Description Poster

Oedipus Rex Description Poster
ASSIGNMENT: Using your artistic and reading skills, you will create a poster describing:
a character – i.e., Oedipus or Tiresias
an event – i.e., discovering Jocasta’s hanging body or Oedipus finding out the truth
or a setting – i.e., the throne room.
The poster should be colorful, representative of your best effort, and contain the following pieces of information.
Use at least FIVE PIECES OF TEXTUAL EVIDENCE (lines from the play – either descriptions or quotations from
characters with page/line citations) that describe the character (his or her personality), the event (what
happened and how it might look), or the setting (a picture of what the house or room might look like). These
lines should explain why you designed the poster the way you did.
For instance, describing the setting of Oedipus’ throne room: “Double doors dominate the façade; a
stone altar stands in the center of the stage” (Sophocles 590). You might draw how you envision the
royal house of Thebes.
Have a clear title or heading for your poster telling who or what it is.
Use colors and texture to make the poster come alive! This is a story about characters and conflicts and should
represent your interest in what you chose.
Include a brief paragraph explaining the rationale for your choices.
Your poster should be neat and readable.
You will present your poster to the class, explaining your poster’s design and why you chose what you did.
While this is for a specific person/place/event, it should indicate your knowledge of the play itself.
Be creative!
Exceeds Standard
Meets Standard
Does Not Meet Standard
Standard: I.D.3 – Identify and analyze the relationships among elements of fiction including setting, character, plot,
conflict/resolution, theme, and tone.
Learning Target: Students will select a character, setting, or event from Oedipus Rex and make a descriptive poster
using textual evidence to explain how they visualized the text.