McCROSKY’S UNDERSTANDING of GOVERNMENTAL PENSION OFFSET (GPO) vs. DUAL ENTITLEMENT Both provisions result in a reduction of a Social Security Spousal benefits. GPO established to provide similar provisions to Dual Entitlement. Dual Entitlement Example: Spouses A & B Spouse A Spouse B $2000/mo SS $2000/mo SS Spouses A & B eligible to receive 50% of each other SS payment. Thus 50% of $2000 = $1000 Dual Entitlement provisions reduce the payment $1000 -$2000 $0 Less 100% of own SS Spouse A Dies Spouse B eligible for 100% of A’s SS Dual Entitlement provisions reduce the payment $2000 -$2000 $0 Less 100% of own SS Net results Spouses A or B collect only $2000/mo John McCrosky Page 1 of 4 3/29/08-UIC CONTINUATION GPO vs. DUAL ENTITLEMENT Spouses C and D Spouse C Spouse D $2000/mo SS $2000/mo SURS Spouse D eligible to receive 50% of Spouse’s C SS. Thus 50% of $2000 = $1000. GPO provisions reduce the payment $1000 -$1340 $0 Less 2/3 of SURS Spouse C Dies Spouse D eligible for 100% of C’s SS GPO provisions $2000 -$1340 $660 Less 2/3 of SURS Net result at death of Spouse C; Spouse D collects $2660 If spouse D dies first then Spouse C collects their full SS plus any SURS survivor benefit. For more detail visit John McCrosky Page 2 of 4 3/29/08-UIC McCROSKY’S UNDERSTANDING of WINDFALL ELIMINATION PROVISIONS—WEP Potentially reduced formula applied to a SS benefit if eligible for a governmental pension from a non-covered employer such as UIC. How is a SS benefit calculated? 1. Determination of A.I.M.E. (average indexed monthly earnings), i.e., 35 highest years of earnings indexed to a CPI and totaled. Total is divided by 420 (35 yrs x 12) to obtain AIME. 2. AIME is divided into 3 bend points and percentage applied. $0 to $761 $762 - $4586 $4587 & > 90% 32% 15% 3. 90% factor reduced if less than 30 years of substantial earnings 29 years 28 years 27 years 26 years 25 years 24 years 23 years 22 years 21 years < 21 years 85% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% 55% 50% 45% 40% For more detail visit: (the why and how) (to calculate the reduction) John McCrosky Page 3 of 4 3/29/08-UIC John McCrosky Page 4 of 4 3/29/08-UIC