Amendment to the Subscriber contract on provision of T-Mobile Television services Customer Centre 800 73 73 73 Customer Centre – Business 800 73 73 33 Operator Subscriber Contractual arrangements Customer contract Subscriber contract TV TV number T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s. Tomíčkova 2144/1, 148 00 Prague 4 Company ID no. 649 49 681, VAT no. CZ64949681 Incorporated in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section B, Insert 3787 Sales outlet code Sales rep., code, address Agent Dealer, code Trading name Name, surname, title1) Company ID no. Personal ID no./DOB2) Representative Name, surname, title Personal ID no./DOB 3) Nationality Document – number – validity By means of this Amendment, the Subscriber and the Operator agree on change to the period of duration of the Subscriber contract on provision of T-Mobile Television services (hereinafter referred to only as the “Subscriber contract”), this being for a definite period of 24 months. After this, the agreed period of duration shall change to an indefinite period unless the business terms and conditions determine otherwise. The period of duration of individual Subscriber contracts agreed by means of this Amendment shall begin on the day following expiry of the originally agreed period of duration of the individual Subscriber contract if the originally agreed period of duration of the Subscriber contract was arranged for a definite period. If the originally agreed period of duration of the Subscriber contract was arranged for an indefinite period, the newly agreed period of duration of the Subscriber contract shall begin at the moment this Amendment comes into effect. Other changes arranged by means of this Amendment shall start at the moment this Amendment comes into effect. This Amendment shall become valid on signature by the Contracting parties. This Amendment shall become effective on setting of the agreed changes captured in this Amendment in the internal systems of the Operator, which the Operator shall inform the Subscriber of, this being no later than 30 days from the date when the Operator receives this Amendment. If the Operator fails to inform the Subscriber of setting of changes, it shall be understood that he has withdrawn from the Amendment. The Subscriber undertakes to comply with the Minimum monthly payment in the amount of CZK for a period of 12 měsíců from the first day of the first billing period following the date when this Amendment becomes effective. The Subscriber and the Operator agree on the contractual penalties specified in art. 8.1 of the General Terms and Conditions for the event of breach of obligations resulting from the Subscriber contract, whereas in accordance with this article, the Operator shall be entitled to charge the Potential customer a contractual penalty in the amount of CZK 150.00 if the Potential customer is in delay with payment of a Bill by one day and a contractual penalty in the amount of CZK 1,000.00 if the Potential customer is in delay with payment of a Bill by 21 days, and also those specified in art. 8.2 and 8.4 of the General Terms and Conditions and in the Conditions of Minimum monthly payment. In the event of early termination of a Subscriber contract for other reasons than delay in settlement of monetary debts, the Subscriber shall be obliged to make the payments as specified in art. 8.3 of the General Terms and Conditions. By signing this Amendment, the Subscriber confirms that he is aware of and agrees without reservation to the valid version of these Documents, whereas priority of Documents shall be governed by art. 2.2 of the General Terms and Conditions, not the order shown below: General Terms and Conditions Price list of services Conditions of other Services: Fill in details about the individual, individual – entrepreneur, responsible party or statutory body of the corporate entity. If the Interested party does not have a personal ID number, enter the date of birth. 3 If the Interested party does not have a personal ID number, enter the date of birth. 01-RCS-0-24 Form valid from 23.3.2014 1 2 1/2 selected tariff, data, selected addon, special offer … Conditions of minimum monthly payment These Documents shall become an integral part of the Subscriber contract. Current settings of agreement or disagreement to processing of data in accordance with PZOÚ are available in the My T-Mobile application (if the Subscriber has this) or from the Customer Centre. The Subscriber is entitled at any time to change agreement or disagreement to processing of data in accordance with PZOÚ free of charge, this being either in the My T-Mobile application (if the Subscriber has this) or at the Customer Centre. Service settings and other arrangements Equipment4) Price CZK IMEI Additional discount Discount for T-Mobile Bonus points Offer Tariff Package Special offer Discount package Name of package Price Device 1 IMEI/SN Price Device 2 IMEI/SN Price Additional discount Device 3 IMEI/SN Device 4 IMEI/SN Device 5 IMEI/SN Price Price Price Other arrangements resulting from Subscriber contract shall remain unaffected by this Amendment. The Subscriber and the Operator have agreed that information on conclusion of and changes to the Subscriber contract shall be sent by the Operator to the Subscriber to the T-Box located in the customer account of the Subscriber on the My T-Mobile portal (hereinafter referred to only as the “T-Box”). Confirmation sent to the T-Box shall not be regarded as a confirmative commercial letter. The Operator shall also not take into consideration confirmation of conclusion of an Amendment to the Subscriber contract sent by the Subscriber and such confirmation shall thus have no impact on the content of the Subscriber contract. Signatures If this Amendment to the Subscriber contract was concluded outside of premises usual for doing business or using remote communication means, the Subscriber shall be entitled to withdraw from it within 14 days of the date following delivery of information on conclusion of the Amendment to the Subscriber contract to the T-Box. Notice of withdrawal must be sent to the address of the sales representative specified in this form. If the address of the sales representative is not specified, notice of withdrawal must be sent to the address: arvato services k.s., U Početky 1734, Nymburk, 288 02. The Subscriber hereby explicitly declares that he asks the Operator to commence performance of his obligations before expiry of the stipulated deadline for withdrawal. Date Subscriber 4 Operator/Sales representative This offer is intended only for prolongation of T-Mobile TV (for 24 months). 01-RCS-0-24 Form valid from 23.3.2014 2/2