Name: _________________________________ Hour: _________ NB#: ________ • Politics of the Kennedy and Johnson Administration • Election of 1960 • ___________________ (Eisenhower’s VP)-Republican nominee • _________________ (Mass. Senator)-Democrat nominee ___________________ (TX Senator) chosen as VP running mate to gain Southern support • Issues of the campaign Kennedy claims US has fallen behind in Cold War __________________ Nixon says administration is on track Religion becomes an issue due to Kennedy’s Catholicism • Debate/Campaign • First ________________________ sways many towards ___________________ • TV coverage/ commercials made candidates more of a _________________________and emphasized image ted • Results • One of closest elections in US history • Kennedy wins by margin of 119,000 votes out of 68,000,000 (49.7%-Kennedy 49.5%-Nixon) • 303-209 in Electoral College, 15 go to independent • _______________________________, April 17, 1961 • Failed attempt to overthrow Castro in Cuba • CIA trained Cuban exiles, La Brigada • Boats run aground and Kennedy ______________________ • Hurts public image of US and Kennedy • ___________________, August 1961 • Constructed by East Germans with Soviet support to prevent movement to West Berlin • Kennedy travels to Berlin and US/ NATO refuse to withdraw from West Berlin • _______________________, October 1962 • Americans discover the placement of Soviet missiles in Cuba • Kennedy orders ___________________ to prevent shipment of more missiles • USSR agrees to withdraw missiles if US will not invade Cuba (and secretly withdraw missiles from______________) • ated&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1 • Space Race • Soviets are first to place ____________________ (1961) • Kennedy makes national goal of __________________ in 1962 speech • Space program goes through Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo phases before moon landing in 1969 • Policies toward the “Third World” • Kennedy viewed these as source of future struggles with communism • “_____________________”: series of projects to repair relations with and stabilize Latin America • __________________: sending American volunteers abroad to assist in developing areas • Assassination of President John F Kennedy • Shooting of Kennedy JFK did campaign visits across south with LBJ JFK in _______________, November 22, 1963 • Aftermath LBJ sworn in on plane back to Washington, DC ___________________ arrested and shot by Jack Ruby ___________________ concludes Oswald lone assassin • Warning Graphic Autopsy Name: _________________________________ Hour: _________ NB#: ________ • Election of 1964 • LBJ runs for re-election • ___________________ (AZ senator)-Republican candidate • Issues of campaign Goldwater runs on platform of ___________________ “extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice” LBJ portrays Goldwater as _______________ LBJ attempts to continue ___________________ • Results LBJ wins re-election in landslide victory (all but five Southern states and AZ) 61% to 38% and 486-52 • LBJ Civil Rights Achievements • __________________________ Barred discrimination in _____________________ Barred discrimination in ____________________________________________ • _____________________ (1964) Outlaws ______________ in federal elections • ________________________________ Eliminate barriers to voter registration (literacy tests) Send federal officials to challenge voting discrimination • _____________________________ Barring racial discrimination in______________ • LBJ’s __________________ Purpose ____________________-large scale program on similar scale to New Deal Focus of program was ____________________, education, “war on poverty,” and consumer/environmental protection • Programs • _______________-health insurance program for those over 65 • ____________-government paid health care for low income families • ___________________-pre-school for disadvantaged children • Office of Economic Opportunity-coordinated employment programs including ____________________ (domestic peace corps) • de=true&persist_safety_mode=1 Demise __________________ causes lack of focus on poverty programs LBJ does not run for reelection in 1968 VIETNAM The Situation Before WWII Vietnam was part of the _________________ During WWII Vietnam was overrun by the _________________ After WWII France was given back control of ________________, but _______________ formed its own government, led by _______________ The French in Vietnam In 1946, the French began to reclaim North Vietnam Ho Chi Minh and his _______________ guerillas fought to retain their independence Growing opposition to French control By 1950, the Viet Minh were supported by _______ and the _________ In late 1953, French troops sent into _______________ were defeated by the Viet Minh’s _________________ France left Vietnam in __________ __________________________________ Vietnam split at the ____________ with pressure from the USSR & US Name: _________________________________ Hour: _________ NB#: ________ _________________ was given charge of _________________, _________________ was given charge of _________________ Friction between the North and South US supported Ngo Dinh Diem who opposed communism but ruled as a _________________ The North Vietnamese, supported by China and the Soviet Union, _________________________ to their oppressed neighbors to the South In 1956, the Viet Minh formed the ______________________________ and fought in the South The ________________, South Vietnamese communists, used guerilla warfare in the South__________________________________ The US wanted to contain communism in _________________, fearing its spread to the South then to _________________ The US sent increasing numbers of special forces to train the South Vietnamese to fight the _________________ America steps up its involvement In 1963, Diem was _________________ and _________________ by the South Vietnamese army In 1964, an American destroyer was attacked by North Vietnamese gunboats in the _________________ The US Congress passed the __________________________________ which allowed the president to take "___________________________" to protect the United States and its allies ___________________________________________________ Peak American Involvement Viet Cong continued to use ____________________ Shoot and run ___________________ Blend in with the civilian population 1968 ________________________ – VC changed strategies and attacked directly Sparks massive American protests and causes LBJ to not seek reelection Tet Offensive (1968) Changing American Strategy and Attitudes Nixon wins election in 1968 hoping for “peace with honor” _______________________: training and equipping South Vietnamese to assume combat role in place of Americans Gradual reductions in US troop numbers from 1969 to 1973 ___________________________: wanting to prevent attacks by North Vietnamese on South Vietnam from neighboring Cambodia Restarts mass protests against war effort, including deadly protests at ____________________ Renewed shifts of opinion against the war Congress revokes authority of Gulf of Tonkin Resolution __________________ excerpts of Defense Dept. documents showing govt. justifications by war published by New York Times in 1971 ______________________ killing of over 300 unarmed South Vietnamese civilians, with military personnel put on trial End of American Involvement and the Fall of Saigon Negotiations restart in 1972, Nixon drops demands for full North Vietnamese withdrawal Both secret and public negotiations near completion before the 1972 election, then break down _________________________ massive bombing of North Vietnamese cities in late December 1972 _______________: peace agreement reached on January 27, 1973 Cease fire between North and South Vietnam Return of American POWs North Vietnamese launch attack on South Vietnam in March 1975 with no American intervention ____________ the capitol of Vietnam was captured and renamed Ho Chi Minh City in 1975 Political Upheaval and the Counterculture Black Power, Flower Power, Protest, Assassination and Music in the 1960s & ’70s I. Changes in the United States during the later 1960s __________________ occur as part of civil rights movement, reaction to Vietnam, focus on economic disparity, and political turmoil Name: _________________________________ Hour: _________ NB#: ________ __________________ and traditional leadership begins to __________ in late 1960s II. Changes in Civil Rights movement: A. Changes in Focus Civil rights movement focused on problems in the_______________ in early 1960s Majority of African-Americans (_________ lived in _______________s, many in North and West o Often faced racism in these areas: unable to live in white neighborhoods, difficulty finding employment, higher poverty levels o __________________ with lack of focus on these issues Race Riots o _______________ (August 1965 in Los Angeles) Accusations of police brutality start riot that will last ______________ 14,000 members of National Guard deployed 34 people died, 900 injuries, $45 million damages to property o Additional race riots Riots take place in Philadelphia and New York previous to Watts and will also occur in Washington DC, Baltimore, Detroit ________________ in 1967 was worst in scope with 43 deaths and $250 million in damages Black Power Origin of Black Power o Failures of inner-city efforts and Chicago Movement by MLK led many African-Americans to search for new approach o Stokely Carmichael, leader of SNCC, puts forward idea of “_______________________ Mobilization and pride in black community, Afro-centric beliefs, physical self-defense, possible use of violence Malcolm X o Born Malcolm Little in Omaha, he drifted into crime and sent to prison o Joins __________________ or “Black Muslims”, which preached black nationalism and separation from white community o Changes name to _______________ for symbolic reasons o Becomes charismatic speaker for Nation of Islam and self-defense o Breaks away from Nation of Islam and goes ________________________ o Changes message after returns and criticizes Nation of Islam o __________________ while giving a speech in New York in February 1965 Black Panthers o Advocated black power, black nationalism, and economic selfsufficiency o “______________________” calls for increased services among and for African-Americans o Called for ___________________________ and confrontation with white society o Investigated by US government and begins decline after conflicts over focus on Black Panthers and trials involving leadership Black nationalism in public view o _____________ created in 1966 by black nationalist Ron Karenga o ________________ in Mexico City: Tommie Smith & John Carlos B. Other Civil Rights groups New civil rights groups with nationalist elements emerged among other minority population o ______________: La Raza and Brown Berets o Native Americans: ____________________________ and Indians of all Nations (occupation of Alcatraz) o Chinese: Red Guard and I Wor Kuen o ____________________ forms after Stonewall riots in June 1969 in New York City III. Turmoil of 1968 A. Johnson leaves presidential race North Vietnamese launch _________________ on January 30, 1968 Even though militarily unsuccessful, American media and public shift beliefs on ability to “win” Vietnam War Name: _________________________________ Hour: _________ NB#: ________ ____________________: American’s perceived inability to trust what LBJ said about the war Little known liberal Senator Eugene McCarthy gets 40% of New Hampshire primary vote Senator Robert Kennedy quickly enters race as possible frontrunner LBJ’s approval rating drops dramatically and does not run for reelection B. Season of Violence ______________________. assassinated on April 4 in Memphis ________________ assassinated on June 5 in Los Angeles after winning California Democratic Primary C. 1968 Democratic Convention Assassination of Robert Kennedy leaves Democrats with no frontrunner Convention chooses _____________ Humphrey (LBJ’s VP) as nominee after three days of debate over war and other issues _____________ outside convention escalate into_________ in downtown Chicago that was televised throughout the country o ________________eight leaders of protest put on trial for conspiracy Mocked authority of court and most found guilty of lower crimes, with sentences overturned by Appeals Court D. 1968 Presidential Election Candidacy of Democrat Hubert Humphrey marred by violence at convention and connection to _____________________ Republicans nominate __________________, who promised to restore order and planned to end war in Vietnam Governor George Wallace runs as an independent segregationist ________________ wins election by more than 100 electoral votes but only 43% to 42% IV. Counterculture A. Origins of Counterculture Free Speech Movement at Berkeley sparks additional challenges to authority Reaction against governmental policies, especially the Vietnam _______ Reaction against ___________________ of 1950s ______________________________ outside of standard societal practices Name: _________________________________ Hour: _________ NB#: ________ B. Expression of the Counterculture Hippie culture emerges in later 1960s and publicized in San Francisco Attempted formation of ______________ – group living arrangements o Most famous likely _______________________________ Fashion: longer hair, long dresses, fringed garments, older clothing, military surplus, tie-dyed clothing Music: ___________________________ music combined with lyrics often embodying social issues, protests, and drug culture Dance: focused on dancing without partner, but in a group (stressed individuality within the group) Drug culture: use of psychedelic drugs, often LSD and marijuana Music Festivals o W___________________: over one half million people in upstate New York gather for three day music festival o __________________: large festival in California famously marred by violence C. Decline of the Counterculture ___________________________ with crime and drug addiction issues ______________________________ in early 1970s Early hippies aged out of the movement after growing older Legacy remains, although never thoroughly dominant part of society Civil Rights in the 1960s Restaurant segregation • Sit-ins – Begin with protests at _____________________________________ in 1960 by college students from NC A&T – Spread throughout the south – Effective in many locations • SNCC: ______________________________________________ – Founded in fall of 1960 by students that had participated in sit-ins – Provided outlet for student participation in following campaigns Bus segregation • _______________________ (1961): – Attempts to ______________ southern ___________________ through interstate trips – Organized by _________ (Congress on Racial Equality) – Met by _______________ at some locations, president sends in federal marshals to keep the peace City Campaigns – • • • • • Albany, GA (1961-1962) – ______________ movement organized by SNCC as broad attempt at mass _______________ – ________________________ comes in during the middle of movement – Police chief Laurie Pritchett breaks protests through _________________ mass arrests – Albany movement is essentially a _____________ with few concessions and little national ________________ Birmingham, AL Mass attempt by SCLC to desegregate facilities ________________: Use of _______________ and ________________ with attempts to generate public pressure and arrests Martin Luther King, Jr. describes purpose of protests and ________________ action in ___________________________ _______________________: use of children and teens for public protests, allowing _____________ to keep working • Birmingham sheriff “Bull” Connor uses ________________________, and other tactics to • • • • attempt to break protests _______________ tactics are shown nationally on ____________ gaining national sympathy and public pressure Helps provide impetus for March on Washington and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Government action _____________________ (August 1963) – Organized to create popular support and political pressure for a _________________________ – Over ______________ marchers attend – Delivery of the “_____________________” by Martin Luther King, Jr. – Legislation stalls in the Senate and will not be passed until ___________ Voter registration Freedom Summer (1964): – Massive attempt to increase _________________________ by NAACP, CORE, SNCC, and SCLC in _________________ – Work done by large numbers of northern ____________________ and volunteers – Operation of ____________________ to promote education, literacy, and political activism Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner: Three civil rights volunteers _______________during Freedom Summer in June, 1964 Goodman and Schwerner were __________________________ from New York and Chaney was ______________ volunteer from Mississippi _________________ becomes national news, ____________ discovered in August ______ men put on trial by federal government for violating the murdered men’s _____________________ (7 found guilty) – Edgar Ray Killen, a preacher, had a ________________ in 1967, but was convicted of _____________ by the state of Mississippi in 2005 Civil Rights Act of 1964 Signed on July 2nd by President Johnson Contributing Factors: – • • • • • • • Name: _________________________________ Hour: _________ NB#: ________ – – – – March on _______________ in August 1963 _____________ for Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner entering its second week ______________________ (experience and use of JFK death) Provisions: • Barred segregation in ________________________ • ___________________________ to segregated institutions • Outlawed racial discrimination in ______________________ • Sought to strengthen black voting rights 24th Amendment • Ratified on January 23, 1964 • Outlawed ____________________ in general and primary elections for federal office (president/Congress) Voting Rights Act of 1965 • Signed on August 6th by President Johnson • Contributing Factor: – Events in Selma and Montgomery • Provisions: – Authorized the U.S. Attorney General to _______________________ to supersede the _______________ wherever discrimination occurred – Directed the U.S. Attorney General to challenge ________________________ in the courts • • • Changes in Focus Civil rights movement focused on problems in the ________ in early 1960s Majority of African-Americans (70%) lived in _________________, many in ____________ and West – Often faced ___________ in these areas: unable to live in white neighborhoods, difficulty finding _______________t, higher poverty levels – _____________________ with lack of focus on these issues Race Riots – _______________ (August 1965 in Los Angeles) • Accusations of _______________________ start riot that will last 5 days • 14,000 members of ________________________ deployed • 34 people died, 900 injuries, $45 million damages to property Additional race riots • Riots take place in Philadelphia and New York previous to Watts and will also occur in Washington DC, Baltimore, Detroit • ____________________ in 1967 was worst in scope with _____deaths and ______________ million in damages • Over _______________ in April 1968 in response to the __________________ of Martin Luther King, Jr. • Black Power • Origin of Black Power – Failures of inner-city efforts and Chicago Movement by MLK led many African-Americans to search for _____________________ – Stokely Carmichael, leader of SNCC, puts forward idea of “________________” • Mobilization and __________ in black community, Afro-centric beliefs, physical selfdefense, possible use of _____________________ Malcolm X – Born Malcolm Little in Omaha, he drifted into _____________ and sent to _____________ – Joins __________________ or “Black Muslims”, which preached black __________________ and _________________ from white community – Changes name to _______________________ for symbolic reasons – Becomes charismatic speaker for Nation of Islam and self-defense – Breaks away from Nation of Islam and goes on pilgrimage to _________ – Changes message after returns and criticizes _____________________ – __________________ while giving a speech in New York in February 1965 Black Panther Party – Advocated black ______________, black nationalism, and _____________ self-sufficiency – “_________________________” calls for increased services among and for AfricanAmericans – Called for ________________ for self-defense and confrontation with white society – __________________ by US government and begins decline after conflicts over focus on Black Panthers and trials involving leadership Black nationalism in public view – ______________ created in 1966 by black nationalist Ron Karenga – __________________ in Mexico City: Tommie Smith & John Carlos – • Other Civil Rights groups New civil rights groups with nationalist elements emerged among other minority population – ________________: La Raza and Brown Berets – Native Americans: _________________________ and Indians of all Nations (occupation of Alcatraz) – Chinese: Red Guard and I Wor Kuen – ____________________________ forms after Stonewall riots in June 1969 in New York City