and infront of you: Not only should you know your resume
inside and out, but have a copy of it so that you can easily refer to it if the interviewer asks a
specific question about your timeline etc.
Practice Answers: As stated above, make sure you have practiced your answer the #1 Job
Interview Question, Internalized your Success Stories, and have a good handle on common,
behavioral and oddball questions. Another tip would be to use a voice recorder to actually
hear how you sound! If you sound dull and uninterested, change up your tone and intonation.
Why not do a mock interview with a trusted friend and get feedback on how your voice
Dress the part: Even though you aren’t going to an office or boardroom, it always helps by
dressing as though you were. You will mentally put yourself in the role and answer much
more professionally – even if you are sitting in your living room. Your voice changes when
you’re wearing business attire as opposed to casual clothing. Your tone, infection and even
word choice automatically becomes more professional if you look the part. A good tip is to
print the interviewer’s picture or have it on your screen (from Linkedin) and even their bio.
You’ll feel even more like if you’re meeting face-to-face. Also make sure you smile! The
interviewer can sense you smiling over the phone.
No Interruptions: “Background noise is interview kryptonite.” Make sure your interview
place is a very quiet place in the house and make sure you have someone to watch the dog,
your kids, close the windows to block out street sounds, turn off the TV, call waiting and don’t
drink water! Also, try your best to interview from a land line so you can avoid static
interruptions or worse – the dreaded dropped call!
Use a Cheat sheet: A big advantage about a telephone interview is that it’s like an open
book test! Use this to your benefit and have notes pasted all over your desk that you can refer
to. Stick up notes on your achievements, key answers to questions, your success stories,
your strengths, the job description etc. Have them around so you can easily glance at them
to give you an extra boost of confidence.
Other tips: If you’ve been asked to call at a specific time, then call at the correct time – too
early shows over eagerness and too late shows lack of interest. Don’t answer on the first
ring, second is best (shows eagerness again). Try to pause after the interviewer asks a
question – that will show you are thinking rather than rushing, and you will avoid the
possibility of speaking over the interviewer. Refrain from one-word answers – a simple “yes”
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
is not sufficient. Also, polishing up on your language to remove the “yup, ummm, like, or you
know” is also a good idea! Finally, remember to have a clock close by to pace the remainder
of the interview – respect the interviewer’s parameters for the time allotted.
Ending the Telephone Interview
Remember to finish strong. When the interview is coming to an end, say, “I’d like to thank you
for your time and consideration.” Then, ask what the next steps are. (If there is hesitation,
then acknowledge that you’re probably not going to get a face-to-face meeting). Finally, make
sure you show your interest and enthusiasm by saying “I’m highly interested in this position,
and here’s why I think I’d be a great fit.” This is the last chance you have to make sure the
interviewer remembers your strengths and what you can do for them – so make an important
last impression.
As in a face-to-face interview, send a thank-you follow up email within 24-48 hours of the
interview. This keeps you on the interviewer’s radar and remembered. Also, practice the tips
in the follow up section of Phase 3 – all of them still apply to the telephone interview.
Source: “16 Tips for Owning a Phone Interview”, Molly Triffin,
Tips for Preparing for a Skype Interview
With more people working from home, the trend of remote interviews and business meetings
is increasing dramatically due its effectiveness and convenience. Just like the face-to-face
and telephone interview, rehearsal, preparation and practice is still of utmost importance
when preparing for a Skype interview. Here are a few tips (along with the others in this guide)
to help you get ready for your next remote Skype interview.
Look the Part
Heard this before? Looking the part is a staple in all kinds of interviews. Before your remote
interview you should do some research into the company culture and how people dress at the
office. Since you’re not having an in-person interview, it’s even more important that you dress
appropriately and come across as professional during your Skype interview. Also, some
people think that the interviewer will only be seeing the top half of your attire, so they wear a
dress shirt, Jacket and tie – with sweatpants! Don’t be tempted to do this. What if you have
to stand up to adjust your computer or equipment? Dressing professionally from head to toe
will switch your mind into professional gear, and result in more articulate answers.
Also, follow the grooming tips in Phase two. Make sure you clean up and look professional –
double check your hair and makeup!
Prepare Your Surroundings
Similar to the telephone interview you want to create an office-like atmosphere with zero
interruptions or distractions. So inform anyone in the house about your interview and how
long it is expected to be, and that you require complete silence!
Wherever you decide to conduct your Skype interview, make sure to look directly behind you.
This is exactly what the interviewer will see. Remove all the clutter (dirty laundry or
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
questionable pictures on the wall). “A cluttered background may distract your audience, not to
mention send the wrong idea of your organizational skills. Also, rid the area of personal
items—no need to share too much information. A blank or neutral background is best, with a
well-organized desktop.” “7 Tips To Nail A Skype Interview”, Debbie Swanson,, April 9, 2013.
Practice Skyping
If you have never done a video call before, you will need to practice your facial expressions,
your hand gestures, how you’re sitting and where to look. All of this should be done ahead of
Why not do a trial run with one of your trusted Skype friends? They will also give you
feedback on your appearance, eye contact and movements. Another great tip is to record
your interview! Try recording your Skype interview with the Skype video recorder offered by
Evaer or the Supertintin recorder. Check out the Skype Application Directory
for more details. Then you can review your video and analyze it until you’re comfortable!
Don’t Forget to Smile!
Just like in the telephone interview, the interviewer can see your smile over the phone and
this sets the tone for the interview. Similar in the Skype interview, you have to remember to
keep a pleasant facial expression for the duration of the interview (you don’t want to look like
your blankly staring at the camera void of emotion and expression). If you need to, a good tip
would be to loosen up a bit before the call by smiling in front of a mirror. Why not put up a
silly picture or post it note (out of camera range) to remind you to stay upbeat and keep
Stay Present
When interviewing with Skype, sometimes the technology may stall a bit or have a little delay,
so it’s very important to make sure the interviewer knows you are still there and actively
involved and participating in the interview. So, give the interviewer periodic clues that you
are still present by interjecting listening sounds like “hm” or “yes” (don’t interrupt them! Make
sure to time your interjections appropriately when they are finished speaking). Also make
sure to follow along with the conversation so that you are able to jump right back in when
Also remember never to tinker with your computer during the call. Even though they can’t see
everything, usually only your upper half - sounds also transmit. So if you start tapping on the
keyboard in the background, you will come across as uninterested and bored.
Cheat Sheets
Similar to the telephone interview, you have the advantage here of having your notes in front
of you. Read the section above about some tips that will help you “cheat” effectively!
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
Address Tech Problems Immediately
Unfortunately when Skyping, you are relying on properly functioning video equipment and
technology – this is not always the case. There is a good chance that you may experience a
technical glitch at the beginning or during the interview.
If you miss to interpret a question fully because of a glitch, then just a simple “excuse me,
could you please repeat the question” may suffice. However, if the problem persists, then you
will have to bring it up. If it is too interfering you may have to stop the call and redial. If you
do this professionally, then “the future employers may take away that you’re a problem-solver,
and you would provide top-quality service if employed by them.”
Source: “7 Tips To Nail A Skype Interview”, Debbie Swanson,, April 9, 2013.
By following these tips, you will be prepared to conquer any kind of interview, be it face-toface, telephone or remote Skyping. All of the interview tips given in this guide can be used for
any type of interview. Most importantly, remember that “All you can do, is All you can do” and
that rehearsing, practicing and preparing will make you successful in every interview
Phase 3: After the Interview
This section will cover key questions that you should prepare and ask your interviewer after
your interview is complete, as well as questions you should steer away from. Also, we will
discuss good follow-up behavior that will leave a lasting positive impression on your
Questions You Should Ask at the End of Your Interview
It is important to understand that an Interview is a two-way street. The more questions you
ask, the better your chances are of making a lasting impression. Many people are afraid to
ask questions and just want the interview to be done and over with, but asking questions is
really a smart thing to do. Think about it, you are the one who is going to potentially fill the
position, so you need to know if it’s going to be a right fit!
By asking questions you can determine if the company culture is the right fit for you, find out
more about the position and about the company’s values and outlook on employees. It is also
a great opportunity to impress the interviewer with your preparation and knowledge of the
company. Just make sure your questions are intelligent and relevant to the company and
Don’t ask questions about parking and gym memberships. Your employer wants to see that
you are prepared, knowledgeable and inquisitive. This is the time to switch gears from your
memorized internal script to what the employer wants. Put your “What I Can Do For You”
hat on!
Here are a few questions that you should ask in the interview to help you make a great
impression and land the job.
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
1. What are the top priorities of the job?
Many times when you interview for a job, there never is a complete job description or
understanding for exactly what the role will entail – most often it’s much more than what the
job posting states. That’s why it’s a great idea to ask what the top priorities are to make sure
that you are successful in the position. Here is your chance to get onside with “What I Can
Do For You” outside of the basic salary, job, hours etc. This question focuses on the details of
the job description and the objectives that you’ll need to meet if hired – it takes away focus on
your resume and questions on minor details of your past performances or jobs. You can
spend the time impressing upon the interviewer how you are the best candidate for this
Also, since you are inquiring about your actual duties, you can ask the interviewer about the
history of the position. Find out if this is a completely new position, or if you are replacing
someone. If it is a newly created role, then find out why the company decided to put this
position in place. If it is an existing position, find out what happened to the person that you
will be replacing.
2. What are the biggest problems right now?
This is a good way of finding out exactly the type of company you are joining, and what state
they are in right now. If it is directly related to your role, then it would be great if you could
offer a solution or start a discussion right here. This would impress the interviewer and show
that you are a hands-on person that would be ready to jump in right away!
3. How will you measure a good performance and an outstanding one?
This may seem like a brown noser question, but what you are actually doing is finding out
what qualities, skills and objectives you will need to be successful in the job. What will you
need to score Excellent or Outstanding instead of Good on your performance appraisal?
Having this information will make you equipped with what you need to exceed expectations
and you could also throw in some examples of how you were previously successful exceeding
similar goals.
4. Can you tell me how you came to the company and why you stayed?
Here you can make a connection and build a relationship with the interviewer. You will get
insight into what’s good about the company and it gives the interviewer a chance to tell you
about their story, values and the company culture. This will definitely get you remembered as
you’ve now turned the tables and showed an interest in the interviewer by finding out why
they accepted their position.
Source: Donna Fuscaldo “Four Questions you must ask in an interview”
5. Is There Any Reason Why You Wouldn’t Hire Me?”
This question can be seen as a little straightforward and blunt, but it seems to be a quite
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
common interview question. It puts the interviewer in a position to communicate any
hesitations they had about the candidate before they left the interview which could then be
addressed right there.
Many times candidates leave the interview envisioning what their business cards and office
will look like, only to receive a rejection email just shortly afterwards. This question lets you
know where you stand and if you need to clarify anything for the interviewer. Use the time
while your face-to-face to ask about and eliminate any doubts the interviewer has. This is a
good opportunity to make sure that you haven’t overlooked any of your key skills. “If you
have the guts to ask it, I don’t think you’ll regret it.” Rachel Dotson,
Source: 4 Essential Questions To Ask At The End Of A Job Interview, Investopedia
Contributor, July 10, 2012
Questions to Avoid Asking in An Interview
As stated earlier, asking questions in the interview is a great way for the interviewer to see
that you’ve done your homework and are truly keen on the position and the company.
However, asking bad questions may possibly be worse than asking none at all! Here are a
few questions to definitely stay away from:
1. “Would you like to know about all of the issues I had with my previous employer?”
Putting down your previous organization or boss during an interview shows a lack of
professionalism and can give the interviewer a negative outlook of your character. Trashtalking your former job or boss sends the signal that you’ll be negative about your next job.
Interviewers don’t want to hire someone who complains, is pessimistic, or who doesn’t seem
to be satisfied. No one wants to have someone like that in their company.
2. “How much do I get paid? What about vacation time?”
You should never ask about salary or vacation time or group benefits during the first interview.
This is a topic that the interviewer will bring up at their discretion. Once the interviewer
explains compensation and benefits, then you can ask some follow-up questions about the
3. “Did you know I ran cross country in high school?”
That’s great that you ran cross country in school and that you have hobbies and skills outside
of your career – but that has little to do with the position that you are interviewing for. So,
don’t volunteer irrelevant information in your interview, keep it focused on what you can do for
the company. However, if the opportunity presents itself where the interviewer mentions that
they are a runner, or if you are interviewing at an athletic shoe company, then go ahead and
talk about your high school track meets – it’s relatable and you can build a connection!
4. “I’m sorry, but I’m really nervous!”
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
The interviewer already knows that candidates are nervous for their job interviews! It’s a
given. Don’t go out of your way to say it to the interviewer to show any kind of weakness or
set a negative tone for your entire interview. If you fumble or stammer during your interview,
don’t use nervousness as an excuse. Just collect yourself, and pick up from where you left off
and speak intelligently and with confidence. If you have followed the tips in this interview
guide, and rehearsed your questions – then you should be prepared to answer any question
the interviewer throws your way.
5. “Man, I really need this job to pay off my credit card debt.”
The interviewer realizes that you are applying for a job because you are searching for
employment. They really don’t need to know why you need the job or what your financial
state is. Again, don’t volunteer any personal or irrelevant information in your interview. You
don’t want to put up any red flags that will hurt you in the end.
6. “I just need this job so I can fulfill my dream of being a CEO.”
Career advancement is a great motivator and shows that you are ambitious and concerned
with your professional growth. However, the interviewer does not need to know that you are
only going to use them as a stepping stone to better employment. The interviewer wants to
know “What you can do” for them, not how their company will benefit your personal gains.
7. “I need a flexible schedule to accommodate my in-home business.”
You are being interviewed to perform duties of a job that is needed to grow a business. The
job is not meant to “fit in” to your already busy schedule to earn extra money. Your
commitment should be the job that you are interviewing for as employers expect you to be
fully committed to their position, and aren’t very supportive of outside commitments that will
distract you from your work ethic.
8. “What does your company do again?”
Never go into an interview unprepared. As stated in Phase 1 of this interview guide, always
research the company before the interview. Know their mission, vision and values, any
awards, other offices, etc. The last thing you want to do is make yourself look unprepared for
the interview.
9. “I’m sorry, I don’t remember what I did during that internship.”
You should know every single word written on your resume and have strong examples and
stories to back them up. You never want to be caught off-guard in an interview. Go through
your resume and know it inside and out. Be prepared to share accomplishments from each
experience and how the skills that you developed will help you in this current position.
10. “Wait, what position did I apply for?”
Before you even apply for the job, make sure you understand exactly what the job description
and qualifications entail. Also, make sure that you can relate to specifics in the job description
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
from past experiences and skills acquired. The interviewer will probably ask you to describe
how your background relates to the position. If there are some details that you are unclear
about when you applied, then bring a list of questions to the interview and ask them.
Source: Heather Huhman, “What Not To Say In an Interview”,
Some other no-no questions are:
Never ask for information you could have easily found with a quick Google search.
Never ask if you can change the job details, the schedule, or the salary.
Never ask about gossip you've heard.
Never ask many questions about the interviewer's background.
Never ask "Do you do background checks?"
Never ask "How quickly can I be promoted?"
Never ask "If I'm hired, when can I start applying for other positions in the company?"
Never ask if the company monitors e-mail or Internet usage.
Source: Questions You Should Never Ask In a Job Interview, Caroline Howard,, August 27, 2010.
Arlene Dickinson, CEO of Venture Communications and Venture Capitalist on Dragon’s Den
offered some other job interview pointers in her book “Persuasion”:
Do ask questions about corporate culture. “What’s it like to work here? What are the
values and traditions?” This is key information that will help you figure out whether the fit is
right. And your questions signal a desire to fit in and contribute.
Do tell the truth if you were fired from your last job. The correct wording: “I was fired.” Be
as straightforward as possible when explaining why you lost your job, what you did right and
wrong, and what you learned from the experience.
Don’t rely on flattery. It makes it seem as though that’s all you have to offer.
Don’t blame other people for the state of your career. You will come across as a person
who doesn’t take responsibility for your own life. In interviews, I often ask whether someone
is lucky or unlucky. If the answer is “I’m unlucky because all these bad things happened to
me,” I know the person doesn’t hold himself accountable, so I won’t be able to either.
Do be prepared to give a detailed answer to the question, Why do you want to work
here? Something vague like “It’s a great company” just isn’t sufficient.
Don’t say, “I want to work here so I can position myself to move to x company.” Why
would someone sign on to train you and invest in you if you’re already planning your exit?
Source: “Persuasion.”, Arlene Dickinson, 2011.
By being prepared and avoiding these mistakes, you will already be ahead in the interview
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
process. It is very easy to make a mistake during an interview, but as long as you are
confident and educated about yourself, the company and the job description you will be closer
to your goal of getting that acceptance letter.
Thank you for the opportunity and Wrap up handshake
We have finally come to the last moments before you say your goodbyes and leave your
interview. Your exit strategy is very important to leaving a positive lasting impression on the
Exit Strategy
When the interview is over, reiterate your interest in the position, and thank the interviewer for
spending their time with you. You may ask about the time frame for filling the job and
notifying candidates. Make eye contact, shake hands with the interviewer and try to use their
name as you shake hands. Also if possible, make a stop at reception and thank the individual
who greeted you when you arrived or who escorted you into the interview room. This is not a
strategy, just good manners. Keep a smile on your face and your cell phone turned off until
you leave the building.
You will want to maintain the exact same posture and professional demeanor that you had
when you walked in the door. Leave the interview in a positive frame of mind. Even if you
feel that you could have improved on some aspects of the interview to increase your chances
of success, you can’t go back and start over again! “You can’t unring that bell, and ringing it
again might make matters even worse.” “Persuasion”, Arlene Dickinson, 2011.
How you behave in the face of adversity will reflect the interviewer’s final decisions about you.
A self-confident exit can go a long way to salvage the interview for you. You will convey this
confidence to the interviewer and unconsciously leave a positive lasting impression.
Wrap Up Handshake
The post interview handshake is all about timing. You first have to learn to spot the “wrap up”.
Start thinking about this when:
1. When the interviewer asks if you have any questions
2. When you are told the next steps in the interview process
3. Paper arranging/stacking.
At the first sign of the "wrap up" start airing out your palms by letting your hands hover over
your pant legs away from sight. Then start some casual and secretive pant wipe offs. By
watching for these cues and preparing your palms, you should be ready for that killer “wrap
up” handshake that will successfully close the interview for you.
After the interview, candidates almost always beat themselves up figuring out every detail of
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how they could have answered better to improve their performance. Don’t over analyze every
minute detail of what was said, or what wasn’t said. You’ll drive yourself crazy with these
“should’ve” thoughts. Instead, remember all of the numerous valid and relevant points you
did hit on and the great answers that you did give. Be proud of yourself because you
prepared, rehearsed, practiced and gave it your best shot. You went into the interview and
gave it 110%! Be satisfied with your performance and your skills.
Second guessing yourself won’t help you with future interviews, but what will help you is if you
learn from your mishaps. Take some time after the interview to reflect on your performance
and learn from it. You can run over the particular areas where you felt you mentioned the
wrong thing, gave an incomplete answer or there were things you wished you had said but left
out. Then prepare successful answers to all of those areas – this way you won’t make the
same mistake twice!
“Every mistake should be viewed as an opportunity for future growth”…. “Remember, selfawareness is the goal here. The more mindful you are of your weaknesses, the more likely it
is that you’ll be able to overcome them or compensate for them in the future.” “Persuasion”,
Arlene Dickinson, 2011.
Follow up
When the interview is over, if you haven’t already done so, notify your references that they
might receive a call. Inform them of the points that were of interest to the interviewer and
details of the position. This puts your references in a better position to relay relevant
Also, as soon as possible after completing an interview, write up a summary of the questions
you were asked and your answers. This way you will have a record of your responses for
future reference should you have any follow-up interviews with that employer. It's much
easier to remember what you said immediately after an interview than it is later on. Also note
what you wish you had said but didn't get the opportunity to mention (maybe from your
reflection noted above). Again, this assessment of your interview will also help you to identify
any problem areas in your presentation for improvement in future interviews or to address in
your follow-up communications.
Decisions about candidates are often made quite quickly so it is important to forward your
follow up email and/or letter immediately. The standard time is to send a follow-up email
within 24 to 48 hours of your interview. “The purpose is simply to signal that you have some
manners, and to communicate gratitude that the other person made time to talk with you.”
“Persuasion”, Arlene Dickinson, 2011.
Your email should contain these points:
A statement that you believe the position is an excellent fit and that you would
welcome the opportunity to join their organization. Include a brief summary of one or
two sentences about why the position is an excellent match given your skills, qualifications
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
and interests.
If there were any areas of concern for you that you were unable to address
your interview (that’s driving you crazy), you can give one or two sentences to address
these points here. Don’t go into a long monologue, just a few points.
Express your appreciation for the opportunity to meet with the interviewer and if
possible include some helpful information that they shared with you. In addition, you
may want to forward a separate email expressing your gratitude to any helpful support staff
person/receptionist. Those staff people have more influence
than you might imagine
when it comes to hiring decisions.
Telephone Call
The interviewer will most likely advise you within 10 working days (if no date is stated) about
the outcome of the interview. If you have not received any information within this time frame,
then a follow-up telephone call is appropriate. When you call you can:
Confirm that the follow-up email was received and inquire as to the status of the employer’s
decision or the scheduling of second interviews. Ask any questions which you may have
developed since the interview (make sure that they are intelligent and relevant) and suggest
the possibility of a second meeting.
This practical guide offered you key points on how to successfully prepare for your next job
interview. The focus throughout has always been on “My Story” – the candidates individual
career history and the skills and experiences that they can bring to the organization and also
on “What I can Do For You”, not on “Everything I’ve Ever Done”. Remember, being properly
prepared, rehearsing key questions, knowing you resume, doing your homework, dressing for
success, practicing good etiquette and following the do’s and don’ts of the interview process
will make you successful in your interview.
Here is a summary of key points to remember:
The cover letter should be just long enough to get someone very interested in reading
your resume right now!
Don’t make the person reading your resume work hard to figure you out. Focus on
“What I can do for you” not on “Everything I’ve Ever Done”
2 resumes required: online and paper
Create and internalize 2-3 success stories
Master the answer to the #1 job interview question …“Tell Me About Yourself!”
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
All you can do is all you can do: PREPARE, PRACTICE AND REHEARSE!
Dress for Success!
Master Your First Impression
Prepare for and practice interview Questions, including Behavioral and Oddball
Questions to ask and to steer away from after your interview
Excellent Exit Strategy
We hope this guide has provided you with useful tips to help you prepare for your next job
interview. By following these tips, you will be so equipped with self-confidence in your skills,
qualifications, and what you can do for the company that you won’t have any room for
intimidation or self-doubt. You will have practiced, rehearsed and prepared so that you will be
ready for any question the interviewer throws at you. Making the most of those initial 3
seconds, dressing the part and remembering good etiquette will take you that much further in
leaving a lasting first impression – and result in an offer letter!
Good luck!
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
Blog posts (Frank Abrams, Quin Blake, Bonnie Star, Queleigh Boyd),
“Looking for a Job? Here is the one statistic that matters the most”, Frank Abrams, 2013.
“Persuasion”, Arlene Dickinson, 2011.
“Why You Didn't Get The Job -- It's Not Just About Your Credentials”, Annette Richmond, July
9, 2013.
“How to Tailor a Resume to Get a Job From an Online Posting”, Oubria Tronshaw, Demand Media.
“How To Dress For Your Next Job Interview”, Jacqueline Smith,, June 20, 2013.
“Dress for Success” Alison Doyle,
“Is wearing perfume or cologne on a job interview a bad decision? Shamontiel Vaughn,
January 21, 2010.
“Dress for Success” Alison Doyle,
“How to groom for a job interview”, Will Holloway,
“Good Handshake Key to Interview Success”, Gayle Hallgren-Rezac, September 24, 2008.
“Most Common Interview Questions”, Glassdoor Team,, January 10th, 2013.
“5 Behavioral Interview Questions Employers Should Ask”, Donna Fuscaldo,, April 30,
“Top 25 Oddball Interview Questions for 2013”, Glassdoor Team,, January 11th, 2013.
“ How to Answer Oddball Interview Questions”, Heather Huhman, January 15th, 2013.
“Four Questions you must ask in an interview”, Donna Fuscaldo, April 10, 2013.
“4 Essential Questions To Ask At The End Of A Job Interview”, Investopedia Contributor, July 10, 2012.
“What Not To Say In an Interview”, Heather Huhman,, June 18, 2013.
“Questions You Should Never Ask In a Job Interview”, Caroline Howard,, August 27, 2010.
“10 Reasons Why You Aren’t Getting Hired”, Miriam Salpeter,, July 10, 2013.
“Cover Letters in the Age of Email’, Trudy Steinfeld, October 22, 2012.
“How to Deal with Anxiety”, Andy Zhang,
“16 Tips for Owning a Phone Interview”, Molly Triffin, 2013.
“7 Tips To Nail A Skype Interview”, Debbie Swanson,, April 9, 2013.
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
The Top 5 Ways to Use Your Age to Advantage
Author: Frank Abrams
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
The Top 5 Ways to Use Your Age to Advantage
1. Fit to the Job
You need to convince the Hiring Manager that you are there for 3-5 years and it is a perfect fit
for you. Create a narrative in your mind and success stories on paper, that demonstrate how
this job, at this exact time, is a fit for you and a logical place on your career path; not just a job
until you find something better, or a job you are forced to settle for, because nothing else has
come up. If you are young, reinforce you are there to contribute to the organization with a lot
of energy and commitment. If you are older, emphasize you are seeking this kind of
opportunity because it offers you a chance to contribute and bring to the organization a track
record of results.
2. Satisfaction with Compensation
The key question is... does the job position offer the right compensation in the marketplace?
This is the context to discuss and confirm you are on board with, not your past earnings. If
you are older don't bring up your past earnings. If the salary is lower than you have earned in
the past, satisfy yourself that this is the correct compensation for the role, as opposed to the
correct compensation for you. If you will not be satisfied with the salary, consider your options.
3. Technology
If you are younger, emphasize you are naturally adaptable to new technologies and systems,
that you learn quickly and will not have workplace distractions like facebook or checking texts
on a mobile phone during work hours. If asked about workplace distractions, or when
discussing company policy, you can mention situations where you put your phone down for
extended periods with no issues like athletics, camping, travel, reading and other non-tech
activities. If you are older talk about a track record of keeping up with technology changes
throughout your career, mentioning most recent tech changes only, like mobile devices,
tablets, cloud-based technology, so you don't appear to be from the stone age.
4. Reliability
A younger person can mention they have few family responsibilities with sudden unexpected
needs to miss work. An older person needs to communicate their track record of experience
in meeting the time requirements of the job.
5. References
Choose the references that can support your job search efforts. If you have a clear negative
that you are worried about such as very little experience, or you are well above a traditional
retirement age, your reference can be aware of that. Don't coach them on what they need to
say or make suggestions. You can share your worry, and leave it at that. Remember to get
their permission to use them as a reference.
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
How They Did It - New Generation
Author: Whitney Abrams
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
Kevin Systrom, Cofounder and CEO of Instagram
"You have to be flexible enough to give yourself the opportunity to fall into these other
opportunities." - Kevin Systrom
Instagram was founded in 2010, and quickly gained buzz amongst iPhone users, with
“more than 85 million users sharing 4 billion photos, with six new members joining every
second” (Bertoni, 2012). Systrom attended Stanford University and jumped around majors,
although he has admitted he wished he stuck to his original plan to pursue Computer
Science. His love of technology landed him an internship at technology start up company and
also his first job at Google. He spent much of his free time designing and building web sites
specifically incorporating different types of photography.
While studying photography in Florence, Italy his teacher gave him a cheap camera
that produced vintage looking photographs that did not have the professional aesthetic of high
end cameras that most photographers use. According to Systrom, “[this camera] taught [him]
the beauty of vintage photography and also the beauty of imperfection” (Bertoni, 2012).
Systrom worked at an internship at Odeo, a start-up that showed him the ropes and the
competitive nature of that type of work environment. He jumped around a few jobs all while
keeping his focus on design and specifically on photography. Initially, Systrom launched
“Burbn” which was mostly used as a check-in app, much like the now popular, FourSquare.
Systrom realized fairly quickly that Burbn could not compete with Four Square. This is the
moment that would change his life and bring about Instagram. He ditched the Burbn app and
went to work on Instagram, originally called Codename. Within one month of launching, the
app had over a million users and was highlighted by Steve Jobs at Apple’s keynote - a major
technology event (Van Grove, 2011).
Systrom’s proudest moment - realizing that Instagram changed something as simple as
snapping a photo into a form of communication. Systrom describes this effect as a “gamechanger” (Van Grove, 2011).
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
The biggest lesson of success to learn from Systrom’s experience is that you have to
be a realist and allow for new opportunities to arise. If you have an idea that isn’t working, try
to create something better, but don’t give up. Also we can deduce that having direction,
building experience in your field and ultimately becoming an expert at what you do is of the
utmost importance. Taking internships, studying abroad, experimenting all increase your level
of expertise and knowledge.
Sources Cited
Bertoni, Steven. "Instagram's Kevin Systrom: The Stanford Billionaire Machine Strikes Again."
Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 01 Aug. 2012. Web. 21 Aug. 2013.
Van Grove, Jennifer. "Mashable." Mashable. N.p., 4 Aug. 2011. Web. 21 Aug. 2013.
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
Lena Dunham, Creator and Star of HBO’s GIRLS
"That lostness and that questioning -- I wish I could say that it completely went away when
you were getting to do the thing you wanted to do, but unfortunately, that’s not the truth."
Lena Dunham has rapidly become the voice of young women in their twenties through
her most notable success, GIRLS. She was raised in New York City and first made her
amateur debut in filmmaking at South by Southwest (SXSW) in 2009. She received critical
acclaim for her second film “Tiny Furniture” which won the Best Narrative Feature at the
festival. Although there has been a lot of backlash surrounding Dunham’s success,
particularly attributing it to nepotism. There is no doubt that Lena Dunham grew up in a semiupper class situation with the privilege of attending liberal arts school and had the support of
her family financially to create her films. This however, is not the secret to success.
Lena Dunham is an important lesson to a selection of people who have grown up with
some advantages. This is simple - don’t take it for granted. Take your resources, your support
and use it to move forward with your career goals. Her work has epitomized the struggle of
discovering what type of career and future “fits”. Her writing has brought forth important
conversations about what it means to struggle with growing up, by including racism, sexism,
and pressures to meet societal expectations. Overall her work is a commentary on
contemporary culture in America. But how has she become successful.
She studied culture, creative writing and filmmaking and she applied herself to her
dream to make a statement. She was willing to take chances, specifically by approaching
Judd Apatow, one of the decade’s most prominent producers and pitched him her television
show idea. Overall, she was not afraid to trust fate and over-exert herself. Since starting with
GIRLS it has received critical acclaim and she has since signed a deal with Random House
publishers for over $3.5 million to write an advice book.
Sources Cited
Gray, Emma. "10 Reasons We Won't Participate in the Lena Dunham Backlash." The
Huffington Post., 08 Oct. 2012. Web. 21 Aug. 2013.
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
"Lena Dunham." AskMen. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Aug. 2013.
Nussbaum, Emily. "It's Different for 'Girls'" New York Magazine, 25 Mar. 2012.
Web. 21 Aug. 2013.
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
Usain “Lightening” Bolt, Sprinter - Six Time Olympic Gold Medalist
“I didn't wake up and think, 'I'm the fastest man in the world', or anything like that. I got
straight back to training”
Usain Bolt is only 23 and is known as the world’s fastest man. He set and broke his
own records within two years. He has been the subject of much attention internationally and
has people wondering just how he has done it.
Bolt told Daily Mail that he made many sacrifices to get to where he is today. He often
excluded himself from social outings with his friends in order to maintain focus. His
commitment to greatness was especially important during the setbacks he experienced early
in his career. He was born with scoliosis, described as an “abnormal curvature of the spine”
which regularly contributed to lower back pain since his childhood (Hall, 2010).
He also describes his issues with starting and acceleration, his elimination from the
2011 World Championships, among other injuries and issues along the way. He also
struggled with his height; the average height of sprinters is 6-7 inches shorter than Usain Bolt
but he pushed through and continued to train to build balance, power and endurance
(, 2011).
He states that a contributor to his success is his motivation, rooted by the fear of
losing. His competitive nature has allowed him to put all of his focus on training and becoming
the best. He has surrounded himself by positive role models and support systems to help him
along the way and to wake up each morning enjoying what he does. Bolt also says that he
still believes that there is always room for improvement, even as the fastest man in the world
(IMD, 2012). A lesson from him here is to focus on your strong suits, stay committed but also
accept realities about your shortcomings and work on them to always improve and become
Sources Cited
Hall, Chris. "Usain Bolt: The Secrets of My Success." Mail Online. Daily Mail UK, 14 Aug.
2010. Web. 21 Aug. 2013.
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
"News." Secrets of Success from Usain Bolt. IMD: Real World, Real Learning, 23 Aug. 2012.
Web. 21 Aug. 2013.
"Scientists Explain Secret of Bolt's Speed." Yahoo, 29 July 2011. Web. 21
Aug. 2013.
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
Adele, Singer/Songwriter
“I’ve learned the main thing in life is that you get what you put in”
Adele has won 9 Grammys, 4 American Music Awards, 12 Billboard Music Awards, 4
Brit Awards, a Golden Globe and an Oscar, and she is only 24 years old (Acuna, 2013). She
first attracted attention of XL Recordings from a demo she posted on her MySpace page, and
initially gained attention in the UK. After appearing on Saturday Night Live in the United
States she became a global star.
Adele brought something new to the music scene at the time when it was lacking - a
feeling of genuine realness. “At a time when, too often, very manufactured artists are being
pushed at the public, it feels like a breath of fresh air” (BBC News, 2011). Adele has remained
relatively mysterious as an artist and in the interviews she does give, she appears very real.
She has also been an important celebrity in terms of her body. Her plus-sized figure has
reinforced the ideal that she does not have to rely on fulfilling preconceived ideals of beauty in
order to be successful. “The whole message with Adele is that it’s just music, there are no
gimmicks, no selling of sexuality,” says Richard Russell of XL Recordings (BBC News, 2011).
Adele was picked up by a small record company, XL Recordings that isn’t a well known
major global label. That granted her the ability to be more authentic, and sing what she wants
to. Overall, she has stuck to what she believes is important as an artist, without all of the
commercialization or branding (Channel 4 News, 2012).
Something important to learn from Adele is that throughout your career and life you
should not compromise who you are and your values. She stated in an interview with
Anderson Cooper on 60 Minutes that she does not want to fit into someone else’s definition of
a star, that she wants to create that from within herself.
Sources Cited
Acuna, Kirsten. "Adele Is Ridiculously Successful For Her Age." Business Insider. N.p., 26
Feb. 2013. Web. 21 Aug. 2013.
zenPeak Career Guide 2015
"Adele: The Secret of Her Success." - Channel 4 News. N.p., 13 Feb. 2012. Web. 21 Aug.
"How Has Adele Become so Successful?" BBC News. BBC, 28 Mar. 2011. Web. 21 Aug.