Lincoln High 90031Quick Notes An alumni resource providing a means for quick updates to ongoing news and events about the school, the neighborhood, and the City of Los Angeles- the environment that we have all shared, past and present. The topics run all the way from the lighter side of life to the more serious issues that we face, and, of course, more items of our past experiences. contact: Saturday, December 13, 2003 Friday's latino boycott by the students hit the school pretty severely. Over 1,000 students were absent at LHS, creating a loss of about $23,000.00, according to the report from the school administration. The overall reason for this was to demonstrate dissatisfaction with the Governor's work in opposition to the license law for residents not legally in the state, or undocumented, if you prefer. In any event, all students in L.A., and especially latino students, have be in school as much as there is an opportunity to do so. The schools have so little money coming through that this loss makes the student the losers. I find it difficult to see the wisdom of hurting one's self as a method to get a point across. The students' actual level of commitment and understanding of what was represented to them mattered little. As a general observation, the students were given a reason to miss school, some saying that it was a "Mexican holiday," and they were taking advantage of it. I think they were the ones where advantage was taken. Using our students, who should be given every opportunity to obtain a free education, as a method to wield some clout was a very unfair, selfish and self-destructive act. I don't see how failing to pursue the opportunity to receive an education should be considered to be productive when fighting deficiencies in literacy alone is a reason for spending MORE time in school, not less. The leaders, if you want to call them that, should not be praised by anyone. They hurt the students, did nothing to advance their education, cut a lot of funding that makes the schools run. They made it even more difficult to accomplish the task of educating our young people, a particular segment of the population which has long been faced with high drop-out rates at the local schools. Using the students very simply as pawns in the game of politics, wanting to protest the driver's license issue, is just wrong. There was nothing in it for the students, nothing even relating to issues of education. Maybe THAT would be a questionably meritorious basis, but this wasn't even close. Again, I find it very difficult to understand how hurting yourself can show anyone how smart you are. Seasoned alumni may remember the blowouts from 1968 on the Eastside, but that was directly connected to the school situation. Even then, many were leaving campus as a matter of peer pressure as for dissatisfaction with conditions. That was the decade of social change and to a large extent, many too young to be a part of that period would like to see a reason now to have the same experiences of protesting for their cause. Let's at least have it be worth the costs. For those students still IN school, the LHS baseball program is coming together with tryouts coming up. The Lincoln soccer program is underway. The JV team played Roosevelt's twice-champion JV team on Thursday afternoon at LHS, but with Friday's activities, the winning side is still unknown. Posted by rg- readingnews at 7:04 PM Newer Post Older Post Home Search This Blog Loading... 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Two more weeks of classes until the holiday break ... November (1) October (5) September (7) August (6) July (4) June (8) Subscribe To this blog Atom Posts Atom Comments My Blog List "MAYOR SAM'S blog"- Critics of LA city (dys)functional operation Tales of Contemptuous Constituents Services from Northeast LA - In Councilman Jose Huizar's CD 14, quality Constituent Services can be a Subjective .........., and Unprofessional Endeavor.CD 14 Eagle Rock Field Director... "Ron Kaye L.A."- LOCAL Politicians caught in disservice. How Success Spoiled Carmen Trutanich - Just a few weeks before Carmen Trutanich took the oath of office as LA City Attorney, I asked this question: "Will Success Spoil Carmen Trutanich?""Some peop... "Varsity Times Insider" in LA TIMES- High School Sports in So. Cal. Football: Another slick La Mirada video - The football season is still several months away, but La Mirada's football program continues to produce slick videos profiling its program. See above for the... April Winchell- Visit only if you have a sense of irreverent humor OUR LONG NATIONAL NIGHTMARE IS OVER - You may recall that a few years ago, I was BANNED FOR LIFE from KABC radio after telling an unflattering story about Bill O’ Reilly. In fact, here it is ag... L.A. NOW- the L.A. Times news blog want to be my new f~ckbuddy - He͔llo stranger aḍuļt mastٜ er.. ar̴e you ready to pͯle̠ase me? i wil͕l make you my s3x̒sla͛veٜ ! i'̣m 28/f. come over anٜ d taste m̧y jٜ uٜ ȉce 8-) Mͫy scrēe... Zuma Dogg's "LA DAILY" Blog- City of L.A.'s fraud, waste, & abuse Thank You, Zuma Dogg! (2000-2016) - THANKS, ZD!: Though the curtain has closed on Zuma Dogg; thank you for the fun/memories/support=everything! It was mostly a great, wild ride; just as he l... A Few More Blogs that let you see about local officials, good and not-so-good. New: City Maven at KPCC L.A. City Watch- An Insider's Look- all about ongoing issues and problems locally. THE CITY MAVEN- To find out what is happening each day and who is involved, all in one place. An Assortment of Links to Visit Eagle Rock PATCH- online news and features of the region The Kevin James Show- KRLA 870 AM Podcast page for the late night show's revelations on what's needed in City government and how to change things. The Pet Show- Sat. 11am-1pm- KRLA 870-am, Warren Eckstein, then online 1pm to 4pm online --- A real expert on how pets behave and why. "When you adopt a pet, it becomes a member of your family." Check podcasts that have notes for subjects. "Coast to Coast- AM" - The home page for that RADIO SHOW with the unusual subjectsentertaining - informative "L.A. RADIO PEOPLE"- Mon-Fri-more than just news; It's returned to subscription only, still a bargain for the content, avg. of 11 cents per day (NEW DEAL- $3.95/month to try out this unique daily site, loaded with information of the past and present. The future, too. GAS PRICES- CHECK FOR LOWEST and price trends...every day""TMZ" online- What's the Latest Celebrity Gossip? And News? "ANTH-OLOGY" - Songs by month and year- Compare to your memory- What songs were playing when you started H.S.? graduated? Married? Divorced? LHS ALUMNI ASSOCIATION- the Official News, Newsletters, and By-Laws "L.A.DAILY NEWS"- The rest of the news in L.A. LAUSD's New "Belmont" opening- "Full Disclosure's" video- oops! A big "Jim Healy 'Who Goofed?' " award to LAUSD on that. ---> "LA TIMES" - the Newspaper Online "L.A. WEEKLY"- some news scoops, info and more- More revealing reporting on City Hall - the best in L.A.- besides all the massage ads . -------------CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS- LIVE ----------on Tu,Wed,Fr- from 10am- live and on-demand; Audio & Video; Agendas "THE BOULEVARD SENTINEL"-Eagle Rock- a Northeast monthly online and at public sites in Eagle Rock. E-zine: "Audio, Visual, or Kinetic?" - [A Simple Exercise to Help You Understand Your Concentration Style] "L.A. PUBLIC LIBRARY" website- a free resource "CRAIGSLIST" Buy things, find jobs, more... LINCOLN HIGH- Official LAUSD site for Lincoln. LHS Alumni Activities and Events- and School Notes ========================================== LHS Alumni Meeting - For 2012: Next Monthly Meeting held on the 3rd Saturday of each month: change for Father's Day meeting is on June 23, Sat., 9:30 a.m. Location: At Cafe In The Heights, across the street from the campus, on North Broadway. (If you want to be on the email list for the alumni annoucements and such assorted things going on with alumni, all sent directly to you, please send an email to Mike Ibarra, and at the "subject line" add in: "LHS Alumni email list" ) ========================================== Upcoming: TV Shows you might check--- and why. "The Choir" - A weekly reality show from the BBC on cable that's about a choir master in England who goes through different phases of stress as he gets young people, usually high school students, to join a new choir. Sometimes teachers are persuaded, too.. It's got a lot of student commentary as things go along, and those views help make this interesting. The teacher, Gareth, is really dedicated young guy, very driven, and so far, inspiring and successful. Lots of talent and the ultimate performances bring out a lot of emotion. Very touching to see, for teachers, especially. REUNIONS- Information to pass along -------------------------------------------------------- LOOKING TO 2012 for a new season of reunions- if you want your class plans showing here, pass along the information to share here. LHS CLASS OF 1962, 50 Year Reunion, Saturday,Sept. 29, 2012, Embassy Suites Hotel, Nile Ballroom Brea, CA, 5pm to 12am. ------------------------------------------------------------ City of Los Angeles - a few links to get in touch with what is done Call CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS - This is my collection of the easy list of telephone, fax and email addresses for all of the 15 Council Membersso that you can contact them with your opinions and complaints. -----------------------------------------------City Employees SALARY DATABASE link from Daily News HERE -----------------------------------------------------Council MEETINGS live and on-demand page, with AGENDAS- and searchable by key words. ------------------------------------------------------------ COUNCIL BUDGET HEARING - WEBCAST- deciding what to cut and how much of the mayor's recommendations will be followed. ====================================== Here's a direct link to LIVE Council meetings - video coverage - when in session, Tues, Wed, and Fridays. ====================================== Council and the Committees: Their Committee Assignments, the "Who, What, When, Where" about the several Committees and a LIST of their Names, Districts and Telephone Numbers to voice your opinions directly to each one. ======================== Meetings and Agendas -the week's meetings being held, and the agendas. +Who is your City Council Member? City Council and how to contact them by phone, fax, email, or in person at Main and district field offices. BLOGS: - Jose Huizar- In CD-14- this link should be to current page now. Here's a novel one, "Permits"- Just about anything you do in the city needs a permitMany react with, "Who knew?", or the a common one, "Not for this." LAUSD Information The L.A.U.S.D. is headed by a 7-member board that decides matters of major impact, often times that happens usually without much connection to, or awareness by, the public. If it is concerning a teachers union matter, that is about the only area where there's publicity. If you want to be heard on anything, where would you start? This is where you can start. The list of Board Members is at THIS LINK. You will also find a simple calendar to show meeting times and subjects. The "contact" link leads to a very wide range of telephone numbers and email address for each Board Member. In the Northeast area of Los Angeles (a district map is located here, too) Monica Garcia has the schools, including Lincoln Heights and Boyle Heights in District 2. Yolie Flores has District 5, showing up on a map as surrounding the outer edges to the north, east and south of Garcia's district 2, that includes Eagle Rock, El Sereno, and then continuing from Vernon southward. "Who Would Have Thought It?" - Some pretty amazing stuff "Why Do Mexicans Do That? Well, "Ask A Mexican" will tell you, enlighten you and even make you laugh. His OC WEEKLY column has come to the L.A. WEEKLY, too. Explore. Topic: LATINA BEAUTY - A Sample of essential knowledge from "Ask a Mexican," aka Gustavo Arrellano, who gets to the really important issues of life. "SNOPES" - rumors or truth?- Uban Legends "HandSolo Mobile"- An alternative to the G-phone Subscribe: FREE newsletter- STUFF-helps your computer work better- New things & humor- Simple "Tech Bite" by Steve Bass. Newsletter- A free subscription- Something for all computer users, (in plain English) check this and read "The Bass Backstory" to know about Steve. Always interesting, lots of helpful things here. I've known him for over 20 years as a member of his old Pasadena IBM User Group, and he's got a sense of humor, too. So sign up, forward emails and spread the word to do the same- yes, this is a pitch to grow the newsletter base, a worthwhile choice. "Windows Secrets" Newsletter- A free subscription source for Windows users. This is another very good source of news and solutions. Look and see what you can apply. This is the evolution of two newsletters, and geared to MS-Windows - but who uses that anyway? It can only help you. Things to think about L.A. MAYOR- L.A. WEEKLY reporter SHOWS that Tony Villaraigosa's "The All-About-Me Mayor"- spends only 11% time on city business. Things that AREN'T in the U.S. Consitution Homeroom- When Teacher Was Out The List of Unique Radio Shows and Programs Kevin James on KRLA- 870 AM, M-F 9pm to 1am- The most intense coverage of current local politics. Check on who's causing taxpayers the problems and what's the latest misdeeds being laid on us. Doug McIntyre''s RedEye Radio- KABC Live 10pm-1am-Sun. through Thurs. Online at and at KABC-AM-790- Lots of subjects covered with a national audience, too. Some fun and some serious topics depending on callers. "The Pet Show"- Warren Eckstein's program that covers all pets, although callers usually ask about dog and cat advice. His style differs a lot from most who train animals because of the idea that a pet becomes part of the family and not simply property to control. KRLA-AM 870 Saturday, Live, 11am - 1pm; Live- WOR Radio-on the web-Sat., 1pm - 3pm KFI-AM 640- "The Jesus Show" Sundays- 6am to 9am It's a unique show, and it's Him on the air to give answers to questions, very often some theological enlightenment. "The Sunday Edition"- (Sadly, this is no more. After 13 or more years, they were swept up in the TalkRadio format flip to AmpRadio. I leave it up for now as a token of my appreciation for their work.) 5 am to 7 am Sundays-hosted by Socorro Serrano & Nelson Salsa. KLSX-FM Radio 97.1. Latino flavored topics of the day, with objective and lively discussions. They take in all points of views of their callers. Wake up, Tune in, Call in. "Talk Radio One"- An Internet Radio Show- Marc Germain host, live 8 pm to 10 pm Monday through Thursday; Some good variety of topics and features AND the shows can be downloaded for your later listening convenience- A "Best" guest, 10-30-08, Robert Estrada, Encyclopedia of Hits guy, in Hour 1. (cut and paste the link) "Tell Me About That 'Lincoln Heights' Place" "The History of Lincoln Heights"- Did You Know ..? CHANFLES! - The Blog with a Lincoln Heights focus WHAT made them name that street? - They were named after actual people. Some of them very significant roles the history of Lincoln Heights and the U.S. Labels "A-G" COLLEGE TRACK "full disclosure" $1 rnent 000 layoffs in Ctiy 100.3 The Sound 1000 layoffs for l.a. 1061 11% mayor 1941 1958 Dodgers 1958 music 1961 1962 1962 music 1964 1965 1970 music flashback 1977 music artist 1977 music flashback 1980 music flashback 2006 lausd honor band 2009 Rose Parade photos 60's era 60's music 60s music figures 95th Gala- web album link A Taste of Eagle Rock academic improvement accountability actor Adam Carolla administrators to teachers AEG affordable housing units agenda disguises Aguilas Dorados Marching Band ahu Air Show airline aj duffy alarcon albion dairy park All about me mayor alumn association dance Alumni Alumni Association Alumni Association meeting alumni event alumni events Alumni Meeting alumnus Rudy Moreno american history Andrus Theatre performance at LHS Angel Awards Animal Cruelty Ansaldo Breda AnsaldoBreda anti-military anti-tax rally Antonio Villaraigosa endorses an accomplice Antonio Villaraigosa speech appointees remain april 1970 music Aristocrats. LHS W'60 class reunion Arizona Boycott by L.A. arrest for villaraigos staffer arrested taggers arrogance arrogance in the Assembly arrogant politicians art laboe arts arts h.s. Ask a Mexican ask a mexican on food ask a mexican youtube III and IV Assembly speaker at eagle rock high homecoming. attorney and alum audit Austin Beutner author avoiding layoffs back to school bands Benefit concert and toy drive Bennett Kayser Bernard Parks Beth Bennett Betty Plascencia Elementary bilboards Bill Handel Bill Rosendahl billboard districts birthdays Blanca Martinez-Navarro Board Board member vladovic Board of Education Bobblehead doll bobby castillo bobby castillo meet and greet bobby espinosa dies bonds Bonnie Garcia book fair boondoggle Border Patrol boyle heights technology center brian d'arcy Brian Whitman budget and finance committee budget crisis budget talks building schools C.R.A. Calif. assembly california supreme court justice call email or fac Council member calligraphy city waste campaign funding a priority campaign fundraising campaign spending campaign violations cancer CAO Santana drunk driving CAO Santana. CARDENAS carlos moreno carmen trutanich carny kid carrie lopez carson council cd-1 cd-14 CD-2 election CD-2 election CD-2 runoff election cd-5 cd-5- Weiss ceremony cfl chanda smith decree change L.A. CHARTER AMENDMENT RECOMMENDATIONS charter schools charter schools and disabled students charter schools and disclosure charter schools imbalance cheapskates cheat cheating husband cheating taxpayers Cheryl Holdridge passing Chico Band chief bratton chinatown chri douridas christmas break christmas concerts Christmas Parade christmas tree christmas vacation church and state separation. Cinco de mayo city budget city appeals fee dispute city attorney city attorney office layoffs city attorney on mmd City bankruptcy city bankruptcy closer city budget city cars going home City Charter. City Clerk links to NC elections City Clerk NC election work city commissions out of control city controller city coucil rudeness City Council city council abilities city council abuses public commenters city council approves DWP proposals city council arrogance City Council bad decisions City Council boycotts Arizona city council compassion city council elections City Council farts city council lay off order City Council on LASUD uniforms city council overpaid city council priorities City Council special events waivers city council transportation committee City council votes "yes" automatically city credit card abuse city cuoncil dog bark fines city debate city election city election page City elections 2011 City Employee Salary Database city expense recovery City Hall special interests city hall spending and taxing city inept management city job cuts city laction rooms city layoff city maven city near bankruptcy city paid events City Propositions and link to County Directory city public office city puts burden on taxpayers city questionnaire city shift sidewalk repair cost city tax plans city transportation committee and bicyclists safety City waited too long city waste CityWatchLA civil rights cl. of 67 Claremont kindergarten thanksgiving Clerk's office to continue with NC elections. cleveland high Coaches Dinner Coalitions of NCs coast to coast am college admissions college field trip columbus day closed comic committee member community college board election community event community forum community representation condoms Congressional race connections conservation Consultant contract contact city council members contact council members contact to oppose action contreras learning center corrupt city council corruption corruption after elected corruption and patronage politics cost cutting by LAUSD costly measures Coucil panicking Council deceit Council done deal council fails to show character. council holds firm Council incompetence council ineptness at job council is clueless in budget talks. Council meeting council members council members arrogance Council Members holding millions Council members not doing job Council out of touch council pay raises council problems Council puts DWP hikes on hold Council rejects rate hikes council rudeness council slush funds Council votes No to DWP council's bad ideas Council's hasty actions make more problems County of L.A. waste CRA Craig x. Rubin crime CTA curriculum cut council pay cutbacks cvs D-day D.A.'s office public integrity D'Arcy Daily News dance dance contract dance in whittier dance of the lemons davey jones dies David "Zuma Dogg" Saltzburg David Brewer david freeman David Hernandez. Villaraigosa David Nahai David Zahniser Day at the races Daylight Saving Time change deals death and regrets death penalty death threat debates December 10 December 7 decline of los angeles demeaning democarats hike fees Dennis Zine dense building densification Dept. of Public Works devisive died dilution of a one-nation concept dilution of culture in U.S. disabled students in LAUSD discretionary funds Distric 5 LAUSD election district attorney investigation district cost cutting diversity dock of the bay dodger memories Dodger tickets Dodgers dodgers fans exploited dodgers fans shortchanged Dodgers games Dodgers Tony Gwynn dog and pony show dog thief doggie wink Don Barrett don cornelius dies DONE DONE is abolished by Mayor downey recreation downey recreation center downtown h.s. Downtown trolley Dr. Demento. dress code enforcement dress codes DRILL TEAM drinking cops and guns dropouts at lincoln dropouts-jefferson high-teachers-taxes-sales taxes-bonds-regressive taxes drug use Duffy dusty springfield dwp DWP audit shows deception dwp cfl DWP commission dwp gouging the public dwp hikes approved dwp investigative report dwp raises DWP rate hike rejected DWP rate hikes DWP skipped by santa dwp waste dysfunctional LAUSD BOARD eagle rock Eagle Rock High visitor eagle rock hs Eagle Rock Music Festival 2009 eagle rock music festival 2010 Eagle Rock Neighborhood Council Eagle Rock parade easing firing of teachers easter vacation Eastside bands echo park economy ed reyes Ed Reyes birthday party donation Ed Reyes. education as a family value education at LHS El Chicano election election challengers election trustees Elections for NCs elections for Neighborhood council eli broad end of world prediction enforcement England Dan entitlement Eric Garcetti erip consequences ERIP figures ERNC guest ERNC meeting ersi arvizu ESPN Zone essay competition Ethel Percy Andrus Theater at Lincoln High School ethical violations ethics ethics violations ethics violations in city hall ethnic based etta james etta james died event promotion examiner blog excessive pay exploitation extravagant spending fairness Fairness in LAUSD fallujua 2004 family values. farrah fawcett dies fast food favors FedEx Office fee waivers felons FHF final vote financial disclosure find location of polling place find radio personalities Flag Day Flahback flashback to june 4 Flashback. flashbacks Football 2008 Football results Forbes Magazine Frank Beltran fraud and abuse free concerts free education free printing fullerton fundraiser fundraising fundraising event fundraisng furloughs gang rape gang violence Garcetti Garcetti circumvents rules garcetti cuts more press access today Garcetti- we are family garfield takeover Gas below $2.00 a gallon gear up gender neutral george noory gerald posner gil cedillo giveaway giveaway tax dollars GLADD Glassell Park glassell park nc Gloria Allred's client gloria molina Gloria Romero Gloria Romero truly ignorant gold record Golden Gate Theater plans gouging the public Gov. Swarzenegger Govenor's race government intrusion grad nite graduation Grand Avenue Project granny flats greedy politicians Green Dot greeting card greig smith Greuel grilled cheese contest gruel h.s. No. 9 hardshp exemptions hazing Heads up health benefits henry gibson high school buildng funds high school no. 9 high school oldies high school students high school tradition High Speed Rail in L.A. highland park Hilda Solis hit songs Hollywood Community Cener meeting homecoming game homeless in vehicles homework Hon. Carlos Moreno Huge salaries humor ian punnet Ibarra ibew ico iFarts app illegal aliens illegal billboards illegal dwelling increased dwp charges industry infrastructure infrstructure investigation of villaraigosa iraq war veteran jack weiss jack weiss. Jaime Escalante has cancer james arness passing jan freed jan perry jan. 27th jane usher Janice Hahn Janice Hahn miffed Janice Hahn's cousin pink slipped January 9 flashbacks jason kendal Jay Leno jazz band Jesus Rosas JFK assassination job training john doucette John Perez and self-interest John Perez gives raises jokes Jose Huizar Jr. jr. high humor Jr. ROTC jrotc judy chu Justice Carlos Moreno kabc radio karen bass karen bass abuses power Karen bass gives raises Kayser KCET kcet SoCal Connected kcrw Kelly Candaele ken and john kennedy and suits kenneth kahn Kenny Washington kfi KFI-AM 640 KI-AM 640 killed by gang member Killsonic Kinison KLSX KLSX-FM Talk KMET Friday KNX RADIO Kotkin Kotolan kpcc-fm 89.3 krekorian L.A. Art Walk l.a. bankruptcy l.a. city council L.A. City councilmember contact list L.A. city culture and arts budget l.a. city hall L.A. city internet industry tax l.a. city special event waivers L.A. Clean Sweep l.a. co. board of supervisors L.A. Council gives away money in waiver to Grammys L.A. County Measure J- Community College Bond L.A. County Measure R- Sales Tax increase L.A. County Supervisors have slush funds L.A. county supervisors waste tax dollars L.A. Daily Blog l.a. daily news L.A. Downtown L.A. election L.A. history l.a. libraries reopen on mondays L.A. preservation L.A. Radio offered l.a. radio people L.A. Radio-Com l.a. radio. com l.a. L.A. Rams L.A. river L.A. sports stars L.A. Times L.A. Times on forfeits by ERHS Friday and LHS in 1977 L.A. Times reporting L.A. Times reports county slush fund L.A. Weekly LA Co. Asst. Chief convicted of animal cruelty LA dept of building and safety performance lacking LA LA TIMES Rainey labor organization LACERS resignation lactation rooms lactation rooms. Lady Gaga - Bad Romance LAFD overtime laker parade Lakers LAPD LAPD civilian listings lapd to train officers regarding bicycle issues LAPD training on bike laws free rewind LARP las villas LASUD LASUD bad decisions Latino culture laura chick lausd LAUSD 100 percent graduation goal lausd 2008 $7 billlion tax waste LAUSD ATTORNEYS LAUSD august start lausd august starting date LAUSD BOARD LAUSD budger LAUSD budget lausd burdens disabled LAUSD buyout LAUSD changes LAUSD construction costs too high lausd consultants LAUSD contact information LAUSD fiduciary obligation. Charters and LAUSD rejection lausd holiday LAUSD LAYOFF LAUSD low performing schools takeover lausd parcel tax plan lausd poor performance LAUSD poor spending history lausd puts parcel tax on ballot LAUSD salary database lausd school naming LAUSD school takeover LAUSD STUDENTS lausd tax plan lausd test score approach LAUSD transfer policy change LAUSD voting on parent takeover LAUSD Wastes Money LAUSD-LAYOFF-UTLA-TENTATIVE CONTRACT- L.A. WEEKLY lausd.buiding LAUSD's teaching star LAUTLA Lava Marine's Iraq dog lavish spending layoffs Lee Alpert legislators unethical and illegal actions LH PARADE LHS lhs Abraham Lincoln's birthday LHS alum lhs alumni lhs alumni association fundraiser lhs alumni association meeting LHS alumni dance lhs alumni events lhs alumni fall dance lhs alumni meeting LHS alumni spring dance LHS Alumnni Association meeting 2009 Jan LHS Alumnni Association membership LHS at Parade in December 2008 lhs band LHS Calendar LHS Cheer at Veterans Day Parade lhs choir LHS Concerts LHS events lhs faculty LHS footbal v. Wilson LHS football lhs football playoffs LHS fountains lhs fundraiser LHS future choice LHS homecoming LHS ignores Lincoln's birthday LHS improvement needed lhs morale LHS namesake not known by students LHS open house LHS operations lhs performance improvment LHS PI status lhs picnic lhs professional development LHS recollections lhs reunion LHS School 2010-2011 year shortened LHS senior awards lhs short summer LHS student body president lhs teacher lhs tigers football lhsaa activities lhsaa elections LHSAA event LHSAA meeting LHSAA mtg. lhsaa scholarships LHSAA Senior Awards LHSAA website liability for off-duty cops liability for student harm. liars lie Light rail in los angeles Lincoln Alumni Association Lincoln concerts lincoln heights lincoln heights cd-1 office lincoln heights demonstration Lincoln Heights Fireworks fundraiser Lincoln Heights History Lincoln Heights Parade lincoln heights town hall meeting Lincoln High Alumni Association Lincoln High and Veterans Day holiday LINCOLN HIGH BAND Lincoln High Choir Lincoln High debate Lincoln High event Lincoln High morale Lincoln High namesake Lincoln High School Lincoln High troubled school lincoln hts. Christmas Parade lincoln park fireworks lincoln park gym dances Lincoln Photos lincoln PI status lincoln professional development saturday Lincoln public school choice vote lincoln takeover result Lincoln's 200th birthday Lincoln's Birthday at LHS links to Abraham Lincoln little publicity Lloyd Thaxton lobbyists local taxpayers loretta sanchez los angeles low performing lausd schools low voter turnout Lu Parker Luis Sanchez Luis Torres lyida gutierrez v. scott svonkin MacArthur Park melee maeve reston maggie's pub Magistrate Ruben Brooks mandatory uniforms Manny Ramirez marathon st. Marc Germain March 1 flashback marijuana marijuana prescriptions marine corps mark guerrero mark ridley-thomas mary travers maury wills may 17 election May 20 events may day Mayor Mayor a disaster Mayor and City Attorney on layoffs mayor appoints commissioners. mayor approves tax cut Mayor booed mayor booed at council mayor changes story Mayor debate mayor exploits office Mayor no second term Mayor oders layoffs Mayor retaliates mayor sam mayor sam's blog Mayor says more charges on DWP bill Mayor Tony and pre-Oscar party Mayor Tony at urinal Mayor travelling again.City budget deficit mayor villaigosa mayor villaraigosa Mayor Villaraigosa mission Mayor villaraigosa- pothole priority mayor wants to sell off assets Mayor writes in L.A. Times Mayor's announcement mayor's cousin Mayor's fluff piece in the Times mayor's goals at our expense Mayor's governor plans Mayor's state of city speech Mayor's Villaraigosa's contradictions mccoourt divorce McKinley in Compton Measure b MEDICAL MARIJUANA ORDINANCE memory jogging mentally disabled mentor day Merlin Olson merry christmas merry-go-round Michael Jackson memorial michael jacson michelle kube dog video midnight basketball mike duvall mike ibarra Mike Millines mike villines misconduct mistaken shooting in Iraq mistresses mmd MMDs MMDs and Sales of Marijuana Moctesuma Esparza Monica Garcia Monte Vista Elem More on this later- tomorrow most expensive high school Mr. Eagilen mta murder musc program music music flashback music history N.E. Vet. Parade photos national guard nc cuts NC elections process threatened . nc elections. election day in L.A. nc meeting NC Region reults neca negotiations neighborhood council neighborhood council funding cuts Neighborhood Councils cuts nepotism New Year's eve 2008 newpeople killed by U.S. chopper cannon fire Nightingale Jr. High No on Q- LAUSD Wastes Money no second term noel weiss North East Central Alliance of Los Angeles Neighborhood Councils Northeast Veterans Day Parade Northern League scores nostalgia nostalgia item nuch trutanich NYPD shoot to kill policy? What does deadly force mean? Obama Obama administration obama nomination obesity in schools obituary octo-mom October rewind. officials get salary hike. old television shows oldies but goodies oldies on radio open house opposition to charter schools oral histories oral history Orlov otis redding our lady of guadalupe outright legallization of pot outside consultants oversize vehicle parking oversize vehicles parkng threatened Oxy parent conference parent invovlement parent trigger in compton parent-friendly parental responsibility parking Parking holiday parking meters part time legislature for Calif. participation in government pasadena playhouse password sharing Patrick Swayze dies patriotic patt morrison pay is scandalous pay raises paypal PCC swing band Pearl Harbor Anniversay Pearl Harbor Day Penn State Band steppin' per diem performing arts at LHS personal responsibility phone tax deception piggie politicians PLUM committee podcasts Podcasts Free police outnumbered police protection for some political appointments political games political greed politicians and morality politicians are piggish politicians booed politicians prostituting themselves POLITICIANS waste money politics polling place polution poor city management poor operations poor planning poor politicans poor reading skills not addressed in schools pothole weekend in L.A. Power- SoCal Connected prejudgment presidents day principals professional development professional development day prop 1a through 1f property owners proposed taxes prosecution prostitutes in copenhagen protest protest photos protesting students public access public coment public comment. public enlightenment public pressure to prosecute public school choice vote outcome delay public vandalism publicity quadrupled rates quid pro quo radio history radio news Radio people raise fees and taxes raises Ramon Cortines ramos and campeon randal simmons rate hikes ray cortines reading levels recall Redlands reduction in spending reform relatives reletives REMINDER FOR VOTING- State Propositions remodel boondoggle Rent control resignation resigns resume revenue collection rewards ridley-thomas right and wrong riots robert nakahiro rocky delgadillo role model Ron Kaye ron kaye blog RonKayeLA rose parade band rain clip roybal learning center football rubber-stamping ruben brooks Ruben Salazar Rudy Martinez run-off election Sacramento Bee sales taxes san gabriel valley tribune Sanchez Forum Sancho Show sandy banks Santa Anita school construction school Drama school plays and performances school police school pride School Site Council school takovers school uniforms Schwarzenegger See Ask a Mexican seiu opposes layoffs self-serving council self-serving mayor Sen. Gloria Romero Senator carol liu at Eagle Rock NC senior center service dog training Shakey's Pizza share the pain Sheriffs deputies Shoot to kill policy charge shootings shoplifting shopping solutions slimy moves by Rocky slush fund sly stone interview smoking bans socialism solar measure B solar power conversion song sotomayor spanish immersion Speaker's arrogance special special ed special ed and charter schools special event expenses special interests special needs special olympics Special One vote spelling skills spending by calif. Spring Break st. domenic choirs star trek movie state govenment victimized taxpayers state historical park. state legilators State money state of the city State of the City 2009 state of the city 2010 State of the City speech state paid cars State part time legislature state proposal ending free parking State Props- recommedations state waste stereotypes Steve Bass steve gregory STEVE HARVEY steve lopez stimulus funds streamlink free weekend student cheating student performance student speaker student transfer and dollars students stress subscription web site substitute teachers sugar sugar song and Farrah Sunday Edition support students supreme court nomination surfing dog vid surplus property as a gift suspension sweethear sweetheart deal t.v. ads taggers takes vote for granted Tamara Galatzin tax dollars tax hikes tax revolt taxes not fees taxpayer burden teacher credentials teacher firing teacher hunger strike Teacher layoffs teacher pink slips teacher quality teacher strike teacher strike barred teacher unions teacher's union teachers stay on job Teachers union teaching moment teaching right from wrong teaching values TechBites technology wasted TENURE term limits terminally ill singer texas hold'em Thanksgiving coming up Thanksgiving furlough Thanksgiving mystery. The Beast blog the art programs The City Maven pressers the Coast Zone newsletter the DWP Commission will vote to approve this this date in history tiger woods Tiger Woods press conference Tim Conway today music history Today Show farts Tomas Orcasitas friend tony cardenas Tony overrides Council decision on layoffs Tony's story is phony top 5 training trash dumping trickery trust UC FEES INCREASE ucla la raza law students association uniform union union as a special interest union contract union cooperation Union turf issues and charters unions upward bound utla Val Zavala Van Nuys City Hall vandals varsity football Viagra video dance video of helicopter attack on people villaraigosa Villaraigosa . water ration Villaraigosa and May Day Rally Villaraigosa appointees Villaraigosa exploits office Villaraigosa haunted by speech Villaraigosa hides from truth Villaraigosa idiotic annoucement Villaraigosa lies in L.A. Times villaraigosa machine Villaraigosa overreaches authority Villaraigosa resist LAPD cuts villaraigosa seeks taxes Villaraigosa state of city 2011 villaraigosa team Villaraigosa want you- to pay rate hikes Villaraigosa's career advancement villaraigosa's career climb Villaraingosa villariagosa partnership school. Vin Scully honored Vin Scullyviolence acceptable vocational ed vote for Kayser and Gutierrez voter apathy voter exploitation voters voting in NCs may not be clear. Walter Moore Washington's birthday Waste waste city funds waste in LAUSD waste of money waste of public money waste tax dollars water conservation water rate increase water shortage watts riot Wave newspaper weak military supervision website free for Nov Wendy finds more money Wendy Greuel wesson versus 200 public commenters why vote? willie davis dies worst mayor in history worst mayor of l.a. xavier becerra Yolie Aguilar Yolie Flores Aguilar Yolie Flores lausd zahniser Zuma Dogg Zuma Dogg for mayor zuma dogg on budget zuma dogg on nightline Zuma Dogg.