Julius Caesar Acts 4 & 5 Test - St. Raymond High School for Boys

Mr. Sudol
3/23/10 (Day 103)
To assess students’ understandings of the major themes and concepts in Julius Caesar Acts 4 and 5.
Julius Caesar Acts 4 and 5 test
Date: 3/23/2010
Part 1 – Multiple Choice: Select the choice that best answers the question.
1. In justifying why Lepidus should not hold power with he and Octavius, Antony compares Lepidus to a:
a. Horse/beast of burden
b. Snake in the grass
c. Soaring eagle
d. Mangy dog
2. When Cassius begins to argue with Brutus in Act 4, Scene 2, Brutus suggests that they:
a. Have a public duel b. Discuss their problems later c. Talk privately inside his tent d. Have a drink together
3. In Act 4, Scene 3, Brutus reveals that he is angry with Cassius because one of Cassius’s servants has been:
a. Accepting bribes from the people of Sardis
b. Talking badly about Brutus behind his back
c. Recruiting soldiers for Antony’s army
d. Murdering Brutus’s soldiers
4. Brutus’s wife Portia has died by:
a. Stabbing herself
b. Execution at Antony’s hands
c. Drowning herself
d. Swallowing a hot coal
5. The philosophy by which Brutus lives and which he demonstrates by reacting emotionlessly to Portia’s death
is called:
a. Existentialism
b. Behaviorism
c. Stoicism
d. Deism
6. At the end of Act 4, Scene 3, Brutus is visited by Caesar’s ghost who tells him: “I will…”:
a. “…see thee in hell” b. “…see thee at Phillippi” c. “…meet thee in battle” d. “…never forgive thee”
7. When Antony and Brutus meet on the battlefield at the beginning of Act 5, they:
a. Agree to a truce
b. Insult each other
c. Joke with each other
8. Cassius believes the defeat of his army is foreshadowed by:
a. The replacement of his army’s two pet eagles by vultures and crows
c. The appearance of a blood-red sun
d. Kill each other
b. The death of Lucilius
d. The death of Octavius
9. The most direct reason Cassius kills himself is because he believes that:
a. Brutus has died
b. Titinius has been captured c. His army has deserted him
d. Caesar is haunting him
10. Toward the end of Act 5, Antony decides not to kill Lucilius (Brutus’s servant) because:
a. He admires Lucilius’s courage
b. He needs as many allies as he can get after the war
c. He appreciates Lucilius’s devious nature
d. All of the above
Part 2 – Essay: On the back of this paper, write a detailed (approximately half-page) response to ONE of
the following questions. Be sure to give specific examples from the text to support your response.
1. The concepts of friendship and loyalty are central to interactions between the characters in the play.
Describe the friendships between Antony and Octavious and between Brutus and Cassius in these acts; state
for one of these pairs of characters 1). if their friendships are based on personal concern for each other or
the need to gain/maintain their political power and 2). give an example in that case that supports your
2. Acts 4 and 5 contain several examples of irony. List three examples of irony in these acts, explaining which
characters are involved in each and how each example demonstrates the concept of irony.
3. Power, and the need to attain power, drives the actions of several characters in Acts 4 and 5 of the play.
Give an example of how one character in Acts 4 and 5 uses his power either positively or negatively, stating
1). who the character is, 2). an example of that character’s use of power, and 3). what makes the use of that
power positive or negative.