Inside this Issue
President’s Message
Calendar of Events
Happy Father’s Day!
Full Court Press
Final Thoughts
Safety Corner
Installation & Scholarship Celebration
SFCNAIW Volunteer Day
Golf Tournament Flyer
General Luncheon Flyer
AIDS Walk Flyer
Cookbook Flyer
2011 Region VIII Committee
Re-entry Program flyer
2007-08 Board of Directors/Committees
Cover Notes
June 2009
a monthly newsletter published by
the San Francisco Chapter of
National Association of Insurance Women
P.O. Box 190862
San Francisco, CA
President’s Message
Hello everyone,
May just seemed to breeze by. The weather is so
nice and warm and the flowers are blooming
magnificently (sorry allergy sufferers).
Our 44th Annual NAIW Week Luncheon
was held on May 14th. We were very honored to
have Robin Fawkes, Region VIII Vice President
and Letitia (Tish) Riley, California Council
Director as special guests at our head table.
Janice Mirikitani is the Founding President of
the Glide Foundation where she and her
husband, Reverend Cecil Williams, have
achieved worldwide recognition for their work
with San Francisco’s poor and marginalized
communities. Janice is also a Poet Laureate and
author of four books of poetry. Her enlightening
speech to us included two of her poems which
were so down to earth and true that many of us
felt what she was saying in our hearts. She did
such an awesome job that after our luncheon, I
received many calls from our members and
guests to tell me she was one of the best key
note speakers they have heard. It was also
wonderful that we were able to have Diana
Brogoitti as our Mistress of Ceremonies. Diana is
going through some challenging times with her
health, but she looked terrific and did a fabulous
job! From time to time, we will let you know
how Diana is faring.
The winner of the Insurance Member of the
Year Award went to Lillian Grace Hill and the
Hall of Fame Award went to Suzzanne Ryan.
Both ladies deserved these awards for their
years of commitment and continued support of
our chapter.
This is the second year in a row that
Suzzanne Ryan was our Chairwoman. She
knows how to put together an event with style. I
would like to thank everyone who served on her
committee, Rae Lynn Zachary, Alvenia
June 2009
Anderson, Joyce Saridis, Jeanette Kane, Rene
Everson, Ethel Jimenez, May Dimalanta and
Lisa Masa. It takes hard work and commitment
from everyone to make this event a success!
By the way, Jeanette Kane is also taking our
CWC course and we are looking forward to her
participating in Fresno’s CWC Speak off. She is
poised and will definitely give the other
participants a run for their money! Go Jeanette!
Quyen Trinh, our Community Service Chair
has two upcoming events and it is my hope that
our members, family and friends will help make
these two events a success. The first is on June
6th for the St. Anthony’s Foundation and we
need 10-15 volunteers. Please see attached flyer
for this event. On July 19th, we are participating
in the Annual Aids Walk in San Francisco’s
Golden Gate Park. More details to follow.
We have also received a special request
from David Lai who donates an enormous
amount of time to the Asian Community and to
the Asian Art Museum. Last August, we
volunteered to work at the museum when they
were showing the Ming Dynasty collection.
Jenny Chea-Vaing received a call from David
Lai asking for our help again, but this time for a
six month commitment. Jenny and Quyen are
spearheading this project and we would love to
have your help. It is only for the first Free
Sunday each month and we would be assigned
an area to help guide the visitors through the
exhibits. If you can spare some time and would
like to join our group, please contact Jenny or
Quyen for more details. We had a great time last
year and know that it will be exciting and
rewarding to participate again.
Well, it’s time for me to come to a close.
Only one more month and my term as your
President comes to an end. I wish to thank my
board and membership for their love and
support. Without you, I wouldn’t have been able
to accomplish as much as we had this past year.
You’re awesome and I know that you will give
Rae Lynn your 2009-2010 President your full
support! On July 1st, I start my next job as your
Regional Membership Development Chair. : )▲
Best to you always,
Annette Ing-Firmeza
President, San Francisco Chapter of NAIW
Calendar of Events
▲ Board Meeting – Tuesday, June 2nd @ Aon, 199 Fremont Street @ 12 Noon – All members are
welcome to attend
▲ General Lunch Meeting & Officer Installation Ceremony – Tuesday, June 16th. Details to follow.
June 14th – Flag Day
June 21st – Father’s Day
▲ Board Meeting – Tuesday, July 7th @ Lockton Insurance Brokers, 2 Embarcadero Center, Suite 1700,
San Francisco. All Members are welcome to attend.
▲ Leadership Meeting - Saturday, July 18th at Camp Oakhurst in Coursegold, CA. Details to follow soon.
▲ General Lunch Meeting – Tuesday, July 21st with Guest Speakers Andrea Steiner & Beverly Zoller
from AXA Financial Advisors, guest speakers - reservation details to follow
July 4th – Independence Day
▲ Board Meeting – Tuesday, August 4th @ Lockton Insurance Brokers, 2 Embarcadero Center, Suite
1700, San Francisco. All Members are welcome to attend.
▲ General Lunch Meeting –Tuesday, August 18th. Details to follow.
Member Happenings
 Happy Birthday to all our June Babies!
 Congratulations to Lillian Grace Hill on winning Insurance Member of the Year for
2009 and to Suzzanne Ryan on winning the Hall of Fame for 2009
June 2009
Please help update our Roster by advising us of any changes/corrections. For a copy of our roster, contact
Alvenia Anderson; Phone 415-836-2649; e-mail Please send all corrections/updates to
Alvenia. Please take special care in completing the “Specialty Field” column by indicating “Account Manager
Construction” instead of just “Account Manager”.
Remember to use your member ID number listed with your name on your member ID card to register on the
National NAIW website at You can review or update your member record at any time through the
Members Only area. A new member ID card will not be issued. Your member ID number will not change. You can
use your existing number for all NAIW transactions. You may order a new card at a cost of $7.50. Send your
request to: NAIW, Dept. 1400, P.O. Box 21820, Tulsa, OK 74101. For questions: Email John at or call 1-800-766-6249 x 26.
Does your company have open positions? Post your open positions on our careers page, at no cost! Visit the
careers page to find out how
Fellowship Committee - Members, please keep in mind if you know of any of our members who have
an illness or in the hospital or a death in the family to be sure to contact Annette Ing-Firmeza
( who will send a greeting card to wish them well and that NAIW
members are thinking of them.
The San Francisco Chapter of NAIW can now accept credit card payments
for all events. Members check your e-mail box for flyers with embedded
links. Guests and sponsors, please contact Joyce Saridis at to receive an invoice via e-mail.
In checking out the listing of our current members Headquarters provides, I note that a number of you have
designations and I wonder how close you are to qualifying for your Certified Professional Insurance Woman/Man
(CPIW/CPIM) designation. We currently show the following 15 who hold the designation:
M. "Sandy" Dameron
Susan Dias
Janis Dunivin, CPCU
Susan Goldberg, ARM
Tina Kong, CPCU, ARM
Angela Lucas-Ratcliff, CISR
Barbara McClellan, CPCU,
Beverly Ness
Claudia Payne, CPCU
Linda Pirlot, CPCU, AAI
Claudette Rowley, ACSR
Suzzanne Ryan, ARM
Diana L. Walizada, AIC
Rae Lynn Zachary, CPCU
Cecilia Kahara, AIS
To check on the requirements, go to the National web-site: and click on "Professional
Development". Then, in the "specific designations requirement" sentence, click on CPIW or CPIM. If you have any
questions or need assistance in applying, please contact me. M. "Sandy" Dameron, CPIW (415-885-0488 or
June 2009
Premium Inspiration
Be master of your petty annoyances and conserve your energies for the big, worthwhile things. It isn't
the mountain ahead that wears you out - it's the grain of sand in your shoe. ~ Robert Service
Never forget that you're a member of your own community. Don't do something that you wouldn't like
to see done. ~ Keith Richman
Leadership is communicating to people their worth and potential so clearly that they come to see it in
themselves. ~ Stephen Covey
Attention SFCNAIW Membership: Renewal applications
have arrived. Please take a moment to let us know if there
has been a change in your employment or mailing address
or other contact information.
Prompt attention to the above is appreciated.
Best Regards,
Alvenia Anderson
SFCNAIW 2008-2009 Membership Chair
Looking for a career in insurance?
Check our job listings at
New listings are posted as often as we get them!
Picture this…
Visit our new full-featured photo gallery:
June 2009
Full Court Press
Homeowners’ Policy Excludes Water
Damage Caused By Contractor’s
Negligence When It Interacts With
Excluded Perils
Summary by Rebecca B. Aherne, Esq.
On May 5, 2009, the Second Appellate District
filed its opinion in Freedman v. State Farm
Insurance Company, holding water damage
caused by the negligent conduct of a contractor
was not covered under a homeowners’
insurance policy providing all-risk coverage for
the dwelling and specified-peril coverage for the
insureds’ personal property.
Factual and Procedural Background
In 2000, Bernard and Gail Freedman hired a
contractor to re-pipe their home, including the
replacement of drywall to cover new piping in
an upstairs bathroom. In 2005, the drywall was
removed and it was discovered that a nail used
to hang the drywall had been driven through a
pipe. The pipe was corroded and water was
leaking. Mold was also discovered.
The State Farm homeowners’ policy
issued to the Freedmans’ covered accidental
direct physical loss, but excluded loss caused by
wear, tear, marring, scratching, deterioration,
inherent vice, latent defect, mechanical
breakdown, corrosion, electrolysis, rust, and
water damage, regardless of whether the loss
occurred suddenly or gradually, involved
isolated or widespread damage, or arose from
natural or external forces. These exclusions also
applied regardless of the negligent conduct of
any person, or the defective workmanship or
construction of property. By endorsement, the
June 2009
policy provided limited coverage for loss caused
by fungus, including mold. Such losses were
covered if caused by or directly resulted from a
specified peril or one not otherwise excluded.
The Freedmans’ submitted a claim to State Farm
which was denied.
The Freedmans’ filed an action against
State Farm alleging breach of contract, breach of
the implied covenant of good faith and fair
dealing and negligence. Their contention was
the contractor’s negligence in driving the nail
through the pipe was a covered peril and was
the cause of the loss. State Farm argued that
each of the possible causes of the damage was
an excluded peril (corrosion and seepage or
leakage of water) and third party negligence
was excluded whenever it interacted with an
excluded peril. The trial court found in favor of
State Farm. The judgment in favor of State Farm
was affirmed on appeal.
Judicial Holding and Analysis
The appellate court explained that when a loss is
caused by a combination of covered and
excluded risks, the loss is covered if the covered
risk was the efficient proximate cause of the loss.
The loss is not covered if the covered risk was
only a remote cause of the loss, or the excluded
risk was the efficient proximate cause. The
efficient proximate cause of a loss is the
predominant or most important cause of the
An insurer is not prohibited from
enforcing policy provisions that provide
coverage for some, but not all, manifestations of
a particular peril and a manifestation of a
particular peril can be defined in terms of a
relationship between two otherwise distinct
The provisions in the State Farm policy
exclude third parties’ negligent conduct and
defective workmanship whenever they interact
with an excluded peril. Corrosion and
continuous or repeated seepage or leakage of
water are excluded perils. Thus, the policy
excludes contractor-negligence-induced corrosion and contractor-negligence-induced continuous or repeated seepage or leakage of water.
There was no evidence that contractornegligence caused the loss apart from the nail’s
role in triggering corrosion and a water leak.
The court rejected the Freedmans’ contention the
third party negligence provisions were ambiguous, stating they clearly exclude perils of
contractor-negligence-induced corrosion and
water leaks.
The court also rejected the Freedmans’
argument the exclusion for continuous or
repeated seepage or leakage of water was
ambiguous because it does not specify how long
a leak must last to be continuous or how many
times the leak must stop and start to be
repeated. The water leaked through the
corroded area of the pipe which had been
punctured by a nail. Given the size of the hole
and the amount of damage, the leak must have
lasted a sufficiently long time, or stopped and
started sufficiently many times to constitute
continuous or repeated under a reasonable
construction of those terms. In addition, the
exclusion does not apply only to normal
deterioration of the plumbing system. The
policy explicitly excludes coverage for loss
caused by continuous or repeated seepage or
leakage of water from a plumbing system
regardless of whether the event occurs suddenly
or gradually, involves isolated or widespread
damage, or arises from natural or external
June 2009
causes. Thus, leaks are excluded regardless of
whether they are caused by natural forces, such
as normal deterioration, or external forces, such
as a nail driven through a pipe.
There was no coverage under the mold
endorsement because the mold damage was
caused by a water leak which was caused by
corrosion which was caused by the nail
intrusion. Contractor-negligence-induced continuous or repeated seepage or leakage of water
was an excluded peril. The mold damage was
not caused by a specified peril under the
personal property coverage or a peril not
otherwise excluded.
Comments and Implications
This decision is based on the Supreme Court
decision in Julian v. Hartford (2005) 35 Cal. 4th
747, in which heavy rains caused a landslide
that damaged the insureds’ home. The Hartford
policy excluded loss directly or indirectly
caused by earth movement, including landslide,
and loss caused by weather conditions if they
contribute with earth movement to produce the
loss. The insurer denied coverage relying on the
exclusions for earth movement and weather
conditions that contributed with another
excluded cause or event (a landslide) to produce
a loss. Although the Supreme Court rejected the
insurer’s argument that exclusions of such
combined perils are always enforceable, it held
the exclusion for weather conditions that
interact with an excluded peril was enforceable
as applied to a loss occasioned by a rain-induced
landslide. The insureds had produced no
evidence that weather conditions had caused
their loss in any way apart from the rain’s role in
triggering the landslide.▲
Final Thoughts…..
Before I retire as your
President, I just want to
again thank each and every
one of you for your
commitment to our chapter.
I especially want to say:
Rae Lynn, I know that you
are going to be an awesome
President and I am glad that
you and I got to know each
other better. I had great fun
on our “road trips” and
Conference. You’ve stepped in for me when I
couldn’t run the general luncheon meetings and
did a great job! You’ll do fine as you also have a
strong board to support you and your goals,
offer you words of wisdom and innovative
Lisa, I know that this past year has been
challenging for you and want you to know that
you will also do a great job following Rae Lynn
up the ladder. It’s kind of a scary thought when
you’re Vice President thinking what did I get
myself into, but in the end, you will see how
time flies and your fears disappear. You have a
great speaking voice and I am confident that
you would also do well as a CWC participant!
Grace, thank you for serving as our
Treasurer. You are spot on with the bookkeeping and this is why the audit flows
smoothly. I know you want to take a break and
smell the roses, but we know that if we ever
need you to help, you’ll be there in a flash! One
day, we expect to see you as our Vice President
and moving up the chain! You’ll do a fantastic
job – you don’t have to cook for the meetings,
just scrapbook some mementos for us.
Congratulations once again on being our
Insurance Member of the Year!
June 2009
Sandy I., thank you for
Recording Secretary.
You have the best
handwriting I have
ever seen and you take
meticulous notes. It’s a
pleasure having you
on the board and I
know that one day
when the kids are
grown and you have a
few more hours in the
day; you too will step
up the ladder and lead
our chapter. We are waiting and will cheer you
on! You’re extremely reliable and always a
pleasure to be with.
Alvenia, thank you for serving as one of
our Directors. You’ve served in all positions on
the board and have always been a strong
supporter of NAIW. The bottom line for our
Annual Golf Tournament validates its success.
The Membership efforts had a positive effect as
we had some fairly new members and young
professionals step up to serve on committees.
This is definitely a good sign. You and Suzzanne
did a great job co-chairing CWC as we have two
possible participants. I will never forget the
great time we had singing Christmas carols at
the VA Hospital. That was a day to remember.
Suzzanne, thank you for serving as one
of our Directors. We couldn’t expect anything
less than a fabulous May Luncheon event with
you leading the way. Chairing the Nominating
Committee had a small wrinkle, but you
succeeded in finding Marie Meadows as our VP.
As I said earlier, you and Alvenia did a great job
with our CWC students and we should have at
least one participant at the Council meeting in
Fresno. Your dedication to making people more
aware of breast cancer is highly commendable.
Congratulations once again for winning the
coveted Hall of Fame Award.
Joyce, thank you for serving as one of
our Directors. You have really done an
outstanding job taking care of the reservations
for our events. I am proud that you are able to
represent us at National as our Alternate. It
couldn’t have gone to a more deserving
individual who is definitely moving up the
ladder. You’ve always been helpful and willing
to serve whenever we needed someone – just
like you did at Regional as a Page.
Sandy “MOM” D, thank you for being
my Archive/Historian, By-Laws, Parliamentarian and advisor. You’re right, it took me years
to move up the ladder and I am so glad that I
had you to turn to for advice. You are a class act
and it will be hard for anyone else to compete
with your years of experience and wisdom.
Your job as our historian is very important and
we know that you are the keeper of all records.
That’s for always being there for us.
To my other Committee Chairs, Jennifer
Day, Audit; Sandy Dameron and Ramona
DeBernardis, By-Laws and Parliamentarians;
Quyen Trinh, Community Service; Rebecca
Aherne, Education; Terry Crowley, Employment; Beverly Ness, Fellowship; Safety, Michelle
Nickles, and Website & Cover Notes, Rae Lynn
Zachary – thank you from the bottom of my
heart for all your hard work you’ve done.
Jennifer, the audits went smoothly,
because you and Grace did an excellent job. I
hope you will continue to serve at the Audit
Rebecca, your articles in Cover Notes are
very interesting. We’re going to miss not having
you moderate at the Intercoordinating Council
I foresee in the very near future, that
Quyen Trihn will be a greater asset to our
chapter as a Young Professional. She has
definitely moved up from being in the
background to taking the bulls by the horn. I
was so pleased that she has come forth to run
our Community Service events. She had a great
time at the Regional Conference as our Al
Padway Recipient and First Timer. We’re
watching you grow Quyen!
Jenny Chea-Vaing, you’ve always been
there supporting our Community Service events
– so cheerful even when you were ill and should
have been resting, you came out to support our
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk.
You’re a leader and I know that if you worked
in SF that you would be sitting on the board.
Maybe one day soon this will happen.
Ashley Fraser, you were a terrific Elf Girl
during our Holiday Event and I also predict one
day that you’ll be serving on our board also.
If I was writing a book, I could name all of my
members that have done something to make our
chapter special, but it will have to wait for
another day. Thanks everyone and stay in
Annette Ing-Firmeza
June 2009
Safety Corner
In the wake of the Sandra
Cantu tragedy in Tracy, it
is a harsh reminder that we
all need to exercise best
education with the children
in our lives that we love
and care for. It is
incident like this brings to
light the importance of
with children and instilling
them with the knowledge
of what to do in a situation
uncomfortable and could potentially be
dangerous. Parents, caregivers, and those that
work with children should discuss and plan
ways to be as safe as possible.
Child Safety Tips
Here are just a few tips for you and your kids:
▲ Keep open communication with your
children. Discuss all types of safety with
▲ Allow kids to tell you what makes them
fearful, and encourage them to
communicate their feelings on being safe.
▲ Teach them how to recognize potentially
dangerous situations; whether it's with
someone they know, or someone they
don't know.
▲ Always play or travel with a friend.
▲ Always tell an adult where you are
going, even if it's just across the street to
a friend's house.
▲ Sometimes it's okay to say “no” to an
adult. Talk about the times when they
need to listen to adults and when it’s
appropriate to say “no”.
June 2009
Child Safety Awareness
▲ Get to know your children’s friends and
▲ If a child is spending time at home alone,
make rules for the house with the child’s
help. Discuss the rules and the reasons
for having each one in place.
▲ Talk about the difference between
strangers and trusted adults with
children. Encourage them to share with
you when they are uncomfortable with
the trusted adults.
▲ Children need to know which adults
they can go to in case of an emergency
(police officers, trusted neighbors, store
owners, relatives, etc.).
Go over some lures or tricks that dangerous
adults may use:
▲ Offer a ride in a vehicle
▲ Offer candy, gifts, money, jobs, etc.
▲ Request help
▲ Use of threats/fear
▲ Pretending to be a friend or trusted adult
▲ Offer companionship
If a child feels that he/she is in danger – YELL,
RUN, and TELL!
▲ YELL loudly to draw attention to
yourself and the stranger
▲ RUN to a safe place
▲ TELL an adult what happened
More tips can be found on various child safety
websites. Safety Awareness for Everyone (SAFE)
offers a complete guide of Safety Tips for
Children at scheduled presentations. For SAFE's
Safety Tips for Kids at Home, click on the link
website, for more safety tips. SF SAFE
Peninsula Insurance Women’s Association
Installation and Scholarship
Speaker: Mike Robbins
Motivational Speaker
Installation, Scholarship Presentation and Basket Raffle
Please join us Wednesday, June 3rd, 2009
Social – 5:30 pm / Dinner – 6:30 pm
No Host Cocktail
Michael’s at Shoreline
2960 North Shoreline Blvd, Mountain View, CA
Please RSVP by Wednesday, May 27, 2009 to: or 408-823-3492
Proceeds from the basket raffles help fund the scholarship and
other projects PIWA sponsors.
Dinner Selection is Prime Rib or Salmon @ $40 per person.
Please let us know if you will require a vegetarian or special diet entrée.
Please make check payable to: PIWA
PO Box 61625
Sunnyvale, CA 94088-1625
Direct any questions to:
June 2009
Kathy Smith
150 Golden Gate Avenue
San Francisco, CA
Groups such as ours play an important part in St. Anthony’s work with the poor and
homeless community. Come spend a stimulating and rewarding morning helping St.
Anthony’s staff and fellow volunteers prepare and serve over 2,600 lunches.
We will need 10-15 volunteers to arrive promptly at 9:30 am for a brief orientation. The
rest of the morning will be spent preparing and serving the lunches.
Lunch will be provided. You are welcome to join the guests for lunch at the dining table or
enjoy your lunch in the volunteer break room.
St. Anthony Foundation
Saturday, June 6, 2009: 9:30am to 1:45pm
St. Anthony’s Dining Room – 45 Jones Street, SF, CA
Dress comfortably, but please NO sleeveless shirts, open-toed
shoes, short shorts or short skirts
St. Anthony: Fitz @ 415-592-2704 /
SFC NAIW: Quyen @ 415-994-3266 /
We recommend that you take public transportation, if possible. Both BART and MUNI stop
at the Civic Center Station – a convenient two-block walk from our facility. (Take the 5, 6, 7,
21, 31, 38, F car on the surface, or the K, L, M, or N underground or BART to Civic Center,
cross UN Plaza to Leavenworth Street, take Leavenworth to Golden Gate Avenue, turn
right, walk to Jones, turn right.)
Reasonable paid parking is also available at the corner of Golden Gate and Jones Street.
June 2009
FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 2009
SHOTGUN START – 1:00 p.m.
1300 Concord Avenue, Concord, CA 94520 (925) 825-8000
FAX: (925) 852-0466
P.O. BOX 796, CLAYTON, CA 94517
June 2009
DINNER(S) @ $35.00 each
JOHN ANTAKI (925) 852-0416
JERRY LAURITA (510) 918-5034
SAL CONTRERAS (925) 689-1739
Make Your Reservations Today!!!!
SFC NAIW General Lunch Meeting
Date: Tuesday, June 16th, 2009
Time: 11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Place: Banker’s Club
Bank of America Bldg., 52nd Floor
555 California Street, S.F., CA
RSVP: Please RSVP no later than
Thursday, June 11, 2009 to:
Joyce Saridis, Allianz Global
ph. 415 541 4466
Sonoma Organic Green Salad (Toasted Pine
Nuts, Basil, Crumbled Point Reyes Bleu
Cheese with Champagne Vinaigrette)
Grilled Painted Hills Skirt Steak with
Spinach and Creamy Herb Polenta
Cypress Grove Goat Cheese & Pear Ravioli
with Crispy Pancetta, Slow Roasted
Tomatoes & Shaved Parmigiano Reggiano
2009-10 BOD
Installation Lunch
Come and welcome the new Board of
Directors for the 2009-10 Term
Rae Lynn Zachary, President
Lisa Masa, President-Elect
Marie Meadows, Vice President
Mona Lindahl-Babcock, Recording
Alvenia Anderson, Treasurer
Cynthia Brixie, Director
Sandy Inouye, Director
Joyce Saridis, Director
Know someone who is
interested in joining NAIW?
Invite them to the meeting!
Raspberry Almond Crostata
Cost: $40 for SFC NAIW Members
$45 for Non-Members
$35 for Retired Members
Please pay by check or with exact cash at the door, we
have no change. Credit Card Payments also available –
watch your e-mail box for details.
June 2009
Note: No-shows are required to pay,
regardless of reason, as we are billed
based on our confirmation
We Can Make a Difference!
Friends, family and members of SFC NAIW! Mark your calendars and get ready for the 2009
walk! Let’s put on our walking shoes and walk together to raise awareness for this cause!
Team Name:
SFC NAIW Striders
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Sharon Meadow, San Francisco Golden Gate Park
10K (~6.2 Miles)
9:00 AM - 12:30 PM (Official start time is 10:30 AM)
Quyen Trinh
SFC NAIW Community Chair
Jenny Chea-Vaing
2008 Making Strides Coordinator
925-283-2050 X 103
Team Registration and Online Donation:
Mail Donation:
Please contact Quyen Trinh.
All donations by check should be made payable to AWSF or Aids Walk San Francisco
Company Matching Gift: Please click on this link to obtain additional information
Additional Information:
June 2009
Get ‘em while they’re hot!
$10 per book
Proceeds go towards the 2014 Region VIII Conference
“The Heart of the San Joaquin in 2014”
To order a cookbook, complete the following:
Name: _________________________
Address: _______________________
City: _________________ State: ______ Zip: _____
# of Books _____ x $10 plus $2 Shipping each book
Total Enclosed: _________
Questions or Comments: Contact Jolene Gilbert at 559-302-4469 or
Checks should be made payable to: 2014 Region VIII Conference
Mail order forms & payment to:
June 2009
IPKTC - Attn: Jolene
P.O. Box 1012
Visalia, CA 93279
Please Help Support:
The 2011 Region VIII Committee –
Hosted by the Contra Costa Chapter of NAIW
Instead of asking you to buy typical fundraising stuff from our group, we're doing something
totally new!! All we ask is that you do your normal shopping through our website. We now have
a shopping mall website featuring over 300 Name Brand Companies.
Simply visit our website below & click on a link to any company you want to visit. You will be
taken to that company's Safe, Secure website where you can do your regular shopping and
have it delivered straight to your door. Most of the companies offer Free Shipping, plus a wider
selection of items at the Same or Lower Price than you will find in their stores!
When you do your normal shopping with any company through our website, we get a
commission! Please do all of your normal shopping at:
• Wal-Mart • Buckle • KB Toys
• NetFlix • dELiA*s •
• Alloy • The Sharper Image •
• Avon • Disney Movie Club • and many more!
Thanks Again For Supporting
The 2011 Region VIII Committee Hosted by the Contra Costa Chapter of NAIW
June 2009
The San Francisco Chapter of NAIW
has partnered with the
SF Sheriff’s Department Women’s Reentry Center
In November 2007, at our General Luncheon meeting, we began
collecting un-opened toiletries to donate to the Women’s Reentry
Center. If you travel a lot and pick up all those hotel provided
toiletries, they are perfect!
In addition to the hotel provided toiletries – full sized products are
greatly appreciated, the ladies from the Reentry Center have a wish list
of items they need to prepare “Reentry Survival Kits” for the women who are reentering society. In
order to receive one of the kits, the ladies must go to the reentry center and have some form of
Items needed include:
Toothbrushes and toothpaste
Shampoo and conditioner
Hair Dressing for African American Hair
Dental Floss, etc.
Bring your donations to our next general meeting
OR, if you can’t make it to the meetings, you can drop your donations off at:
Lockton Insurance Brokers, LLC
2 Embarcadero Center, Suite 1700, San Francisco, CA 94111
Attn: Rae Lynn Zachary, 415-568-4028 /
Information on the Center:
Located at 930 Bryant Street, The Reentry Center, which gets its funding from
private fundraising efforts as well as local, state and federal sources, provides
women with transitional support services including housing assistance,
substance abuse programs, employment referrals, healthcare and legal
assistance. The program also offers personal development classes to help the
women get their lives back on track.
The center will also accept clothing donations. If you are interested
in donating clothing as well, contact:
Quyen Trinh
SFC NAIW Community Service Chairperson
415-994-3266 /
Quyen will work with you individually to coordinate clothing donations.
June 2009
2008-09 SFCNAIW Board of Directors and Committee Members
Annette Ing-Firmeza
Aon Risk Insurance Services West, Inc.
Rae Lynn Zachary
Lockton Insurance Brokers, LLC
Vice President
Lisa Masa
Socius Insurance Services, Inc./Enpower
Grace Hill
CNA Surety
Recording Secretary
Sandra Inouye
Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company
Suzzanne Ryan
Aon Risk Insurance Services West, Inc.
Alvenia Anderson
AIG Global Marine
Joyce Saridis
Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company
M. Sandy Dameron
Jennifer Day
Imperial AI Credit/AIG
Budget & Finance
Rae Lynn Zachary
Lockton Insurance Brokers, LLC
M. Sandy Dameron
Ramona DeBernardis
Lockton Insurance Brokers, LLC
Community Service
Quyen Trinh
Frank Crystal
Alvenia Anderson
AIG Global Marine
Suzzanne Ryan
Aon Risk Insurance Services West, Inc.
Rebecca Aherne
Kelly, Hockel & Klien
Theresa Crowley
CNA Marine
Beverly Ness
Annette Ing-Firmeza
Aon Risk Insurance Services West, Inc.
Golf Tournament
Alvenia Anderson
AIG Global Marine
Horizon Plan
Annette Ing-Firmeza
Aon Risk Insurance Services West, Inc.
May Luncheon
Suzzanne Ryan
Aon Risk Insurance Services West, Inc.
Alvenia Anderson
AIG Global Marine
Lihn Compero
Alliant Insurance Services Inc.
Suzzanne Ryan
Aon Risk Insurance Services West, Inc.
October Industry Luncheon
Lisa Masa
Socius Insurance Services, Inc./Enpower
M. Sandy Dameron
Ramona DeBernardis
Lockton Insurance Brokers, LLC
Program Committee
Annette Ing-Firmeza
Aon Risk Insurance Services West, Inc.
Joyce Saridis
Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company
Michelle Nickles
Aon Risk Insurance Services West, Inc.
Website & Cover Notes
Rae Lynn Zachary
Lockton Insurance Brokers, LLC
Cover Notes is a monthly publication by the San Francisco Chapter of NAIW. ©2009. All rights reserved.
June 2009