English I Honors Summer Reading/Viewing List:

English I Honors Summer Reading/Viewing List:
 1 Required Text:
The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck (novel): This novel will help students to appreciate
the financial, emotional, and physical devastation endured by families affected by the Great
Depression, providing a basis for understanding To Kill a Mockingbird, which they will read
during the semester. Students will read the novel, write a critique of the book (based on
his/her understanding of the topics and themes, including an explanation of his/her own
personal reaction), and create a collage of images that relate to the characters’ experiences
in the novel.
o Assignment specifics:
 Research the time period of the novel, especially regarding the
 Read The Grapes of Wrath in its entirety
 Summarize each chapter in less than one handwritten page
 Compose a critique of the novel using the guidelines above. Critiques
should be typed, double-spaced, 12-14 point print font, minimum 2
 Create a collage that represents the many issues/situations/
characters in the novel (collages should be done on standard-sized
poster board and should include a neatly printed quote/page number
for each item chosen. There should be a minimum of 15 items; there
is no maximum.)
 Extra Credit Options (worth 1 project grade each):
1. “A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift (satirical essay): This essay will help students
develop a feel for an author’s voice and understand satire, which is the underlying tone in
Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Students will read the essay thoughtfully,
write a critique explaining his/her understanding of the issue and reactions to the essay,
and then create his/her own satire of a pertinent current issue.
o Assignment specifics:
 Research to define “satire”
 Research the time period of the satire, especially regarding religion
and politics
 Find “A Modest Proposal” online and read it in its entirety
 Find at least three reviews, explanations, or studies of the satire to
see what other readers have gleaned from this satire
 Think of an issue that affects the United States today and create
your own version of “A Modest Proposal” discussing a satirical solution
2. Research the Trojan War geographically, religiously, and militarily. Some suggestions would
be to read the Iliad by Homer, watch the movie Troy (or any other movie/documentary
about the war), or do research using online AND physical resources (meaning magazines and
books). This will help students get a “feel” for the ancient Greek world, its customs,
culture, and enduring impact on modern society. This will be invaluable to them as they
begin their study of the Odyssey during the semester. Students will create a written
discussion of images, themes, terms, names, and events that are continued in modern
society, focusing on why he/she thinks this particular part of the epic has endured and what
it means to people in the twenty-first century.
a. Assignment specifics: written discussion should typed, double-spaced, 12-14
point print font, minimum 2 pages.
Written assignments may be submitted electronically or turned in to the SHS front office by the
specified due date(s). Artistic assignments need to be submitted to the SHS front office by the
specified date. Assignments may be submitted early. All grades will count for semester report
card grades for the 2012-2013 school year.
Required Assignment:
Due date #1: All research, chapter notes, written critique, and collage for The Grapes of Wrath
are due no later than Thursday, August 9, 2012 by noon.
Extra Credit Assignments:
Due date #1: Written discussion of the Trojan War is due no later than Thursday, July 12, 2012
by noon.
Due date #2: All research for “A Modest Proposal” and an original satire are due no later than
Thursday, August 2, 2012 by noon.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the assigned novel, please contact us!
Mrs. Johnson: mjohnson2@scotland.k12.nc.us or call 277-1973
Mrs. Tremblay: mtremblay@scotland.k12.nc.us or call 280-6746
Mrs. Hunter: mburr@scotland.k12.nc.us or call 730-4210
Mrs. Park: apark@scotland.k12.nc.us or call 494-0004
We are happy to help you any way we can, and we look forward to seeing all you accomplish over the